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Canadian Journalist Shot Dead By Girlfriend In Chiang Mai

Jai Dee

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my apologies for upsetting all the do gooders

Blackjack. This is not an attempt to flame you. If you appologise to all the do gooders you obviously don't consider yourself to be amongst them? So that makes you either a 'do badder' or a 'nothing doer'? If you are the former then how are you different from the people you feel deserve no pity, and if you are the latter then why are you posting anything?

Surely you must do good in your life? If so, is it right to frown upon others who are trying to do good when you feel they are wrong?

Just curious thats all....

wow - what ever you are smoking I want some so that i can feel all warm and fuzzy too or what ever touchy feely group you belong to let me know the name of them so i can avoid at all costs

So please get back to the subject of trial by media

shes guilty and when all the nonsense plea bargaining comes before the court I will be vindicated for my honest although abrasive comments

guilty is as guilty does - wind them up - next :o

Do you have a huge chip on your shoulder or are you just plan heartless?


i thought we'd moved on from the slagging match

heartless no

I feel for the children and the families/friends involved - remember they are on the outside picking up the pieces

now the children will grow up in different homes and with the knowledge that their mother murdered their father

Now they have no mother and no father - a tragedy indeed

Its exponential now and hundreds of people will be effected

So if you're all so concerned about the murderers welfare why not start up a collection for her defence

I will kick in 100 baht to get things rolling

hel_l maybe start a web page and send it around the world like a chain letter getting everyone to kick in a dollar

over to you - lets see where your heart is


Wow Blackjack, I can assure you that I am no 'tree hugging cosmic moonbeam' as you imply, and as for smoking what I am, 7-11 do Marlboro Lights for 60 baht a pop.

Why would you want to donate money to a cause that you slammed earlier? Don't try and make people who up until now have been waiting to hear her side of the story before passing judgement look bad. If you are so sure of her guilt shouldn't you be starting a 'prosecutors fund?'

The fact is that the facts are not known at this time. It is starting to sound increasingly like self defense in which case your view of justice for her is way off the mark. However if this proves to not be the case and it was cold blooded murder then I would be the first to demand an appropriate sentence.

You are right, a number of people have been greatly affected by this, including her children and you should feel sorry for them. I can't imagine your comments of 'sling the bitch in jail' have helped them much though do you?

i thought we had moved on

however if you insist

i am glad you are not my attorney as you are using quotes of statements i never made ' '

you are in fact paraphrasing my comments and using them as a statement i never made

this is dangerous - so if your going to quote me make it accurate - dont twist things

move on please

i think we are up to the part where we are looking for financial support for her defence

so far we have 100 baht contributed by me

should i send it to the thai lawyer or where

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my apologies for upsetting all the do gooders

Blackjack. This is not an attempt to flame you. If you appologise to all the do gooders you obviously don't consider yourself to be amongst them? So that makes you either a 'do badder' or a 'nothing doer'? If you are the former then how are you different from the people you feel deserve no pity, and if you are the latter then why are you posting anything?

Surely you must do good in your life? If so, is it right to frown upon others who are trying to do good when you feel they are wrong?

Just curious thats all....

wow - what ever you are smoking I want some so that i can feel all warm and fuzzy too or what ever touchy feely group you belong to let me know the name of them so i can avoid at all costs

So please get back to the subject of trial by media

shes guilty and when all the nonsense plea bargaining comes before the court I will be vindicated for my honest although abrasive comments

guilty is as guilty does - wind them up - next :o

Do you have a huge chip on your shoulder or are you just plan heartless?


i thought we'd moved on from the slagging match

heartless no

I feel for the children and the families/friends involved - remember they are on the outside picking up the pieces

now the children will grow up in different homes and with the knowledge that their mother murdered their father

Now they have no mother and no father - a tragedy indeed

Its exponential now and hundreds of people will be effected

So if you're all so concerned about the murderers welfare why not start up a collection for her defence

I will kick in 100 baht to get things rolling

hel_l maybe start a web page and send it around the world like a chain letter getting everyone to kick in a dollar

over to you - lets see where your heart is


Wow Blackjack, I can assure you that I am no 'tree hugging cosmic moonbeam' as you imply, and as for smoking what I am, 7-11 do Marlboro Lights for 60 baht a pop.

