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A Mitt Romney presidential sequel in 2016?

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A Mitt Romney presidential sequel in 2016?
By Anthony Zurcher
Editor, Echo Chambers

WASHINGTON: -- A recent poll that contained some disturbing news for President Barack Obama concerning low approval ratings had a nugget that might provide a smile for his 2012 opponent.

According to a Quinnipiac University survey, 44% of Americans think the country "would be better off than it is today" if Mitt Romney were president today, versus 38% who say the nation would be in worse shape.

These numbers have stoked speculation on whether Mr Romney could be considering another try for the presidency in 2016.

It would be an unusual move, as most defeated candidates in the general election tend to disappear from the national political scene - or at least give up on their presidential aspirations.

Romney, like Nixon, will have a massive legacy infrastructure at his disposal to seize the opportunity”
Emil Henry, Politico Magazine

"Romney recognises well the historical odds against becoming a repeat nominee," writes former Romney campaign lawyer Emil Henry in Politico magazine. "In the film Mitt, which documents his two presidential campaigns, he is captured at a fundraiser making an 'L' on his forehead to depict how a failed nominee becomes 'a loser for life.'"

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-28155572

-- BBC 2014-07-07


Let's see how the elections go this November. Eric Cantor's defeat recently says that RINO's* are out of fashion. Romney would need another nomination by the Republicans. That's doubtful.

With Obama's approval ratings so low he has to suddenly act like he's securing the Mexican border, his Democrats in the Senate could just lose the majority in the Senate in November. Time will tell. If that happens, Obama is really a lame duck with both houses of Congress under Republican control.

*RINO = Republican In Name Only.


I'm thinking military junta 2016. It seems to be working in Thailand. I say we give it some time and if Thailand is still in good shape by then, USA should give it a try.

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Let's see how the elections go this November. Eric Cantor's defeat recently says that RINO's* are out of fashion. Romney would need another nomination by the Republicans. That's doubtful.

With Obama's approval ratings so low he has to suddenly act like he's securing the Mexican border, his Democrats in the Senate could just lose the majority in the Senate in November. Time will tell. If that happens, Obama is really a lame duck with both houses of Congress under Republican control.

*RINO = Republican In Name Only.

What? The control of the houses of Congress under Republican control. It's the IMF control. Your or any government has no control. Puppets all leaders of all countries that count. Thailand is coming under more control also, you watch over the next ten years how rights and taxes will be changed to feed the families of the world there control. It is so pathetic to listen to the news and to those so sucked into there <deleted>,,,,,,,,, inslaving, future they are funneling us into. The news is not news,,,it's theator, there controling Stage.

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I'm thinking military junta 2016. It seems to be working in Thailand. I say we give it some time and if Thailand is still in good shape by then, USA should give it a try.

I agree whole heartedly, and before thier allowed to pay for there own second army right in the middle of the country that belongs to the people,,,, The country does not belong to the IMF boys.

America must wake up. It's America first than Europe and so on.


There is no Republican on the radar who could defeat Clinton in 2016. The GOP's best hope was (emphasis) New Jersey Governor Chris Cristie. His hopes are now a thing of the past after Bridgegate. Republican's only strategy against Clinton is to paint her as a wealthy elite. Of course, that is failing miserably.

All BO needs to do is throw a few hail Mary's for the base via Executive Order and then just maintain until Clinton takes over with (hopefully) a Democrat controlled Congress.

There will never be another Republican POTUS for at least 2 more generations. The Bush stink is quite funky.


I'm thinking military junta 2016. It seems to be working in Thailand. I say we give it some time and if Thailand is still in good shape by then, USA should give it a try.

Funny post. But, something drastic needs to be done in the US. The political system is completely broken. Congress and the Senate are completely sold out, and I think the only person in the Senate who is not a $35 street whore is Warren. As far as the White House goes, not sure where to begin. To call this administration compromised would be a massive understatement. Not so much a criticism of Blundering Barry, as much as it is of the presidency itself, the two year electoral cycle, the $1,000,000,000, or more, it costs to get elected, and the way every president sells his body, soul, and heart to lobbyists within a week in office. It is really rather sad and disgusting. I have seen Boston Street whores with more dignity, than our president, congress and senate. That same street whore was harder to buy than Obama. Not sure what the solution is, but the system is BROKEN.

