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Arizona execution takes two hours


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Very civilised....NOT.

I am not against capital punishment. I do believe it should be instantaneous. The anguish of waiting for the sentence to be carried out is enough agony for anyone to endure I would imagine. Not sure if this would happen in any other nation around the world?

This is an absurd comment. If you don't feel foolish when pressing send he's some context: Islam kills, maims, and tortures countless people- beyond the ability to practically count- throughout the world! Everyday, throughout the world, Christian, Muslim, Jew, and other are crucified, slaughtered, beheaded with rusty blades, raped, beaten, and set on fire. Where Islam ends tribal savagery picks up and completes the cycle of nonstop horror throughout the world- everyday! North Korea, a non religious actor, is about as mind numbing as the mind can conceive. "Not sure if this would happen in any other nation around the world?" is a silly statement.
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Very civilised....NOT.

I am not against capital punishment. I do believe it should be instantaneous. The anguish of waiting for the sentence to be carried out is enough agony for anyone to endure I would imagine. Not sure if this would happen in any other nation around the world?

Yes use the Chinese method, one bullet an charge his family for the bullet.

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If you have ever had a pet euthanized, you know how instant that process is and the vet will usually warn you how fast it will occur. Makes one wonder why the chemicals would not be the same.

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Wonder how long the girlfriend and her father suffered...before they died...how much pain and suffering did they endure...because of this individual...do not bleed on me...on his behalf...no pity party please...

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More than half the people executed in America are mentally ill. From The Washington Post:

"A new study by Robert J. Smith, Sophie Cull and Zoë Robinson, published in Hastings Law Journal, of the social histories of 100 people executed during 2012 and 2013 showed that the vast majority of executed offenders suffered from one or more significant cognitive and behavioral deficits.

One-third of the offenders had intellectual disabilities, borderline intellectual function or traumatic brain injuries, a similarly debilitating impairment. For example, the Texas Department of Corrections determined that Elroy Chester had an IQ of 69. He attended special education classes throughout school and never functioned at a higher level than third grade. The state had previously enrolled Chester into its Mentally Retarded Offenders Program. Despite these findings, Texas executed him on June 12, 2013."



Furthermore, The Innocence Project keeps proving that innocent people have been executed and other innocents have spent years on death row before DNA and other evidence exonerated them.

Additionally, all credible studies have shown that the death penalty has no deterrent effect.

When people talk about "justice for the victim's family" they're really screaming: "Retribution!" --that is something civilized society should be moving away from, not towards.


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Actually, I think what ever method is used by the killer should be used on them, turn about is fair play.

Having got that out of the way. Put them in an Altitude Chamber, pump out all the Oxygen and they just go to sleep and die of Anoxcia/Hypoxia. The effects was demonstrated during my USAF Flying days. Very quick and not too unpleasant.

De-Capitation, Firing Squad is cheapist way. They probably think Hanging is cruel and unusual.

Honestly, I do not care too much, you do the deed you get the penalty. If you know ahead of time you have nothing to complain about. I am sure most criminals know what the State they are in uses to execute.

Honestly, I do not care too much, you do the deed you get the penalty. If you know ahead of time you have nothing to complain about. I am sure most criminals know what the State they are in uses to execute.

I too don't care how they die or how hard or painful it may or may not be but there is one flaw in your statement above. When this guy was convicted there was no lethal injection so he could not know his method of execution at the time he committed his dastardly act. And anybody convicted today will spend 20+ years waiting to see what new and innovative method of execution he will receive. The US has used, fire, water, rope, electricity, bullets, gas and now chemicals over the years and what will be next nobody knows.

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We live in the 21st century.

"Killing (executing)" people is not the most civilized way to dispose of people that does not fit in the society because they committed a murder.

I am against the capital punishment because of several reasons.

The main reason is the fact that Capital Punishment is irreversible.

Most countries where Capital Punishment is carried out, are also famous for their racist or incompetent Police and Judicial system.

Americans are very God fearing people and are quick to use the Bible for everything they do.
But they forget the sentence in the Bible where God said:
"Humans have not the intellectual power to decide what is good or wrong.

