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Security check on MRT


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Does any one else get irritated by this complete and utter waste of resources and time? I carry a laptop with me and use the MRT frequently throughout the day to go to meetings with clients etc. So at least 5-6 times a day I have to stop, open my bag so some old dear can shine a torch in it for a nano second before i am allowed to proceed.

I would understand and not complain if it were a genuine search and they knew what they were looking for. Also if every station had the same rules. Some stations the woman just stands there and lets everyone through, other stations they check everyone and some stations randomly check.

Is this just another example of Thailands 'all show and no substance' mentality? Or is there a simple explanation to this waste of my time?

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I don't use the MRT often enough for it to really irritate me but I very rarely slow down enough for them to get a proper look inside, I just keep up my normal pace while opening the bag, show them a little and carry on my way.

I am often tempted to make a cartoon bundle of dynamite to see what would happen when they see it, almost definitely not worth it though.

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Yea I can see it being irritating but compared to not having anything at all - a small inconvenience I guess.

Bts doesn't do it - there is a security guard there with a metal detector thingy but not once have I ever seen it in use. Not sure what that security guard does to be honest.

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Yea I can see it being irritating but compared to not having anything at all - a small inconvenience I guess.

Bts doesn't do it - there is a security guard there with a metal detector thingy but not once have I ever seen it in use. Not sure what that security guard does to be honest.

Thats my point, shouldn't have it at all! They dont know what they are looking for and dont do 100% anyhow so whats the point of doing it?

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Remember that they don't really care about stopping the bad guys, they just want to look like they are doing their job.

Therefore, do what I do when I have backpacks, laptop bags, etc.

Just pick a random, easy, outside pocket and put on an air of authority and walk through confidently, if they still motion like they want to see the bag, have your hand in the pre-selected outer pocket ready to open it. Pull it open, show, close, and continue forward. 100% of the time I have done this they wave me through. I can't remember the last time I actually stopped and opened the main zipper in my bag.

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I find it amusing how you go to any major shopping centre and there is a metal detector at the entrance, while people stream through it, the machine is going bananas beeping at just about everyone and the security just sit there day dreaming

Metal detectors in public areas such as the MRT and shopping malls are so utterly pointless, I don't see the point at all.

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I find it amusing how you go to any major shopping centre and there is a metal detector at the entrance, while people stream through it, the machine is going bananas beeping at just about everyone and the security just sit there day dreaming

Yes that is funny... I always carry some type of bag and I always set the metal detector off and just keep walking... Most people walking into MBK carry some type of bag and that machine just keeps beeping. I never see anyone stopped. The funniest part is the guard with his flashlight on using it to wave people through. Seems like a waste of flashlight batteries among other things.

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  • 6 months later...

The flashlight thing is always amusing to me, but they are always polite and smile so I have no issue. Realistically in any large city mass transit system if they really slowed things down for a real search, the system would grind to a halt. Even in the US immediately after 9-11 in Penn Station NYC they did this same type of thing but there were so many people eventually even this small intrusion was soon stopped especially at rush hour when thousands of people are rushing down staircases when they announce what platform their train is arriving at.

It's just the nature of things in a big city. They hope that the act of setting up the detectors will deter and in the case of political terrorists it just may do that in large part.

It does not bug me in the least and I am more worried about the 2 large drums of fuel on the Khlong boats 5 feet away from a growling engine and my seat !

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They are looking for guns.

You are also slowed sufficiently that the myriad of camera's can make sure they have an identifiable snapshot of you,

In case you avoided all the other cameras as you make your way down the escalators

Its actually very effective, keeps guns off the trains and every one safely to their stop

this complaint is just another new all time stupidity low

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The flashlight thing is always amusing to me, but they are always polite and smile so I have no issue. Realistically in any large city mass transit system if they really slowed things down for a real search, the system would grind to a halt. Even in the US immediately after 9-11 in Penn Station NYC they did this same type of thing but there were so many people eventually even this small intrusion was soon stopped especially at rush hour when thousands of people are rushing down staircases when they announce what platform their train is arriving at.

It's just the nature of things in a big city. They hope that the act of setting up the detectors will deter and in the case of political terrorists it just may do that in large part.

It does not bug me in the least and I am more worried about the 2 large drums of fuel on the Khlong boats 5 feet away from a growling engine and my seat !

The flashlight has a dual use, based on its shape, its used for more intimate searches of the back passage....just be thankful you haven't been singled out for one of those yet.

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The flashlight thing is always amusing to me, but they are always polite and smile so I have no issue. Realistically in any large city mass transit system if they really slowed things down for a real search, the system would grind to a halt. Even in the US immediately after 9-11 in Penn Station NYC they did this same type of thing but there were so many people eventually even this small intrusion was soon stopped especially at rush hour when thousands of people are rushing down staircases when they announce what platform their train is arriving at.

It's just the nature of things in a big city. They hope that the act of setting up the detectors will deter and in the case of political terrorists it just may do that in large part.

It does not bug me in the least and I am more worried about the 2 large drums of fuel on the Khlong boats 5 feet away from a growling engine and my seat !

The flashlight has a dual use, based on its shape, its used for more intimate searches of the back passage....just be thankful you haven't been singled out for one of those yet.

Thankful ? Some of those girls are hot...I'm envious

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It's not waste of resources but the general safety as last week we can see Siam Paragon still have bomb treat as BTS don't have checking procedure. Laptop or not is not reason from avoiding and nowdays device are getting smaller.

I don't feel any problems as the security done it in manner way .

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