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Islamic mob burns to death a woman and two children in Pakistan


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I am from Pakistan one thing which I want to mention here when ever I see a Muslim killing any other innocent man woman it is portrayed that he was practicing Islam in killing so but it's never true Islam don't allow killings of innocents on the other hand if a Christian kills jew kills it is not said that he was practicing his religion why double standards ??? It hurts when we Muslims see such killings and hurts even more when we see people blaming Islam for all this smile.png

Did you not read the op? This was specificly about muslims killing others to avenge some perceived slight against islam.

There is no double standard, Christians do not go around the world murdering innocents in the name of their God.

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

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I have seen the pic few days ago on social media. It's been shared 100's of times. It depicts young woman with pants down sitting on the cube-shaped structure and relieving herself. Disgraceful...only seriously mentally disturbed person would come up with something like that.

There have been plenty of equally disgraceful depictions of Christian symbols over the years and they are usually called art. Don't recall any angry mobs of Christains burning babies over it.

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I have seen the pic few days ago on social media. It's been shared 100's of times. It depicts young woman with pants down sitting on the cube-shaped structure and relieving herself. Disgraceful...only seriously mentally disturbed person would come up with something like that.

There have been plenty of equally disgraceful depictions of Christian symbols over the years and they are usually called art. Don't recall any angry mobs of Christains burning babies over it.

Where is 7x7 for his "intuitive" input....?.........

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I am from Pakistan one thing which I want to mention here when ever I see a Muslim killing any other innocent man woman it is portrayed that he was practicing Islam in killing so but it's never true Islam don't allow killings of innocents on the other hand if a Christian kills jew kills it is not said that he was practicing his religion why double standards ??? It hurts when we Muslims see such killings and hurts even more when we see people blaming Islam for all this :)

Are you for real ?

If Islam doesn't allow the killing of innocent people then please tell me what the 24,000 deadly terror attacks were about since 9/11?? Not forgetting of course, that Muslim deliberately piloted planes in to the Twin Towers killing approx 3000 innocent people in the space of 2 x hours !!

When was the last time you heard a Christian Leader or a Jewish Leader calling for the deaths of people or for the raping or stoning of women in the name of their religion ? There is an awful lot wrong with many of the worlds religions, but you do not hear of other religious leaders calling for such barbaric actions in the name of their beliefs - unlike Islam - which poses the biggest single threat to the security of the world today !

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On BBC this morning. Same neck of the woods.


The fools should have left it at rape. They would have only got 15 years, which is the maximum sentence. The death sentence was for the armed robbery.

From the news article, "It is highly unusual for a death sentence to be given for the crime of armed robbery"

How about attempting at least a minimum of accuracy in commentary, for rape capital punishment is available under Afghan law. Death sentences have previously been carried out in Afghanistan for rape. From a 2012 report:

The Afghan government, which distributed photos of the executed men to journalists, said the men were hanged as punishment for “crimes and cruelty against children, women and people of Afghanistan.” Those crimes included murder, rape, sexual assault, kidnapping, and robbery.


BBC said the death sentences were for the robbery, 2 of the convicted did not take part in the rape.

www dotmytvathomedotcom

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i am a muslim but left the clan and most countrys would kill you for doing so i have a brain maybe small ? but if you put 100 of these uneducated brainless animals in a class of 6th gradersnot one would be able to answer one question without the head monkey and he makes up story as he cannt read but they will believe his dribble and listen so they can get some money from mosque

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On BBC this morning. Same neck of the woods.


The fools should have left it at rape. They would have only got 15 years, which is the maximum sentence. The death sentence was for the armed robbery.

From the news article, "It is highly unusual for a death sentence to be given for the crime of armed robbery"

How about attempting at least a minimum of accuracy in commentary, for rape capital punishment is available under Afghan law. Death sentences have previously been carried out in Afghanistan for rape. From a 2012 report:

The Afghan government, which distributed photos of the executed men to journalists, said the men were hanged as punishment for “crimes and cruelty against children, women and people of Afghanistan.” Those crimes included murder, rape, sexual assault, kidnapping, and robbery.


BBC said the death sentences were for the robbery, 2 of the convicted did not take part in the rape.

www dotmytvathomedotcom

OK, there are different views by reporting agencies e.g.

Oddly, the court did not try them on rape charges, apparently to spare their victims the ordeal of forensic examinations and embarrassing testimony; instead, their convictions were for adultery and armed robbery, both of which are capital offenses in Afghanistan.


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On BBC this morning. Same neck of the woods.


The fools should have left it at rape. They would have only got 15 years, which is the maximum sentence. The death sentence was for the armed robbery.

From the news article, "It is highly unusual for a death sentence to be given for the crime of armed robbery"

How about attempting at least a minimum of accuracy in commentary, for rape capital punishment is available under Afghan law. Death sentences have previously been carried out in Afghanistan for rape. From a 2012 report:

The Afghan government, which distributed photos of the executed men to journalists, said the men were hanged as punishment for “crimes and cruelty against children, women and people of Afghanistan.” Those crimes included murder, rape, sexual assault, kidnapping, and robbery.


BBC said the death sentences were for the robbery, 2 of the convicted did not take part in the rape.

www dotmytvathomedotcom

OK, there are different views by reporting agencies e.g.

Oddly, the court did not try them on rape charges, apparently to spare their victims the ordeal of forensic examinations and embarrassing testimony; instead, their convictions were for adultery and armed robbery, both of which are capital offenses in Afghanistan.


Not forgetting that many rape victims out there get arrested and tried for adultery

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