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Thailand's Washing Machines And Salad Dressing Blenders Meet International Standards

Jai Dee

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Thailand's washing machines and salad dressing blenders meet international standards

The International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) has certified the standard of washing machines and salad dressing blenders produced in Thailand.

Industrial Standard Office (ISO) secretary-general Pairoj Sanyadechakul (ไพโรจน์ สัญญะเดชากุล) said the recognition of the standards of these two products should help boost their exports because the goods will not have to be checked again for their quality by importers.

Mr. Pairoj said ISO and IEC will sign an agreement accepting a standard system this month. He said that should help expand the markets of Thai washing machines and blenders in more than 40 countries. The United States and several European countries are now major buyers of washing machines from Thailand, he added.

He said Japan also will sign an agreement accepting the standards of Thai electronic products and electrical appliances.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 July 2006

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Thailand's washing machines and salad dressing blenders meet international standards

The International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) has certified the standard of washing machines and salad dressing blenders produced in Thailand.

Industrial Standard Office (ISO) secretary-general Pairoj Sanyadechakul (ไพโรจน์ สัญญะเดชากุล) said the recognition of the standards of these two products should help boost their exports because the goods will not have to be checked again for their quality by importers.

Mr. Pairoj said ISO and IEC will sign an agreement accepting a standard system this month. He said that should help expand the markets of Thai washing machines and blenders in more than 40 countries. The United States and several European countries are now major buyers of washing machines from Thailand, he added.

He said Japan also will sign an agreement accepting the standards of Thai electronic products and electrical appliances.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 July 2006

Thailand will be the world hub for washing machine, right after to have successfully bee the world hub for IT (3 hurrah for CT), fashion (even FTV left bangkok , wonder what stay here), car industries, after have been drugg free, after winning the war against people carrying arms ....

Btw us, who is the fooliest? The man who claim that, the man who post it here as it was something real, or the man (as I) who read it?

La mere Denis est doit rire dans sa tombe. (french joke, ask Francois for translation).

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Btw us, who is the fooliest? The man who claim that, the man who post it here as it was something real, or the man (as I) who read it?

I don't make them up buddy... it's an official news bulletin issued today by the TNNBPRD.

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IMHO Thai washing machines are rubbish.. although I cant offer my opinion on salad dressing blender standards... in fact until I read the news, I didn't even know such a device existed.

I'm sure there's a huge international market for them.

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Btw us, who is the fooliest? The man who claim that, the man who post it here as it was something real, or the man (as I) who read it?

I don't make them up buddy... it's an official news bulletin issued today by the TNNBPRD.

No insult was intended, nor I intented to be irrespectful.

I was just given my opinion,that is the market in western europe (the so called Europe of 12) is certainly not fitting the excellence of thai products. Mostly, and it's a sad reality, western housewifes prefer the white clothes or white bed sheet to be white after a trip in the washmachine (ditto the ref to 'Mere Denis', a popular figure of the french advertising). The last time I witnessed a 'semi automatic' washmine was in 1978, in a very up country place in France (Namely a village of 150 inhabitants), since I did not.

So appart a european or american builder who decide to build the washmachine here because the cheap labor force (but there is cheaper all around), I do not see (as I am sure you also do not see) any reality in that.

But I will not kill the messager who carry a bad news, nor I intended to be disrespecfull to you. So sorry if my sentence was wrongly build. I should have say : I do not understand why you post it here, obviously this bulletin is only intended for thai people, just to remenber them they are still the best and the world is dying to get some part of what do. But this bulletin was not for us foreigners.

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Thailand the hub of salad dressing blending, after beeing a hub of quality....

that sentence catched my special attention "the goods will not have to be checked again for their quality by importers."

I want to post something cynical, but I am really speechless.....

Thailand's washing machines and salad dressing blenders meet international standards

The International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) has certified the standard of washing machines and salad dressing blenders produced in Thailand.

Industrial Standard Office (ISO) secretary-general Pairoj Sanyadechakul (ไพโรจน์ สัญญะเดชากุล) said the recognition of the standards of these two products should help boost their exports because the goods will not have to be checked again for their quality by importers.

Mr. Pairoj said ISO and IEC will sign an agreement accepting a standard system this month. He said that should help expand the markets of Thai washing machines and blenders in more than 40 countries. The United States and several European countries are now major buyers of washing machines from Thailand, he added.

He said Japan also will sign an agreement accepting the standards of Thai electronic products and electrical appliances.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 July 2006

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Thailand's washing machines and salad dressing blenders meet international standards

The International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) has certified the standard of washing machines and salad dressing blenders produced in Thailand.

Industrial Standard Office (ISO) secretary-general Pairoj Sanyadechakul (ไพโรจน์ สัญญะเดชากุล) said the recognition of the standards of these two products should help boost their exports because the goods will not have to be checked again for their quality by importers.

Mr. Pairoj said ISO and IEC will sign an agreement accepting a standard system this month. He said that should help expand the markets of Thai washing machines and blenders in more than 40 countries. The United States and several European countries are now major buyers of washing machines from Thailand, he added.

He said Japan also will sign an agreement accepting the standards of Thai electronic products and electrical appliances.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 July 2006

I see this accreditation coming up for review with a lot less fanfare soon after the exports increase.

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