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How to report 7/11 staff


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How do I complain about a 7/11 member of staff? One of them just tried to rip me off in regards to the stamps. I pointed it out and when she refused to give me the stamps I asked for a refund. She then started making a scene and demanded I return the goods to the shelves. I refused so she stroppily handed back the money. I went to another 7/11 2 minutes away and was given the correct stamps.

While it's a small sum of money I think stealing from and being rude to customers is something her manager should know about. Anyone know how to go about doing this? The managers are never in the store.

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Why? A few stamps worth less than a satang, much less. Why?

No, the stamps are worth money - in this case 9 baht. A minority of 7/11 staff are running a scam whereby they don't give the customer the stamps and keep them themselves. This could add up to a lot of money over time. It's stealing and she was rude. Why put up with that?

AFAIK they can't be redeemed for cash so they're not really worth money.

I believe you can get some useless product once you've saved up enough of them.

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Why? A few stamps worth less than a satang, much less. Why?

No, the stamps are worth money - in this case 9 baht. A minority of 7/11 staff are running a scam whereby they don't give the customer the stamps and keep them themselves. This could add up to a lot of money over time. It's stealing and she was rude. Why put up with that?

AFAIK they can't be redeemed for cash so they're not really worth money.

I believe you can get some useless product once you've saved up enough of them.

You can use them to buy any product at any 7/11 store. You don't need to save up a minimum number.

Edited by edwardandtubs
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Why? A few stamps worth less than a satang, much less. Why?

No, the stamps are worth money - in this case 9 baht. A minority of 7/11 staff are running a scam whereby they don't give the customer the stamps and keep them themselves. This could add up to a lot of money over time. It's stealing and she was rude. Why put up with that?

AFAIK they can't be redeemed for cash so they're not really worth money.

I believe you can get some useless product once you've saved up enough of them.

You can use them to buy any product at any 7/11 store. You don't need to save up a minimum number.


How many stamps for a beer?

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I hope you know these workers get paid 30 baht an hour and you probably look/act like a tourist.

Is it a tourist area where she deal with lot of them who speak to her in a foreign language? If so, I'd rip you off.

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Here, but it appears most of it is in Thai


Thanks but I doubt using the contact form on the website would get anything done.

There is a Bangkok phone number in the contact section and an address, but you will need a Thai person either to phone or write on your behalf. I cannot see what other options you have to make a complaint.

I totally agree with you regarding the stamps. I often shop at the 7/11s and at most times I have to ask for the stamps otherwise they don`t offer them or the staff tell me that they are not available. This is not just on rare occasions but 9 times out of 10 each time I shop at a 7/11 and there are stamps on offer. I can remember on one occasion when I insisted on having my stamps, one member of staff said to her work college, he`s a farang how did he know about the stamps?

Also at these 7/11s they frequently place the wrong price labels underneath products on the shelves with the correct higher priced labels conveniently missing altogether. The bar code numbers on the price labels and the products are so small that one needs a magnifying glass to read them. I have been caught out like this many times. Not always easy and convenient to check all the prices with a fine tooth comb when at times I buy multiple items costing 1500 baht or more and my shopping basket is stacked up with goods.

As for those who consider insisting on having the stamps is being petty and mean, over the course of a year my wife and I spend a lot of money at the 7/11s, at least over 3000 baht per month and the value of these stamps certainly adds up over time. It is customers like myself who help keep these stores in business and the staff that work in them employed, plus the stamps are something customers are entitled to and well paid for, this is not charity on the part of the stores.

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I ran into the same issue recently, only in my case we're not talking about 9 baht, but nearly four times that amount. The manager was useless (in on it?), so have consulted a lawyer about next steps to take. She seems to think a class action suit is possible, but obviously we will need to find the other victims that are surely out there, and get them onboard. In the meantime I've set up a website to help get the word out and hopefully stop this kind of fraud happening again www.justiceforourstamps.com (try it without the www if it doesn't work).

Good joke !

Almost thought it was serious but then understood that even a Thai couldn't be so stupid :-)

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How can you spend 3000 baht per month in a 7/11 when the majority of the stuff is total rubbish?

We live a reasonable distance from the town and the 7/11s are conveniently located to us. I smoke, spend about 2000 baht a month on cigs, that`s one pack a day, like the occasional beer, the 7/11 sausages, soft drinks, ice cream and so on. My wife enjoys the yogurts, one a day plus I buy most of our bread, bottles of milk, breakfast cereals, eggs, coffee, tea, biscuits, chocolate and crisps from there also. Now thinking about it I probably spend more than 3000 baht per month at the 7/11s, it soon adds up. All the rest of our main shopping we buy once a week from the big local markets. In all our shopping bill for me and er indoors comes to about 15000 baht per month, 250 baht per day each for our food and drinks, not including my fags, plus another 3000 baht per month to feed all our cats and dogs, because our pets are fed decent food and not tinned pet food or the dry stuff. We also have to have food and drink here available for when the kids come home also. Oh, and forgot to mention our drinking water, that`s another 200 baht per month for us and our pets. We consider that what is not good enough for us to eat and drink is also not good enough for our pets either.. We buy all our dog meat and veg for our cats and dogs from the local markets along with our main food products, so in total that adds up to approx 18000 baht per month shopping bill for the family and our pets.

Now, would I lie to you?

Edited by Beetlejuice
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