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Free Sim Card From Ubc


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The other day packaged within my monthly UBC magazine there was a True SIM card. Along with it were instructions in English (fine grammar) and Thai, but neither me nor a Thai can figure out what the deal is. I would like to give it a try, but I hesitate to use it because it is attached to my name and address and I wouldn't be too happy to find mysterious mobile phone charges on my cable bill. The card says its prepaid, but I'm thinking there must be some catch. Also, if I wanted to top up my card, what company would I ask for...I never heard of True as a mobile service supplier.

I suppose this could be a simple promotion for True, but why use a SIM card??

I think I saw on TV something about them sending these to all their subscribers, but my Thai wasn't quick enough to really understand. I haven't verified anyone else receiving this yet. Has anyone here gotten a free SIM in their monthly UBC guide? Can anyone else shed some light?

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As George said, True used to be Orange. I did receive one and asked around here and they were not 100% sure but this I guess is the story. It is a promo and you have to contact them through the 4 digit number that is on the package to activate it and get an assigned phone number. I believe you then have to top it up to be able to start using it, that is there is no free time with it. You are just getting a SIM card for free.

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For unknown reasons we have not received our UBC mag this month but from other posts believe it may contain 60 baht of time and you top up as normal. Believe it was mentioned that they were almost free from 7/11 now if anyone wants to change there service. It seems to be a major move to obtain new customers and they have several competitive promotion rates also available for top up currently.

It is now called True Move.

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For unknown reasons we have not received our UBC mag this month but from other posts believe it may contain 60 baht of time and you top up as normal.

Quite a few other people I've talked to have not yet received their UBC mag either. Normally they would be surprised, as it is certainly late now. In this case, though, knowing what is inside the magazine they are not surprised it never made it.....

Don't be surprised if yours never makes it. :o

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UBC True hardball - June 3, 2006

Latest salvo in the competitive mobile phone industry. The highly popular Academy Fantasia, a show where viewers vote off members each week with SMS messages, can now only be accessed with a UBC True mobile phone account--unlike before when anyone could participate. To make sure no one misses out, this month's UBC True program guide comes with a SIM card.

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The deal is this, you top up your card to a certain level each month - I've charged 300-400 baht in the last month - and True gives you 1000 baht a month talk time, you pay the first 3 mins but after that True pays until you reach your 1000 baht limit, when you charge your account by purchasing a top up card you are given the amount of free talk-time(in baht) that you have earned so far, I'm not sure how much advantage there is in this as I am only a light user but the downside to it is that you get several bloody true promotions every day :-( It all started a few days ago for me but up until that time I didn't get any messages from True at all...

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I have activated mine and have added no top up and all is fine.

No promos from true as of yet but we still have time for them.

I only need to use my phone for incomming really so I shall wait and see how long it is before I'm asked to top up.

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I hate when UBC does this. The last time--when they sent the 3-D movie glasses, my UBC guide never made. So far, it hasn't made it this month either. I used to think it was the neighbors, now I think it's the postal service.

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what absolutely stuns me is that a law was passed months ago in the interests of national security forcing all prepaid mobile phone holders to register and provide ID or lose their service.

now, along comes a promothoin that floods the entire UBC subscribership with free numbers that do not even require any money for activation.

on top of this, large numbers of the promotional phaone cards go missing.

Hmmm, simply put, how was this allowed to happen?

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Ok I have just found out what the deal is. Clever True!

My wife is a Fantasyasia adict and spends all hours of the day watching it. Last year she spent a fortune sending SMS messages to the program. A few minutes ago she just asked me what I did with the free sim because now she cannot send messages and vote for the contestants from her AIS sim card. Yes, the only people who can send are True users and all those that received the "free" SIM card.

Seems like True is trying to get ALL the revenue from SMS sent to Fantasyasia.

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