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Democrats welcome Thai military-dominated legislature


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"Mr. Pinit's comment followed reports that at least half of the National Assembly seats in the interim government will be filled by military officers loyal to the NCPO. The reports have raised concerns among pro-democracy activists that the military will continue to dominate Thai politics long after it cedes administrative power to an interim government."

That was a certainty, not going to let go very easily.

Sorry but at this moment in time GOOD. future well that's another story, eventually when Thais can see the light and all defunct/deadwood/corrupt are out grazing, we could see a country that had to learn the hard way pull it'self through.

Well that's the whole point right there, THIS country has never been allowed to learn the hard way. If they had, perhaps it wouldn't be in the position it is now blink.png

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We don't know yet if there will indeed be any, or many serving military in the interim Govt, so it is at this point all speculation.

However there have always been retired military and police in all parties.

There is no doubt that the NCPO should remain in charge of security, that is keep a firm thumb on the police as well as the military and also have say in how a reform process goes forward.

What he OP does highlight is the difference between the Dems and PTP.

We have seen the Dems not afraid to speak up, at times being critical of moves of the NCPO NACC and others while PTP say nothing.

Doesn't mean they are always right of course but it does show they are willing to be part of moving the country on closer to a real democracy.

This of course stems from the attitudes of each to individual thought.

PTP are still in the "Thaksin thinks PTP acts" mode where they do nothing, nay are allowed to do nothing without the say so of the great thinker, therefor individual thought has been suppressed, this is one of the worst aspects which has led to the present situation.

Yingluck was a proxy for her brother...correct. Who do you think Abhisit was a proxy for. Abhisit...somebody's else's man, Thaksin was his own man...Now thats a fact

Thaksin is Wall Street / Square Mile's man.

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How can foreigners explain Thai politics back home when the NCPO wants to regulate their democratic process. People will just laugh?

No wonder the Democrat's welcome the proposal, it will give them, their children, their children's children and their children's children a job for at least 8 years or until the next coup?

Amazing Thailandcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifthumbsup.gif

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The mainstream Thais are whatever the military is reporting are mainstream Thais. The history of coups in Thailand shows a l o n g history of "oh, crap, we want our power back" mentalities that are thoroughly supported by the military (note the recent non-action on the lottery corruption and practices. One company, of three, that benefits is military-owned to a large degree, and on and on....). Arrests are selective, enforcement is certain to leave those on top untouched, and it is a fight over--duh--succession. Education reform never discusses stopping the subsidies to private schools -- yes, subsidized private schools who rake in tuition and then state subsidies per student (that is why the education system is a wreck -- it is geared toward never losing a good customer, I mean student).

Well losing is one thing--but having to get kicked out is another. Who are the mainstream Thais now ??? or are you losing touch.

The reds and yellows are two different shades of corrupt. Neither is justified in what they do. Murdering to demand democracy and killing people with a car and Red Bulling free on bail seem like two versions of sanctioned killing to me. It's just that the courts only sanction one flavor of poisoned Kool Aid....

The "reforms" are a formalized way to guarantee the Democrats more voting parliament members. It's called 'gerrymandering', and is being reported as a "reform" on BP and the Nation. The yellows don't need amnesty -- they never see a day in court. The reds want amnesty -- they never see a fair day in court.

Same same. Amazing Thailand.

Everyone simultaneously wants to do away with corruption and benefit from it. Get over it. They have the right to screw their country up in their own unique way, just like the West, and South, and North.....but taking sides in this is like declaring one clown has better make-up than the other.


Robby NZ. Here's a "heads up" The one word you are looking for is in the quoted post" beatdeadhorse.gif

No mate you are the one who is doing that and you are doing a very poor job of it, your posts are getting worse and worse you must try to do better, a few facts would help and possibly even truth if you know what that is.

You cant find one word in that post which tells you what this whole conflict is about. . Some know the score, you dont even know what the game is.

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They should change their name. For sure they are not a Democratic party. How about the Kiss Ass party.

pathetic Dems show they are out of touch, again, with mainstream Thais and will lose AGAIN in any election (if it is allowed)

Why would there need to be an election, soon Thailand will have a functioning assembly, with all the right people represented, a benevolent Junta in the background to stear them in the right direction, and the support of the Democratic Party! An election would be a distraction, and besides, it could only impede the steady process of reconciliation!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You are being sarcastic, right?

