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How to report 7/11 staff


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Mr Canman, the people who made the original CDs, TV shows and movies which can be downloaded free have already made themselves a fortune on the back of ordinary people like us, so I would say downloading old tv shows, old movies etc free, is fine, if you want to download old movies etc, go right ahead, you deserve it.

So what you are saying is that is OK to steal from the rich.

The op in the 7-11 girls mind would be considered rich. Ergo no problem to steal from him.

That would depend on how they got rich. There is nothing wrong with stealing from thiefs if you get the chance, and there are plenty of them, thiefs I mean. I think you get my drift.

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Can see both sides of the argument, but the rudeness of the staff probably nailed it. It's not about how much you steal, it's about the act a person commits- which is against the law. I doubt she would have spoken in that manner to a Thai Person, or even tried to pull the stunt in the first place. Personally, I would have let it go, but I can see why someone would challenge it. The rudeness is difficult to take to be honest - maybe he should have kicked all the shelves over and see how that goes down- at least it would have grabbed a lot of attention to the scam !

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Why? A few stamps worth less than a satang, much less. Why?

No, the stamps are worth money - in this case 9 baht. A minority of 7/11 staff are running a scam whereby they don't give the customer the stamps and keep them themselves. This could add up to a lot of money over time. It's stealing and she was rude. Why put up with that?

hey, looking at what they earn at a 7/11, I would turn my back to those "scams" or whatever you call it.

Darwin postulated the survival of the strongest. You should fell happy to be a front witness of Darwinesque behaviour inside a simple shitty nitty foodstuff store that tries to label their stuff "real food".

If you can't stand loosing your damn 9 Baht stamp, get lost. Darwin was meant for people with a stance

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So you are complaining because the 7/11 didn't give you those free stamps????, I'm sorry but if that's all you have to complain about then you must have a really really sad life.

Agreed; at my parents shop we had a special 2 for 1 on an item. Some foreign thai came in and tried to buy 2. I told him I am American; I love my country and my people. YOU are a foreigner who obviously has enough money to come here.

I said no for you; YOU PAY!!

He looked at me sheepishly and walked out. Lucky he didn't open his mouth or he would have gotten his head kicked in.

MY COUNTRY, MY RULES. Foreigners can shut up and go home. They pay what I say; not what the sign says.

So awesome to see that so many here agree with me:)

We are all foreigners in America. The only people who can call rightfully call themselves natives are the American Indians.
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Mr Canman, the people who made the original CDs, TV shows and movies which can be downloaded free have already made themselves a fortune on the back of ordinary people like us, so I would say downloading old tv shows, old movies etc free, is fine, if you want to download old movies etc, go right ahead, you deserve it.

So what you are saying is that is OK to steal from the rich.

The op in the 7-11 girls mind would be considered rich. Ergo no problem to steal from him.

That depends on how they got rich. What I am actually saying is it is OK to steal from a thief. i think you know what I mean.

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This thread really plumbs the depths of desperation. Seven pages of comments about a few stamps barely worth the cost of the time and energy it takes to stick them on a card. My word; some people have such difficult lives don't they !

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I ran into the same issue recently, only in my case we're not talking about 9 baht, but nearly four times that amount. The manager was useless (in on it?), so have consulted a lawyer about next steps to take. She seems to think a class action suit is possible, but obviously we will need to find the other victims that are surely out there, and get them onboard. In the meantime I've set up a website to help get the word out and hopefully stop this kind of fraud happening again www.justiceforourstamps.com (try it without the www if it doesn't work).

OMG. A class action suit for bloody stamps laugh.png Get a bloody life coffee1.gif

BTW I always leave the stamps on the counter. I'm not that petty/hard up.

Edited by jpeg
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Mr Canman, the people who made the original CDs, TV shows and movies which can be downloaded free have already made themselves a fortune on the back of ordinary people like us, so I would say downloading old tv shows, old movies etc free, is fine, if you want to download old movies etc, go right ahead, you deserve it.

So what you are saying is that is OK to steal from the rich.

The op in the 7-11 girls mind would be considered rich. Ergo no problem to steal from him.

That would depend on how they got rich. There is nothing wrong with stealing from thiefs if you get the chance, and there are plenty of them, thiefs I mean. I think you get my drift.