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Many of my fellow Americans are apparently morons with short memories. Obama enters the office during a complete collapse of our economy and despite the attempts of the right to keep the economy in shambles to garner votes, the economy has recovered. Unemployment is at a 5 year low, the stock market is booming, building starts which still sluggish in some markets is recovering. In my own home state the unemployment rate is two percentage points below the national average and the building boom is back in full swing. Has everyone recovered from the financial melt down? Absolutely not but the majority have. We're out of ware in Iraq which our last president never paid for. and hopefully drawing down in Afghanistan which the last president also didn't pay for. Yes, you have to raise revenue to pay for wars and that means taxes or bonds. And Romney? Can anyone remember what his plans were for our economy? No, no one can remember them because he never told us what he would do.

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President Romney, bwahahahaha! That tool couldn't get elected dog catcher. The Republicans have no one with a faint glimmer of hope of getting elected President. Cruz? Rand? Perry? Oyyyyy


The poll is a load of rubbish.

Essentially, the Republicans are unanimous in their hatred of the first black President. No surprise there.

Meanwhile, the Democrats share their loathing of Republican presidents between Bush and Nixon, splitting the vote.

Similarly, the GOP are unanimous in their obsessive drooling over Reagan, while the Democrats are split between Obama, JFK and Clinton.

Meanwhile Romney will be up against someone new, maybe Hillary, and she'd have him for breakfast.


Jeb Bush is the next president of the United States. Romney is an 'awkward bumbler'.

Jeb Bush could indeed win the general election against any democrat. However, he can't win the republican PRIMARY.

Next ...


Let's see how the elections go this November. Eric Cantor's defeat recently says that RINO's* are out of fashion. Romney would need another nomination by the Republicans. That's doubtful.

With Obama's approval ratings so low he has to suddenly act like he's securing the Mexican border, his Democrats in the Senate could just lose the majority in the Senate in November. Time will tell. If that happens, Obama is really a lame duck with both houses of Congress under Republican control.

*RINO = Republican In Name Only.

What elections this November? Regardless, it does not matter who they elect the puppet masters will still be in control of the country and pushing their agenda. Capitallism only works for a very few people, the rest are slaves to capitalists that are paid just enough to keep them in relative happiness and shouting the praises of the "free country" they live in. As long as the masses have their opiates, malls, sports, mindless television programs and movies and the ability to have a holiday 100 miles from home they are satisfied.

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"However, he can't win the republican PRIMARY."

I think he can, and I think he will.

I don't think he will run, but the probabilities certainly increased ever since Christie flamed out. Romney seems to be impervious to rejection. One might almost say...robotic.laugh.png

**he can be encouraged by Obama's historic low approval ratings. It's hard to argue now that Romney wouldn't have done a better job than Obama has done, regardless of the order of magnitude.


Many of my fellow Americans are apparently morons with short memories. Obama enters the office during a complete collapse of our economy and despite the attempts of the right to keep the economy in shambles to garner votes, the economy has recovered. Unemployment is at a 5 year low, the stock market is booming, building starts which still sluggish in some markets is recovering. In my own home state the unemployment rate is two percentage points below the national average and the building boom is back in full swing. Has everyone recovered from the financial melt down? Absolutely not but the majority have. We're out of ware in Iraq which our last president never paid for. and hopefully drawing down in Afghanistan which the last president also didn't pay for. Yes, you have to raise revenue to pay for wars and that means taxes or bonds. And Romney? Can anyone remember what his plans were for our economy? No, no one can remember them because he never told us what he would do.

The economy has been "saved" by TARP, implemented under Bush and the Fed pumping a trillion dollars a year into the economy and with the fracking revolution that has been a boon to those States with resources and to US as a whole, nothing to do with Obama. Obama spends a trillion dollars more a year on average than Bush, even with the wars, creating more debt than any president in history even before his 8 years are up, has strangled the economy with Obamacare giving us the lowest labor participation rate in 35 years. You want a few million more people to give up looking for work to lower the unemployment rate? Elect Hillary, which seems Obama isn't even endorsing.

Romney, who I don't agree with all of the time as he is just another "progressive" has a history of successful management of a State and saving the Salt Lake Olympic games from financial ruin, and he understand the private sector. What was Obama's history? Community service and a state government and US Senate record where he didn't really do anything? That explains to me why the US had a NEGATIVE growth rate last quarter, down from the stagnation of the last 5 years.

And the crash? Brought about by the easy credit policies of Clinton and not fixed by Bush, and not fixed by Obama either, we still have a massive debt to ourselves that cannot be paid, from State pensions to medicare to Fannie and Freddie, the bubble is still there and getting bigger.