Why would you want to donate money to a cause that you slammed earlier? Don't try and make people who up until now have been waiting to hear her side of the story before passing judgement look bad. If you are so sure of her guilt shouldn't you be starting a 'prosecutors fund?'

The fact is that the facts are not known at this time. It is starting to sound increasingly like self defense in which case your view of justice for her is way off the mark. However if this proves to not be the case and it was cold blooded murder then I would be the first to demand an appropriate sentence.

You are right, a number of people have been greatly affected by this, including her children and you should feel sorry for them. I can't imagine your comments of 'sling the b***h in jail' have helped them much though do you?

i thought we had moved on

however if you insist

i am glad you are not my attorney as you are using quotes of statements i never made ' '

you are in fact paraphrasing my comments and using them as a statement i never made

this is dangerous - so if your going to quote me make it accurate - dont twist things

move on please

i think we are up to the part where we are looking for financial support for her defence

so far we have 100 baht contributed by me

should i send it to the thai lawyer or where

To quote you...

"she has ruined the life of many and sicko or not she deserves to be off the street as this is unacceptable behaviour and her kids now have to live with this legacy

so get the**edited for abusive content***into a hospital or a prison asap"

Am I clear of danger now? Should we move on now at your convenience?

There seem to be a few members who are following the legal side closely, I'm sure if you PM one of them they would tell you were to send the money.

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it's hard to believe that so many are so upset by: if he made films, if he didn't, if he was a reporter for cnn or not, if this, if that.

You are all still missing the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll agree that George could have done all of this and so much more, he was brillant. I lived with him, did you???? He could have used his talents for so.....much good, but didn't. If he made a film, it was probably porn, and if he seemed to be helping people, it was cuz he wanted to scam them. Sorry, guys, but George's legacy will be that he left many children un cared for and that's that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rest in ?????????????????????? KEOKI

I appreciate your input and respect the information you provide. Money in this situation is very much unknown but one thing that is clear is that Jeana and the 5 children in Chiang Mai had enough to live comfortably in their own (rented) good quality home. The kids were in a private school costing about US$50,000 per year total for the 5 of them. Is it possible that George was providing financial support for this ?

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That would be amazing!!!!!! with love to all, Karen/Kari

hmmm not likely? bet a mod could tell where this was posted from :D

Believe it or not No ...I have absolutely No idea . :D

I understand that its possible to track/trace where an email starts from ...country ID No & Location etc.but ....mai Ko Jai...

Some I get through thaivisa and other come into my own address mail...in my case Ethailand.com

Some stuff that has come through recently concerning this case is to say the least.. a bit suss.

I have replied to 2 people asking for more info (in confidence) especially regarding copies of forwarded emails that could be genunine or not but believe it or not I dont want to pre-empt anything ......

I have my own suspicion on the whole story but there is so much more out there waiting to be "aired"...drug dealings,porno films,Bi-sexual behaviour,dodgy charity foundations,previous serious criminal activities (LOS-US-South America)...suggestion of FBI..investigations..."holistic Spars"...yeah sure business dealings especially in C.M with orthers (very quiet).......and lots and lots of dosh..... :o and more..... :D

At the moment I am sitting in my office here in deepest Islington,London (and its hot-hot weather wise )handling loads of other stuff on my normal day job...."cancil mate ...cancil".... while at the same time dipping in and out of TV and responding to postings if and when there are relevant....and thats it....no more....O... yes drinking coffee.....

What's not likely???????????????????????? I would like to know, since your comment is coming after my entry................... Specialk/Karen Davis/Kari Dubie/[email protected]

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it's hard to believe that so many are so upset by: if he made films, if he didn't, if he was a reporter for cnn or not, if this, if that.

