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Israel accepts Egypt proposal to end Gaza conflict

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Israel accepts Egypt proposal to end Gaza conflict

JERUSALEM: -- Israel has accepted a Egyptian proposal for a truce in the conflict in Gaza.

But the armed wing of Hamas, which controls Gaza, has said it rejects it as a "surrender".

The initiative urges a ceasefire starting imminently, followed by a series of meetings in Cairo with high-level delegations from both sides.

Palestinian officials say at least 189 people have been killed by Israeli air strikes launched eight days ago to stop militants firing rockets into Israel.

The UN estimates that over three-quarters of these were civilians.

Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28305830

-- BBC 2014-07-15

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Israel agrees to a peace deal. The Palestinians reject it. This is exactly what has been going on for 100 years. bah.gif

No Israel agrees to a truce, after murdering 189 people, two thirds of them civilians.

And Hamas are responsible for their deaths. They can't say Israel has killed these people because they refuse the cease fire. The truth is ABBAS and Egypt would be happy if Israel wiped out Hamas.

Bad PR for Hamas. Israel will strike them harder now. And it won't be so easy for the west to force a cease fire on Israel after this.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Israel agrees to a peace deal. The Palestinians reject it. This is exactly what has been going on for 100 years. bah.gif alt=bah.gif>

Not only did they reject the peace deal...they sent more than 100 new rockets into Israel to make their point...got to love these guys...

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Israel agrees to a peace deal. The Palestinians reject it. This is exactly what has been going on for 100 years. bah.gif

No Israel agrees to a truce, after murdering 189 people, two thirds of them civilians.

And Hamas are responsible for their deaths. They can't say Israel has killed these people because they refuse the cease fire. The truth is ABBAS and Egypt would be happy if Israel wiped out Hamas.

Bad PR for Hamas. Israel will strike them harder now. And it won't be so easy for the west to force a cease fire on Israel after this.

Hamas wins the sympathy PR they get from the images of the dead children ... of course if they hadn't started with rocket attacks and hadn't used human shields, they wouldn't have that propaganda tool.

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"We agreed to the Egyptian proposal in order to give an opportunity for the demilitarisation of the (Gaza) Strip - from missiles, from rockets and from tunnels - through diplomatic means," Netanyahu told reporters.

So, the deal is you give up all your home made weapons, and we will have a ceasefire, but then we can start bombing you again when we feel like it, and you will have nothing to defend yourself with. What a deal !


"We agreed to the Egyptian proposal in order to give an opportunity for the demilitarisation of the (Gaza) Strip - from missiles, from rockets and from tunnels - through diplomatic means," Netanyahu told reporters.

So, the deal is you give up all your home made weapons, and we will have a ceasefire, but then we can start bombing you again when we feel like it, and you will have nothing to defend yourself with. What a deal !

Netanyahu needs to score some points on the home front, so he emphasizes the bits of the deal which fit his needs.

There are in all probability Egyptian, Israeli and Palestinian Authority concessions that were not brought up in his speech.

Exactly the same as last time.

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I was hoping Hamas would do their bit to stop the violence.

Then I remembered that ****** Tony Blair is acting as a "peace envoy".


"We agreed to the Egyptian proposal in order to give an opportunity for the demilitarisation of the (Gaza) Strip - from missiles, from rockets and from tunnels - through diplomatic means," Netanyahu told reporters.

So, the deal is you give up all your home made weapons, and we will have a ceasefire, but then we can start bombing you again when we feel like it, and you will have nothing to defend yourself with. What a deal !

The rockets aren't really a defense. They're a provocation intended to get a predictable reaction from Israel, arguably an overreaction. Then Hamas gets fresh dead Arab baby pictures to parade to the world for their anti-semitic propaganda purposes. Israel doesn't want the land of Gaza. Hamas wants the land of Israel. The militaries are unbalanced but so are the intentions. While not acting like Israeli policy is faultless, keep in mind that Hamas knew FULL WELL before starting the rocket attacks using human shields the result would be dead innocent Arab civilians ... so why don't they accept a lot of the BLAME for that? They never will.

But this didn't start with rockets from Gaza, it started with the dubious kidnapping of 3 Israelis, then the murder of innocent Palestinians the illegal arrest of 100's and demolition of family homes. What do you expect?


"We agreed to the Egyptian proposal in order to give an opportunity for the demilitarisation of the (Gaza) Strip - from missiles, from rockets and from tunnels - through diplomatic means," Netanyahu told reporters.

So, the deal is you give up all your home made weapons, and we will have a ceasefire, but then we can start bombing you again when we feel like it, and you will have nothing to defend yourself with. What a deal !

The rockets aren't really a defense. They're a provocation intended to get a predictable reaction from Israel, arguably an overreaction. Then Hamas gets fresh dead Arab baby pictures to parade to the world for their anti-semitic propaganda purposes. Israel doesn't want the land of Gaza. Hamas wants the land of Israel. The militaries are unbalanced but so are the intentions. While not acting like Israeli policy is faultless, keep in mind that Hamas knew FULL WELL before starting the rocket attacks using human shields the result would be dead innocent Arab civilians ... so why don't they accept a lot of the BLAME for that? They never will.

