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Last years when i read the Tv news, i was amazed or maybe better, stunned, by some of the idiotic news i read about the politics, their ways or their ideas.

It made me feel like there was nobody with a brain in Thailand, to make sense.

But now lately, when i read the news, i am surpised most everytime, by the good ideas of the Junta.

They adres so many problems, that i haven´t seen adressed since the time i started an interest in Thailand. that´s 7 years now.

They make the people aware of the fact that selfreflection for the Thai people is critical in changing the country.

They speak openly about issues that are engraved in Thai society , and they seems to really act on important issues that have been neglected for years.

Is this observation right, or just you think, or is it all the same scam only by different people.

Since i only come here 7 years, maybe this all happened before and it won´t change, but it is important to me to know, if change might really be or will Thailand be stuck by the same problems until the end of my days, due to the stubbornness and many times ingnorance of the Thai people.

please do share...

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Have resided here for the same period as yourself and totally agree that the junta are doing things that have never been considered or acted upon.

However for what reasoning my thai friends including my gf resent or hate the junta running their country,the way you and i see that is for the good of all.clap2.gif

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As we aren't really allowed to talk about the stuff the Junta is really doing.

Lets all say what a good job they are doing ...........

OP reflects elderly white male foreigner opinion, those who don't understand Thai language.

2nd post reflects Thai opinion, those who understand Thai language.


Not sure why elderly white male foreigners like a government that hates them and want rid ASAP.

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2nd post reflects uninformed, perhaps uneducated Thai opinion.

I'll tell you why white male farang like it....because they are old enough and wise enough to know that if nobody is altruistic, society as a whole loses. I guess they love the country.


nothing like a Thai bash is there, those poor ignorant natives need Johnny foreigner to tell them what to think.

Old White foreigners,

I've always found the ones I meet nearly always hate everything Thai and hate their lives in Thailand.

I am surprised by your last statement as I have not found that at all in person - maybe you just need to meet some different people? wink.png

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OP, if the junta is doing the right thing, it's too early to say.

It seems like that, but don't forget they are still in the honeymoon period.

We have to wait and judge their actions in more important issues, like the new constitution and legislative issues.

Also the preparation for the return to democracy.

People have faith in them, Thais and farangs the same.

Let's hope they deliver what they promised.

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People have faith in them, Thais and farangs the same.


Racist and patronising at the same time.


Please, do explain to me where am I racist and where am I patronising?

Where I live, and you have to understand this was a red stronghold, this is the general idea and belief.

Not my own thinking only, but the thinking and wish of the people I meet and speak to.


People have faith in them, Thais and farangs the same.


Racist and patronising at the same time.


Please, do explain to me where am I racist and where am I patronising?

Where I live, and you have to understand this was a red stronghold, this is the general idea and belief.

Not my own thinking only, but the thinking and wish of the people I meet and speak to.

Patronising, you aren't Thai, you can't understand Thai, you can't speak for Thai, Thais won't tell you what they really think about anything.

Racist, why try and speak only for white foreigners, if you are Greek, you probably aren't even white and most Thais would call you Kairk (not farang).


I'm not white either.


good to see some of the out spoken writers have at last pulled there heads in remember we are only guest in there country we dont run it?


"They make the people aware of the fact that selfreflection for the Thai people is critical in changing the country.

They speak openly about issues that are engraved in Thai society , and they seems to really act on important issues that have been neglected for years."

Elaboration please?


2nd post reflects uninformed, perhaps uneducated Thai opinion.

I'll tell you why white male farang like it....because they are old enough and wise enough to know that if nobody is altruistic, society as a whole loses. I guess they love the country.


nothing like a Thai bash is there, those poor ignorant natives need Johnny foreigner to tell them what to think.

Old White foreigners,

I've always found the ones I meet nearly always hate everything Thai and hate their lives in Thailand.

You Really do need to get around a little more and widen your circle of friends to include, shall we say a level of ExPat society that is possibly a little higher in intellect than the one whose company you are currently possibly enjoying, or not!

Older white foreigners in my varied circle of acquaintances belong to a different breed (ThankGod) than the younger usually "Jack the lad" Types who seem to have the arrogance of ten men and the bad attitude of bullies who often spout so much rubbish and ageism here on TV

However I must admit to knowing something about the foolishness of youth because I once was a youth.

