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Odd, violent individual


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please report on this guy to police
chances are he is overstaying his visa
he should be deported back where he came from
violent people have no place in Thailand regardless of the reason for their behaviour

Not any of my business!
it is your call, but why create a topic then?
either ignore it completely or do something about it
since the military took power there is more order and happiness in Thailand and everyone can do life here better by helping authorities and reporting criminal and strange behaviour Edited by winterbalm
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please report on this guy to police
chances are he is overstaying his visa
he should be deported back where he came from
violent people have no place in Thailand regardless of the reason for their behaviour

Not any of my business...or yours!

BTW, Thailand has plenty of violent people and they were born here and have more right to be here than me.

it becomes my business when some lunatic can disrupt my good time or cause an obstacle when I am going around minding my business
local violents also should be reported and their place is in a local jail
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please report on this guy to police
chances are he is overstaying his visa
he should be deported back where he came from
violent people have no place in Thailand regardless of the reason for their behaviour

Not any of my business!
it is your call, but why create a topic then?
either ignore it completely or do something about it
since the military took power there is more order and happiness in Thailand and everyone can do life here better by helping authorities and reporting criminal and strange behaviour

I am very thankful for the progress of the Junta and their goal of making Thailand a better place.

I also have absolutely no reason to believe the individual named in the OP is here illegally...and neither do you. Rather, you are simply being a meddlesome busy body. When did he disrupt your good time? Oh...never.
Then relax.

Live and let live. Edited by ClutchClark
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He is still around.

Yesterday, shouting and screaming at a parked van on soi 8. Van completely empty.

Acting strangely (you don't say) then disappearing up that narrow alley just to the right of the game bar. Not many people go ip there, especially farangs.

As for informing the police. Remember, he had been stopped by them on top of a foot bridge last week. If I saw him trying to attack a women in the street again (have seen him do this) I have zero problem with pointing him out to a police officer. It's what I intend to do. Edited by SJM2013
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He will be arrested eventually. The police will lock him up. He will continue his odd behaviour in the crowded cell. The other prisoners will beat him badly.


This has happened before to mentally disturbed foreigners. It seems to be the way things pan out here. mellow.png

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He is still around.

Yesterday, shouting and screaming at a parked van on soi 8. Van completely empty.

Acting strangely (you don't say) then disappearing up that narrow alley just to the right of the game bar. Not many people go ip there, especially farangs.

As for informing the police. Remember, he had been stopped by them on top of a foot bridge last week. If I saw him trying to attack a women in the street again (have seen him do this) I have zero problem with pointing him out to a police officer. It's what I intend to do.

The earlier conversation about reporting him to police had nothing to do with him assaulting women. It was based on an assumption that he overstayed his visa.

Apples and oranges.
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I have seen him now 2 nights running - pretty late, past 2am - parading up and down Sukhumvit, jabbering incoherently, stopping to stare at whatever catches his fancy, striking odd poses and screaming at no one in  particular now and then. He's obviously mentally ill but doesn't look particularly dangerous - seems to be in a world of his own.


Well, good for him I say. He's still healthy and pretty freely acting out whatever those things in his head are telling him. I doubt he'd last more than 15 mins. wherever he came from before being trussed up and locked away.


Plenty of guys (including me when I didn't live here) come here to relieve their hormones. This man's relieving his demons. What's the difference? I hope he goes home with a smile like I used to.


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I was sitting at a roadside bar outside McDonald's sometime after 2am last night, soi 5 I think.

It was relatively busy and noisy.

Noticed a definite hush after a while, turned around and there he was. Shouting incoherently at everbody and nobody of course.

It was apparent most of the girls and ladyboys had seen it all before from him.

I commented on his behaviour to an English guy sitting near me. He said somebody should just calmly confront him and ask what's troubling him.

10 minutes later he makes a return. He backs up to McDonald's window facing everybody on the street. Amongst his ramblings I definitely heard him say "is this some sought of fuc###g homosexual......"

It was little surreal. One crazy guy shouting at around 100+ people, all staring back at him.

Anyway, the English guy next to me duely gets up and stands right in front of him, asking what the problem was. Not remotely aggressive either. Crazy guy just dropped his head, couldn't even make eye contact, and mumbled something like "there's no problem, no problem" then walked away quietly.

He really cut a tragic figure, and my concerns are now more towards him getting some help before something serious happens.

Another guy informed me he has seen him for at least 1 month.
Beggers belief how he has not been arrested by now.

I think a police officer showed up some time after the event. Probably not related.
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I was sitting at a roadside bar outside McDonald's sometime after 2am last night, soi 5 I think.

It was relatively busy and noisy.

Noticed a definite hush after a while, turned around and there he was. Shouting incoherently at everbody and nobody of course.

It was apparent most of the girls and ladyboys had seen it all before from him.

I commented on his behaviour to an English guy sitting near me. He said somebody should just calmly confront him and ask what's troubling him.