You are all still missing the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll agree that George could have done all of this and so much more, he was brillant. I lived with him, did you???? He could have used his talents for so.....much good, but didn't. If he made a film, it was probably porn, and if he seemed to be helping people, it was cuz he wanted to scam them. Sorry, guys, but George's legacy will be that he left many children un cared for and that's that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rest in ?????????????????????? KEOKI

I appreciate your input and respect the information you provide. Money in this situation is very much unknown but one thing that is clear is that Jeana and the 5 children in Chiang Mai had enough to live comfortably in their own (rented) good quality home. The kids were in a private school costing about US$50,000 per year total for the 5 of them. Is it possible that George was providing financial support for this ?

You evidently know some very personal information about Jeana and her family's financial circumstances, so can we assume that you do know where the money came from but don't want to tell? If so, I respect your right to keep the info to yourself, and your evident concern for Jeana. Do you happen to know what became of her bail application yet?

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I appreciate your input and respect the information you provide. Money in this situation is very much unknown but one thing that is clear is that Jeana and the 5 children in Chiang Mai had enough to live comfortably in their own (rented) good quality home. The kids were in a private school costing about US$50,000 per year total for the 5 of them. Is it possible that George was providing financial support for this ?

Yes, in the recent past he has honored his financial commitments especially when children were involved.

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it's hard to believe that so many are so upset by: if he made films, if he didn't, if he was a reporter for cnn or not, if this, if that.

You are all still missing the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll agree that George could have done all of this and so much more, he was brillant. I lived with him, did you???? He could have used his talents for so.....much good, but didn't. If he made a film, it was probably porn, and if he seemed to be helping people, it was cuz he wanted to scam them. Sorry, guys, but George's legacy will be that he left many children un cared for and that's that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rest in ?????????????????????? KEOKI

I appreciate your input and respect the information you provide. Money in this situation is very much unknown but one thing that is clear is that Jeana and the 5 children in Chiang Mai had enough to live comfortably in their own (rented) good quality home. The kids were in a private school costing about US$50,000 per year total for the 5 of them. Is it possible that George was providing financial support for this ?

You evidently know some very personal information about Jeana and her family's financial circumstances, so can we assume that you do know where the money came from but don't want to tell? If so, I respect your right to keep the info to yourself, and your evident concern for Jeana. Do you happen to know what became of her bail application yet?

Evidentlly, assume, .......a lot of speculation Fruitbat. I have no idea where the money came from. If If If George was paying, perhaps that says something positive about him. I do not know what became of her bail application.

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it's hard to believe that so many are so upset by: if he made films, if he didn't, if he was a reporter for cnn or not, if this, if that.

You are all still missing the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll agree that George could have done all of this and so much more, he was brillant. I lived with him, did you???? He could have used his talents for so.....much good, but didn't. If he made a film, it was probably porn, and if he seemed to be helping people, it was cuz he wanted to scam them. Sorry, guys, but George's legacy will be that he left many children un cared for and that's that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rest in ?????????????????????? KEOKI

I appreciate your input and respect the information you provide. Money in this situation is very much unknown but one thing that is clear is that Jeana and the 5 children in Chiang Mai had enough to live comfortably in their own (rented) good quality home. The kids were in a private school costing about US$50,000 per year total for the 5 of them. Is it possible that George was providing financial support for this ?

You evidently know some very personal information about Jeana and her family's financial circumstances, so can we assume that you do know where the money came from but don't want to tell? If so, I respect your right to keep the info to yourself, and your evident concern for Jeana. Do you happen to know what became of her bail application yet?

Evidentlly, assume, .......a lot of speculation Fruitbat. I have no idea where the money came from. If If If George was paying, perhaps that says something positive about him. I do not know what became of her bail application.

You "evidently" have some information re Jeana's finances, since you quoted figures re the cost of schooling the children. I certainly did not intend to provoke your defences, and apologise sincerely if I have done so.

