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Thai editorial: Death penalty is not the solution to rape


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There is also justice to life imprisonment...where the scumbag will wake up to hell thousands of times.

It is easy; life, period and he goes into a cell block with a few sexual psychopaths and he will find out what it is like to be raped, several times a day he will find out.

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Because it seems to me that living with the guilt of having committed a horrific crime would be far worse than being killed for it (after all, when you're dead, you're dead and that's that). Of course, a lot of these people don't feel guilt - many rapists and the like often also have psychopathic personality disorders etc - and that's precisely why they're able to commit the crimes they commit. But there's always hope that with a few decades of sitting in a cell, the realization that they've taken someone else's life away from them will eventually hit them hard and crush them.

You rather answered your own question. Most perpetrators of heinous crimes don't suffer much psychic grief later. Some, like Jeffery Dahmer get along fine in prison. No, rapists need to be locked up for life or simply snuffed out, so there's one less perpetrator each time one is locked up.

The people who encourage or compel rape victims to not report are accomplices to the crime, and there are many of those, ranging from monks, corporate execs, top brass in police and army, politicians, parents, .....the list is long. Thailand is not serious about prosecuting rapists, on various levels, and that's why rapes will persist more than a moderate amount. Main reason: rapists are forgiven and/or allowed to keep roaming around - looking for their next victim.

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I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

Are you Thai?

Serious question. Its my understanding that Thai culture is largely based on Buddhist ideals.

Its fine to have an opinion but its also up to the culture how they define Justice and Punishment .

Don't you know? Thailand already has the death penalty. They shoot you through the back. (Not through the chest, because the shooters don't want the spirit of the dead man to remember them and find them. Really, this is the truth.)

People have been executed for the rape of children.

For me, cold blooded murder is probably enough to warrant your death. For sure, raping and killing a child warrants the death penalty.

And, I agree with the headline; The death penalty does not solve the problem of rape. But it certainly solves the problem of the the monster who does it.

I didn't know that Thailand already had Capital Punishment.

Obviously, if such is the case, then this rapist/murderer would qualify for such a punishment as there is no doubt as to his guilt.

More details please.

Edited by ClutchClark
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I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

Are you Thai?

Serious question. Its my understanding that Thai culture is largely based on Buddhist ideals.

Its fine to have an opinion but its also up to the culture how they define Justice and Punishment .

I think you mean "loosely based" and then VERY loosley based

I would welcome any actual insight you have.

I would say its more based on Buddhism than Christianity/Judaism or Islam.

This culture is new to me.


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Perhaps not for rape alone, but where this low life is concerned he actually committed murder as well. AFAIC, the deterrence issue plays second fiddle to the fact that these people are doing wrong and therefore do not deserve life. Indeed, put in place better protection etc, but don't not remove the wrongdoers because it may not prevent others doing it.

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Serious question. Its my understanding that Thai culture is largely based on Buddhist ideals.

Thais are Buddhist similar to how Americans are Christian. They go to the place of worship once a week. They act pious at the right times, and know just what to say to fit the circumstance. However, look at how people manifest in their day-to-day lives, and you get a better idea of where they're at, mentally and spiritually. Two examples:

>>>> Throwing plastic trash all around is indicitive of .....

>>>> Or driving rudely, hyper-selfishly, and being unaware of ramifications of their actions, indicates a type of people who are.....

Perhaps chemical castration is the solution to this kind of circumstance?

Only a partial solution. If not locked up, he could still go and murder, and generally <deleted> others up.
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I am at a loss when reading this article why the author seems completely oblivious to the fact that the child was MURDERED. She was of course raped but something a lot more serious than rape occurred, a young child was strangled and thrown out of a moving train. This crime deserves the death penalty. If this guy is sent to prison he will be out in 8 years on good behaviour as his sentence will be continually cut under the Royal pardon scheme. He needs to be executed. I do not buy in to all this lefty crap that the state would be just as bad as him if he were executed....BS!

Lets cut the rubbish out here. He has confessed, he has reconstructed the crime and society should not bear the burden for his upkeep. He is guilty 100%. Under the Thai system this guy will actually get credits against his sentence for co-operating with the police. He strangled, raped and threw a defenceless child out of a train, he deserves to be shown no mercy by society or the law. If this guy does to jail, he will be out in 8-10 years and he WILL do something similar again. Lets show a bit of sensible risk management here and prevent any possible further reoccurrence further down the line. The child and her family deserve swift fair justice, in fact the very definition of the word justice needs to apply. I am not asking for a slow painful torturous death (although he deserves it), just a quick decisive judgement and an execution carried out as efficiently and quickly as possible. This is not about deterring others from doing this, it is about returning a just punishment to a child rapist and murderer.

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How many more rapes this vile specimen has actually carried out?

Death penalty prevents it happening again

he's admitted another two

again I say <deleted> the deterrent factor he deserves to die it's that plain and simple

If only the first victim had spoken out, would it have prevented the 2nd and 3rd horrific crime?

Why do Thai women not report these things? Do the police not take them seriously? Are they shy? Do they think nothing will come of it even if they do - so many questions.

