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Hamas vows to continue Gaza battle


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Tuesday’s incident was the third instance in which Palestinian armaments were found in UN facilities in the Gaza Strip. On July 22, the UN agency found rockets stockpiled in another school which “is situated between two other UNRWA schools that currently each accommodate 1,500 internally displaced persons.”

A week before that, UNRWA found some 20 rockets in a school under its auspices, also during a standard inspection. A spokesperson for UNRWA said the organization gave the rockets to “local authorities,” which answer to the Hamas-backed unity government led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

Read more: Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/rockets-found-in-unrwa-school-for-third-time/#ixzz38vQxHbnM
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Hahahha......So we are to believe the IDF and Time of Israels - hardly impartial sources. 


To the general reader, the majority of the Israeli and Western press have given up completely on impartiality and humanity and simply re iterate the "blame the victim" propaganda.   Even the most horrific acts of barbarism goes unquestioned at best, and applauded at worst. Haaretz is a lone exception. Question everything you read and hear and look at a number of news sources before coming to your own conclusions.


But  I warn you, when you see what the IDF are doing,  tears will stream from your eyes...

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As long as Hamas uses these tactics, their civilians are bound to get killed.


Notice the UN turned the rockets back to the "local police", aka Hamas.




by JORDAN SCHACHTEL  29 Jul 2014, 12:08 PM PDT 
The United Nations Relief & Works Agency For Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) announced Tuesday that another rocket stockpile has been found at one of its schools in Gaza. This instance marks the third time since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge that a weapons arsenal has been found at an UNRWA school in Gaza.
UNRWA has yet to place blame on any individuals or organizations for placing the weapons stockpile within a children’s school. The UN body refused to do so on the past two previous occasions as well.
The UN body, after both previous findings, has handed the rockets it had found back into the possession of “the local police," otherwise known as the terrorist group Hamas.
This week, UNRWA supplies and building materials had been found in Hamas’s tunnel infrastructure, which has been used to smuggle weapons and carry out attacks on the State of Israel.



@ joepublic:


You must have missed this post from page one of this thread.  It is post #20.


Sometimes it helps to read an entire thread before you start making comments.  Just a suggestion.

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The media backs the terrorists 100% of the time. Accept it. Israel's are monsters & the arabs are "victims". Please Israel keep going until the entire nest of snakes is wiped out.

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Hamas seem to be the gentlemen in this fight.

Do "gentlemen" kidnap and murder children, fire thousands of rockets at civilians, use their own people as human shields? 

Yes, we understand the instinctive sympathy that many have for underdogs. We understand the visceral reaction that people have to video of bloodshed in a seemingly lopsided conflict.

But theres not a government on Earth that wouldnt have responded in similar fashion to 2,000 missiles being rained on its territory. For these reasons and many more, we hope Israel gets the sustainable quiet it seeks and that Hamas decision to incite warfare badly backfires on the terror group.

Why cut the part of my post out that shows that it is Israel that is "killing children". Not Hamas. Only three Israeli casualties WERE NOT Israeli Defence personnel. And one of those three "civilians" was resupplying IDF troops with rations, so he waives his right to civilian status in a war zone. Do you understand yet ?
You read the part about Hamas the aggressors stockpiling weapons in childrens schools right ?


Does that justify killing children (knowingly)?
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Do you understand yet ?

Nope. You are trying to justify the atrocities of Hamas - a terrorist group that purposely targets civilians. Sounds like spin.



Hamas is a democratically elected organization that is resisting occupation and collective punishment , and is trying to end the blockade - sorry Ulysses, your propaganda will be countered and corrected every time you mislead.


Other propaganda terms are "anti semite, human shields, terrorist, international community".

I invite readers to add to this list of Zionist double speak, and call it out ass soon as these tactics are employed

This way, the focus can be kept on the issue, not the labels

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Tuesday’s incident was the third instance in which Palestinian armaments were found in UN facilities in the Gaza Strip. On July 22, the UN agency found rockets stockpiled in another school which “is situated between two other UNRWA schools that currently each accommodate 1,500 internally displaced persons.”

A week before that, UNRWA found some 20 rockets in a school under its auspices, also during a standard inspection. A spokesperson for UNRWA said the organization gave the rockets to “local authorities,” which answer to the Hamas-backed unity government led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

Read more: Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/rockets-found-in-unrwa-school-for-third-time/#ixzz38vQxHbnM
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Hahahha......So we are to believe the IDF and Time of Israels - hardly impartial sources. 


To the general reader, the majority of the Israeli and Western press have given up completely on impartiality and humanity and simply re iterate the "blame the victim" propaganda.   Even the most horrific acts of barbarism goes unquestioned at best, and applauded at worst. Haaretz is a lone exception. Question everything you read and hear and look at a number of news sources before coming to your own conclusions.


But  I warn you, when you see what the IDF are doing,  tears will stream from your eyes...



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There you have it in a nutshell, this is a religious war with religiously based ideology guiding Hamas as is written in their charter. This has nothing to do with the so called blockade or non existent occupation, the only way to end the continual cycle of conflict is to cut the evil heart out of the jihadist beast.


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Yes Israel faces the long term problem of Palestinians (and others) never accepting their right to even EXIST on ANY land in that region ... but for now it's more about shorter term problems ... such as the tunnels going into Israel. 

Indeed. I wonder whether Obama or Kerry would tolerate constant missile fire from Mexico with a network of tunnels running under the border facilitating kidnapping and terrorist attacks. No guarantee from the current U.S administration and certainly none from the U.N will suffice so Israel needs to get on and finish the job.