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That would be amazing!!!!!! with love to all, Karen/Kari

hmmm not likely? bet a mod could tell where this was posted from :D

Believe it or not No ...I have absolutely No idea . :D

I understand that its possible to track/trace where an email starts from ...country ID No & Location etc.but ....mai Ko Jai...

Some I get through thaivisa and other come into my own address mail...in my case Ethailand.com

Some stuff that has come through recently concerning this case is to say the least.. a bit suss.

I have replied to 2 people asking for more info (in confidence) especially regarding copies of forwarded emails that could be genunine or not but believe it or not I dont want to pre-empt anything ......

I have my own suspicion on the whole story but there is so much more out there waiting to be "aired"...drug dealings,porno films,Bi-sexual behaviour,dodgy charity foundations,previous serious criminal activities (LOS-US-South America)...suggestion of FBI..investigations..."holistic Spars"...yeah sure business dealings especially in C.M with orthers (very quiet).......and lots and lots of dosh..... :o and more..... :D

At the moment I am sitting in my office here in deepest Islington,London (and its hot-hot weather wise )handling loads of other stuff on my normal day job...."cancil mate ...cancil".... while at the same time dipping in and out of TV and responding to postings if and when there are relevant....and thats it....no more....O... yes drinking coffee.....

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That would be amazing!!!!!! with love to all, Karen/Kari

hmmm not likely? bet a mod could tell where this was posted from :D

Believe it or not No ...I have absolutely No idea . :D

I understand that its possible to track/trace where an email starts from ...country ID No & Location etc.but ....mai Ko Jai...

Some I get through thaivisa and other come into my own address mail...in my case Ethailand.com

Some stuff that has come through recently concerning this case is to say the least.. a bit suss.

I have replied to 2 people asking for more info (in confidence) especially regarding copies of forwarded emails that could be genunine or not but believe it or not I dont want to pre-empt anything ......

I have my own suspicion on the whole story but there is so much more out there waiting to be "aired"...drug dealings,porno films,Bi-sexual behaviour,dodgy charity foundations,previous serious criminal activities (LOS-US-South America)...suggestion of FBI..investigations..."holistic Spars"...yeah sure business dealings especially in C.M with orthers (very quiet).......and lots and lots of dosh..... :o and more..... :D

At the moment I am sitting in my office here in deepest Islington,London (and its hot-hot weather wise )handling loads of other stuff on my normal day job...."cancil mate ...cancil".... while at the same time dipping in and out of TV and responding to postings if and when there are relevant....and thats it....no more....O... yes drinking coffee.....

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it's hard to believe that so many are so upset by: if he made films, if he didn't, if he was a reporter for cnn or not, if this, if that.

You are all still missing the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll agree that George could have done all of this and so much more, he was brillant. I lived with him, did you???? He could have used his talents for so.....much good, but didn't. If he made a film, it was probably porn, and if he seemed to be helping people, it was cuz he wanted to scam them. Sorry, guys, but George's legacy will be that he left many children un cared for and that's that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rest in ?????????????????????? KEOKI

I appreciate your input and respect the information you provide. Money in this situation is very much unknown but one thing that is clear is that Jeana and the 5 children in Chiang Mai had enough to live comfortably in their own (rented) good quality home. The kids were in a private school costing about US$50,000 per year total for the 5 of them. Is it possible that George was providing financial support for this ?

it has never been his money......................

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These have been sent to me anon...

maybe just gossip but everything seems to be leading me back to Herbal life

(not saying/suggesting anything just in case ...OK) :o

Any another 2 names to add to the lads history....

and believe Queenie is ....Dig Deeper and find out..........

..herbalife mark hughes' colleague and geri cvitanovich dubie's divorced hubbie daniel dubie shot

Under the "You can not make this stuff up" category there is much more dirt in the Herbalife MLM "dark and evil" empire.

Daniel Dubie (aka George Patrick Dubie name on his CA drivers liscence, Christian Hart, Ahmed Silibi Oman Dubie) was killed by long time "common law" canadian "wife" Margaret Crane (aka Jeana Hart). Perhaps...


