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266 ex-MPs have yet to return iPADs

BANGKOK: -- House of Representatives Secretary General Chare Phanpruang said Thursday that 266 ex-MPs have yet to return iPad tablet computers to the House after the House was dissolved early December.

Chare said the House needs to take back the tablets from former MPs to lend them members of the National Legislative Assembly and National Reform Council.

The House has bought notebook computers and iPad tablets and lent them to MPs to use during parliamentary sessions but many of them did not return the computers to the House after they left office.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/266-ex-MPs-have-yet-to-return-iPADs-30238724.html

-- The Nation 2014-07-17

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Bill them for the tablets. Then I bet they would get returned pronto.

How can you take a tablet, as a gift, away from your kid? Would have to be cruel to do that.

They'll be returned pronto.


Bill them for the tablets. Then I bet they would get returned pronto.

How can you take a tablet, as a gift, away from your kid? Would have to be cruel to do that.

They'll be returned pronto.

What have "kids" got to do with it (other than the mental age of the MP's perhaps)?

The tablets were "loaned" to current MP's at the time, they were not "gifts", they should be returned or paid for by the MP's.

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Oh, what, me give back the tablet my son is using now, no way, it was a present from Yingluck, and Thaksin paid for it with his money, cin-cin kap! LOL

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Once they gave those to their kids, they could only be pried out of their cold dead hands to get them back. Like Americans and their guns!

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It's all a misunderstanding....when the military junta cancelled the school tablet program the MPs thought it also applied to their iPads and they could then keep them....just a simple misunderstanding. Plus, what incoming MP would accept a hand-me-down/used iPad...why it's just not allowed...the latest model must be bought instead...and bought yearly...it's one of the Apple Ten Commandments.


I imagine the ptp ministers would be ensuring they have removed all the evidence of their corruption and of course all the porn. Then again they might think because they are so special they can just keep them.....


''Where are you baby Toom ? '' '' Daddy needs his tablet back to hand in so you will have to go back to playing tiddly winks or pocket billiards''. ''Wahhhhhhh; you can't have it, i'm on level 72 of a quest i'vve forgotten the name of and you just want to make me unhappy ''. ''Don't worry son i'll buy you a new, bigger, better one as soon as i get my nose back in the trough. You will have to wait until then as i don't want to spend my own money on it ''. ''I hate you ''. ''Now now; you're supposed to save all your hate for the Dem's ''


Simply,yet another example of the nature and character of Thai administration. Doubt if any will be returned owing to the fear of any deleted material being available via forensic analysis.


I imagine the ptp ministers would be ensuring they have removed all the evidence of their corruption and of course all the porn. Then again they might think because they are so special they can just keep them.....

I bet they have pawned them...biggrin.png


I imagine the ptp ministers would be ensuring they have removed all the evidence of their corruption and of course all the porn. Then again they might think because they are so special they can just keep them.....

I bet they have pawned them...biggrin.png

Pawned or porned? cheesy.gif

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Oh, what, me give back the tablet my son is using now, no way, it was a present from Yingluck, and Thaksin paid for it with his money, cin-cin kap! LOL

Except it wasn't. Have a read of the post again. You seem to be in that group that thinks the government also bought the overprices clocks. The *independent* (and, happily for them, pro-yellow pro-military) secretariat of parliament operates very well without government direction, thank you very much.



Bill them for the tablets. Then I bet they would get returned pronto.

How can you take a tablet, as a gift, away from your kid? Would have to be cruel to do that.

They'll be returned pronto.

What have "kids" got to do with it (other than the mental age of the MP's perhaps)?

The tablets were "loaned" to current MP's at the time, they were not "gifts", they should be returned or paid for by the MP's.

Seems you missed the subtle point, "gifted" by the MP's to their children - irrelevant that are were on loan to the MP's.

  • Like 1

Bill them for the tablets. Then I bet they would get returned pronto.

How can you take a tablet, as a gift, away from your kid? Would have to be cruel to do that.

They'll be returned pronto.

What have "kids" got to do with it (other than the mental age of the MP's perhaps)?

The tablets were "loaned" to current MP's at the time, they were not "gifts", they should be returned or paid for by the MP's.

Seems you missed the subtle point, "gifted" by the MP's to their children - irrelevant that are were on loan to the MP's.

You lost me.

Are you saying the MP's gave the iPad's to their kids and therefore they shouldn't have to return them?

If so, I still don't get the point. You don't borrow something from someone and then give it away to someone else. And based on net worth, none of those MP's need to be given or loaned anything in the first place.


Those PM's that DID return their iPads just might be the ones that should stay in politics. If they are honest with such a small thing as an iPad then there's good chance they could be decent politicians. Heck, there have to be some honest people out there...I hope.


What have "kids" got to do with it (other than the mental age of the MP's perhaps)?

The tablets were "loaned" to current MP's at the time, they were not "gifts", they should be returned or paid for by the MP's.

Seems you missed the subtle point, "gifted" by the MP's to their children - irrelevant that are were on loan to the MP's.

You lost me.

Are you saying the MP's gave the iPad's to their kids and therefore they shouldn't have to return them?

If so, I still don't get the point. You don't borrow something from someone and then give it away to someone else. And based on net worth, none of those MP's need to be given or loaned anything in the first place.

Lets start again, the IPads were loaned to the MP's and are now due to be returned, it is possible some of them they GAVE them to their kids as a present The OP simply said "How can you take a tablet, (given)* as a gift (to your kid)*, away from your kid."

* My notation.


Probably all PTP ministers with their attitude being the familiar 'We can take what we want because the rules don't cover us'.

Yingluck can drop hers at the airport on her way into exile.

dumb post of the day

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