Sent from my D6503 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yes this is all about Thaksin but its got zilch to do with corruption. Yes he is corrupt but so are all of them. Yes they want to get the Shinawatras out of Thailand but its got nothing, absolutely nothing to do with corruption. What will it take for some posters to spend a few hours getting information from another source

Since it is not about Thaksin's corruption, tell us why they want to get the Shinawatras out of Thailand. Why should we spend a few hours when you could just publish the links here? There is no guarantee that a few hours on the INTERNET will lead us to the information you have. You do not even give us any clues as to where to begin the search. Why are you clueless, City?

Ask yourself what will probably happen in the near future and why the military wants to be firmly in control of government then. Begin your search with topics that can't be discussed here.

I know exactly what you are saying and there is a lot of truth there. If Dr. Thaksin had not been in such a rush to become Thailand's first president, he wouldn't have been deemed such a threat to the powers-that-be. All of his adult life, Dr. Thaksin has been a 'man on a mission' and the more power he accrued, the more confident/bold were his actions. At a certain point, when the courts let him off for hiding his assets in 2001, he thought he had been given the 'green light' and he pulled out all the stops. His recklessness and overreaching were his downfall and that would have been the case even if what you referred to was not a fact of life. His admirers and detractors both agree that he broke the mold for accepted behavior from a PM; that alone was not the reason he was removed. In the process to claim all power, he stepped on far too many important toes and self-created his powerful enemies who finally allied against him. Poor judgment, impetuosity/impatience, inconsiderate behavior, narcissism are Dr. Thaksin's weaknesses and they combined with his ascension to power to make enough people want to bring him down. He has many fine traits but those weren't what hurt him so I don't mention them here. His Karma has yet to play out; we will see what happens.

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The mainstream Thais are whatever the military is reporting are mainstream Thais. The history of coups in Thailand shows a l o n g history of "oh, crap, we want our power back" mentalities that are thoroughly supported by the military (note the recent non-action on the lottery corruption and practices. One company, of three, that benefits is military-owned to a large degree, and on and on....). Arrests are selective, enforcement is certain to leave those on top untouched, and it is a fight over--duh--succession. Education reform never discusses stopping the subsidies to private schools -- yes, subsidized private schools who rake in tuition and then state subsidies per student (that is why the education system is a wreck -- it is geared toward never losing a good customer, I mean student).

Well losing is one thing--but having to get kicked out is another. Who are the mainstream Thais now ??? or are you losing touch.

The reds and yellows are two different shades of corrupt. Neither is justified in what they do. Murdering to demand democracy and killing people with a car and Red Bulling free on bail seem like two versions of sanctioned killing to me. It's just that the courts only sanction one flavor of poisoned Kool Aid....

The "reforms" are a formalized way to guarantee the Democrats more voting parliament members. It's called 'gerrymandering', and is being reported as a "reform" on BP and the Nation. The yellows don't need amnesty -- they never see a day in court. The reds want amnesty -- they never see a fair day in court.

Same same. Amazing Thailand.

Everyone simultaneously wants to do away with corruption and benefit from it. Get over it. They have the right to screw their country up in their own unique way, just like the West, and South, and North.....but taking sides in this is like declaring one clown has better make-up than the other.


Robby NZ. Here's a "heads up" The one word you are looking for is in the quoted post" beatdeadhorse.gif

No mate you are the one who is doing that and you are doing a very poor job of it, your posts are getting worse and worse you must try to do better, a few facts would help and possibly even truth if you know what that is.

You cant find one word in that post which tells you what this whole conflict is about. . Some know the score, you dont even know what the game is.

Oh they know, because their wives told them all about it...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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pathetic Dems show they are out of touch, again, with mainstream Thais and will lose AGAIN in any election (if it is allowed)

Well losing is one thing--but having to get kicked out is another. Who are the mainstream Thais now ??? or are you losing touch.

