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Thailand Immigration confirms new overstay rules are now official

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If that service is done with someone being under 50 years or not having real proof of your own 800k in the bank, or verified income.. Then it is not 'a reputable company' !!

Simply having someone do your 90 days is easy and legit.. But not falsifying your docs.

Yes, you are correct.

I am well over 50 and meet all the requirements, that is what I meant about being legally and above board.

OK so how do you prose that someone under 50 can "do it for a lot less than 4,000 baht/month" ??

The only way that works is corrupt ways.

I have not proposed that. Has anyone else proposed that?

If I had to resort to illegal methods, I simply would not come here.

If I must go to jail, I'd much prefer to do it in my own country.

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No worries mate I knew you weren't smile.png Anyway just called Don Muaeng and it is indeed not in effect till at least September. I'm going up to Laos tonight to get sorted. Thanks for the info

You're very welcome smile.png

It irritates me no end to see the general bashing that sometimes goes on in these forums and has done since they were started years ago. It's why I never post here and just read, but figured today it was important to pass on real information and not the guesswork and misinformation many others have been posting.

Honestly, I've never understood the farang vs farang mentality you often see in Thailand, with some people trying to prove they're 'better' than everyone else by slamming their compatriots at every turn. You'd think it would make more since to stick together as, after all, when push comes to shove, we're all treated the same in the eyes of the Thai authorities.

Plus, my parents always taught me to live with the mantra 'There but for the grace of God go I', as you never know when it's going to be your turn for the short end of the stick. For some, it comes a helluva lot faster than they expect.

Good luck in Laos. Doubt you'll have any problems. Just remember what always benefits you in Thailand - Be polite and respectful, and dress nicely, and it's amazing how much help you can get. It's held me in good stead for 15 years with not one problem from one Thai - ever - and a heck of a lot of help. And that does include an overstay I had myself a couple of years ago smile.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

In the case that alien is being apprehended

Overstay less than 1 year forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 1 years forbidden 10 years

So,,, a 1 day overstay, aren't you technically, "apprehended" by immigrations at the airport?,, You're banned for 5 years?

Evidently, you havent read most of the preceeding 26 posts...

Actually I HAVE read the ENTIRE thread,,, What is, "APPREHENDED"???,.. does it CLEARLY state, apprehended by police? apprehended by immigrations?, on the road?, in the airport?,,, NO.. it CLEARY, ONLY says, "APPREHENDED" PERIOD!,,, it ALSO clearly says,, "OVERSTAY UNDER 1 YEAR",,, Are you AWARE, 1 DAY, is UNDER 1 YEAR!!!!,,,,,,,

if you realy think that is the correct interpretation, then 0 days is also under 1 year, isn't it?

i am on 0 days overstay, oh no that is less then 1 year, i will be deported and banned for 5 years.

as stated many times before, the announcement states in bold big letters on top that the warning applies to aliens who overstayed more then 90 days.

There is no such thing as an overstay of 0 days. It becomes an overstay if you exceed your leave to remain stamp with one day, not when you leave on the exact date of your leave to remain stamp, hence you are not in violation of the law at all.

The message is confusing. Yes the bolded part quite clearly states over 90 days, yet they explicitely mention the overstay period of 90 days again, yet fail to mention it on the apprehended section. For clarity it should have read: overstay of more then 90 days and less then one year.

Can someone confirm the apprehended cases are only taken into account when the overstay is over 90 days ?

Edited by sjaak327
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Friend of mine - overstay 6 months. Exited Thailand yesterday (Tues, July 22) via Sawanabhumi and paid 20k fine.

He wrote me just now from Phenom Phen, Cambodia - saying that exiting Suwanabhumi was no problem. He said they were friendly, no blacklisting, and 'said' he could return with his new visa no problem. Now he is waiting a few days for new TR, in Cambodia. Slightly nervous about re-entry, but no blacklisting yesterday.

