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American hot dogs across highline between Bangkok skyscrapers


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Wow, that is <deleted> amazing. Not sure why people get angry and wanna call the guy stupid, "GoDdAmMiT bOy StOp BeInG wEiRd AnD dRaWiNg So MuCh AtTeNtIoN tO yOuRsElf". Hell, he made. It's cool stunt.

To the critical peanut gallery: You get up and do it. In fact, just try standing on the edge of building and looking down. Or I guess you can just continue to scold him like a fat man sprawled out on a couch cursing professional athletes for not performing as desired.

I wonder how the cops and security guards reacted to his stunt.

Too bad it was so windy. Applause to the guy for going out there in the wind.

Here's another link for the dead one:


and what did this little stunt accomplish - hopefully no kids see and think it's a good idea to go out on their balcony and emulate him.

Stunt such as these are what makes these guys get up in the morning. Though I cannot relate to actually doing it, I do have a lot of respect for these guys, for putting their asses on the line. It takes guts. Something I do not have, on this level. So, who am I to criticize a guy who does something like this? I have to applaud their spirit, their courage, their guts, and the sheer size of their cajones. When I look at some of the extreme skiers, some of the rock climbers, mountain climbers, base jumpers, I can only say wow. Damn. I seem to have too much respect for life and limb to engage in that kind of stuff, but it is amazing to witness. Kudos to these guys for having what it takes to get out there and do it.

Edited by spidermike007
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