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Only five rapists executed in recent Thai history


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Only five rapists executed in recent Thai history
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- AVAILABLE DATA shows that only some five convicted rapists-cum-murderers have been executed in Thailand's recent history.

Now, in the wake of the tragic death of a 13-year-old girl, the Kingdom's legal punishment against sexual attackers has come under public scrutiny.

The young victim was raped, killed and thrown out of the train while she was travelling home to Bangkok on Sunday. As soon as the shocking crime hit the media, a large number of people began demanding that rapists must pay for their deeds with their lives.

A look back into history reveals that only five rapists were executed between 1999 and 2014.

Somsak Pornnarai was put to death in 1999 for raping and killing a 15-year-old girl in Loei. The girl's family had unsuspectingly brought Somsak into their home after he had completed his jail term for another crime.

In 1996, another former convict, known as Phan or Lae Sai-thong, raped and killed a five-year-old girl in her school's toilet cubicle in Bangkok.

In 1996, a 49-year-old father was arrested for allegedly raping and killing his four-year-old daughter at a wood factory in Bangkok. He tried to pass the blame onto his son, but DNA tests managed to nail down the father.

He was finally executed in 2001.

Ampai Saipho, 26, lured a toddler out of a shop in Buri Ram in 1999 with promises of buying her sweets.

Then in a secluded spot, Ampai sexually violated the child and beat her to death. The child was only two years and three months old. Upon arrest, Ampai blamed his acts on drunkenness. He was executed in 2001.

Kao Panyad, 29, raped and killed a 10-year-old girl in Nakhon Pathom in 1996, after he spotted her walking alone down a secluded route along a canal.

He then threw the girl's body into the canal in a bid to make it look like the girl had accidentally fallen over and drowned. However, solid evidence emerged against the man, and he was put to death in 1999.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Only-five-rapists-executed-in-recent-Thai-history-30238266.html

-- The Nation 2014-07-11

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I don't totally trust confessions, they can be beaten into a person just as much as they be beaten out of a person.

But conclusive DNA evidence to me is 100% reliable and should lead to a needle in the arm. Obviously only in extreme cases especially where children are involved.

But make castration mandatory for EVERY sexual crime.

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The judicial system in the west is at best dubious to say the least, to assume DNA or confessions are conclusive and irrefutable evidence in Thailand is absurd, anything can be fixed when it comes to money and reputation.

Edited by Johnsy
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Enlightened countries do not have the death penalty as state sanctioned killings are considered a major hypocrisy and also as an admission that as careful and thorough as the justice system may be there is still the possibility of error.

Can we trust the Thai justice system with capital punishment? It may still be on the books but apparently not used for over a decade.

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Enlightened countries do not have the death penalty as state sanctioned killings are considered a major hypocrisy and also as an admission that as careful and thorough as the justice system may be there is still the possibility of error.

Can we trust the Thai justice system with capital punishment? It may still be on the books but apparently not used for over a decade.

Just because they agree with you doesn't make them "enlightened". Nor does not having the death penalty make a country "enlightened" - unless you consider Zimbabwe to be enlightened for example.

Many people in "enlightened" countries want a return of the death penalty as an option. Where is any, even the slightest, possible doubt it should not be used.

But where guilt is admitted, corroborated and provable then, it should be on the table for courts to use.

This evil scumbag admits it and shows no remorse other than saying he was drugged up. Doesn't look much doubt for error unless the DNA comes up with something else.

Similarly, the case of the two insane murderers in the UK who ran over and then murdered a young soldier publicly. There is no doubt about their guilt or motives. Why should they be allowed to live? As with this rapist/murderer no reason what so ever.

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I think I'm like a lot of others; when thinking globally, knowing the enormous flaws of the judicial system, I'm pretty much opposed to capital punishment....

But when a case such as this comes along I find myself wishing the perp. could be impaled on a pole in a public square.

So often, especially in the US, so many years transpire between the crime and the execution that it is not really the same person being executed. They become model prisoners, find religion, read books and get college degrees. Some even get married to one of those strange women who are hot for convicts. By the time the big day arrives, they have become sympathetic victims of their own backgrounds and the original victim is forgotten.

Maybe the Saudis and Chinese have it right...from the courtroom to the square...no dilly-dallying, no second thoughts. Be done with it.

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Well with their discount for confession, I wouldn't consider the death penalty much of a discount.

The discount is this case is, we'll fill you with morphine before putting you to sleep before lethal injection rofl ;-)

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In any case where the perpetrator confesses or there is solid DNA proof, it should be 6 and onwards.

Even "solid" proof can be and will be folded around a "suitable" suspect.

A "confession" and the promise of half the punishment if there is a confession are also very nice, comfortable reasons for the police not to prove the case.

The death penalty, if executed on an innocent person, means the state, the police, the court, the executioners, are all guilty of murder.

There is enough proof the death penalty does not help to reduce crime, what is more, it certainly helps to make crimes more....ehhhh.....criminal?

The death penalty prevents some crime insofar as those convicted cannot re-offend. That does seem to be a pattern with these sort of people.

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In any case where the perpetrator confesses or there is solid DNA proof, it should be 6 and onwards.

Even "solid" proof can be and will be folded around a "suitable" suspect.

A "confession" and the promise of half the punishment if there is a confession are also very nice, comfortable reasons for the police not to prove the case.

The death penalty, if executed on an innocent person, means the state, the police, the court, the executioners, are all guilty of murder.

There is enough proof the death penalty does not help to reduce crime, what is more, it certainly helps to make crimes more....ehhhh.....criminal?

Are you really serious???

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I thinks its time for number 6 now !

It certainly is, but again, you have to be 100% certain of guilt. If DNA findings is 100% certain, then great. Execute the Scum.

DNA is never 100% maybe 99.999% and it only proves he almost certainly had sex with her, not murdered her.

As much as this was a terrible crime, their are many other similar crimes often in Thailand that do not get the same press (OK raped and killed a young person, but not thrown of a moving train).

Yes this was a most foul crime and when the time comes may the perpetrator rot in hell, in the mean time let hope it is the perpetrator that will have a fate worse than hell in a Thai prison for the rest of his natural life.

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In any case where the perpetrator confesses or there is solid DNA proof, it should be 6 and onwards.

Confessions in LOS tend to be extracted using methods similar to the CIA's rendition centre in LOS!

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I thinks its time for number 6 now !

It certainly is, but again, you have to be 100% certain of guilt. If DNA findings is 100% certain, then great. Execute the Scum.

DNA is never 100% maybe 99.999% and it only proves he almost certainly had sex with her, not murdered her.

As much as this was a terrible crime, their are many other similar crimes often in Thailand that do not get the same press (OK raped and killed a young person, but not thrown of a moving train).

Yes this was a most foul crime and when the time comes may the perpetrator rot in hell, in the mean time let hope it is the perpetrator that will have a fate worse than hell in a Thai prison for the rest of his natural life.

DNA at 99.999% reliability = not too reliable, I'm sure the process is actually much more reliable than that. That 0.001% left over from 99.999% accounts for 7 million people out of the pool of 7 Billion people in the world.

I'm now hearing speculation from Thai news sources that there may have been more than one rapist.

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