He did one very smart thing: He had secured a new (British) passport already. So, he exited with the original (overstay) passport, and will re-enter with the new passport, with the TR in the new one.


Interesting note: last week, he tried to leave by land into Cambodia, and pay overstay at that time, and they refused him exit. Would not accept his fine payment, and sent him back (on his own) to exit by air instead (sorry, can't remember which border point exactly). He was surprised, because the officers knew he was on overstay, and still let him travel through Thailand to come back to BKK without issue.

Edited by John1thru10
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

In the case that alien is being apprehended

Overstay less than 1 year forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 1 years forbidden 10 years

So,,, a 1 day overstay, aren't you technically, "apprehended" by immigrations at the airport?,, You're banned for 5 years?

Evidently, you havent read most of the preceeding 26 posts...

Actually I HAVE read the ENTIRE thread,,, What is, "APPREHENDED"???,.. does it CLEARLY state, apprehended by police? apprehended by immigrations?, on the road?, in the airport?,,, NO.. it CLEARY, ONLY says, "APPREHENDED" PERIOD!,,, it ALSO clearly says,, "OVERSTAY UNDER 1 YEAR",,, Are you AWARE, 1 DAY, is UNDER 1 YEAR!!!!,,,,,,,

if you realy think that is the correct interpretation, then 0 days is also under 1 year, isn't it?

i am on 0 days overstay, oh no that is less then 1 year, i will be deported and banned for 5 years.

as stated many times before, the announcement states in bold big letters on top that the warning applies to aliens who overstayed more then 90 days.

Manzan, with all due respect, reading often requires a certain amount of common sense.

In the present instance, the topic is overstay. Obviously, zero days is not overstay, so your suggestion

that "0 days is also under 1 year" is quite ludicrous. I think you surely know that already.

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Yeap - 'thought it was imminent. Those who were putting off their settling of accounts won't be happy campers... Still, MUCH better to get to the airport and turn yourself in than to get caught. Some are suggesting the apprehensions might be a lot of paperwork and therefore not an officer's first choice, but there might be certain "incentives" for getting "collars", too, particularly here at the outset. If you're currently in an overstay status, and rationalizing, you might be playing a dangerous game.

Don't agree with that. Anyone who is currently on an overstay and was going to travel out within the next couple of weeks probably wont now. There isnt really much incentive compared with the risk they have already been taking.

No, this announcement with no amnesty will only deter future overstayers, not make current people surrender. Shame because the Thai state could of made alot of money in those 2/3 weeks if they gave an amnesty, plus would of cleaned out illegals ! Now many will just stay.

The amnesty started three weeks ago when the proposal was announced.

People waiting till the official announcement then crying foul about no amnesty need their heads looked at.

Something isnt 'announced' by rumor of western centric discussion boards..

Unless its a pretty badly organized system.

Oh, don't tell me you are shocked blink.png

It might have escaped your attention that it was announced elsewhere and then picked up by Thaivisa.

So you're assumption is wrong.

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Can someone confirm the apprehended cases are only taken into account when the overstay is over 90 days ?


If you overstay 90 days or more (less than a year), and turn yourself in as you exit (via airport) - then you are blacklisted for 1 year (+ fine).

If you overstay 1 day, and are aprehended - then you are blacklisted for 1 year (+ fine / + IDC nightmare).

It is very simple and clear.

Edited by John1thru10
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No worries mate I knew you weren't smile.png Anyway just called Don Muaeng and it is indeed not in effect till at least September. I'm going up to Laos tonight to get sorted. Thanks for the info

You're very welcome smile.png

It irritates me no end to see the general bashing that sometimes goes on in these forums and has done since they were started years ago. It's why I never post here and just read, but figured today it was important to pass on real information and not the guesswork and misinformation many others have been posting.