I get it and I don't really have a problem in buying a pirated movie or music. I was just making a point regarding to the poster regarding his moral stance.

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Mr Canman, the people who made the original CDs, TV shows and movies which can be downloaded free have already made themselves a fortune on the back of ordinary people like us, so I would say downloading old tv shows, old movies etc free, is fine, if you want to download old movies etc, go right ahead, you deserve it.

So what you are saying is that is OK to steal from the rich.

The op in the 7-11 girls mind would be considered rich. Ergo no problem to steal from him.

That would depend on how they got rich. There is nothing wrong with stealing from thiefs if you get the chance, and there are plenty of them, thiefs I mean. I think you get my drift.

I get it and I don't really have a problem in buying a pirated movie or music. I was just making a point regarding to the poster regarding his moral stance.

No problem Mr Canman.

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...wow all this for a stamp.....do you also pick up the cigarette butts off the ground and smoke these as well? Don't be such a cheap bastard....suck it up....and move on....or move out.

Are you going to say the same thing to the tourist who comes to visit the UK who is given incorrect change and then told rudely to put the goods back on the shelves themselves by the corner shop owner?

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So you are complaining because the 7/11 didn't give you those free stamps????, I'm sorry but if that's all you have to complain about then you must have a really really sad life.

Agreed; at my parents shop we had a special 2 for 1 on an item. Some foreign thai came in and tried to buy 2. I told him I am American; I love my country and my people. YOU are a foreigner who obviously has enough money to come here.

I said no for you; YOU PAY!!

He looked at me sheepishly and walked out. Lucky he didn't open his mouth or he would have gotten his head kicked in.

MY COUNTRY, MY RULES. Foreigners can shut up and go home. They pay what I say; not what the sign says.

So awesome to see that so many here agree with me:)

We are all foreigners in America. The only people who can call rightfully call themselves natives are the American Indians.

They are all foreigners in Thailand, the only people who can rightfully call themselves natives are the people who were here before the migration of the current "Thai" people from China.

What BS you spout!

An American is one with an American passport.

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So you are complaining because the 7/11 didn't give you those free stamps????, I'm sorry but if that's all you have to complain about then you must have a really really sad life.

Agreed; at my parents shop we had a special 2 for 1 on an item. Some foreign thai came in and tried to buy 2. I told him I am American; I love my country and my people. YOU are a foreigner who obviously has enough money to come here.

I said no for you; YOU PAY!!

He looked at me sheepishly and walked out. Lucky he didn't open his mouth or he would have gotten his head kicked in.

MY COUNTRY, MY RULES. Foreigners can shut up and go home. They pay what I say; not what the sign says.

So awesome to see that so many here agree with me:)

We are all foreigners in America. The only people who can call rightfully call themselves natives are the American Indians.

They are all foreigners in Thailand, the only people who can rightfully call themselves natives are the people who were here before the migration of the current "Thai" people from China.

What BS you spout!

An American is one with an American passport.

By your logic. About 85% of the people living in the USA are NOT American then....!!!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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With hindsight, this thread would have had more support had it been about the rudeness of some Thai people towards foreigners as opposed to being a stamp scam. Is it just my personal experiences or are fat girls ruder ? I wonder if they are just angry with everyone because they are fat ?

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How silly are you, as if anything would get done over such a miserly amount, best way to to show your displeasure is to never shop there again, and in the end its your word against hers, the thai staff will win out every time.

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So you are complaining because the 7/11 didn't give you those free stamps????, I'm sorry but if that's all you have to complain about then you must have a really really sad life.
Agreed; at my parents shop we had a special 2 for 1 on an item. Some foreign thai came in and tried to buy 2. I told him I am American; I love my country and my people. YOU are a foreigner who obviously has enough money to come here.

I said no for you; YOU PAY!!

He looked at me sheepishly and walked out. Lucky he didn't open his mouth or he would have gotten his head kicked in.

MY COUNTRY, MY RULES. Foreigners can shut up and go home. They pay what I say; not what the sign says.

So awesome to see that so many here agree with me:)

We are all foreigners in America. The only people who can call rightfully call themselves natives are the American Indians.

