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Why are THAIS totally oblivious to barking dogs?


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When I first moved in last year, they only had one dog. It was so quiet I didn't even know they had a dog. Then they added a little yappy one that would not shut up, so once it started barking, the other one would bark. Then they decided to get a third which literally barks at anything. So once he gets going, the other two join in.

It's kind of hard to block it out when I can't even hear the TV that's 10 feet away.

The sad thing, for the dogs, is that the people do not spend any time with them. I've seen them walk the newest dog ONCE. They sit in the house and the dogs are outside 24 hours a day. Probably why they bark because they want attention.

As I mentioned.......I own a dog so there is no way I would do anything to harm them.

I sympathise with your problem but there is very little you can do.

We have a similar problem with neighbours, thankfully ,a few houses down They have 3 dogs which are in cages 24/7 with the occasional release where they go ballistic.

The owners are gone all day.

People have spoken to the owners, village management, like talking to a tree.In fact the owners are quite abusive.

My experience in Thailand is that unless its affects the life of an influential person you will get no action. I have never understood why Asian people ,in general,can be so cruel to animals they profess to love.

There is no association here ,that I am aware of, that that you can turn to.In my home country it would be a simple matter of contacting the council who would issue a notice to the owners and if they didn't comply the digs would be removed.

Your only solution is to put up with it or move and retain some sanity.The latter seems a better option. good luck.

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I totally sympathize .. 3m do wonderful headphones if you go for the better quality - but difficult to sleep in them but the only real solution .. last dog issue was resolved by asking the security to stop riding by at 3am in the morning that woke the dogs .. .. NEVER be seen to consider or condone poisoning a dog , leave that to the Thais


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Not much you can do other than report distubing the peace to the police - it may or may not have the desired effect other than your neighbor with the dog(s) hating you forever. But you can avoid this happening again. Before you buy/rent a house, go there at night and spend a few hours parked in your car in front of the place and see what it feels/sounds like. You will probably be noticed but if anyone asked what you're doing there - tell the truth. Thais love to gossip so you'll find out everything you need to know before committing.

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I don't think Thais are oblivious to barking dogs. In an Isaan village setting, it is just very hard to get fellow villagers to change their behaviour, let alone their dogs'. I have had a very irritated sister in law who helps look after the 7 month old boy walked to a neigbors' house and threathen to burn down their loud speakers and extra loud exhaust bikes, and then talking to the poo yai baan to build road humps along the inner village street. Guess what the poo yai baan said? "Will you be responsible if the bikers killed themselves because of the hump? #facepalm

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Why are THAIS totally oblivious to barking dogs? Can anyone answer this for me? Does it NOT bother them?

My theory is:

They are concentrating so hard on the ever-present soap operas on TV to the exclusivity of everything else.

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So glad to see I'm not the only one going crazy with barking dogs, but sorry for all of our troubles.

I lived a wonderful tranquil 7 years in a beautiful cul de sac home in Udon. 3 big bedrooms, a lovely patio, a big garden, a nice kitchen- all for 8000 baht a month. My neighbor across the street had a dog, but it hardly barked ever. Then 2 years ago, he got another 2 dogs, and they would bark when someone came to their gate, but that wasn't often. Then another neighbor got two dogs and- can you believe this- a rooster! We were off to the races, the barking fed on itself and soon the dogs were barking and howling to each other intermittently all night. Then another neighbor got a dog just under our bedroom, and that really got me. Another neighbor has 23 dogs who she sometimes lets out and they stir up the party even more.

Early on, I bought a machine called PetSafe http://www.amazon.com/PetSafe-Outdoor-Ultrasonic-Bark-Deterrent/dp/B000UZNLGA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404733187&sr=8-1&keywords=dog+barking+control+devices that sends out an ultrasonic signal when the dog barks. We can't hear it, but dogs can and they don't like it and so stop barking. This worked on the 3 dogs across the street, causing them to not bark on and on when someone comes up to the fence, rather, they bark for a minute and then are quiet again. The dog under my window has been tougher. I put one PetSafe facing their yard, the neighbor saw it and put a plastic sheet up to block it, perhaps thinking it was a camera. I've had 5 of these devices trained on this dog now for months, and it sort of works, sort of doesn't. The dog seems to never get that the sound will go off every time it barks and keeps letting off short bursts of barking. Is it still working? he seems to be wondering. Yes it is. Then 20 minutes later, he seems to be wondering again if it still working and barks again! It never seems to train him to just SHUT UP!