Honestly, I've never understood the farang vs farang mentality you often see in Thailand, with some people trying to prove they're 'better' than everyone else by slamming their compatriots at every turn. You'd think it would make more since to stick together as, after all, when push comes to shove, we're all treated the same in the eyes of the Thai authorities.

Plus, my parents always taught me to live with the mantra 'There but for the grace of God go I', as you never know when it's going to be your turn for the short end of the stick. For some, it comes a helluva lot faster than they expect.

Good luck in Laos. Doubt you'll have any problems. Just remember what always benefits you in Thailand - Be polite and respectful, and dress nicely, and it's amazing how much help you can get. It's held me in good stead for 15 years with not one problem from one Thai - ever - and a heck of a lot of help. And that does include an overstay I had myself a couple of years ago smile.png

Yep, me too. I rarely come on here for that reason. Bunch of grumpy old sods cashing their pensions with nothing else to do all day but sit on TV bashing everyone else.

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No worries mate I knew you weren't smile.png Anyway just called Don Muaeng and it is indeed not in effect till at least September. I'm going up to Laos tonight to get sorted. Thanks for the info

You're very welcome smile.png

It irritates me no end to see the general bashing that sometimes goes on in these forums and has done since they were started years ago. It's why I never post here and just read, but figured today it was important to pass on real information and not the guesswork and misinformation many others have been posting.

Honestly, I've never understood the farang vs farang mentality you often see in Thailand, with some people trying to prove they're 'better' than everyone else by slamming their compatriots at every turn. You'd think it would make more since to stick together as, after all, when push comes to shove, we're all treated the same in the eyes of the Thai authorities.

Plus, my parents always taught me to live with the mantra 'There but for the grace of God go I', as you never know when it's going to be your turn for the short end of the stick. For some, it comes a helluva lot faster than they expect.

Good luck in Laos. Doubt you'll have any problems. Just remember what always benefits you in Thailand - Be polite and respectful, and dress nicely, and it's amazing how much help you can get. It's held me in good stead for 15 years with not one problem from one Thai - ever - and a heck of a lot of help. And that does include an overstay I had myself a couple of years ago smile.png

Yep, me too. I rarely come on here for that reason. Bunch of grumpy old sods cashing their pensions with nothing else to do all day but sit on TV bashing everyone else.

What would make it SOMEwhat clearer,,, under the, "apprehended" section, is to actually define, "apprehended",, By whom?.. Police, immigrations NOT at a border/air crossing?... So if you are, "apprehended" by immigrations, WHILE on your way out,, (you're basically turning yourself in) Then the 1 year ban would then apply,,, IF however, you're stopped by police at a traffic check-point,, or in a traffic accident, etc,, and discovered to be on overstay,, THEN you're CLEARLY, ACTUALLY, "apprehended" WHILE on an overstay, and NOT attempting, to leave the Kingdom/turn yourself in,,,, THEN the 5 year ban would apply,,,

"Apprehended over 30, (etc) days, but under 1 year, 5 year ban"

"Apprehended over 1 year, 10 year ban"

I'm aware my trying to make my point clearer is not perfect,,, but worded CORRECTLY,, would help to clear up the issue of being "apprehended" while, 1,3,5,7,,,, etc days on overstay,, which all are, ALL "less than 1 year",,, There NEEDS to be a, "window",,, Overstaying by a few days or so,, is very possible,, and so if, "apprehended" you're NOT going to be banned for 5 years,,, But ANYONE without a VALID REASON, medical, legal, etc,, overstaying say 30+ days,,, DAMN WELL KNOWS THEY'RE OVERSTAYING and therefore, KNOWINGLY VIOLATING THE LAW!

Edited by Adeeos
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Can someone confirm the apprehended cases are only taken into account when the overstay is over 90 days ?


If you overstay 90 days or more (less than a year), and turn yourself in as you exit (via airport) - then you are blacklisted for 1 year (+ fine).

If you overstay 1 day, and are aprehended - then you are blacklisted for 1 year (+ fine / + IDC nightmare).

