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Working in property buss in Thailand

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After 4 years of making up my mind i plan to move to Thailand next October. I am a (then) 65 year old Dutch with over 40 years of experience as a entrepeneur in realestate agency and property development. I am :-) and feel :-)))) too young to sit down and do nothing. So, i plan to find a (parttime) job or start a small buss in Thailand. I will settle down first in Bkk, and decide later - expectedly dependant from what i will find to do - settle down permanently (somewhere else in Th).

Could anyone give me a hint how to achieve my goals, find a parttime job in property buss or connect as a freelancer to excisting buss s. What are possibillities, chances and so on? I am aware of restrictive law.

Hope to connect and get some answer to start the route i planned to walk........


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I agree enjoy your later years. I also agree you need to keep busy and perhaps if you meet someone here or already have a lady you could start a small shop or some other business to keep a few bucks coming in but do it for the love.

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Age is against you if you wish to be employed. Start your own business by all means but you will be restricted to where you can settle. Be legal, which is costly for having a company and the associated costs for staff, taxes etc. Location is of all importance, internet enquiries and marketing is a waste of time. Foot traffic to your office and local networking is where tou will succeed.

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Learn Thai....

The world economy is on the verge of collapse, you should consider starting to prepare for that.

Why struggle to make more of that soon to be worthless paper currency when you can sit back and relax?

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Frank Don`t get involved in the real estate business in Thailand

There to many already and the most off them don`t makes money

Get your last few years to enjoy life and stop working.

even to open a business at your age its to much hassle

get a retirement visa and enjoy

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Real estate ventures here can be an entirely different world from what you know. Any assumptions you have from the Western World are most likely not valid. It is definitely a good idea to learn first - - as you propose, but I do agree with others that, active or not, retirement in a busy leisure would be far less aggravation than retirement into a business in Thailand. Though surely some succeed here, I have seen more than one, intelligent, highly competent individuals, who basically ruined their lives with daily frustrations that nearly drove them nuts. Maybe you need an all consuming hobby? You would likely be better off.

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Age is against you if you wish to be employed. Start your own business by all means but you will be restricted to where you can settle. Be legal, which is costly for having a company and the associated costs for staff, taxes etc. Location is of all importance, internet enquiries and marketing is a waste of time. Foot traffic to your office and local networking is where tou will succeed.

I think that's possibly the worst bit of advice I've seen on here, and that's saying something! While foot traffic is useful, a good website/internet business is going to be a make break for any business these days. Possibly with few exceptions I know, but for most, when dealing with members of the public from other countries.

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Frank, you will need a Work Permit no matter what you want to work with in Thailand, part time, fulltime or starting your own business. You cannot have Work Permit on a Retirement Visa extension, so in that case you will need a Non Immigrant-B (business) visa.

A number of people have had success in the Real Estate business, and many a Thai real estate agent may need or wish a farang to speak to foreign customers (may make more confidence) and close the deals. Furthermore building construction companies are in the same situation (sometimes combined real estate and construction). I know a number of foreigners who have been very (extremely) successful in real estate/building construction.

My advise to you is, take it easy in the beginning, look around – and preferably also move around to different areas and find out what they are like and the possibilities – and then make up your mind; you will have both ideas and probably some contacts by then.

I’m not sure what kind of Visa you shall aim for in that case, but some other TV members can advise you; a Non-O will be for retirement (or marriage) and only requires a bank deposit or proof of income, whilst Non-B is needed for business and work permit (can later be changed to retirement extension, to my knowledge). Coming in on a Non-O and later wish to begin working, you may need to go abroad and apply for a Non-B. If you are here on Visa extension based on marriage to a Thai, a work permit shall be possible.

Wish you good luck... smile.png

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Age is against you if you wish to be employed. Start your own business by all means but you will be restricted to where you can settle. Be legal, which is costly for having a company and the associated costs for staff, taxes etc. Location is of all importance, internet enquiries and marketing is a waste of time. Foot traffic to your office and local networking is where tou will succeed.

I think that's possibly the worst bit of advice I've seen on here, and that's saying something! While foot traffic is useful, a good website/internet business is going to be a make break for any business these days. Possibly with few exceptions I know, but for most, when dealing with members of the public from other countries.

