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Yingluck not travelling overseas to escape prosecution: lawyer

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NACC will indict her very soon, then her permission to travel will be rescinded. But then that will be the NACC's decision, not NCPO's.


Good riddance in a country where hardly anyone is taken to responsibility.
I just wonder if she made an appointment through the internet, went for the interview and answered those funny questions obviously asked to find out who qualifies to travel to country ABC (on which side of the bed do you sleep), brought in the proof of financial means, signed a declaration to leave within the validity of the visa - if granted - and produced a return ticket?


I want to know how TAT is going to swing this, Yingluck needs to jet out of Thailand for a well earned rest, when they try to sell Thailand to the rest of the world as the place to come and relax

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"She would leave Thailand on Tuesday and the trip would last 10 to 15 days."

Is it 10 or 15 Days? obviously no return ticket has been purchased to prove if it will be 10 or 15 days!coffee1.gif


Lawyers are such honest truthful types, how could anyone ever doubt what he says ? laugh.png

The only thing Hitler got right, was he lined up all of the Lawyers and shot them.


"He said the junta had allowed Yingluck, accompanied by her son Supasek Amornchat, to leave the country."

Oh, and poor daddy has to stay behind? No happy family vacation taking in the sounds and sights of Paris, London and Las Vegas then?

As my former bar girl acquaintance used to say: "Tomollow flee!"

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Well of course her lawyer would say that. Sheesh.

Once her plane touches down far from Thai soil, I will bet that will be the last anyone will see or hear from Yingy for a while. Likely to pop up in Dubai with her brother, no doubt.

To be honest, I am quite surprised the junta gave her permission to leave, given what a flight risk she is. But then I started to wonder, has a deal been struck? Has the junta struck a deal with Thaksin? Let little sis leave, never to be seen again, Thaksin will also shut up and leave Thai politics. In return the PTP belong to the junta to do with as they please.

This is Thaland, so nothing would surprise me. However, if a deal has been struck to allow Yingy to escape justice, then my opinion of the junta just went way way down.


Well of course her lawyer would say that. Sheesh.

Once her plane touches down far from Thai soil, I will bet that will be the last anyone will see or hear from Yingy for a while. Likely to pop up in Dubai with her brother, no doubt.

To be honest, I am quite surprised the junta gave her permission to leave, given what a flight risk she is. But then I started to wonder, has a deal been struck? Has the junta struck a deal with Thaksin? Let little sis leave, never to be seen again, Thaksin will also shut up and leave Thai politics. In return the PTP belong to the junta to do with as they please.

This is Thaland, so nothing would surprise me. However, if a deal has been struck to allow Yingy to escape justice, then my opinion of the junta just went way way down.

Isn't that what they used to call "realpolitik"? Back in the day?


If I were facing charges in a country where I knew I would not possibly receive a fair trial, I would flee too.

Fleeing is the smart thing for her to do.

Quite amazing that the red apologists are still here. They have learned NOTHING.


If I were facing charges in a country where I knew I would not possibly receive a fair trial, I would flee too.

Fleeing is the smart thing for her to do.

Quite amazing that the red apologists are still here. They have learned NOTHING.

Yeap. Obsession is a terrible thing, isn't it?


she has a 10000 sqaremeter estate 2 km from my house every day I pass it t the Ping River,

you can offer holiday for 50 people inside, how can somebody travel if have 32 court cases.

if a foreigner in Thailand get accused for something he has to deposite his passport and not leave the country

until court case solved, even if it takes years.

Thailand never will come a democratie again until the peopel go on street with weapons and fight against the military and the

old garde.

same like in the Ucraine, you have to figth and to risk or you are slave your whole life


As an ordinary Thai citizen, especially a female, there is quite a procedure to go through to get visas for the three countries she says she plans to visit.

It would have required 3 separate applications to get them and even using an agent that takes time. I doubt "Do you know who I was and who my brother is" would have made much difference.

That being the case it is very likely that she still has a diplomatic passport which would allow her visa free entry, a passport she has no longer any right to hold as she has no official standing in the country.

whatever we think of her and her politics, it is unthinkable that a former head of state, not being convicted, in particular when keeping quite and not causing a stir, would be denied visa/entry by almost any country. And I doubt she has to stand in the cue to get a visa either... Diplomatic practices don't work that way ;)


@SiggiCM: both foreigners and Thais can be granted permission to leave Thailand even after being charged and being on bail. When charged, it is a matter of the court to decide whether you are allowed to leave or not.

I guess we all don't know whether she will come back. But I would think she has many years left to fight her case in court before any judge rules and there is no immediate necessity to flee Thailand. And secondly I'm sure Gen Prayuth has given this plenty of consideration as well and wouldn't give her permission if he thinks she would not return to Thailand.