It is very simple and clear.

In the case that alien is being apprehended

Overstay less than 1 year forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 1 years forbidden 10 years

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No worries mate I knew you weren't smile.png Anyway just called Don Muaeng and it is indeed not in effect till at least September. I'm going up to Laos tonight to get sorted. Thanks for the info

You're very welcome smile.png

It irritates me no end to see the general bashing that sometimes goes on in these forums and has done since they were started years ago. It's why I never post here and just read, but figured today it was important to pass on real information and not the guesswork and misinformation many others have been posting.

Honestly, I've never understood the farang vs farang mentality you often see in Thailand, with some people trying to prove they're 'better' than everyone else by slamming their compatriots at every turn. You'd think it would make more since to stick together as, after all, when push comes to shove, we're all treated the same in the eyes of the Thai authorities.

Plus, my parents always taught me to live with the mantra 'There but for the grace of God go I', as you never know when it's going to be your turn for the short end of the stick. For some, it comes a helluva lot faster than they expect.

Good luck in Laos. Doubt you'll have any problems. Just remember what always benefits you in Thailand - Be polite and respectful, and dress nicely, and it's amazing how much help you can get. It's held me in good stead for 15 years with not one problem from one Thai - ever - and a heck of a lot of help. And that does include an overstay I had myself a couple of years ago smile.png

Yep, me too. I rarely come on here for that reason. Bunch of grumpy old sods cashing their pensions with nothing else to do all day but sit on TV bashing everyone else.

What would make it SOMEwhat clearer,,, under the, "apprehended" section, is to actually define, "apprehended",, By whom?.. Police, immigrations NOT at a border/air crossing?... So if you are, "apprehended" by immigrations, WHILE on your way out,, (you're basically turning yourself in) Then the 1 year ban would then apply,,, IF however, you're stopped by police at a traffic check-point,, or in a traffic accident, etc,, and discovered to be on overstay,, THEN you're ACTUALLY, "apprehended" WHILE on an overstay, and NOT attempting, to turn yourself in, THEN the 5 year ban would apply,,,

"Apprehended over 30, (etc) days, but under 1 year, 5 year ban"

"Apprehended over 1 year, 10 year ban"

I'm aware my trying to make my point clearer is not perfect,,, but worded CORRECTLY,, would help to clear up the issue of being "apprehended" while, 1,3,5,7,,,, etc days on overstay,, which all are, ALL "less than 1 year",,, There NEEDS to be a, "window",,, Overstaying by a few days or so,, is very possible,, and so if, "apprehended" you're NOT going to be banned for 5 years,,, But ANYONE without a VALID REASON, medical, legal, etc,, overstaying say 30+ days,,, DAMN WELL KNOWS THEY'RE OVERSTAYING and therefore, KNOWINGLY VIOLATING THE LAW!

Look, I'm on your side, ok? But for the last time....it's very clear:

IF you turn yourself in to immigration at the airport, that is DIFFERENT than if you are stopped somewhere else, first. It has ALWAYS been that way. That part is not new, at all.

If you turn yourself in to immigration, to pay your fine, while exiting - then it is what it is.

if you are stopped somewhere else, first - even on your way to the border, in theory - then that is called being aprehended.

Understand? You can believe this now. The mystery is solved.

Edited by John1thru10
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Can someone confirm the apprehended cases are only taken into account when the overstay is over 90 days ?


If you overstay 90 days or more (less than a year), and turn yourself in as you exit (via airport) - then you are blacklisted for 1 year (+ fine).

If you overstay 1 day, and are aprehended - then you are blacklisted for 1 year (+ fine / + IDC nightmare).

It is very simple and clear.

In the case that alien is being apprehended

Overstay less than 1 year forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 1 years forbidden 10 years

Excuse me, you're totally right! I should have said 5 years, if aprehended (+ fine / + IDC nightmare).

