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cool.png.pagespeed.ce.jz1nB6CMOI.png Not sure where to post this. I lived in Thailand and thought I knew a lot about Thai Culture and Buddhism. My wife's sister #1 son who is around 13 years old has the shaved head with the Topknot. They live in a rural village in Issan. Apparently this was done when he was very young and sick and is a practice to ward of evil spirits or something. My understanding is he has taken on the spirit of an ancient ancestor or warrior. I have seen this on other children and even some young adults. My wife told me that she offered to do the Tamboon (merit making ) when the time came to remove the topknot and I'm guessing the spell. It's like something you knew was coming but didn't really think about it Well we got the phone call and we are expected to be there on JAN 5th (the auspicious date selected) to remove the spell and Pay,

My question to the esteemed and knowledgeable TV members. Can anyone explain this practice to me?

Thanks in advance,



It's usually done to badly behaved boys hence the spiritual possession story. It's not a big deal if you don't want to go just send some cash and some Ritalin (joke)!

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