They can not decide about death or live.

Only God has the power to decide what is good or wrong and punish wrongdoers accordingly." (similar to Kharma)

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The face is, every "humane" execution method used by Western governments has been a form of torture. There has existed a completely painless method of execution for decades. We have been able to put people painlessly to sleep for surgical purposes for a very long time. Once under, the "executioner" could saw his or her head off with a rusty saw and there would be no pain. The fact that this had not been even considered after all this time proves that the idea was to torture the victim to death. So I would not be too quick to claim moral superiority over third world countries who use cruder execution methods.

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jimjams 33 post # 40

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but i for one totally disagree with the death penalty, this just strengthens my opinion further. Its a sad sad world that we live in when people and countries can act in this way (the people who commit the crimes and the countries that administer the death penalty) this board seems to be in the "eye for an eye camp" where as i am "two wrongs don't make a right" regardless of this, people should not feel joy or celebrate the fact that

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I am not condoning what he did in anyway shape or form. However I will make no comment condemning or concerning my reaction to the deeds this man did which resulted in the horrendous deaths of two other people.

Yes perhaps you might do well to read the case and the death suffered, indeed you seem to be a typical born again Lord Longford woolly minded social worker totally out of touch with the agonies the innocent victims suffered.

So nice to see your evident sympathy for the criminal but not his innocent victims.

Edited by siampolee
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Maybe they need to start a 360 degree mentoring program! There are many inmates on death row who could tell you how to kill someone in 2 seconds. Maybe an opening for some death row consultancy here. How hard is it? Potassium Cyanide - bam game over within 20 secs.

I'm with you on this. No doubt the use of Potassium Cyanide would be deemed as inhumane!

There is a way to kill people that is fast and helps them. However it gives them a high when dying and they go peacefully. But people don't want that it must be painful else dying is not seen as punishment. I believe it was with some sort of gas like carbon mono oxide. I remember having seen a documentary about it. I will look it up basically it was way to kill someone with gas and they would die in Euphory instead of pain. But then it was not painfulll enough for the pro dead group. For me dead is dead.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe they need to start a 360 degree mentoring program! There are many inmates on death row who could tell you how to kill someone in 2 seconds. Maybe an opening for some death row consultancy here. How hard is it? Potassium Cyanide - bam game over within 20 secs.

I'm with you on this. No doubt the use of Potassium Cyanide would be deemed as inhumane!

What if you don't like the taste?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but i for one totally disagree with the death penalty, this just strengthens my opinion further. Its a sad sad world that we live in when people and countries can act in this way (the people who commit the crimes and the countries that administer the death penalty) this board seems to be in the "eye for an eye camp" where as i am "two wrongs don't make a right" regardless of this, people should not feel joy or celebrate the fact that this man died a torturous and undoubtedly a very painful death. I am not condoning what he did in anyway shape or form, i am just dissapointed in many peoples joyful reaction to this horrendous death sad.png

I would agree with you, we should also consider the person who has to carry out the execution too.

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Wonder if those lawyers considered the manner of deaths that their clients victims suffered?

Life's a bitch but Karma will get you.

He was sentenced to death, not tortured to death; sad country.

Oh dear, how sad, but never mind.

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I shake my head when I think about the inability to easily send them off. A nice really big shot of heroin should do the trick. Maybe they don't like idea that prisoner might die with smile on face?

Shot of heroin. Shot of cyanide.

Job done.

You could even offer it to those doing LWoP and have no appeal options left. Half would probably sign up for it, freeing up more prison cells for people without TV licenses, peaceful protesters against War Crimes etc.

Edited by Deacon Bell
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Maybe they need to start a 360 degree mentoring program! There are many inmates on death row who could tell you how to kill someone in 2 seconds. Maybe an opening for some death row consultancy here. How hard is it? Potassium Cyanide - bam game over within 20 secs.

I'm with you on this. No doubt the use of Potassium Cyanide would be deemed as inhumane!

What if you don't like the taste?

They give you a peppermint sweet first

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Wonder if those lawyers considered the manner of deaths that their clients victims suffered?