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My point is,,, To me/some,, I'm unclear on, can an "over achieving/having bad day/pissed off" immigrations officer,, claim he's "apprehending you" while you're ON your way out, with 4,5, etc days overstay?,,,, that's a 5 year ban?,,,, REALLY? Seems like THAT in its SELF is a PRIME, "tea money" moment,,, don't you think?,,,, ESP at a land boarder,,,,, Clear it up to be,, "apprehended while NOT exiting the Kingdom".... Keeps a immigrations official from self interpreting the, "apprehended" portion..

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My point is,,, To me/some,, I'm unclear on, can an "over achieving/having bad day/pissed off" immigrations officer,, claim he's "apprehending you" while you're ON your way out, with 4,5, etc days overstay?,,,, that's a 5 year ban?,,,, REALLY? Seems like THAT in its SELF is a PRIME, "tea money" moment,,, don't you think?,,,, ESP at a land boarder,,,,,

Don't even try to exit a land-border on overstay now, actually. My friend tried it last week (to cambodia), and was turned away from being allowed to exit. He was lucky, because they didn't aprehend him (6 month overstay), and sent him back to BKK to exit by air instead. But, he was lucky that way. And, the point is, they wouldn't allow him to exit by land.

Exit by air now - period. Starting August 12 (I believe), you can only exit by air, anyway.

He exited thru Sawanabhumi yesterday, paid his fine of 20k, and said they were friendly, and gave him no scare treatment.

Edited by John1thru10
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My point is,,, To me/some,, I'm unclear on, can an "over achieving/having bad day/pissed off" immigrations officer,, claim he's "apprehending you" while you're ON your way out, with 4,5, etc days overstay?,,,, that's a 5 year ban?,,,, REALLY? Seems like THAT in its SELF is a PRIME, "tea money" moment,,, don't you think?,,,, ESP at a land boarder,,,,, Clear it up to be,, "apprehended while NOT exiting the Kingdom".... Keeps a immigrations official from self interpreting the, "apprehended" portion..

That is just ridicilous.

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My point is,,, To me/some,, I'm unclear on, can an "over achieving/having bad day/pissed off" immigrations officer,, claim he's "apprehending you" while you're ON your way out, with 4,5, etc days overstay?,,,, that's a 5 year ban?,,,, REALLY? Seems like THAT in its SELF is a PRIME, "tea money" moment,,, don't you think?,,,, ESP at a land boarder,,,,,

Don't even try to exit a land-border on overstay now, actually. My friend tried it last week (to cambodia), and was turned away from being allowed to exit. He was lucky, because they didn't aprehend him (6 month overstay), and sent him back to BKK to exit by air instead. But, he was lucky that way. And, the point is, they wouldn't allow him to exit by land.

Exit by air now - period. Starting August 12 (I believe), you can only exit by air, anyway.

He exited thru Sawanabhumi yesterday, paid his fine of 20k, and said they were friendly, and gave him no scare treatment.

BTW,,, I have "NO dog in this fight",, I'm on my 2nd retirement extension,,,, I'm just imagining what, "could/might" happen,,, There maybe MANY overstayer's, terrified to leave, with LONG overstays,, simply because MAYBE they're ALSO unclear on exactly what I'M asking,, and fear, "apprehension" by immigrations WHILE on the way out,,,, Clear it up, Get your a$$ to an airport, pay the fine, leave,, without fear of a 1-5-10 year ban,,,

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My point is,,, To me/some,, I'm unclear on, can an "over achieving/having bad day/pissed off" immigrations officer,, claim he's "apprehending you" while you're ON your way out, with 4,5, etc days overstay?,,,, that's a 5 year ban?,,,, REALLY? Seems like THAT in its SELF is a PRIME, "tea money" moment,,, don't you think?,,,, ESP at a land boarder,,,,, Clear it up to be,, "apprehended while NOT exiting the Kingdom".... Keeps a immigrations official from self interpreting the, "apprehended" portion..