10 years and I would say its the best advice. If you really want to deal with idiots that charge a fortune for a website, then SEO and all it gets you is emails "more details and pics please" then think again. I work in the industry and our office is the envy of many due to daily walk in customers that are here and intend to buy.

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He'd never 'seen' the system in his native country either when he started out, but he managed then, didn't he? So why couldn't he do it a second time?

Nothing helpful to add, sorry.

" So why couldn't he do it a second time?"

Unfamiliar with the market. Doesn't speak the language. No knowledge of bank lending policies and regulations. No understanding of the law. Cut-throat competition. Current immigrations attention to foreigners trying to work in Thailand and their immigration status.

Most of these things he would have had at least a basic understanding of in his native country and could easily learn as a young man being taught or reading about such things in his own language,

Of course, he might manage, but attempting all this as an older man in an entirely alien environment would not be simply a way to occupy his time during retirement. Better he take up golf or photography or hiking.

"Nothing helpful to add, sorry."

And yet you added it.

Edited by Suradit69
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Dear M

Forget what you intend here to start, first the Real Estate market is completely on his hole.at 2nd almost impossible to get a work permit you must be at least 4 staff aannememman, you do not know the market, but that is still to learn. working with Thaien, press panelor customer is almost impossible to do, they are not loyal, lying and cheating, almost neverpromises. Do not start there, will you still continue to ask my advice.


Gr, Rick van Heijningen

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what exactly do you have as any evidence or experience to come out with such comments? And no, I'm not an agent, but know a few and have used a few.

But let me get this right, if you had a bad bit of dentistry work done, and had to go elsewhere, and the price was different, and the job had to be done again, would all the dentists in Thailand be useless cheating robbers?

Not the best analogy I know, but wondering why you are so anti estate agents?

Dont worry, I dont have a particularly poor opinion of estate agents. I am equally critical of the lawyers, media people, "networkers" and many other farangs doing "business" in Thailand and who arent on the payroll of some multinational company.

The reason? Of all the ones I have met (and that's many dozens) there are few that I would trust much further than I can spit. They mostly seem to be focussed solely on extracting as much money as possible from other people, and few of them seem to care whether they do it honestly or not. Few of them seem to be very competent either.

Sales in general is a default business for many with no real qualifications.

No real qualifications or just no real competence?

But let me get this right, if you had a bad bit of dentistry work done, and had to go elsewhere, and the price was different, and the job had to be done again, would all the dentists in Thailand be useless cheating robbers?

No, but if I tried a string of dentists here and they all cocked the job up or overcharged me then I might indeed be tempted to generalise.

As it happens I think that some dentists here are good and I have named them on occasions. I also think that some others are incompetent (at least when it comes to specialised procedures like implants) and I have mentioned those also (without naming them which would be contrary to forum rules).

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Thousands of sellers and no buyers.

Speak thai and get to know thai ways often referred to as "thainess".

Get yourself the proper visa, visit here, lay low and enjoy for a couple of years and things will fall in place.

One serious advice don't start right away, when you do you may start to dislike thailand.

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If you really want to deal with idiots that charge a fortune for a website, then SEO and all it gets you is emails "more details and pics please" then think again.

Sounds like you found the IT equivalent of the average farang real estate agent here. They come out of the same mould really.

Some web design people do a good job for quite reasonable fees. And unlike salespeople on commission they often actually create something valuable and worthwhile in return for your payment.

That said, I've lost track of the number of totally half-arsed websites I have been asked to repair that have been created by amateur idiots using template software, and for which they have billed very large sums indeed; sums much larger than I would have charged to do a proper job from the outset.

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what exactly do you have as any evidence or experience to come out with such comments? And no, I'm not an agent, but know a few and have used a few.

But let me get this right, if you had a bad bit of dentistry work done, and had to go elsewhere, and the price was different, and the job had to be done again, would all the dentists in Thailand be useless cheating robbers?

Not the best analogy I know, but wondering why you are so anti estate agents?

Dont worry, I dont have a particularly poor opinion of estate agents. I am equally critical of the lawyers, media people, "networkers" and many other farangs doing "business" in Thailand and who arent on the payroll of some multinational company.

The reason? Of all the ones I have met (and that's many dozens) there are few that I would trust much further than I can spit. They mostly seem to be focussed solely on extracting as much money as possible from other people, and few of them seem to care whether they do it honestly or not. Few of them seem to be very competent either.

Sales in general is a default business for many with no real qualifications.