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This is a guy who said 47% of the electorate won't vote for him because they are government freeloaders. His on staffers say there is a 40% chance at any event, he will say something stupid. He has no chance of winning the nomination or election.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The poll is a load of rubbish.

Essentially, the Republicans are unanimous in their hatred of the first black President. No surprise there.

Meanwhile, the Democrats share their loathing of Republican presidents between Bush and Nixon, splitting the vote.

Similarly, the GOP are unanimous in their obsessive drooling over Reagan, while the Democrats are split between Obama, JFK and Clinton.

Meanwhile Romney will be up against someone new, maybe Hillary, and she'd have him for breakfast.

Sure, that is why Obama is polling so bad when it is asked how is is managing the economy foreign affairs or whatever, he is always upside down. Why did he poll so well in the beginning? Were people cheering for his white half? He can't be polling so poorly due to the crappy job he is doing, could he? It has to be racism!


This is a guy who said 47% of the electorate won't vote for him because they are government freeloaders. His on staffers say there is a 40% chance at any event, he will say something stupid. He has no chance of winning the nomination or election.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you look at the exit polls he was basically correct in that opinion, it was government freeloaders and people who support government supporting freeloaders, that it is politically incorrect is just refreshing.


There is no Republican on the radar who could defeat Clinton in 2016. The GOP's best hope was (emphasis) New Jersey Governor Chris Cristie. His hopes are now a thing of the past after Bridgegate. Republican's only strategy against Clinton is to paint her as a wealthy elite. Of course, that is failing miserably.

All BO needs to do is throw a few hail Mary's for the base via Executive Order and then just maintain until Clinton takes over with (hopefully) a Democrat controlled Congress.

There will never be another Republican POTUS for at least 2 more generations. The Bush stink is quite funky.

The GOP nominee in 2016 will be Jeb Bush, who will defeat Hillary. People are too lulled by the managed news that keeps raving about Hillary's "inevitability". She is widely distrusted in America, even among Democrats. I think the biggest pushers of this HC bandwagon are Republican strategists, who know all of her many weak spots.

Obama has really made a big mess for Democrats. They are quite likely to lose control of the Senate in the upcoming midterms, as well as several more seats in the House. I view his two terms as the third and fourth terms of GW Bush. A disaster on every level.

The only way the Republicans can lose is to pick some Tea Party clown for VP, like Ted Cruz.

Anyway, it's a long way off and anything can happen, as we have seen many times in our history.


There is no Republican on the radar who could defeat Clinton in 2016. The GOP's best hope was (emphasis) New Jersey Governor Chris Cristie. His hopes are now a thing of the past after Bridgegate. Republican's only strategy against Clinton is to paint her as a wealthy elite. Of course, that is failing miserably.

All BO needs to do is throw a few hail Mary's for the base via Executive Order and then just maintain until Clinton takes over with (hopefully) a Democrat controlled Congress.

There will never be another Republican POTUS for at least 2 more generations. The Bush stink is quite funky.

38% think that the country is better off with Obama. hahahaha The same as the IQ of Obama voters. We need to find out exactly who those 38% are and where they live. Considering what a fraud Obama is, Mitt Romney would really shine. About Hilary, all they have to do is say the truth about what she really is. Just ask the secret service agents around her

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These numbers have stoked speculation on whether Mr Romney could be considering another try for the presidency in 2016.

I think that would be wonderful. He could run in the primary against the pizza king, the guy who thinks putting an aspirin between a woman's legs prevents pregnancies, John McCain and his carefully selected running mate Justin Bieber, and the tub of lard BridgeBoy from NJ. And these buffoons can all tell us how good Republicans are for the economy.




I'm thinking military junta 2016. It seems to be working in Thailand. I say we give it some time and if Thailand is still in good shape by then, USA should give it a try.

I agree whole heartedly, and before thier allowed to pay for there own second army right in the middle of the country that belongs to the people,,,, The country does not belong to the IMF boys.

America must wake up. It's America first than Europe and so on.

Wow! That's the muddiest thinking I've seen in weeks. I don't know what you're trying to say. I disregard political comments from anyone who can't spell "their" correctly (twice), or who doesn't know the difference between "than" and "then." Spare me the grammar nazi accusation. I'm talking about an example of someone who is unable to express himself clearly, and his symptoms.

And what do you mean by "America first then Europe"? Is that a white supremacy slogan? If not, then you'll have to pardon me for pointing out your lack of coherence.


And this is the same America that is dictating terms to Thailand through both the grossly inept Kerry and the hypocritical Ambassador Kenney?

Give us a break!

Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

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