That is just ridicilous.

Lars, you write all sorts of wildly paranoid things here each day, so don't judge him for it.

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My point is,,, To me/some,, I'm unclear on, can an "over achieving/having bad day/pissed off" immigrations officer,, claim he's "apprehending you" while you're ON your way out, with 4,5, etc days overstay?,,,, that's a 5 year ban?,,,, REALLY? Seems like THAT in its SELF is a PRIME, "tea money" moment,,, don't you think?,,,, ESP at a land boarder,,,,,

Don't even try to exit a land-border on overstay now, actually. My friend tried it last week (to cambodia), and was turned away from being allowed to exit. He was lucky, because they didn't aprehend him (6 month overstay), and sent him back to BKK to exit by air instead. But, he was lucky that way. And, the point is, they wouldn't allow him to exit by land.

Exit by air now - period. Starting August 12 (I believe), you can only exit by air, anyway.

He exited thru Sawanabhumi yesterday, paid his fine of 20k, and said they were friendly, and gave him no scare treatment.

BTW,,, I have "NO dog in this fight",, I'm on my 2nd retirement extension,,,, I'm just imagining what, "could/might" happen,,, There maybe MANY overstayer's, terrified to leave, with LONG overstays,, simply because MAYBE they're ALSO unclear on exactly what I'M asking,, and fear, "apprehension" by immigrations WHILE on the way out,,,, Clear it up, Get your <deleted> to an airport, pay the fine, leave,, without fear of a 1-5-10 year ban,,,

I wasn't very clear before, sorry. My friend, who was on a 6 month overstay, last week tried to exit by land to Cambodia - they refused him exit, wouldn't accept his fine. They sent him back unbothered (he was surprised) to travel back to BKK, to exit by air instead.

Yesterday, he exited thru Sawanabhumi, paid his fine (no blacklisting) and he wrote me today from Cambodia that Thai immigration at Sawanabhumi were nice to him, and gave no scare treatment at all. They 'said' he could re-enter again, once he has his new visa, 'no problem'. So, it seems for now, that everything is ok :)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Does seem a bit harsh on those that get apprehended on the way to the airport with say 10 days of overstay and wont be allowed into Thailand for 5 years.

I suspect common sense would prevail... One would hope..... In that, if the overstayer was in possession of luggage and an in-date flight ticket out, then they would be allowed to proceed to airport immigration.

Common sense , in Thailand?

I'm not reading 17 pages of this thread but find this comment with some 12 "Likes" typical of the narrow minded Farang that pollute this site.

I know from 1st hand experience (helped a friend) that an over stayer, caught in country, has his day in court and the judgments are fare and case by case.

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The amnesty started three weeks ago when the proposal was announced.

People waiting till the official announcement then crying foul about no amnesty need their heads looked at.

I don`t need my head looked at.

I still believe they could give people on overstay more than a couple of weeks to gather enough money for a ticket home including the overstay fine. That`s quite a bit of money for people who live overseas.

And also, do they really expect everyone to sit around by their computers every day 24/7, to get the latest immigration news, just when they are released?

They come up with something new every month.

Some slack should have been given here, not just a matter of days.

Have in mind that overstayers are just that for a reason, and one of them are surely financial. A few days to gather the funds, is just not sufficient for many of us.

I'm sure many agree with you. But this is an anonymous forum which unfortunately attracts a lot of holier than thou people with nothing better to do in their life than feel happy at others misfortune. Probably the only thing they have in their own life to feel happy about.

Not sure what I would do myself in your place, with children and all. Horrible situation to be in so unexpectedly, so best of luck.

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The amnesty started three weeks ago when the proposal was announced.

People waiting till the official announcement then crying foul about no amnesty need their heads looked at.

I don`t need my head looked at.

I still believe they could give people on overstay more than a couple of weeks to gather enough money for a ticket home including the overstay fine. That`s quite a bit of money for people who live overseas.