10 minutes later he makes a return. He backs up to McDonald's window facing everybody on the street. Amongst his ramblings I definitely heard him say "is this some sought of fuc###g homosexual......"

It was little surreal. One crazy guy shouting at around 100+ people, all staring back at him.

Anyway, the English guy next to me duely gets up and stands right in front of him, asking what the problem was. Not remotely aggressive either. Crazy guy just dropped his head, couldn't even make eye contact, and mumbled something like "there's no problem, no problem" then walked away quietly.

He really cut a tragic figure, and my concerns are now more towards him getting some help before something serious happens.

Another guy informed me he has seen him for at least 1 month.
Beggers belief how he has not been arrested by now.

I think a police officer showed up some time after the event. Probably not related.

Approaching a stranger and standing "right in front" of them sure sounds remotely aggressive. I would consider it aggressive, particularly at 2 a.m.

Is this the first time in your life that you have ever seen someone with mental health issues? It sure sounds like it. What do you want the police to do? Place him in prison? Arrest him and give him a warning to stop behaving irrationally? Edited by ClutchClark
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I saw him this morning outside Times Square he had just bought some juice from one of the sellers along there. Thankfully he seemed to be much calmer than the other occasions I have seen him, no shouting or strange poses, just got his juice and headed off. I hope the poor guy is getting himself together a bit.
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Nutters are everywhere. Not only here. When they do that shit in front of the wrong person they WILL have a change of attitude......whistling.gif

Tried to give you a like there Trans, but it seems I've used them all up.

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Is the slider still around by soi 7?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Do you mean the 'slug'? He operates in my villages Sunday market sometimes about 250 Ks north of Bangkok, or maybe it's his twin brother.

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Is the slider still around by soi 7?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Saw him yesterday inching his way along Suk just below 13


He certainly can move when he needs to


I read somewhere that he actually walks with crutches when he is "off duty".

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please report on this guy to police
chances are he is overstaying his visa
he should be deported back where he came from
violent people have no place in Thailand regardless of the reason for their behaviour

Not any of my business...or yours!

BTW, Thailand has plenty of violent people and they were born here and have more right to be here than me.


That applies to any country, but where violence is concerned, I strongly believe that Thailand would be near the bottom of the list.

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please report on this guy to police
chances are he is overstaying his visa
he should be deported back where he came from
violent people have no place in Thailand regardless of the reason for their behaviour

Not any of my business...or yours!

BTW, Thailand has plenty of violent people and they were born here and have more right to be here than me.


As far as violent people are concerned, I strongly believe that Thailand is near the bottom of the list.

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There is a guy a little less disordered, although troublesome at times, in Chiang Mai. One night recently he was getting more abusive in a shopping mall and the police came. They just drove him home and let him go, I presume after trying to talk some sense to him. He is a danger to himself - he distributes large amounts of money to people for weird reasons. He gave an 18,000 tip in one restaurant. I tried to talk with him. Over the course of a half hour conversation he was convinced I was 3 different people, 2 of whom were old friends of his. He made some threatening statements about some Thai women nearby, suggesting he may also harm others.

As a result of this I checked with a Thai friend who said there is no Thai equivalent of forced admission to mental health facilities, and that his fate will probably be a) getting mugged b) aggravating the wrong person and ending up in hospital or worse c) if he is lucky being picked up once his visa has expired and deported back to where he may get some treatment.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have not seem him around for well over 1 week, so let's hope he somehow managed to return home safely.

However, as I have nothing else better to do with my time, apart from scanning nana and asoke for peculiar individuals...

There is another guy in town :) seen him on and off for 3 weeks or so. Very strange behaviour. ..I think he is sadly English too, small guy, maybe in his 30's. He always carries a large hat in his semi outstretched hand, but it's never on his head. You may think that's not too strange, but it is!

He wears spectacles which are hanging off his nose, so he is looking over them.

He walks very quickly, and is often seen ferreting away in doorways and such...zig zagging around.

I was sitting at stumble inn the other night (most advantageous location for my new hobby) when up he pops like a meerkat. He flashes what he claims was a 500 euro note into a bargirls face and said "500 euro for short time".

The girl just ignored him, and stated he is often near nana plaza and flashing 100 euro notes at girls for short time. She said he is just a crazy guy.

He then disappeared back down soi 4, not without stopping to stare up and down at several girls.

All of this was done with the said hat in his semi outstretched hand. See, odd. :)

So, anybody witnessed him yet?

I need to know so I can continue compiling my dossier.

Don't bother commenting on this being sad, if not juvenile. I know it is.

I Edited by SJM2013
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Probably just another Asperger's/autistic guy who comes to BKK because he can't get laid in his home country, then he finds he still can't get laid in BKK, so he tries to drink alcohol and that only makes matters worse because he reacts to it violently. He wouldn't be the first Asperger's type guy to come to BKK and he definitely won't be the last.


Wow.......just, wow......closedeyes.gif

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