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Would you tell sb he is being ripped off?


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I would somehow try to tell him without letting him know who did... Secret letter perhaps ??

It really depends in how good of a friend he is... Good friend you must tell. You only know him a little perhaps the secret letter.

I would sure want to know even if it was only rumor.

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Its a really amazing phenomenon, When Asians move to other countries, they stick together, help each other out, even create their own "towns" like China Town etc. yet when Westerners move abroad, do nothing but envy and enjoy other peoples misfortunes.

Sorry, but you are absolutely wrong. Asians do not stick together. The Chinese might stick with the Chinese in a foreign country. Ditto the Japanese with other Japanese. And the Koreans. And the Filipinos. It's a shared language and culture thing, not a race thing. The Japanese in Thailand have as much in common with the Koreans as they do farangs, meaning very little. Your perspective on things appear to be a little off.

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If you are a decent human being with any compassion, you should tell him.

Put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself the same question.

He could be giving away his life savings and end up with nothing.

See therein lies the problem, I would never be in his shoes. Things like this are best left alone and all you can do is watch from the cheap seats and have it be a reminder. So a few things I have learned from situations posted like these

1) Never have a long distance romance especially with a gal you met online, why? Because you know there is a good chance you are not her first and likely not her last.

2) Never ever under any circumstance send money to her or the family.

3) Take off the rose colored glasses so you can see things clearly and use your better judgment. Seems like so many leave all their common sense when they land at the airport.

No one is talking about you.

And frankly personally i could not care less about what you have learned.

OP is asking a question if he should tell the other guy? and he should.

OP is not asking for a lesson or to hear what you have learned.

Some people are gullible,some do not have experience, and some simply to good to even imagine there are bad people out there.

Fair enough.

I answered his question in my first line. Stay away from it. None of his business and frankly he will make his life a mess trying to help a guy who is a fool. Life lessons are hard. We all had to forge through them when we made them. This case is no different then the other thousands times that this has happened to foreigners in SE Asia. Now if something happening was illegal then report it to the local police but this is a guy who clearly has trusted a bad woman. Its not that complicated.

Is it sad to see it, absolutely. The best thing the OP can do for himself/herself is quit watching it and find something different to occupy his time. It will all fix itself at some point.

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Hey OP...

Did it occur to you the man in question may be a member here?

You have blabbed so much he would surely realize who you are talking about.

'nuff said


Well yes, if so happens he has been advised now and maybe somebody else who I was not talking about and is in such situation may realize they have a problem. And they can't prove it is me who did it so... I guess it would be good he reads this.

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Its a really amazing phenomenon, When Asians move to other countries, they stick together, help each other out, even create their own "towns" like China Town etc. yet when Westerners move abroad, do nothing but envy and enjoy other peoples misfortunes.

Sorry, but you are absolutely wrong. Asians do not stick together. The Chinese might stick with the Chinese in a foreign country. Ditto the Japanese with other Japanese. And the Koreans. And the Filipinos. It's a shared language and culture thing, not a race thing. The Japanese in Thailand have as much in common with the Koreans as they do farangs, meaning very little. Your perspective on things appear to be a little off.

Actually, you're wrong. The Koreans and Japanese share genes. The Japanese and Koreans are genetically identical.

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Life in the trailer park, never a dull moment.

As for the OP's question, unless you know this guy very well stay out of it and even if he is a good mate it may still be best to stay out of it. Problems are on their way.

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I'm really looking forward to Jeremy Kyle in Thailand show, it's going to make his UK and US versions look lame.

55555 I agree, but what about Jerry Springer (I believe he started that Genre or at least has a Doctorate in it biggrin.png)

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

Yep, Jerry was the Kng of that genre, but Jeremy is the man for today. Thai version would be brilliant.

Topic range would be vast to

The Jeremy Kyle Show is not only the lowest of the low,you need to be from the gutter to even watch it,and not be sick!

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Its a really amazing phenomenon, When Asians move to other countries, they stick together, help each other out, even create their own "towns" like China Town etc. yet when Westerners move abroad, do nothing but envy and enjoy other peoples misfortunes.

Sorry, but you are absolutely wrong. Asians do not stick together. The Chinese might stick with the Chinese in a foreign country. Ditto the Japanese with other Japanese. And the Koreans. And the Filipinos. It's a shared language and culture thing, not a race thing. The Japanese in Thailand have as much in common with the Koreans as they do farangs, meaning very little. Your perspective on things appear to be a little off.