I've known women here who have been raped by their husbands, one had to stay in my home for a few weeks as she was terrified to return home. Do they deserve the death penalty too?

For me, be it a child or a grown woman rape is not acceptable.As others have said, there's something really wrong when women are looked upon as people who don't matter and deserve no respect.

It's true that if this boy were to be killed he wouldn't do it again but it would not stop it happening again. This is a deep rooted problem that I doubt can ever be irradicated.Whatever the outcome Thailand needs to take a good look at why this is happening.

My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim.

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The death penalty is not a solution but it curtails repeat offenders.

The rapist had a choice, why not let the victims and their families choose the punishment?

Not cool, and here's why: People, particularly women, are too emotion-driven and too easily revert to frustration and mercy and dissolve in emotional uproar. If it was up to a single mom (or parents), for example, to mete out justice to a rapist (of her killed daughter, who can not speak for herself), it's too likely the mom would break down - and wind up not meting out tough justice. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. That's why there are professional jailers and executioners. More likely than not, they do the tough jobs they're paid to do, and aren't mentally tortured (and made wishy-washy) by things that laymen would fudge about.

"let the victims and their families choose the punishment?"

All too often that happens, in the sense the victims and their families choose to drop the case. There are various reasons for doing so:

>>> wanting to put it behind them

>>> frustrated by drawn out process of law-enforcement, long interviews, etc

>>> threats from rapist/murderer or his relatives/friends

>>> willingness to take a pay-off to drop the case (as often happens with the Chaleum family and other rich Thai hi-so families)

By dropping the case, the survivors are 'choosing the punishment.' They're choosing letting the criminal go free - to rape and murder another day. In the US, a rapist/murderer can get prosecuted by State agencies, even if the injured party drops charges. I don't think Thais are that civilized.

Edited by boomerangutang
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If only the first victim had spoken out, would it have prevented the 2nd and 3rd horrific crime? YES, quite likely

Why do Thai women not report these things? Do the police not take them seriously? Are they shy? Do they think nothing will come of it even if they do - so many questions. there are a slew of good reasons Thai women often don't report rapes. The Thai system makes the reporting process difficult and unecessarily drawn-out. Very frustrating and degrading.

It's true that if this boy were to be killed he wouldn't do it again but it would not stop it happening again.

It would stop it happening again by that buttplug.

This is a deep rooted problem that I doubt can ever be irradicated. Whatever the outcome Thailand needs to take a good look at why this is happening.

There are some basic flaws in Thai way of thinking, which includes cultural biases and the way officialdom operates. I'm not saying there should be perfection, nor that any other country is perfect - but there are large room for improvements in mental outlook and attitudes.

My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim.

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I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

Are you Thai?

Serious question. Its my understanding that Thai culture is largely based on Buddhist ideals.

Its fine to have an opinion but its also up to the culture how they define Justice and Punishment .

Don't you know? Thailand already has the death penalty. They shoot you through the back. (Not through the chest, because the shooters don't want the spirit of the dead man to remember them and find them. Really, this is the truth.)

People have been executed for the rape of children.

For me, cold blooded murder is probably enough to warrant your death. For sure, raping and killing a child warrants the death penalty.

And, I agree with the headline; The death penalty does not solve the problem of rape. But it certainly solves the problem of the the monster who does it.

I didn't know that Thailand already had Capital Punishment.

Obviously, if such is the case, then this rapist/murderer would qualify for such a punishment as there is no doubt as to his guilt.

More details please.

I seem to remember two cops, from a northern province, being sentence to death, for murder, but in typical Thai fashion, they were let out on bail, guess what, they have never been seen again.

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Does this include all women who sexually assault males of any age?

Does it include under aged kids who sexually assault and / or rape males and females of any age?

Does it include the gay, lesbian and transsexual community, when a same sex partner or same sex of any age and relationship is raped or sexually assaulted?

Does it include executing women of any age, who lie about being sexually assaulted or raped and get caught in their lie?

Does it include executing men of any age, who lie about being sexually assaulted or raped and get caught in their lie?

Does it include executing the bastards who put kids and teenagers up to this (family members, friends, etc.), and make them lie to extort, or who actually make the kids have sex so they can then extort?

Does it include people who sell their children into slavery and have knowledge of these sick scams, yet say nothing because the check is in the mail?

Does it include executing judges and police and prosecutors when they f#ck the football and falsely accuse a suspect due to their f#cked up investigations that destroy a person's life, or get in on a scam with the accuser to extort a person for something?

Does it include every possibility when the end result is a victim, regardless of age, gender, sexual preference or orientation, etc. finds themselves the victim of a sexual assault or rape, or even worse; their loved ones get the news that this has happened and the one they love is now dead... murdered?

Does it include consideration for the many innocent suspects who were falsely accused and / or set up from some sordid, wicked scheme to destroy their lives or from someone exacting revenge?

Does it include everything...?


Is it just about executing heterosexual men....?

Yeah.... I kind of figured that.

Justice!... yeah!... right!


Edited by cup-O-coffee
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

And you trust the Thai justice system so much, that if a girl cried you raped her you are confident the system will prove her right or wrong.....? wow!

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