Life's a bitch but Karma will get you.

He was sentenced to death, not tortured to death; sad country.

I am in favor of drowning, depending on the pain the victim suffered.

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So sad too bad!

I read this article and three words sprung to mind, 'Som Nom Na'

Hopefully he just felt the same pain all his victims felt including that of the extended family who all suffered at this ar se holes hands !

Good Riddance, another germ eliminated it's a WONDERFUL day !

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

More than half the people executed in America are mentally ill. From The Washington Post:

"A new study by Robert J. Smith, Sophie Cull and Zoë Robinson, published in Hastings Law Journal, of the social histories of 100 people executed during 2012 and 2013 showed that the vast majority of executed offenders suffered from one or more significant cognitive and behavioral deficits.

One-third of the offenders had intellectual disabilities, borderline intellectual function or traumatic brain injuries, a similarly debilitating impairment. For example, the Texas Department of Corrections determined that Elroy Chester had an IQ of 69. He attended special education classes throughout school and never functioned at a higher level than third grade. The state had previously enrolled Chester into its Mentally Retarded Offenders Program. Despite these findings, Texas executed him on June 12, 2013."



Furthermore, The Innocence Project keeps proving that innocent people have been executed and other innocents have spent years on death row before DNA and other evidence exonerated them.

Additionally, all credible studies have shown that the death penalty has no deterrent effect.

When people talk about "justice for the victim's family" they're really screaming: "Retribution!" --that is something civilized society should be moving away from, not towards.


All...A L L... of the victims were innocent...100 %...these people do not belong in civilized society...

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Actually, I think what ever method is used by the killer should be used on them, turn about is fair play.

Having got that out of the way. Put them in an Altitude Chamber, pump out all the Oxygen and they just go to sleep and die of Anoxcia/Hypoxia. The effects was demonstrated during my USAF Flying days. Very quick and not too unpleasant.

De-Capitation, Firing Squad is cheapist way. They probably think Hanging is cruel and unusual.

Honestly, I do not care too much, you do the deed you get the penalty. If you know ahead of time you have nothing to complain about. I am sure most criminals know what the State they are in uses to execute.

You can't selectively pull out only oxygen from a room. The air you breath contains 78% nitrogen than 21% oxygen. Anyway, you'd still kill him but not by oxygen deprivation.

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Wonder if those lawyers considered the manner of deaths that their clients victims suffered?

Life's a bitch but Karma will get you.

My theory on Karma, is if it's real, the majority of leaders around the world would have leprosy. rolleyes.gif

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I don't get why its so hard to actually find a drug and administer that is going to kill you instantly, there are heaps to choose from

Except due to political correctness the drug companies have started to refuse to supply the ones they used previously which were quick.

I think you'll find that the mainly European pharmaceutical companies, where most of the sodium pentothal came from, didn't want their products to be associated with state executions. There are more modern anaesthetics available today which make sodium pentothal outdated.

There's nothing to stop the American pharmaceutical companies from making it.

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I dont know that it should be instantaneous, and I definitely dont shed a tear when someone like Ted Bundy goes to the chair (do they still have that in some states ?) but the circus outside the prison the night he was executed left me wondering if humanity isnt the real loser every time we announce an execution and give the ghouls their morbid jollies. In that respect, the Balinese system of taking people to an island in the middle of the night without prior warning has some merit - undeniably terrifying for the condemned but given that they've caught more drug mules since the Bali 9 were arrested it seems that doesnt register with some of the population. Next one should get the world's media fired up if they go ahead with it -


In January 2013, a 56-year-old British woman was sentenced to execution by firing squad for importing a large amount of cocaine; she lost her appeal against her sentence in April 2013

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I am not an eye for an eye guy but they h are on death row because they have taken at least one life most likely in terrible circumstances

That is not true.

Just look at the Joe Dick trial in Florida, or the West Memphis 3. With Damien luckily freed from death row after 18 years.... there are likely thousands of innocent people on death row in America.

There's 3000 people on death row. So according to you they are pretty much all innocent..? (That's what they all say!) blink.png

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