Finally, with more and more dogs in the neighborhood, with all the barking and howling more or less driving me crazy, plus the rooster of course who starts crowing at 4:30 and intermittently crows all day long, I've decided to give up. We're moving to my wife's mother's house, not half as nice a place, but hopefully a quieter one. When I think about it, the first 7 years were wonderful, the last 2 I wish I'd never gone through. Like a good marriage that turned bad, I kept thinking things would get better, but instead they've gotten worse. It seems for the Thais, silence has no rights, only noise has rights. My wife did ask the neighbor across the street with the 3 dogs to please keep them quiet, but they've done nothing. We haven't asked the others, and now there are so many others, it's just a hopeless situation. So I guess there's nothing to do but leave.

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So glad to see I'm not the only one going crazy with barking dogs, but sorry for all of our troubles.

I lived a wonderful tranquil 7 years in a beautiful cul de sac home in Udon. 3 big bedrooms, a lovely patio, a big garden, a nice kitchen- all for 8000 baht a month. My neighbor across the street had a dog, but it hardly barked ever. Then 2 years ago, he got another 2 dogs, and they would bark when someone came to their gate, but that wasn't often. Then another neighbor got two dogs and- can you believe this- a rooster! We were off to the races, the barking fed on itself and soon the dogs were barking and howling to each other intermittently all night. Then another neighbor got a dog just under our bedroom, and that really got me. Another neighbor has 23 dogs who she sometimes lets out and they stir up the party even more.

Early on, I bought a machine called PetSafe http://www.amazon.com/PetSafe-Outdoor-Ultrasonic-Bark-Deterrent/dp/B000UZNLGA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404733187&sr=8-1&keywords=dog+barking+control+devices that sends out an ultrasonic signal when the dog barks. We can't hear it, but dogs can and they don't like it and so stop barking. This worked on the 3 dogs across the street, causing them to not bark on and on when someone comes up to the fence, rather, they bark for a minute and then are quiet again. The dog under my window has been tougher. I put one PetSafe facing their yard, the neighbor saw it and put a plastic sheet up to block it, perhaps thinking it was a camera. I've had 5 of these devices trained on this dog now for months, and it sort of works, sort of doesn't. The dog seems to never get that the sound will go off every time it barks and keeps letting off short bursts of barking. Is it still working? he seems to be wondering. Yes it is. Then 20 minutes later, he seems to be wondering again if it still working and barks again! It never seems to train him to just SHUT UP!

Finally, with more and more dogs in the neighborhood, with all the barking and howling more or less driving me crazy, plus the rooster of course who starts crowing at 4:30 and intermittently crows all day long, I've decided to give up. We're moving to my wife's mother's house, not half as nice a place, but hopefully a quieter one. When I think about it, the first 7 years were wonderful, the last 2 I wish I'd never gone through. Like a good marriage that turned bad, I kept thinking things would get better, but instead they've gotten worse. It seems for the Thais, silence has no rights, only noise has rights. My wife did ask the neighbor across the street with the 3 dogs to please keep them quiet, but they've done nothing. We haven't asked the others, and now there are so many others, it's just a hopeless situation. So I guess there's nothing to do but leave.

It's a shame that the only way to solve the problem is by moving to another house. People have ZERO consideration for others around them.

23 dogs is insane!

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When I first moved in last year, they only had one dog. It was so quiet I didn't even know they had a dog. Then they added a little yappy one that would not shut up, so once it started barking, the other one would bark. Then they decided to get a third which literally barks at anything. So once he gets going, the other two join in.

It's kind of hard to block it out when I can't even hear the TV that's 10 feet away.

The sad thing, for the dogs, is that the people do not spend any time with them. I've seen them walk the newest dog ONCE. They sit in the house and the dogs are outside 24 hours a day. Probably why they bark because they want attention.

As I mentioned.......I own a dog so there is no way I would do anything to harm them.

I sympathise with your problem but there is very little you can do.

We have a similar problem with neighbours, thankfully ,a few houses down They have 3 dogs which are in cages 24/7 with the occasional release where they go ballistic.

The owners are gone all day.

People have spoken to the owners, village management, like talking to a tree.In fact the owners are quite abusive.

My experience in Thailand is that unless its affects the life of an influential person you will get no action. I have never understood why Asian people ,in general,can be so cruel to animals they profess to love.

There is no association here ,that I am aware of, that that you can turn to.In my home country it would be a simple matter of contacting the council who would issue a notice to the owners and if they didn't comply the digs would be removed.

Your only solution is to put up with it or move and retain some sanity.The latter seems a better option. good luck.

Go to your local "khet" the problem will be getting two other locals to agree with you.

Its all about status here, the owners are abusive because they are higher up the pecking order of the caste system that exists here.

As to why they do it, heres another way to look at it, they do it just to piss you off because they can, what have you done to offend them in the first place?

Otherwise when in Rome etc.

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OP....Sorry...what was your question? I couldn't hear it.