And also, do they really expect everyone to sit around by their computers every day 24/7, to get the latest immigration news, just when they are released?

They come up with something new every month.

Some slack should have been given here, not just a matter of days.

Have in mind that overstayers are just that for a reason, and one of them are surely financial. A few days to gather the funds, is just not sufficient for many of us.

I'm sure many agree with you. But this is an anonymous forum which unfortunately attracts a lot of holier than thou people with nothing better to do in their life than feel happy at others misfortune. Probably the only thing they have in their own life to feel happy about.

Not sure what I would do myself in your place, with children and all. Horrible situation to be in so unexpectedly, so best of luck.

Pattszero - you can still exit now, without being blacklisted. My friend did yesterday (thru BKK - 6 months overstay) and wrote me today (from Cambodia) saying they were really friendly to him: NO BLACKLISTING. That could start, for sure. But for this moment, it's not over for you.

Edited by John1thru10
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Can someone confirm the apprehended cases are only taken into account when the overstay is over 90 days ?


If you overstay 90 days or more (less than a year), and turn yourself in as you exit (via airport) - then you are blacklisted for 1 year (+ fine).

If you overstay 1 day, and are aprehended - then you are blacklisted for 1 year (+ fine / + IDC nightmare).

It is very simple and clear.

I disagree it being simple and clear.

The actual text:

The aliens who violate The Immigration Act, B.E.2522 by overstaying more than 90 days in the Kingdom of Thailand will be forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for a certain period of time as follow ;

Overstay more than 90 days forbidden 1 year

Overstay more than 1 year forbidden 3 years

Overstay more than 3 years forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 5 years forbidden 10 years

In the case that alien is being apprehended

Overstay less than 1 year forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 1 years forbidden 10 years

Now, the first (bolded) line seems to indicate any of the below is only applicable when someone overstays more than 90 days. Yet they bother to specify the 90 days again in the first case (the one where someone ends up at the border or at the airport) but not at the second case (the case in which someone is apprehended).

This raises the question why they specifically mention overstay more than 90 days, forbidden 1 year instead of Overstay less than 1 year, forbidden 1 year, which in this case is the same thing IF the bolded line is denoting that in all case this is only valid for people overstaying over 90 days.

The question here would simply be, why the wording at the apprehended case doesn't simply state overstay more than 90 days, forbidden 5 years. It specifically states overstay less than 1 year, which is a deviation for the first stated cases.

For now, I would like immigration to clarify this, as for now, the text is open to interpretation.

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The amnesty started three weeks ago when the proposal was announced.

People waiting till the official announcement then crying foul about no amnesty need their heads looked at.

I don`t need my head looked at.

I still believe they could give people on overstay more than a couple of weeks to gather enough money for a ticket home including the overstay fine. That`s quite a bit of money for people who live overseas.

And also, do they really expect everyone to sit around by their computers every day 24/7, to get the latest immigration news, just when they are released?

They come up with something new every month.

Some slack should have been given here, not just a matter of days.

Have in mind that overstayers are just that for a reason, and one of them are surely financial. A few days to gather the funds, is just not sufficient for many of us.

I'm sure many agree with you. But this is an anonymous forum which unfortunately attracts a lot of holier than thou people with nothing better to do in their life than feel happy at others misfortune. Probably the only thing they have in their own life to feel happy about.

Not sure what I would do myself in your place, with children and all. Horrible situation to be in so unexpectedly, so best of luck.

Pattszero - you can still exit now, without being blacklisted. My friend did yesterday (thru BKK - 6 months overstay) and wrote me today (from Cambodia) saying they were really friendly to him: NO BLACKLISTING. That could start, for sure. But for this moment, it's not over for you.

I'm in the UK just now - I'm safe.

My passport is full, so I'm here to take care of getting a new passport in person.

I may apply for a tourist visa - or may not bother.

There's more countries in the world than Thailand.

