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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Every time we have another survey of Thai preferences when it comes to falangs, America is always #1. Thais like us, the rest of the world isn't as pleased. Hey, kiss my...

But I rarely hear it. There aren't enough American's here. There are 3 here in my Phuket beach town.

They only like us when something needs to be done, you know like win wars, break necks, cash checks. I occasionally hear the put down nonsense and consider the source.

I come from the greatest country in the world and continue to pay my American taxes even though I haven't been there in a few years. I know if the dung hits the fan, that American passport is the one to have.

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The problem with Americans is that when you start taking the piss out of them they think you're being serious laugh.png

The problem with most Yanks is, they dont have a sense of humour, have you ever watched Yank comedy shows, utter crap.

Gawd I love NY, every one there is a NYorker not a Yank.

Agreed, out of likes

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In 1991 just after the ceasefire in Iraq a British convoy was attacked by a trigger happy US Tankbuster pilot. My nephew,19 at the time was in the convoy and saw his best friend blown to bits along with 8 other Scottish soldiers. My nephew never got over the incident and hung himself a few years later. The UK courts ruled unlawful killing but the US government refused to name the pilot and 23 years later the families are still looking for justice.

That's the American way of doing things.

Sorry to hear about this.

Thanks for the other responses, one point that comes up is common Americans can do basically nothing about "the machine" - we/they can vote but in practice people (up to and including the President eg: JFK in my opinion) will be killed and the murder covered up if they do anything concrete, it is out of control but the Greeks said that hubris attracts its own nemesis which I think is what is happening to US.

SO I guess no one here is old enough to remember but I'm curious if anything like this existed between WWI and WWII, was US looked on favorably, were Americans seen as pig-headed and ignorant, etc?

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In 1991 just after the ceasefire in Iraq a British convoy was attacked by a trigger happy US Tankbuster pilot. My nephew,19 at the time was in the convoy and saw his best friend blown to bits along with 8 other Scottish soldiers. My nephew never got over the incident and hung himself a few years later. The UK courts ruled unlawful killing but the US government refused to name the pilot and 23 years later the families are still looking for justice.

That's the American way of doing things.

Sorry to hear about this.

Thanks for the other responses, one point that comes up is common Americans can do basically nothing about "the machine" - we/they can vote but in practice people (up to and including the President eg: JFK in my opinion) will be killed and the murder covered up if they do anything concrete, it is out of control but the Greeks said that hubris attracts its own nemesis which I think is what is happening to US.

SO I guess no one here is old enough to remember but I'm curious if anything like this existed between WWI and WWII, was US looked on favorably, were Americans seen as pig-headed and ignorant, etc?

Dunno about that time span. Have to Google this up myself too.

But probably each nation has been or is still pig headed, stubbern, ignorent or arrogant.

Holland traded slaves, America exploited them. Many nations waged wars for their own benefit or just to wipe out people that didn't think alike.

I come from Holland, a country that Americans only know from the so called coffee shops (drugs) and Amsterdam, but they cannot pinpoint Holland on a world map.

No problem, Holland is just about 200 x 220 miles something and even in this small country neighbouring provinces have sort of a hate relation against each other.

Isn't this an American saying in a quarrel? "Who loves you?"

Kinda like that.

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Being a Brit offshore worker I work with a lot of Americans especially those from the south. I like working with you guys, I like talking with you guys.

It's your government that pisses a lot of people off which reflects on the every day American.....which is wrong.

O&G workers from the gulf coast of the US are "salt of the earth" kinda people... Unfortunately, not everyone in the US has the same character...

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they are a stupid moronic people who cant even understand why the world hates them.

I bet your house is filled with American product!

Made in China!

I.P. stolen from the U.S.A.!

Not stolen, you were sold out by your captains of industry, like us in the UK.

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Speaking of China, don't you bet the same crowd who see no problem at all with having an anti-American attitude (despite the fact that an individual American has 0 power to do anything about the perceived wrongs) would jump all over somebody doing the same thing to a Chinese. I wouldn't blame a decent individual Chinese for their country's faults so don't see why some (typically) western (typically) lefties seem to find it expected.

PS Please don't feed the trolls. Or has TV finally attracted the attention of the wumao mercenary squad?

Edited by squarethecircle
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Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

Well if that's the case then maybe the anti-American sentiment will be changing, as President McBummer announced in his West Point graduation speech a new non-interventionist policy - basically telling all the scumbags of the world they can go right ahead with their dirty work as the US military won't do anything - but I don't see any new update. Actually if this were actually the source of the anti-American sentiment we should see exactly the same sentiment against, say, Chinese, Russians, or the broader radical Sunni nation, all of whom fit your bill just as well as the (minus the "preach democracy" and replace "Iraq and Libya" with different names), with difference being you're politically freer in US.