Just on time - Sam guide, Thu Oct 6 13:48:59 2005

Yes! Geri Cvitanovich "image" and open, very fake marriage to Daniel is confirmed.

Geri is VERY good and putting on a "SHOW" for the herbalife family just ask Queenie....

Daniel has many many women around the world....

Their lifestyle is just a "PHONEY SHOW" It is a VERY unhappy marriage.....

They are secretly seperated...Ask Queenie....SHARE THIS MESSAGE

I am very saddened and shocked by the horrific events reported regarding Daniel.

He had called me a month ago and we spoke at length. I was sorry to hear that his mother had just passed away.

I loved him very much. I had a lot of anger towards him about his actions from the past. He did try to make things right with me and I honor that. It all seems so sad now. I could not fully forgive him and I regret that. I am humbled by his tragic death and the reminder that we all will die. I forgive him and I wish him peace. He was a remarkable person full of energy, magic and enthusiasm for life. I now feel that perhaps even he got carried away in his own spells, exuberant visions and great “plans”. He had the most remarkable eyes and gaze. I support the efforts to uncover the truth of his complex and secretive life history. It seems that some of his choices and actions led to a great deal of suffering and that many were hurt and angered (I was and took all the appropriate steps I could to address the effects of his actions) but he was greatly loved. May the best of him live on in his children.

I would like to send this message to Felecia or Vanessa. Can you help me to do that?

To address some questions raised in this forum:

Daniel (George Patrick) Dubie and Geraldine Cvitanovich were legally married and legally divorced in Hawaii. Readers can look on the Hawaii Judicary court records web site for this documentation.

Meaning of the name-Jadeavassociates was Jade + ava (Avatar Productions another of Daniels Production companies).

Daniel did have 2 films shown in the Hawaiian film festival. These were documentary types.

I believe Venessa is on Oahu, HI,,,,, I just heard that Felicia is in Iran

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Was there a hint of sarcasm in the way Thaivisa sent this mail alert? That's how it appeared in my mailbox:

Thailand dating


Canadian shot dead by girlfriend

Read more:



Expat Insurance - Get your quote on-line:


Brilliant , just brilliant


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Louise Dickson, Times Colonist Published: Wednesday, July 12, 2006

When he answered his cellphone six weeks ago, California musician Craig Ingraham recognized a voice from his past.

For the first time since the early 1980s, he was talking to Margaret Crane. The Victoria woman -- now facing murder charges in the shooting death of Daniel George Dubie who was the father of six of her children -- was calling to ask him for money to leave Thailand with the children.

Ingraham had been befriended by Dubie and Crane in Hawaii in 1976. Dubie convinced Ingraham he was his spiritual guide.

Soon, however, Dubie began to physically abuse him, Ingraham said. Dubie left a trail of destruction behind him, said Ingraham.

"I was deprived of sleep and food. It was quite amazing I was so far under his control," he recalled Tuesday. "I surrendered to this person."

Hesitantly, Ingraham described how Dubie put two pots of water on the stove. Dubie told Ingraham if he was really grateful, God would change the boiling water to ice cold water. Ingraham went to the sink and closed his eyes.

The first time, Dubie poured ice cold water over his arm and praised him for being grateful. The second time, Dubie poured boiling water over Ingraham's hand and arm.

"I woke up in Queen's Hospital with gangrene." After the scalding incident, Ingraham ran away from Dubie. The next year, Dubie was imprisoned in Hawaii for conspiracy to commit grand theft. "He was an evil person, a sadist con artist."

Ingraham believes Crane was also physically abused by Dubie.

When she met Dubie in 1976, she has told friends she immediately fell in love with him, but never lived with or married him.

"But it was the immature teenage love that never grew," said Ingraham. "She never knew what it was like to care for a decent guy."

In their recent phone calls, Crane told Ingraham she hadn't seen Dubie for more than two years.