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I fear this will be a pay day for the BIB. Speed checks may now include a visa check. On the spot bht200 for speeding and bht???? for visa irregularity. Shouldn't take long for the masters of scam to wake to this opportunity. Perish the thought.

You've got one point wrong. A police officer other than an immigration officer will not fine you for overstaying. He can arrest you, if he chooses to do so, and a judge will decide on your sentence and order you to leave the country forthwith. Then it will be up to the immigration bureau to decide whether to blacklist you or not. This is how I understand that it works.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I spoke with my embassy a few days ago, and they told me about a guy from my own country, who was just apprehended at Koh Samui, charged for disorder while being drunk. He had a very long overstay, and was presented for the judge the next day. He got a 3000 bath fine for the disorder, and regarding the overstay, the judge just told him to get a proper visa. And off he went, released and free.

Sounds like a lucky man, but shows the police and immigration are not always working together, nor the judges and immigration officials.

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The aliens who violate The Immigration Act, B.E.2522 by overstaying more than 90 days in the Kingdom of Thailand will be forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for a certain period of time as follow ;

Overstay more than 90 days forbidden 1 year

Overstay more than 1 year forbidden 3 years

Overstay more than 3 years forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 5 years forbidden 10 years

In the case that alien is being apprehended

Overstay less than 1 year forbidden 5 years

Overstay more than 1 years forbidden 10 years

Now, the first (bolded) line seems to indicate any of the below is only applicable when someone overstays more than 90 days. Yet they bother to specify the 90 days again in the first case (the one where someone ends up at the border or at the airport) but not at the second case (the case in which someone is apprehended).

This raises the question why they specifically mention overstay more than 90 days, forbidden 1 year instead of Overstay less than 1 year, forbidden 1 year, which in this case is the same thing IF the bolded line is denoting that in all case this is only valid for people overstaying over 90 days.

The question here would simply be, why the wording at the apprehended case doesn't simply state overstay more than 90 days, forbidden 5 years. It specifically states overstay less than 1 year, which is a deviation for the first stated cases.

For now, I would like immigration to clarify this, as for now, the text is open to interpretation.

Here's your confusion: 'less than 1 year' means '1 year or less'.

Get it now?

If aprehended:

1 year OR less, forbidden 5 years / More than 1 year, forbidden 10 years.

Trust it, that's what is says. It's not complicated. And they won't find it complicated, either.

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The amnesty started three weeks ago when the proposal was announced.

People waiting till the official announcement then crying foul about no amnesty need their heads looked at.

I don`t need my head looked at.

I still believe they could give people on overstay more than a couple of weeks to gather enough money for a ticket home including the overstay fine. That`s quite a bit of money for people who live overseas.

And also, do they really expect everyone to sit around by their computers every day 24/7, to get the latest immigration news, just when they are released?

They come up with something new every month.

Some slack should have been given here, not just a matter of days.

Have in mind that overstayers are just that for a reason, and one of them are surely financial. A few days to gather the funds, is just not sufficient for many of us.

I'm sure many agree with you. But this is an anonymous forum which unfortunately attracts a lot of holier than thou people with nothing better to do in their life than feel happy at others misfortune. Probably the only thing they have in their own life to feel happy about.

Not sure what I would do myself in your place, with children and all. Horrible situation to be in so unexpectedly, so best of luck.

Pattszero - you can still exit now, without being blacklisted. My friend did yesterday (thru BKK - 6 months overstay) and wrote me today (from Cambodia) saying they were really friendly to him: NO BLACKLISTING. That could start, for sure. But for this moment, it's not over for you.

I guess you meant me smile.png

Yes, I read your posts, and this sounds promising. If the new rules are not into affect yet, reportedly so, I will try to sort out my own mess. But a couple of days will probably be wise to wait, and read some more reports. It should not make a difference. I just can`t gamble on it right now.

Maybe this can end well after all.


Edited by thaibreaker
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