But this didn't start with rockets from Gaza, it started with the dubious kidnapping of 3 Israelis, then the murder of innocent Palestinians the illegal arrest of 100's and demolition of family homes. What do you expect?

Interesting choice of words: the kidnapping of three Israeli youths is "dubious", their murder not mentioned, and the despicable murder of that Palestinian youth is included in "innocent Palestinians" (to make it sound bigger, I am assuming). At least, you made clear how HAMAS will explain their rocket attacks to the world.

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I recall the frequent events at a local motor manufacturing plant that is not there any more.

Always lots of strikes, yes, the workers were labelled as militants and communists, talk of suitcases of dosh coming from Russia, etc.

What people failed to notice is it was no coincidence that there were strikes when there were lots of unsold cars and the car storage parks were overflowing.

Always two sides to a story and I am sure the the Israelis have an agenda of a united Israel, Gaza and West Bank, ...without Palestinians.

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I recall the frequent events at a local motor manufacturing plant that is not there any more.

Always lots of strikes, yes, the workers were labelled as militants and communists, talk of suitcases of dosh coming from Russia, etc.

What people failed to notice is it was no coincidence that there were strikes when there were lots of unsold cars and the car storage parks were overflowing.

Always two sides to a story and I am sure the the Israelis have an agenda of a united Israel, Gaza and West Bank, ...without Palestinians.

I'm sure if it could be managed by waving some magic wand, many Israelis would be all for it. As things in real life are rather more complicated and messy than that - only a handful of loons spout these ideas.

There is no official or well-spread Israeli agenda advocating what you are sure of. There is certainly no apparent attempt by Israel to move the Palestinians elsewhere. There were, for a time, some right wing political parties in Israel which advocated this (referred to as "transfer" or in a somewhat more polite version, "population exchange"). Although some of these politicians still play a major role in Israeli politics, this wasn't heard for years now as a party policy, certainly not government.

And then there is Israel's rather large minority of Arab citizens, they probably won't go for that as well.

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Yeah I agree. There is of course a hard core fascist faction in Israel that would wish to be genocidal to local Arabs in the region, but that is never going to happen. So don't worry about it. Looking at current events, while it is very horrible to see the hundreds of innocents dead in Gaza mostly due to being too close to rocket launching sites or Hamas operatives, think for a moment, if Israel was REALLY after mass slaughtering the Arabs in the region, they have had the capability to do that for decades, haven't done it, and won't do it. Better to focus on actual REAL problems. There are enough of those (on both sides)!

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What kind of ceasefire is only discussed with one side??

What kind of ceasefire calls for a full disarmament of only one side?? (one could only imagine how Israel would conduct the disarmament)

Come on. Don't be ignorant, they never expected Hamas to agree to it. It's pure PR.

Hamas is a bunch of arrogant, stupidly proud militants. They aren't going to sign on to something if they are going to lose face. Not including them in the cease fire talks is losing face.


What kind of ceasefire is only discussed with one side??

I'm not sure where you are finding this stuff, but as far as I can tell, Egypt proposed the cease-fire on their own. They did not discuss it either side and did not demand disarmament. They only asked if the participants were willing to halt hostilities and then meet in Cairo for talks to discuss the details of the truce and its implementation. Israel said yes. Hamas said NO.


What kind of ceasefire is only discussed with one side??

I'm not sure where you are finding this stuff, but as far as I can tell, Egypt proposed the cease-fire on their own. They did not discuss it either side and did not demand disarmament. They only asked if the participants were willing to halt hostilities and then meet in Cairo for talks to discuss the details of the truce and its implementation. Israel said yes. Hamas said NO.

Around the middle of the article;


This Washington post report also shines an interesting light on the laughable attempt at a ceasefire; Hamas is an militant offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood (we know how much the current govt in Egypt loves the Muslim Brotherhood).



Both articles claim is that Hamas was not consulted when the cease-fire was being formulated and that is supposedly the big problem. As far as I can tell, Israel was not consulted either, until they were asked if they would agree to it. If you can find evidence otherwise, from a credible source, please link to it.

All they asked them to do is cease fire on both sides for 48 hours, until they could have a meeting to discuss the real terms. It is pretty hard to show favoritism to either side with those conditions. blink.png

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Israel agrees to a peace deal. The Palestinians reject it. This is exactly what has been going on for 100 years. bah.gif

No Israel agrees to a truce, after murdering 189 people, two thirds of them civilians.
189 people who chose or were forced to be human shields

One of the Hamas conditions for truce is Egypt opening the border, but waft does Egypt border have to do with Israel ?

Even if Hamas was not consulted , if they were genuine they could agree to 12 hour truce to iron out details , instead they refused . Why is that?

One answer I can think of is that Hamas are safely hiding in shelters so no hurry for truce

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Israel agrees to a peace deal. The Palestinians reject it. This is exactly what has been going on for 100 years. bah.gif

For there to be peace in the region, the Arabs have to love themselves more than they hate us.

Look that qoute up.

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