"I just want to get away from him," she told Ingraham. "I know I've ruined my life. He's evil."

Instead of money, Ingraham sent her a list of family law attorneys.

"I don't think she was in love with him anymore," he said.

On the day of the shooting, Dubie asked Crane to meet him at the restaurant to talk about something. They had a fight and he slapped her.

"She told him she was so angry if she had a gun, she'd shoot him," said Ingraham.

"But he pulled out a gun and taunted her, saying, 'Shoot if you've got the balls to do it.' "

© Times Colonist (Victoria) 2006

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I’m ashamed to know that many of the generation I grew up with in the sixties have turned into middle-aged weirdoes. How we ridiculed the generation before us for being so gullible to go fight wars in foreign lands. We were going to show them where it was at, man... and then fell into other kinds of traps. The ego, for want of a better word, rules. If you want to read a long detailed account of Shon Dubie and his crazy gang of followers check out this eighty-year-old self imposed victim’s account in a free downloadable book “A long Letter to a Friend” at: http://www.karunabooks.net/

The Dubie tale begins at page 50.

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Interesting the fact that Mr. Dennis Rivers, the owner of the site should include this update...

These encounters included several years in the entourage of one of the more bizarre spiritual teachers of recent times, the charismatic sociopath, George Daniel Patrick "Shon" Dubie, (who was killed in 2006 by one of his estranged followers). A very current site, most unusual, but there again, everything about this man (Dubie) is unusual.

The download speed from his shared server was just too slow this afternoon. Will have to download it later.

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Interesting the fact that Mr. Dennis Rivers, the owner of the site should include this update...

These encounters included several years in the entourage of one of the more bizarre spiritual teachers of recent times, the charismatic sociopath, George Daniel Patrick "Shon" Dubie, (who was killed in 2006 by one of his estranged followers). A very current site, most unusual, but there again, everything about this man (Dubie) is unusual.

The download speed from his shared server was just too slow this afternoon. Will have to download it later.

Very interesting reading indeed!

It is obvious from the manuscript that the story was written and copyrighted in 2004, and only just recently updated (to publicise Dubie's death) for promotional purposes.

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Interesting the fact that Mr. Dennis Rivers, the owner of the site should include this update...

These encounters included several years in the entourage of one of the more bizarre spiritual teachers of recent times, the charismatic sociopath, George Daniel Patrick "Shon" Dubie, (who was killed in 2006 by one of his estranged followers). A very current site, most unusual, but there again, everything about this man (Dubie) is unusual.

The download speed from his shared server was just too slow this afternoon. Will have to download it later.

Very interesting reading indeed!

It is obvious from the manuscript that the story was written and copyrighted in 2004, and only just recently updated (to publicise Dubie's death) for promotional purposes.

No. This site has just recently popped up because I contacted Sarada, the author after Dubies death and told he to read the www.findkristen.com site and this site. This is just more info that should be shared with all to open the eyes of George Dubies fans. All she writes about is true, with regards to her life on the run with Dubie....... I had a very hard time reading this because it was the first time I was finding out where my missing child, Calista had been during those terrible six and a half years. Just thought you all should know. Sincerely, Kari/Karen Davis

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Interesting the fact that Mr. Dennis Rivers, the owner of the site should include this update...

These encounters included several years in the entourage of one of the more bizarre spiritual teachers of recent times, the charismatic sociopath, George Daniel Patrick "Shon" Dubie, (who was killed in 2006 by one of his estranged followers). A very current site, most unusual, but there again, everything about this man (Dubie) is unusual.

The download speed from his shared server was just too slow this afternoon. Will have to download it later.

Very interesting reading indeed!

It is obvious from the manuscript that the story was written and copyrighted in 2004, and only just recently updated (to publicise Dubie's death) for promotional purposes.