Now I know something about the foolishness of an old man, yes you guessed it, because I am one.

I feel lucky and a little humble because throughout my fairly long life I have witnessed many friends and younger acquaintances die.

So AnotherOneAmerican lets hope that you survive and get to be another "Older white foreigner" then lets see how quick and acerbic your intellect is then !

Yes thinking about it and far from me giving advice to such a venerable fellow as yourself I would offer that maybe you need to slow down a bit and enjoy the smell of the roses before you make a complete jackass of yourself with silly ageist remarks.

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2nd post reflects uninformed, perhaps uneducated Thai opinion.

I'll tell you why white male farang like it....because they are old enough and wise enough to know that if nobody is altruistic, society as a whole loses. I guess they love the country.


nothing like a Thai bash is there, those poor ignorant natives need Johnny foreigner to tell them what to think.

Old White foreigners,

I've always found the ones I meet nearly always hate everything Thai and hate their lives in Thailand.

That's not a Thai bash at all. The fact is that there are uninformed Thais, and there are uneducated Thais....It may be a redshirt bash if you want to take it that way wink.png


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People have faith in them, Thais and farangs the same.

Racist and patronising at the same time.
Please, do explain to me where am I racist and where am I patronising?
Where I live, and you have to understand this was a red stronghold, this is the general idea and belief.
Not my own thinking only, but the thinking and wish of the people I meet and speak to.

Patronising, you aren't Thai, you can't understand Thai, you can't speak for Thai, Thais won't tell you what they really think about anything.
Racist, why try and speak only for white foreigners, if you are Greek, you probably aren't even white and most Thais would call you Kairk (not farang).

I'm not white either.

So lame and slightly sad. your response that is. Did you hurt much in your life?


People have faith in them, Thais and farangs the same.


Racist and patronising at the same time.


Please, do explain to me where am I racist and where am I patronising?

Where I live, and you have to understand this was a red stronghold, this is the general idea and belief.

Not my own thinking only, but the thinking and wish of the people I meet and speak to.

Costas, don't worry too much about this AnotherOneAmerican character. He's not what he claims to be, just another faker on these forums. The guy claims to be Thai, yet, his comments indicate that he hates the Thais more than even the most racist farang. Which is to say he hates himself. Follow me? Then he claims to be a high powered lawyer in a previous life, another tactic of the serial basher playing the long game. To claim to be someone important to gain credibility.

Mr. AOA, if you're even in Thailand, why are you here?

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Surely after all this time they understand that any authority which forbids criticism or protest and censors the press and the media cannot be a force for good regardless of the supposed good intentions of those imposing the restrictions.

Surely they can understand the motivations behind censorship.

Yes things are progressing at a fair old clip but that's to be expected when they have absolute power.

One example of their utter duplicity;

A few weeks ago, they said they will move to outlaw any populist policy that could bankrupt the country - like the rice pledging scheme.

The very next DAY, they announced they would instruct the banks to relax lending criteria to individuals and small businesses in order to boost the economy. Lending money to people and businesses that can't pay it back just so they can buy more consumer tat. Lemme see, is that likely to bankrupt the nation.

Nah, that's never gone wrong before has it??

The codgery should wake up, open their eyes and stop believing the censored BS they're being fed.

Isn't advanced age supposed to bring advanced wisdom?

Before I completely demolish your argument with pure and unadorned logic would you please respectfully give a link or any other reference to where you gained the erroneous information that your post is based on?

Your credibility hangs on you providing "Bona fides" for the basis of your argument.

Advanced age is conventionally aligned with having some "learned" common sense.

Possibly the reason I admit to not having an answer for the approval of the Junta by those over the age of 50 mainly white and older farangs is that Thailand at this moment in time needs "Order" or do you disagree with that sentiment?

Whilst it could be argued that there are other more important changes that need to be made who are we or more specifically who are you to say what order these changes are made in.


Sometimes a firm hand is necessary to effect change. Sometimes it takes experience to know when a firm hand is necessary. And, mostly, it takes wisdom to know when to stop the firm hand.

BTW, I prefer old fogey instead of old codger. Is there such a thing as a young codger?


On the outside they're doing a good job by stabilizing things or so it seems.

On the inside there's a frantic scrambling going by influential groups that suddenly have to kow tow to new masters.

Once the proper wheels have been greased it will be same as it ever was.