SO I don't think the perceived foreign policy is 100% the reason, for the simple fact that we don't see the same anti-Russian or anti-Chinese (or can I say anti-Muslim) sentiment. So maybe it's the fact that the Americans do it with a sort of "we're cowboys here to save the day" attitude which really pisses leftists (as well as people who get caught up in it such as the poster with loved ones involved in the friendly fire) off.

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"Stop taking yourselves so seriously."

Hey I'd prefer to ignore nationalities and focus on inner characteristics, but people quite outright put it in one's face as I noted was the reason for the original post (confronting a ME man who was harassing some non-covered up locals resulted in being told to go back to America and take care of my own country's problems). Don't quite understand the extremes in emotions it seems to evoke so thought I'd ask the question, g'night.

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Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

Well if that's the case then maybe the anti-American sentiment will be changing, as President McBummer announced in his West Point graduation speech a new non-interventionist policy - basically telling all the scumbags of the world they can go right ahead with their dirty work as the US military won't do anything - but I don't see any new update. Actually if this were actually the source of the anti-American sentiment we should see exactly the same sentiment against, say, Chinese, Russians, or the broader radical Sunni nation, all of whom fit your bill just as well as the (minus the "preach democracy" and replace "Iraq and Libya" with different names), with difference being you're politically freer in US.

SO I don't think the perceived foreign policy is 100% the reason, for the simple fact that we don't see the same anti-Russian or anti-Chinese (or can I say anti-Muslim) sentiment. So maybe it's the fact that the Americans do it with a sort of "we're cowboys here to save the day" attitude which really pisses leftists (as well as people who get caught up in it such as the poster with loved ones involved in the friendly fire) off.

Why would we see the same anti Russian or anti Chinese sentiment? They're not constantly sticking their noses, often violently, into every bodies business as though they own the world.

And we do see plenty of anti Muslim sentiment.

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Politically free? Don't make me laugh, your next president will be an American supremist with a god given right to violate any nation who doesn't kiss his butt, they're all the same. You had your chance to vote in a half decent chap with Ron Paul, but it turned out there were not enough decent people in America.

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The problem with Americans is that when you start taking the piss out of them they think you're being serious laugh.png

The problem with most Yanks is, they dont have a sense of humour, have you ever watched Yank comedy shows, utter crap.

Gawd I love NY, every one there is a NYorker not a Yank.

Now that's BS.

You clearly haven't seen the "right" American comedy shows.

Please list the ones you have seen and think are crap.

Also list some British shows that are to your taste.

Believe me, with that I can surely hook you up to some ones that will appeal to your precious Anglo fun button.

Now I must admit that overall British t.v, comedy is better quality than American, but all utter crap, dude, that is utter crap.

Now if you were taking the piss with your ridiculous comment about all American comedy, then By George, you got me.

You see, so sorry, Americans don't piss on each other except at some specialist private clubs.

Agreed, there are many brilliant American comedies and comedians. One of the best being the late great Bill Hicks who most yanks weirdly have never heard of.

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Stop taking yourselves so seriously."

Hey I'd prefer to ignore nationalities and focus on inner characteristics, but people quite outright put it in one's face as I noted was the reason for the original post (confronting a ME man who was harassing some non-covered up locals resulted in being told to go back to America and take care of my own country's problems). Don't quite understand the extremes in emotions it seems to evoke so thought I'd ask the question, g'night.

So because you got some answers you didn't like you're going to bed?

As I said stop taking yourself so seriously. Like it or not the USA is the big boy in the playground. Big boys get a lot of crap thrown at them. Deal with it rather than whining about it.

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Was many times, years ago in Dalton/Georgia and stayed in Chattanooga/Tennessee, When I mentionned I was Belgian, the most common reaction was : "You're what ?"

In general nice people.

Strangely the Americans I met in different countries in the world were/are mostly unpleasant ( noisy, rude, bragging)

Edited by luckyluke
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"Why would we see the same anti Russian or anti Chinese sentiment? They're not constantly sticking their noses, often violently, into every bodies business as though they own the world.

And we do see plenty of anti Muslim sentiment."

Sure they do, they're the big bullies of Eastern Europe and Asia, respectively.

"So because you got some answers you didn't like you're going to bed?"

Nah ran out of beers so took a nap. Just heard the monks start singing which means the beer shop is open again. facepalm.gif
But still curious about if it existed before WWII. Guess we'll never know.

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