No. This site has just recently popped up because I contacted Sarada, the author after Dubies death and told he to read the www.findkristen.com site and this site. This is just more info that should be shared with all to open the eyes of George Dubies fans. All she writes about is true, with regards to her life on the run with Dubie....... I had a very hard time reading this because it was the first time I was finding out where my missing child, Calista had been during those terrible six and a half years. Just thought you all should know. Sincerely, Kari/Karen Davis

Thank you Kari for the link. :o

I wouldn't sign up to be a Dubie fanatic but i certainly have had years of time to observe his life and have heard his versions of these events. Now I am trying to put my life back together.

This story was too painful to read in full. It seems that he has really kept a similar bag of tricks for over 30 years.

I would like to write up my experiences but I do not know if I am strong enough to do that yet.

BTW why is Herbalife advertising all over this site????

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Interesting the fact that Mr. Dennis Rivers, the owner of the site should include this update...

These encounters included several years in the entourage of one of the more bizarre spiritual teachers of recent times, the charismatic sociopath, George Daniel Patrick "Shon" Dubie, (who was killed in 2006 by one of his estranged followers). A very current site, most unusual, but there again, everything about this man (Dubie) is unusual.

The download speed from his shared server was just too slow this afternoon. Will have to download it later.

Very interesting reading indeed!

It is obvious from the manuscript that the story was written and copyrighted in 2004, and only just recently updated (to publicise Dubie's death) for promotional purposes.

No. This site has just recently popped up because I contacted Sarada, the author after Dubies death and told he to read the www.findkristen.com site and this site. This is just more info that should be shared with all to open the eyes of George Dubies fans. All she writes about is true, with regards to her life on the run with Dubie....... I had a very hard time reading this because it was the first time I was finding out where my missing child, Calista had been during those terrible six and a half years. Just thought you all should know. Sincerely, Kari/Karen Davis

Thank you Kari for the link. :o

I wouldn't sign up to be a Dubie fanatic but i certainly have had years of time to observe his life and have heard his versions of these events. Now I am trying to put my life back together.

This story was too painful to read in full. It seems that he has really kept a similar bag of tricks for over 30 years.

I would like to write up my experiences but I do not know if I am strong enough to do that yet.

BTW why is Herbalife advertising all over this site????

Very interesting why herbalife is advertising on this site?????????? For some reason it's not too surprizing though. I can sympathize with your pain, and I for years hide it down deep in my soul and didn"t share my story with anyone.......I didn't trust anyone.......... In fact, I still don't trust most people and will probably remain single for the rest of my life.... but, who cares about that!!! I'm just saying that I have a big shoulder and large heart if you ever want to share with me more at my e-mail [email protected] or call me at home 360 352 2587. Stay strong. Yours truely, Kari

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herbalife is not advertising on this site, those are google ads run by google. The ads are designed to fit the topic, so the more you mention that company, the more it will show up. Don't mention it by name and it won't pop up anymore

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Just to answer the bail hearing question. Jeana's lawyer chose to postpone the hearing. It should take place early next week. She has been moved to the womans dentention center a few blocks away. And to clear up another misrepresentation here it was not the canadian gov that took care of getting the kids out of the country it was a friend.

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I’m ashamed to know that many of the generation I grew up with in the sixties have turned into middle-aged weirdoes. How we ridiculed the generation before us for being so gullible to go fight wars in foreign lands. We were going to show them where it was at, man... and then fell into other kinds of traps. The ego, for want of a better word, rules. If you want to read a long detailed account of Shon Dubie and his crazy gang of followers check out this eighty-year-old self imposed victim’s account in a free downloadable book “A long Letter to a Friend” at: http://www.karunabooks.net/

The Dubie tale begins at page 50.


I must be acting /feeling a bit "thick" over the weekend cause I cant seem to find ..."a long letter etc"...must be the heat......where is it exactly ?

Also (and to keep things going)as prev mentioned ...

does anybody know if the young Thai women he was recently involved with was his G/f or wife... since if she was his "last one" then no doubt she will inherit his house,businesses,estates and assets.........could annoy some people.... :o

PS...Specialk....will reply to your personal Email when I work it out...R

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