Actually, you're wrong. The Koreans and Japanese share genes. The Japanese and Koreans are genetically identical.

Geez, Karen, you completely miss my point! Do you know any Koreans and Japanese in Thailand? I know both and they don't exactly hang together. Unless they both speak Thai or English, they can't even communicate. And there's some historical animosity. So Pralaad's point that all Asians stick together in a foreign country is false. Do you agree with him or not?

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One thing is for sure, the secret will break sooner or later, and the poor guy will be evicted from the village. The baby will know who her real mother is. Father? Well anyones guess! If it is another Farang he and others will no doubt be on the receiving end of a paternity scam. Pray you friend reads TVF.... Or send him a link to his email?

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I personally think that if you are well liked in your village, they would not have a problem with you letting this guys know.

they would probably enjoy it, especially if the family are being cocky with there new wealth.

Just explain that this guy would be on the bones of his arse if it carried on and ended badly.

Regards to the family they will never talk to you again, but no loss there. I would not worry about reprisals, they are already 1 up with the house and car over most other's in the village. the girl will go back to work and no doubt be hooked up with a holiday maker in no time.

With the man in question, if you tell him he will either thank you or not believe you. if that's the case no big loss as he only comes 2 weeks a year.

To be honest I think the guy is a bit dense, no one can believe they are in a real relationship when they only visit for 2 weeks a year.

Also not to realise she has had a baby, we have a 4 month old and the misses body have changed, the main thing being larger, sensitive and leaking breasts.

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I personally think that if you are well liked in your village, and the tramps family are not to big or influential, you will not have many problems telling this guy.

The rest of the village would probably enjoy it, especially if they are being cocky with there new wealth.

With regards to the guy, I feel he is a little dense or caught up in lust. Why else would you be spending all this money on someone you only see for 2 weeks a year.

I have now doubts that this man may be trying to work hard save money, so he can come live a good life in the future with his gf, but doing it this way rarely works.

How many men of here would remain celibate in the 20s early 30s if they had an older thai gf who sent them lots of money and only visited once a year?

For the first time in her life she is not living hand to mouth, has all the free time in the world with no worries and is in her prime looks wise. Its a breeding ground for disaster.

Also to not notice the changes to her body, either it be extra weight gained, stretch marks, larger sensitive leaking breasts or even changes to the under carriage. there are many signs.

Edited by lovinglifeinthailand
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I'm really looking forward to Jeremy Kyle in Thailand show, it's going to make his UK and US versions look lame.

55555 I agree, but what about Jerry Springer (I believe he started that Genre or at least has a Doctorate in it biggrin.png)

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

Yep, Jerry was the Kng of that genre, but Jeremy is the man for today. Thai version would be brilliant.

Topic range would be vast to

The Jeremy Kyle Show is not only the lowest of the low,you need to be from the gutter to even watch it,and not be sick!

Does it embarrass you that much? Seriously, i am not from the gutter, i'm not too sick, but I have an interest in human behaviour and society. Agreed nothing classy about the programme.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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so the whole village no of the sorry affair,got to be a real corination street/eastenders saga going on in that part of, were ever it is,thais must think farangs are pig shit(thick)and will do and pay anything for a leg over.i shudder to think what they really think about us.using this palarver as a excample.ps i would not tell the guy,igorance is bliss,you learn by your own mistakes.makes u stronger.

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Bo(i meant to type no but as the topic is about Isaan). I have a very smart "SWIM" who keeps marrying these hookers. One of them even gave me the Evil Eye when I was visiting, as if she knew that I knew about her wicked ways. Life is a better teacher and I didn't point out the obvious and my "SWIM" of course got robbed of well over a million baths, and within two months married another one.

*SWIM=someone who is not me

Wow some teacher if you can not get an acronym right---SWIM=someone who is not me.... Without the N", it stands for Someone who is Me........coffee1.gif

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So the OP tells the sb (nowhere does he say its a friend) the sb confronts the GF who denies it and throws a wobbly.

Then tells the father of the baby who gets together with his mates over a few of bottles of Lao Kao (paid for by the generosity of the sb), they decide the nosy farang needs to be taught a lesson.

In the next episode of this ongoing saga we will have the search for the body.

As I keep telling myself "Mind your own bloody business"

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