No real qualifications or just no real competence?

But let me get this right, if you had a bad bit of dentistry work done, and had to go elsewhere, and the price was different, and the job had to be done again, would all the dentists in Thailand be useless cheating robbers?

No, but if I tried a string of dentists here and they all cocked the job up or overcharged me then I might indeed be tempted to generalise.

As it happens I think that some dentists here are good and I have named them on occasions. I also think that some others are incompetent (at least when it comes to specialised procedures like implants) and I have mentioned those also (without naming them which would be contrary to forum rules).

So I take it you have bought and sold a string of properties in Thailand to base that opinion. I hope its not just based on the purchase of one condobiggrin.png

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A number of people have had success in the Real Estate business, and many a Thai real estate agent may need or wish a farang to speak to foreign customers (may make more confidence) and close the deals. Furthermore building construction companies are in the same situation (sometimes combined real estate and construction). I know a number of foreigners who have been very (extremely) successful in real estate/building construction.

Wouldn't this be against the law?

This line of work is restricted to Thai nationals.

I would not deal with any company that had a white guy selling/dealing/negotiating.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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An inflammatory post has been removed as well as the replies quoting that post.

That's a shame, although I was quoting that post, mine was quite relevant because I was and am that very situation.

Ok, here is is again, a shortened version because I'm too lazy to type it all again.

I have been an agent most of my working life, starting off in Central London. I have worked for many large corporates in senior positions, and have had my own firm in NW London for many years. I am a career estate agent. The UK market is very heavily regulated, to break the laws can involve fines, being banned from the industry or in the worse case even imprisonment. So let's just say I am used to running a tight ship and working here has been a bit of an eye opener.

I set up an agency here after buying my own house because I was surprised at the level professionalism shown by agents that I dealt with. I run things here exactly as I would do at home. We don't as a rule do any business with other agents and have, on the whole been well received.

My advice to the OP is that the property market here is hard, it has been in decline since the start of the European economic problems and the hardening of the Baht. It is not easy for any farang to succeed in any business here, and the property market is no easier than others. By Law you cannot be a broker or an agent (unless your area is international trade). You can be a manager or director of a property company though.

Many if not most of the comments on agents here are well founded!

If you would like anymore of my brand of advice PM me, otherwise good luck !


Edited by SDM0712
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A number of people have had success in the Real Estate business, and many a Thai real estate agent may need or wish a farang to speak to foreign customers (may make more confidence) and close the deals. Furthermore building construction companies are in the same situation (sometimes combined real estate and construction). I know a number of foreigners who have been very (extremely) successful in real estate/building construction.

Wouldn't this be against the law?

This line of work is restricted to Thai nationals.

I would not deal with any company that had a white guy selling/dealing/negotiating.

The immigation and labour officers were quite happy with my work permit and what I was doing when they recently visited with their polaroids being happy snappers and the sting of enquiring about a property purchase. Am sure if I was working illegally an arrest or tea money would have been the order of the day.

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So I take it you have bought and sold a string of properties in Thailand to base that opinion. I hope its not just based on the purchase of one condo

Do you need to actually buy something to form an opinion of the person selling it? I dont think so.

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So I take it you have bought and sold a string of properties in Thailand to base that opinion. I hope its not just based on the purchase of one condo

Do you need to actually buy something to form an opinion of the person selling it? I dont think so.

Could you actually form an opinion of a dentist just by a check up? I dont think so.tongue.png

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So I take it you have bought and sold a string of properties in Thailand to base that opinion. I hope its not just based on the purchase of one condo

Do you need to actually buy something to form an opinion of the person selling it? I dont think so.

Could you actually form an opinion of a dentist just by a check up? I dont think so.

Actually I can get a pretty good idea of a dentist from the way they do a check-up and what they have to say. I'm surprised that you cant.

Even easier with an agent as they dont do much apart from opening the front door to a few properties.

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Thank you all for your reply. Although many of you have a negative sentiment of the Thai prop market... i, on the other hand, feel that even in a wrought up market, there are many chances and opportunities.

From that (same) view i received some very interesting and suppotive replies... from which i can and will go on. Thanks.

I will, later, keep you updated !

In the meantime i welcome more suggestions... I will 'land' in Bkk soon, in BangKapi..and intend to visit the TVbar... so hope to meet some of you soon!

Nice regards, Frank

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