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Bangkok warns of risk of Legionnaire's disease

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BMA warns of risk of Legionnaire's disease

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) yesterday urged hotels and shopping malls to clean their air-conditioning systems as a precaution after a recent random check found that several hotels had legionella bacteria, which could pose a risk of respiratory diseases.

BMA Health Office environmental sanitation division head Injira Niyomtoon explained that a random check on hotels, malls and cinema theatres had found some premises with dust, bacteria and fungi, but the situation wasn't worrisome.

However, a couple of were found to have legionella bacteria, which could stem from poor ventilation or sub-standard carpet maintenance.

The authorities have instructed them to clean the areas and qualify for the "Clean and Green" sign to boost customers' confidence.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/BMA-warns-of-risk-of-Legionnaires-disease-30238499.html

-- The Nation 2014-07-15

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Keep the cooling towers clean and a good dose of bacteria killer will take care of the problem. This bacteria needs a water droplet to be mobile and it has to be of the proper size to pose a threat. Too big and it cannot enter your nasal cavity too small and it is to heavy to be transported. Those fans with a water spray also pose a possible threat as well. Most people will only show signs of the flue or cold and be done with it but if your immune system is compromised you may have a problem.

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Legionnaires in cars. Heard of this? There have been reports that the water in car windscreen washers in the tropics is an ideal place for Legionnaire's Disease bugs to grow and multiply. I've read this twice recently in motoring articles, and it seems that using a standard windscreen wash solution in the water will stop nasties growing. I suppose some of the droplets could be drawn into the car, but no idea how.


Legionella exists in the wild under the right temperature conditions and can be hard to control it jumps from water stream to cooling tower or to stagnant water etc. Aspiration into the lungs is thought to be the main mode of transmission. I say it can be hard to control and track down since there are many other factors other than correct dosing and clean CT systems. The bug can be in a cooling tower one day and gone the next. My experience recently with the DH services Victoria Australia where our CT systems were all tested along with others in the western Melbourne as they tried to find the source of a Legionella out break. After the third visit from DHS they had no clues as to the source and had tested everything from shower roses to drinking fountains.

Legionella can show anywhere any country even in the best maintained systems.


There is a local Co. run by an Aussie that makes a gel for this. It kills legionella, salmonella, e-coil and all moulds. All they need to do is place the stuff before the AHU and it will do the rest. If I remember correctly it does some magic with CO2 as well...

Addressing the issue at the water cooler will not work; the spores will be throughout the ductwork and the AHU. Ozone is popular here despite the fact that it only works when used in volumes deadly to humans, and in small amounts does nothing. Ozone masks smells, does not kill mould, and corrodes plastics and rubbers, especially in the AHU. Hard to use in a hotel as you need all the guests to leave...

This issue crops up again and again. Some specialist checking water supply at the British embassy in 1992 found e-coil in the hotels he stayed in in Pattaya and Phuket and they did nothing when told...

Sent - how is not that important...


If you think a hotel room has not been used for even a short while it could contain any kind of bacteria -
good idea to clean the shower head and bath, ideally with disinfectant...

Hotels and Malls/offices/schools should regularly clean their water and air systems..


Just curious. Are standard room AC units used in individual apartments and small offices also prone to Legionaries bacteria or is it restricted to large, high volume units?

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It is noticeable that when ac units that are used as heater in the winter there is are increased incidence of "colds"

(And visa- versa in summer)

Best to jet wash the screen and use a micro filter or disposable tissue over intakes

Just curious. Are standard room AC units used in individual apartments and small offices also prone to Legionaries bacteria or is it restricted to large, high volume units?


Just curious. Are standard room AC units used in individual apartments and small offices also prone to Legionaries bacteria or is it restricted to large, high volume units?

legionella bacteria can form in any size ac unit if the drip pan does not drain completely, the unit is not used and the remaining water warms up to a minimum of 25ºC. the development is rather rare because besides the minimum water temperature certain nutrients are required.


