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Thousands march for Gaza in London, clashes in Paris over Israeli onslaught

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Thousands march for Gaza in London, clashes in Paris over Israeli onslaught



Demonstrators march in London yesterday to protest Israel's military actions against the Gaza Strip. Photo: AFP


Parts of central London were brought to a standstill on yesterday (July 19), as thousands of pro-Palestinians marched in protest against Israel's offensive in Gaza, while in Paris a banned demonstration descended into violence.

Organisers of the London rally claimed that "tens of thousands" of people joined the march from Prime Minister David Cameron's office to the Israeli embassy, many of them chanting "Israel is a terror state".

Police refused to give an estimate for the number present but several roads through the centre of the capital were closed during the 4.8-kilometre march, which passed off peacefully.

In Paris, by contrast, clashes broke out after hundreds gathered in defiance of a ban on their demonstration, with crowds throwing stones and bottles at riot police, who responded with tear gas.

Some 33 people were arrested by early evening, a police source said, while three police officers were injured in the disorder near Montmartre in the north of the French capital.

Protests were permitted in other French cities, where thousands turned out including in Lyon, Marseille and Strasbourg, while several thousand also rallied in solidarity with the Palestinians in Brussels.

Twelve days of violence between Israeli forces and Hamas has seen more than 340 Palestinians killed in Gaza, the majority of them civilians, as well as five Israelis.

In London, demonstrators held up placards pleading for Israel to end its attacks on Gaza, and reading "Stop the bombing, free Palestine" and "End Israeli apartheid".

Opposition Labour lawmaker Diane Abbott said it was the "biggest London Palestinian rally in years".

The left-wing Stop the War Coalition, one of the organisers of the march, condemned British and US support for Israel as "nothing less than collusion with war crimes killing women, children and disabled people".

Sarah Colborne, director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said the five-hour demonstration was a "chance to say enough is enough: Israel's siege of Gaza and its occupation of Palestinian land has to end now".

In Paris, police had banned Saturday's demonstration following violence after similar marches – a move that was widely criticised by those taking part in London.

Hundreds of people, including many women and children, took to the streets regardless, and there were cheers as two Israeli flags were burned in front of the crowd.

"We are all Palestinians," chanted the protesters. Some threw stones at the cordons of riot police before running off, starting a game of cat and mouse with police.

In the resulting running clashes, two small vans were set on fire, as well as numerous bins, while the streets were littered with broken glass and debris.

A protest against Israel's offensive in Gaza last Sunday in Paris also descended into unrest and a small group of people tried to break into two synagogues.

Speaking on Friday about the ban on this weekend's march, President Francois Hollande said: "We cannot allow the conflict to be imported into France.

"We cannot have demonstrators facing each other down, with a risk to public order."

The US embassy had issued a statement "strongly encouraging" its citizens to steer clear of the Paris protests, warning of the risk of clashes.

Authorities said organisers who defied the ban will face a six-month prison term and 7,500-euro fine.


Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/thousands-march-for-gaza-in-london-clashes-in-paris-over-israeli-onslaught-47427.php



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In 1971 I travelled as a student through Israel and the West bank: an open border was between the Kingdom of Siam and the Kingdom of Lanna: students from all the world, inclusive Palestines: all young persons of the World.
The years later terrorist attacks, rockets, grenades from the Palestines towards the Israëli's In their manifest ( constitution): Israel must be wiped away, the jews driven into the see.
I wonder what would have been the attitude of the USA if Mexico, would behave like that, or on daily bases rockets were lunched from Laos to Nong Kai.
Even the Israelis do their utmost to protect also Palestinian civilians see the statement of a British general at the UN see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlmFc1R8evY&feature=youtube_gdata_player -, sorry, but 100% protection is impossible, especially when rockets are stored in schools, hospitals etc, see UNWRA school even. And you think, this is the only case ? ?
All recourses in Gaza are used for the military and NOT for schools, water supply, electricity etc as.. why should they, US and EU taxpayers money supports that already since 1948
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As per usual, there are lots of neo-Nazis and other anti-Semitic, hate groups out there fueling these things.

Neo-Nazis take centre stage at London anti-Israel protests

Prominent Holocaust deniers took centre stage during recent anti-Israel demonstrations in London, where participants included such prominent neo-Nazis as James Thring and Lady Michèle Renouf, as well as members of the far-Right Neturei Karta sect. The protest was organised by a variety of far-Left and extreme Islamist organisations, including War on Want, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Islamic Forum of Europe, British Muslim Initiative, Palestinian Forum in Britain and Friends of Al Aqsa



According to the Rundschau, student organization Left-SDS, Islamists and some members of the Neo-Nazi group National Socialists Rhein-Main attended the anti-Israel protest. Flags from Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Hamas were on display at the protest.


Never realized how popular Neo-Nazism is in London and Paris.

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Which ever side your on does not matter, at the moment there is a wholesale slaughter of innocents in Gazza, who have nothing to do with the rockets being fired, or can do anything to stop them

Well said

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As per usual, there are lots of neo-Nazis and other anti-Semitic, hate groups out there fueling these things.

Neo-Nazis take centre stage at London anti-Israel protests

Prominent Holocaust deniers took centre stage during recent anti-Israel demonstrations in London, where participants included such prominent neo-Nazis as James Thring and Lady Michèle Renouf, as well as members of the far-Right Neturei Karta sect. The protest was organised by a variety of far-Left and extreme Islamist organisations, including War on Want, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Islamic Forum of Europe, British Muslim Initiative, Palestinian Forum in Britain and Friends of Al Aqsa



According to the Rundschau, student organization Left-SDS, Islamists and some members of the Neo-Nazi group National Socialists Rhein-Main attended the anti-Israel protest. Flags from Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Hamas were on display at the protest.


As per usual, the tired old defense that anyone protesting against Israel is either a neo-Nazi or Anti-Semitic.





I like George Carlin's take on the situation...








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Which ever side your on does not matter, at the moment there is a wholesale slaughter of innocents in Gazza, who have nothing to do with the rockets being fired, or can do anything to stop them



Never the less, something needs to be done about those rockets and the other attempted attacks by Hamas, who were elected .and supported by the people living there. At the very least, they might be more careful who they vote for next time as Hamas has never made a secret of how they operate - with extreme violence and very little regard for the lives of their own people.



"Following 10 days of Hamas attacks by land, air and sea, and after repeated rejections of offers to de-escalate the situation, the Israel Defence Forces have initiated a ground operation within the Gaza Strip," 



Not sure why your out defending Zionist with a George Orwells quote in your name tag.

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Which ever side your on does not matter, at the moment there is a wholesale slaughter of innocents in Gazza, who have nothing to do with the rockets being fired, or can do anything to stop them

Look at the pictures of dead innocent women and children on tv and in the newspapers and tell me that is fair in a modern world.


The Turkish Prime Minister made some interesting comments yesterday.


He made some disgusting antisemitic comments actually.



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Which ever side your on does not matter, at the moment there is a wholesale slaughter of innocents in Gazza, who have nothing to do with the rockets being fired, or can do anything to stop them

Look at the pictures of dead innocent women and children on tv and in the newspapers and tell me that is fair in a modern world.


The Turkish Prime Minister made some interesting comments yesterday.


He made some disgusting antisemitic comments actually.






 What is the antithesis of anti-Semitic? Anyway, whatever it is, there have been some pretty shocking comments made by Israelis. Doesn't it work both ways ?



" Bombing of Gaza children gives me “orgasm”: Israelis celebrate slaughter on Facebook "




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