... if she fails to return, public prosecutors cannot take her to the Supreme Court, because the court has to consider the case in the presence of the defendant.

clear where that is heading too?


As an ordinary Thai citizen, especially a female, there is quite a procedure to go through to get visas for the three countries she says she plans to visit.

It would have required 3 separate applications to get them and even using an agent that takes time. I doubt "Do you know who I was and who my brother is" would have made much difference.

That being the case it is very likely that she still has a diplomatic passport which would allow her visa free entry, a passport she has no longer any right to hold as she has no official standing in the country.

You really think that an ex-prime Minister has to jump through all the hoops any other Thai citizen would have to?

Remember, she has travelled abroad on many occasions before she was involved in politics so she has been issued with visas previously which makes subsequent applications much less difficult.


...the closeup says it all....yuck....yuck...tuck....and .....I see her eyes...but......where are her pupils.....hmm.........


ah thailand so beautifull & the beaches

thailand, the destination for tourists to come

except for the ex PM, she needs to holliday & relax in another country

says enough about the quality overhere


Well, if her lawyer says...... whatever, that settles it then.

Ironclad Rule of thumb for any attorneys for the Shinawatre clan:

Take whatever they declare, turn it 180 degrees = truth.


Interesting that she couldn't have found a place to relax, refresh & recharge anywhere in Thailand, but has to go to the US, UK & France to do so... 'Must be nice to be a member of the "elite". Oh, wait a minute, weren't they the other guys? Lol. But whatever, she probably shouldn't have been allowed to associate with a known fugitive criminal. NOT doing so should've been a condition of her being allowed to leave the country.

In fairness, where would she find somewhere relax in Thailand? People blowing whistles in her face and threatening her son. She could not go anywhere in Thailand. Seems to me the junta are happy about her going - most likely with the "don't bother coming back" addendum in there which would make the junta's life a whole lot easier - and a lot of other people's too. It will also give fantastic fuel for the posters here on TV!


Interesting that she couldn't have found a place to relax, refresh & recharge anywhere in Thailand, but has to go to the US, UK & France to do so... 'Must be nice to be a member of the "elite". Oh, wait a minute, weren't they the other guys? Lol. But whatever, she probably shouldn't have been allowed to associate with a known fugitive criminal. NOT doing so should've been a condition of her being allowed to leave the country.

In fairness, where would she find somewhere relax in Thailand? People blowing whistles in her face and threatening her son. She could not go anywhere in Thailand. Seems to me the junta are happy about her going - most likely with the "don't bother coming back" addendum in there which would make the junta's life a whole lot easier - and a lot of other people's too. It will also give fantastic fuel for the posters here on TV!

Do you always side with criminals or only with the good looking ones? She could not go anywhere in Thailand? What nonsense is that. She is more than welcomed up North. But there are not enough good shopping centers where she could waste money on bags, clothes and other fashionable items. That was always more important than running the country in a proper manner.

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Interesting that she couldn't have found a place to relax, refresh & recharge anywhere in Thailand, but has to go to the US, UK & France to do so... 'Must be nice to be a member of the "elite". Oh, wait a minute, weren't they the other guys? Lol. But whatever, she probably shouldn't have been allowed to associate with a known fugitive criminal. NOT doing so should've been a condition of her being allowed to leave the country.

In fairness, where would she find somewhere relax in Thailand? People blowing whistles in her face and threatening her son. She could not go anywhere in Thailand. Seems to me the junta are happy about her going - most likely with the "don't bother coming back" addendum in there which would make the junta's life a whole lot easier - and a lot of other people's too. It will also give fantastic fuel for the posters here on TV!

Do you always side with criminals or only with the good looking ones? She could not go anywhere in Thailand? What nonsense is that. She is more than welcomed up North. But there are not enough good shopping centers where she could waste money on bags, clothes and other fashionable items. That was always more important than running the country in a proper manner.

I'm not siding with anybody because I truly don't care where she goes! I would normally root (for) the good looking ones but her moustache is a bit off putting these days! You think the north would be good for her? Maybe... but


The NACC should have held a preliminary hearing and set bail of around 500 Million Baht, plus revoked her passport to prevent travel

Post the bail money or go to the monkey house while awaiting trial

I really dont think the NACC would be criticised too much by Yingluck for trying to " rush " things too much if that happened.

This would have set some kind of presedence against corruption in Thailand for the world to see, and for Thai people to see, but a great opportunity has been lost.

A real easy out for this lady, I wonder who the patsy for all this will be in the courts now ?

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