The mainstream Thais are whatever the military is reporting are mainstream Thais. The history of coups in Thailand shows a l o n g history of "oh, crap, we want our power back" mentalities that are thoroughly supported by the military (note the recent non-action on the lottery corruption and practices. One company, of three, that benefits is military-owned to a large degree, and on and on....). Arrests are selective, enforcement is certain to leave those on top untouched, and it is a fight over--duh--succession. Education reform never discusses stopping the subsidies to private schools -- yes, subsidized private schools who rake in tuition and then state subsidies per student (that is why the education system is a wreck -- it is geared toward never losing a good customer, I mean student).

The reds and yellows are two different shades of corrupt. Neither is justified in what they do. Murdering to demand democracy and killing people with a car and Red Bulling free on bail seem like two versions of sanctioned killing to me. It's just that the courts only sanction one flavor of poisoned Kool Aid....

The "reforms" are a formalized way to guarantee the Democrats more voting parliament members. It's called 'gerrymandering', and is being reported as a "reform" on BP and the Nation. The yellows don't need amnesty -- they never see a day in court. The reds want amnesty -- they never see a fair day in court.

Same same. Amazing Thailand.

Everyone simultaneously wants to do away with corruption and benefit from it. Get over it. They have the right to screw their country up in their own unique way, just like the West, and South, and North.....but taking sides in this is like declaring one clown has better make-up than the other.


I did note on one single occasion you were impartial---reds and yellows are just as corrupt.

The rest is leaning towards bashing Dems and the army.

Your third paragraph is propaganda/BS. (reforms)

Going back to the "mainstream" bit. Wasn't it the same when PTP were in--then they thought they were the mainstream. The bit about the army-"want our power back" again isn't that what yingluck tried and failed, she tried to push through an election to nullify the charges pending and have another 4 years. The gods shone on Thailand and did not allow that to happen. Here we are an unelected army working wonders, and we had an elected PTP not working at all only for the almighty in Dubai.

The courts--well this is another story when you look at the Shins court appearances.

The dems and the establishment are as much of the Thai problem as the reds

They are all corrupt and self serving . the dems might be the marginal lesser of two evils but they are absolutely useless.

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Oh I think it was inevitable once the Democratic Party lost the general election, and PT got in. There is, shall we say, a pressing need to have an administration friendly to certain interest groups in power. Think of it as getting ducks in a row....

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Cheers for JAG. Hes knows whats about to occur in Thailand.

Intelligent people know what it's about. Moderately intelligent people who read uncensored news quickly figure it out. However some of the people posting in this forum...

Not sure what sort of reply that is. My post was not a dig at anybody it was supportive and sarcasm against the wallies who think this is about corruption. It is about corruption but about whos allowed to be corrupt and how are they going to make that possible. It is about removing Thaksin from politics but not because he is corrupt but because..........(.thats what the 'they burned Bangkok, red shirt terrorist etc etc' have to go find out for themselves) You will never the truth here

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Anybody care to bet the next election won't see a three-horse race? My guess is a new military-led party will either win outright or forege a ruling coalition with the Democrats, leaving to leave Peua Thai (minus any Shinawatra family members) in opposition.

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My guess is the next general election will be a three-horse race, which a new party based on the current junta will either win outright or at least get enough votes to form a ruling coalition with the Democrats, leaving Peau Thai as the main opposition.

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1) Do not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban. This rule also applies to links to external websites.

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They should change their name. For sure they are not a Democratic party. How about the Kiss Ass party.

Still sour grapes Bob ?? After all this get a good mixture of different views, all decent values of course, refreshing start after the aftermath of untrustworthy government.

A "good mixture of different views, all decent values of course", except that this mix can`t include anything critical of the junta, or people are going to go to prison.

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Anybody care to bet the next election won't see a three-horse race? My guess is a new military-led party will either win outright or forege a ruling coalition with the Democrats, leaving to leave Peua Thai (minus any Shinawatra family members) in opposition.

If the army or the Democrats could win a fair election, why would they have needed to have a coup?

Edited by ThailandNoob
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My guess is the next general election will be a three-horse race, which a new party based on the current junta will either win outright or at least get enough votes to form a ruling coalition with the Democrats, leaving Peau Thai as the main opposition.

While I hope more political parties form, several representing the majority in the north, if it is as you say then the western world would love it as it would be a democracy. I am just hoping for more political participation so that one person can't control the whole country while continuing to focus on only part of it.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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