People have faith in them, Thais and farangs the same.


Racist and patronising at the same time.


Please, do explain to me where am I racist and where am I patronising?

Where I live, and you have to understand this was a red stronghold, this is the general idea and belief.

Not my own thinking only, but the thinking and wish of the people I meet and speak to.

Patronising, you aren't Thai, you can't understand Thai, you can't speak for Thai, Thais won't tell you what they really think about anything.

Racist, why try and speak only for white foreigners, if you are Greek, you probably aren't even white and most Thais would call you Kairk (not farang).


I'm not white either.

I rest my case.....I think you have to calm down and relax.

You badly need it.

PS. As you edited your post after I quoted your answer, I'm doing the same.

Tell me who are you now?

Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde.

Seems your answers are sometimes coming from your American side and sometimes from your Thai side.

I do understand......you are totally mixed up.

As about myself, don't give a toss if I'm farang, kairk or African.......I know I am Costas and quite content about that.

Mate dont feed the troll formerly known as tommophysicist. He's british.

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They are doing what should have been done decades before, which is clean house! Stamp down on everything that breaks the laws in Thailand that has been going on for decades, push for projects that might work without corruption and review them. The mafia's are hiding now and hopefully be castrated and no longer a problem here. I am happy, the Thai's are happy and I hope so the King and Queen of Thailand are happy; finally Thailand will progress rather than be pulled down by their supposed corrupt governments of the past.


Before I completely demolish your argument with pure and unadorned logic would you please respectfully give a link or any other reference to where you gained the erroneous information that your post is based on?

Your credibility hangs on you providing "Bona fides" for the basis of your argument.

Advanced age is conventionally aligned with having some "learned" common sense.

Possibly the reason I admit to not having an answer for the approval of the Junta by those over the age of 50 mainly white and older farangs is that Thailand at this moment in time needs "Order" or do you disagree with that sentiment?

Whilst it could be argued that there are other more important changes that need to be made who are we or more specifically who are you to say what order these changes are made in.


OK gramps, demolish this . . . once you've found your cardigan and slippers.


He said banks such as the Government Savings Bank, the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives and the SME Bank will be asked to launch projects to provide loans to people and entrepreneurs so they can obtain funds to make investments, which in turn will help boost growth.[/size]


Before I completely demolish your argument with pure and unadorned logic would you please respectfully give a link or any other reference to where you gained the erroneous information that your post is based on?

Your credibility hangs on you providing "Bona fides" for the basis of your argument.

Advanced age is conventionally aligned with having some "learned" common sense.

Possibly the reason I admit to not having an answer for the approval of the Junta by those over the age of 50 mainly white and older farangs is that Thailand at this moment in time needs "Order" or do you disagree with that sentiment?

Whilst it could be argued that there are other more important changes that need to be made who are we or more specifically who are you to say what order these changes are made in.


OK gramps, demolish this . . . once you've found your cardigan and slippers.


He said banks such as the Government Savings Bank, the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives and the SME Bank will be asked to launch projects to provide loans to people and entrepreneurs so they can obtain funds to make investments, which in turn will help boost growth.[/size]

When quoting posts or part of posts ,it is usually an accepted convention plus polite and educational to other readers and also to the the writer of the post being quoted; to quote the whole quoted post and then place in italics the selected words you you are referencing or making comment on with regard to any point that you wish to make or comment on

Nothing for me to get my teeth into young "hoppin youth," your link is a dimension away from any point that I was making

Not at the stage yet for slippers and a cardi so another juvenile comment, irrelevant and unrelated other than to flame, disparage or bring down a person by unfair and foul methods made by you , just to make you sound as though you have the intellectual edge.

in your case Hoppin youth and also the other ageist geezer on here you are not even qualified to enter the fray of a good debate by virtue of your shown imaturity.

When I was presumably your age I possibly too knew all the answers, now as I have said before I do not remember what the questions were!

And its all said in the very best of taste and only quid pro quo

We all love a good flamer but when are we going to find one, maybe that could be the next topic, "Who was the best ever troll on TV?"

No offence meant or taken coffee1.gif wifey pass me those slippers and don't forget me cardi and pipe


I believe this is a serious attempt at cleaning up the country and it will work ..... until the next general election and then the fat politicians can get their faces back in the trough.

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Perhaps some of the older members may be able to point out examples of where similar administrations have worked before?

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