They are all foreigners in Thailand, the only people who can rightfully call themselves natives are the people who were here before the migration of the current "Thai" people from China.

What BS you spout!

An American is one with an American passport.

By your logic. About 85% of the people living in the USA are NOT American then....!!!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ok, citizenship then....

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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cheesy.gif 9 stinking baht Vs someone's livelihood. Is it possible that the girl made an honest mistake but due to the belligerent, over the top behaviour of the customer, got her back up at and dug her heels in? Okay, she could have just said 'oh sorry, here you go" but I guess she wasn't used to kee niow farangs who have nothing better to do than turn molehills into mountains.

I think it's safe to say I've now heard it all.

I grew up next door to the OP and can confirm he used to save up his mum's Co-op stickers until he had two books worth then go to the shops and stock up on Mars Bars and Marathons.

He never shared and used to get a kicking on the football field and had the nickname "fatty" until he joined the Navy when we found more colourful names for him......

Mars Bars would have been believable, but since Marathon's never came onto the scene since the 70's that kind of makes you the wrong age. Now if you had said Sherbert Lemons or Cough Candy, the story might hold up.biggrin.png

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As many people have pointed out, the issue is not only the stealing but more importantly the rudeness. I was at all times polite and calm so it was completely uncalled for. Thanks to those who provided contact details. It's certainly worth a 5 minute phone call.

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As many people have pointed out, the issue is not only the stealing but more importantly the rudeness. I was at all times polite and calm so it was completely uncalled for. Thanks to those who provided contact details. It's certainly worth a 5 minute phone call.

Hire a top lawyer and go for the jugular!

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last year I collected enough stamps to get a beach chair. Value around 300 baht. So yes some expats like me know how to take advantage of a good offer. And stealing is not acceptable anywhere, wether its cash or stamps.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Here, but it appears most of it is in Thai


Thanks but I doubt using the contact form on the website would get anything done.

The OP has asked advice on how and where to make a complaint regarding his alleged dubious sales practices of a 7/11 staff. He has not asked for any lectures or peoples opinions on the morals of his issue about the stamps.

I have already given the OP information and a means for making his complaint, but he considered this would be a waste of time, which means he is up the creek without a paddle and therefore I cannot see his point in creating this thread or what he actually expects to hear? He either makes a complaint via the means possible or it`s the end of story and no point in wasting his time any further.

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Who cares whether they're till-tapping or ripping people off on 7-Eleven stamps/coupons? I would probably do the same thing in their position - seems like a clever racket.

Leave the poor kids alone... sir.


Edited by Fellini
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Here, but it appears most of it is in Thai


Thanks but I doubt using the contact form on the website would get anything done.

The OP has asked advice on how and where to make a complaint regarding his alleged dubious sales practices of a 7/11 staff. He has not asked for any lectures or peoples opinions on the morals of his issue about the stamps.

I have already given the OP information and a means for making his complaint, but he considered this would be a waste of time, which means he is up the creek without a paddle and therefore I cannot see his point in creating this thread or what he actually expects to hear? He either makes a complaint via the means possible or it`s the end of story and no point in wasting his time any further.

Maybe you missed post 170?

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This is going to be an "interesting" thread.

Yes, especially after you joined the party.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Here, but it appears most of it is in Thai


Thanks but I doubt using the contact form on the website would get anything done.

The OP has asked advice on how and where to make a complaint regarding his alleged dubious sales practices of a 7/11 staff. He has not asked for any lectures or peoples opinions on the morals of his issue about the stamps.

I have already given the OP information and a means for making his complaint, but he considered this would be a waste of time, which means he is up the creek without a paddle and therefore I cannot see his point in creating this thread or what he actually expects to hear? He either makes a complaint via the means possible or it`s the end of story and no point in wasting his time any further.

Maybe you missed post 170?

Well, there ya go.

Perhaps the OP could give us an update on how his complaint progresses?

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As many people have pointed out, the issue is not only the stealing but more importantly the rudeness. I was at all times polite and calm so it was completely uncalled for. Thanks to those who provided contact details. It's certainly worth a 5 minute phone call.

That five minute call to the US is going to cost you a lot more than the 9 baht in stamps you didn't get.

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