There are ways to tune it out in your head but that takes practice. An earlier poster mentioned

"tapping" and he's correct. Google it, try it & it may work for you...but it will take practice; heaps.

The same goes for physical pain...to an extent...the same stuff applies...but takes even more

practice in the case of pain. Also...perhaps when you play with your pooch outside make sure

the neighbours can see you & your pooch having a good time together. Then...perhaps have a

word with them about their noisey mutts and that the most probable cause is lack of attention

on their part...don't be offensive, just explain it nicely...somehow(?).

I have 6 dogs...one purebred Thai Ridgeback & 5 soi dogs of which 3 are Labrador mixes. They're

all very quiet and only bark for a reason...e.g.....if they feel there is a threat nearby. If all else fails

there are noise cancelling headphones...Koss make a pretty good set!

Good luck.

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My fellow sufferer, I feel so much for you.

I've got a lot of dogs around me, barking and howling all day and night.

Sometimes, nasty ideas come to my mind..........

Not clear if it is about the dogs or the neighbours

Also spoken to them many times, nothing happened.

We are heroes, we are sufferers, hope others never experience this nightmare.

why do they have dogs in the first place, just look at the number of dogs out that are NOT cared for in any way

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Sad to say, but noise cancelling headphones won't work because the sound is intermittent, not constant like airplane noise. They take a second to kick in, and during that second, each time you'll hear barking. Someone I know wears headphones playing calming music as a kind of white noise to lessen the barking. But believe me, underneath the calming music, he is seething.

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Put the other way around, why can't you habituate yourself to it or acclimatize yourself to your new environment? If it doesn't bother other people that much, maybe the problem is yours.

Misophonia: When Annoying Noises Send You Into A Rage


People who live near an airport or railroad or noisy factory usually manage to tune out the sound eventually and they carry on without going dramatic about it.

Edited by Suradit69
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We've the same problem in Chiang Mai (Meung). Three penned Huskeys and some 'yip yip' dogs owned by the landlord. I've learned to tune it out TIT - This ain't the US or England.

Thankfully, our local village dogs bark for a reason, generally having to do with territory and another person or dog violating their space. Just what we want them to do. Especially at Zero Dark Thirty.

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OP if you think dogs are a bother, try living across the road from a lovely Isaan family, who not only compiles all its rubbish outside, but ONLY screams.

They scream at each other, they scream at 2 year old kid, they just scream and it is at any time of day or night.

My Thai is not perfect, but i really really hate that "Isaan noise" can not really put it into words, but something like pai nai is pai nayaaaaaa.in high pitch, top of their lungs.

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OP if you think dogs are a bother, try living across the road from a lovely Isaan family, who not only compiles all its rubbish outside, but ONLY screams.

They scream at each other, they scream at 2 year old kid, they just scream and it is at any time of day or night.

My Thai is not perfect, but i really really hate that "Isaan noise" can not really put it into words, but something like pai nai is pai nayaaaaaa.in high pitch, top of their lungs.

clap2.gif They don't think the other person can here them when they're five feet away from each other. Gotta yell.

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OP if you think dogs are a bother, try living across the road from a lovely Isaan family, who not only compiles all its rubbish outside, but ONLY screams.

They scream at each other, they scream at 2 year old kid, they just scream and it is at any time of day or night.

My Thai is not perfect, but i really really hate that "Isaan noise" can not really put it into words, but something like pai nai is pai nayaaaaaa.in high pitch, top of their lungs.

clap2.gif They don't think the other person can here them when they're five feet away from each other. Gotta yell.

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Put the other way around, why can't you habituate yourself to it or acclimatize yourself to your new environment? If it doesn't bother other people that much, maybe the problem is yours.

Misophonia: When Annoying Noises Send You Into A Rage


People who live near an airport or railroad or noisy factory usually manage to tune out the sound eventually and they carry on without going dramatic about it.

If you read my post, I said that it bothered the lady across from me who lives next to them, so I'm not the only one. And judging by the majority of the replies to my post, others are bothered by it as well.

I've lived not far from an airport and not far from a railway track. I've NEVER had a plane or train wake me up at 1, 3 or 5 am or drown out the sound of my TV as I sit in my living room.

Barking dogs are something that the owners can control while a plane or train is not controllable. Also you probably knew BEFORE you moved in that you were going to be subjected to planes and trains.

Misophonia???? I'm talking about barking dogs, NOT SOMEONE CHEWING LOUDLY OR WATER DRIPPING.

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I had that problem - the neighbours had 4 little yappy dogs who kicked off at any excuse. Especially at night. I was seriously thinking of poisoning the little bastards. Fortunately the family left after a couple of years. there used to be lots of cars/bikes parked outside the house some nights and we reckoned there were card games going on and the dogs were the lookouts.