The only effective way to keep aircon systems clean and free of bacteria and mold is to use UVC. It kills all the bacteria in the air and stops it growing inside the system, The US Government has made it mandatory in all govt buildings to help prevent Legionnaire's Disease and other airborne diseases - it also saves a huge amount of electricity because clean machines are more efficient. Cleaning is normally once every three months so the mold etc is allowed to build up again whereas UVC is 24/7 and you never have to clean the system again.


Same subject...

Any advice on how to keep mould/bacteria from forming in my house header tank -

feed form a Deep Natuarl well (used for cooking and showering only)


More than likely not a problem, we use hot water tanks inNew Mexico and have never heard of a issue with them. The problem usually is the dissolved solids that may be found in the water and a calcium build up that can damage the tank.

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My job was as a cooling tower water treatment tech. once the tower is infected with a bacteria it just doesn't come and go the water has to be treated chemically to rid the tower of bacteria. We treated our towers at least twice a week and samples are taken and cultures are run to ensure the chemical being used is doing the job. Part of the treatment process is to rotate different treatment chemicals. Typically Legionella is found in surface water lakes, rivers and streams once it is pumped into a cooling tower it will multiply depending on the number of cycles the water is used in the cooling tower before being drained off and also the efficiency of the water treatment program. The fans lift water droplets into the air and the droplets of water can be disbursed by a strong wind. legionella has been found up to 5 miles away from the cooling tower it originated from.

The out break where the bacteria received its name was at a hotel hosting a convention of ageing veterans who exited the hotel and entered it thru the front lobby the cooling tower mist that was created by the fans washed down from the roof into the entrance area.The people affected by the bacteria were aged, and many drinking at the convention thus creating impaired immune system. The legionella bacteria was originally hard to pin down as it acts like a virus the test they ran to id. a virus came up negative as they were using the wrong test eventually they tested for a bacteria and success. The treatment for it is a problem as well penicillian (spelling) will not affect the bacteria one of the newer antibiotics needs to be used. If your immune system is in good shape and you are in good health you will not have much to worry about you may have flue like symptoms.


There was a report on seasonal hotels, that they should drain AND clean water tanks "Headers" etc.

The problem then is bacteria and mould growth on any damp areas.

The shower head/rose can be a surprising source of bacteria.

If you have a holiday home/villa it is worth cleaning the pipes

when you 'open-up" as Bars do.

Any suggestions for proprietary brand or alternative

(Bleach being be highly corrosive...)


I'm sure that if you ask any hotel exec or an a/c engineer here in TH what legionella bacteria is,

you will me stared back with a pair of lamb eyes and a complete look of bewilderment... Aray Wa?

Just as if you asked most doctors how a turbofan engine operate, they would look you with complete bewilderment.

Western people (read: anglos) knowledge of legionnaire's is not based on some enlightened education system, but a result of media hysteria who loves any scary story to lock in eyeballs and their favourite subject is of course the next mega-contagion that's gonna kill your children.

Legionnaire's disease mostly affects old people, people who smoke or those who are immunocompromised. It can not be transmitted from person to person. It can be easily treated with antibiotic. So unless you are an old ass dude living in the jungle next to a solar-operated air-conditioner this is mostly a very low-risk disease.


The risk will always be high with Legionella where you stay in the world and you have organic content in the water and "spray" the water as a shower, cooling water fountain etc. When we visit hotell we are not aloud to controll the system so my advices is to let open the warm water valve and let the water run for 5 minutes at least and leave the room.The next step close the mouth and not briefe when you take the showr in order to protect so you not will bring in any aeroslo to your lungs.

In order to optimal all water treatment contact company to understand water tratment and give total management services i.e. clean system and also lower energycost.


The risk will always be high with Legionella where you stay in the world and you have organic content in the water and "spray" the water as a shower, cooling water fountain etc. When we visit hotell we are not aloud to controll the system so my advices is to let open the warm water valve and let the water run for 5 minutes at least and leave the room.The next step close the mouth and not briefe when you take the showr in order to protect so you not will bring in any aeroslo to your lungs.

In order to optimal all water treatment contact company to understand water tratment and give total management services i.e. clean system and also lower energycost.

Sounds healthier to not shower at all or do it with diving gear on.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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