If it happened again I would get a ultrasonic generator to drive them completely crazy.


good site:

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I am dog sitting right now, today is the last day! Last night at 3am I woke up to one of the dogs barking for 10 minutes non stop. This is a dog who doesnt bark at nothing, turns out its trash day an bum we digging through the neighborhood trash bins looking for things to recycle. I just let it go....

Get a box fan and put it in your room. Box fans make a lot of white noise and dont have to pointed at you.

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Once had a great rental house....except....right next door lived some semi high level govt official who had three dogs that would stand in the driveway and pretty much bark all day and all night every day and every night at NOTHING.

For those that say "just tune it out" yeah sure....when the dogs are about ten feet from your bedroom windows good luck with that.

My solution after asking / begging/ pleading nicely with neighbor to at least move the dogs to the other side of his property was to give up and move after about a year. Drove by the place again a month or so ago after being gone for about five years...sure enough same dogs standing in same spots barking same as always. You'd think that even the dogs would get tired of it but obviously not.

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When my wife and I first moved into our subdivision it was relatively small, ours was one of the last houses built. No chickens, ducks, etc. like the ville. What few dogs around were mostly kept behind the walls and gates. Rumors right away of somebody that made sure those that weren't didn't last long. The subdivision was about 60/40 farang/Thai wife and Thai. Unknown to us, directly behind our house lived two ladies with several poodle mutts, the yapping kind. At that time those ladies let them run loose most of the time. Very early on, I had returned to the states, my wife called extremely upset (polite word). She had walked a few houses down the street to talk with the lady that actually pointed out the house to us. Gone about 5-10 minutes. While she was gone the poodle mutts came in the yard, pushed the screen door open and shit on the floor of our new house. I believe her words were "you kill dogs, kill now!" Had I been there I would have and should have when I got back. There have been "additions" to that poodle mutt brigade. The owners now keep them behind the walls, somebody told them I was trying to catch them to kill them, and yes I was. Now they start up with the barking and howling right at sunup, don't stop until after sundown. Night actually isn't too bad, of course when the bad guys come around stealing and trying to break into houses, mine included, they never make a sound. I don't sleep well until late and while I wake up most mornings around sunup, I'm soon back asleep, the bad guys aren't coming for me anymore(Vietnam). That is I'm back asleep until the poodle mutts crank up. We now have another neighbor with three dogs, the mother dog is nice, the no longer puppies are a danger. I've seen them chasing kids more than once. Growled at me outside my own house and made like they were going to attack, I attacked first, they ran back to where they belong. They have now gotten to where they bark at everything and anything. I could go on and on about all the dawgs now here, many running loose and they are not supposed to be. Ah guess who they all belong to, the newer residents, with the exception of the ladies behind me, and all Thai. We are now at 4 separate additions (and still expanding) within the subdivision and frankly I would move if I could. Probably 70/30 Thai to farang/Thai couples now, a clue. More like living in the ville. I was a long time dog owner, had a few hunting dogs and a wonderful German Shepherd, who would kill every one of these mutts. I'd kill every one of these dogs if I could but I don't like poison. Now if I had that little .22 and the sub-sonic bullets for it again, "praise the lawd and pass the ammunition". I've chased more than one down the street with a knife for acting like it was going to attack me or my children, I'm getting old, they always made it 'home' before I could catch them. Had to put chicken wire on my gate to keep the mutts from slipping through the bars. I WILL come up with a solution and it isn't moving.

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I had that problem - the neighbours had 4 little yappy dogs who kicked off at any excuse. Especially at night. I was seriously thinking of poisoning the little bastards. Fortunately the family left after a couple of years. there used to be lots of cars/bikes parked outside the house some nights and we reckoned there were card games going on and the dogs were the lookouts.

If it happened again I would get a ultrasonic generator to drive them completely crazy.


good site:

Make your own: here is the basics: Took the time to make some notes, if confused follow the links in video once finished there will be many links to follow..

Piezo tweeters ultra high frequency speaker, capable of 110 decibels or higher 20k cycles sine waves 18thousand cycles or will be heard by humans... best remove the the horn from transducer 112 decibels best

directional sound, add 5 or 6” to 1 1/2 PVC swifitletfarmer.blogsport.com a sound bazooka for birds.

easier way power amplifier 20k cycles pulses @ 90 decibels deliver 40-80 watt amplifier or( Frequency Generator)

10 watt resister add a 50-100 ohm power resister in series, protect amplifier

Google for ordering this product

ultrasonic High power Pulse Generator

Brand: Kemo Germany #M161

Hope all of you find this information informative and let me know....


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