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You read the part about Hamas the aggressors stockpiling weapons in childrens schools right ?


Does that justify killing children (knowingly)?


 Apparently is does to some hard line Netanyahu followers.sad.png

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Do you understand yet ?

Nope. You are trying to justify the atrocities of Hamas - a terrorist group that purposely targets civilians. Sounds like spin.



Hamas is a democratically elected organization that is resisting occupation and collective punishment , and is trying to end the blockade - sorry Ulysses, your propaganda will be countered and corrected every time you mislead.


Other propaganda terms are "anti semite, human shields, terrorist, international community".

I invite readers to add to this list of Zionist double speak, and call it out ass soon as these tactics are employed

This way, the focus can be kept on the issue, not the labels



 Exactly. thumbsup.gif

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Do you understand yet ?

Nope. You are trying to justify the atrocities of Hamas - a terrorist group that purposely targets civilians. Sounds like spin.
wrong , lets look at the evidence . How many children killed by israel today? Edited by Kalebiran
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Tuesday’s incident was the third instance in which Palestinian armaments were found in UN facilities in the Gaza Strip. On July 22, the UN agency found rockets stockpiled in another school which “is situated between two other UNRWA schools that currently each accommodate 1,500 internally displaced persons.”

A week before that, UNRWA found some 20 rockets in a school under its auspices, also during a standard inspection. A spokesperson for UNRWA said the organization gave the rockets to “local authorities,” which answer to the Hamas-backed unity government led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

Read more: Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/rockets-found-in-unrwa-school-for-third-time/#ixzz38vQxHbnM
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Hahahha......So we are to believe the IDF and Time of Israels - hardly impartial sources. 





Like they are just making it up. rolleyes.gif Maybe you believe the  hundreds of other sources that have published the story. 


UNRWA said it found a rocket cache in one of its central Gaza schools on Tuesday, the third such incident. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/07/29/uk-mideast-gaza-idUKKBN0FV04D20140729



A third cache of Hamas rockets was found in a U.N. school in Gaza on Tuesday, the United Nations aid agency for Palestinian refugees reported. The United Nations condemned the stockpile, calling it a “flagrant violation of neutrality of our premises.” The school was not currently in use as a shelter and the weapons have not yet been removed due to nearby fighting, the agency wrote in a report. Israeli officials have accused the U.N. of handing back the last two unearthed weapons depots to Hamas, which in turn has used them against Israel. Meanwhile, Hamas’s military leader rejected a new ceasefire, saying the group would not stop fighting until the siege of Gaza was lifted.


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Tuesday’s incident was the third instance in which Palestinian armaments were found in UN facilities in the Gaza Strip. On July 22, the UN agency found rockets stockpiled in another school which “is situated between two other UNRWA schools that currently each accommodate 1,500 internally displaced persons.”

A week before that, UNRWA found some 20 rockets in a school under its auspices, also during a standard inspection. A spokesperson for UNRWA said the organization gave the rockets to “local authorities,” which answer to the Hamas-backed unity government led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

Read more: Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/rockets-found-in-unrwa-school-for-third-time/#ixzz38vQxHbnM
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Hahahha......So we are to believe the IDF and Time of Israels - hardly impartial sources. 


To the general reader, the majority of the Israeli and Western press have given up completely on impartiality and humanity and simply re iterate the "blame the victim" propaganda.   Even the most horrific acts of barbarism goes unquestioned at best, and applauded at worst. Haaretz is a lone exception. Question everything you read and hear and look at a number of news sources before coming to your own conclusions.


But  I warn you, when you see what the IDF are doing,  tears will stream from your eyes...



To the general reader, the majority of the Israeli and Western press have given up completely on impartiality


Most western Press seem to be Anti Israel for what is happening. So yes you are absolutely right the Press are biased. 



tears will stream from your eyes...


 Yes but they would be tears of joy! when Hamas have been destroyed.



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Tuesday’s incident was the third instance in which Palestinian armaments were found in UN facilities in the Gaza Strip. On July 22, the UN agency found rockets stockpiled in another school which “is situated between two other UNRWA schools that currently each accommodate 1,500 internally displaced persons.”

A week before that, UNRWA found some 20 rockets in a school under its auspices, also during a standard inspection. A spokesperson for UNRWA said the organization gave the rockets to “local authorities,” which answer to the Hamas-backed unity government led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

Read more: Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/rockets-found-in-unrwa-school-for-third-time/#ixzz38vQxHbnM
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Hahahha......So we are to believe the IDF and Time of Israels - hardly impartial sources. 
To the general reader, the majority of the Israeli and Western press have given up completely on impartiality and humanity and simply re iterate the "blame the victim" propaganda.   Even the most horrific acts of barbarism goes unquestioned at best, and applauded at worst. Haaretz is a lone exception. Question everything you read and hear and look at a number of news sources before coming to your own conclusions.
But  I warn you, when you see what the IDF are doing,  tears will stream from your eyes...
To the general reader, the majority of the Israeli and Western press have given up completely on impartiality
Most western Press seem to be Anti Israel for what is happening. So yes you are absolutely right the Press are biased. 
tears will stream from your eyes...
 Yes but they would be tears of joy! when Hamas have been destroyed.

really?you can hope.Israel can win a one-sided massacre but long term,they will lose,no question.
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they will lose,no question.

That is what the Arabs have been saying over and over again since 1947 and they have always been wrong. Israel is there. Israel is thriving and their "eternal enemies" don't have a pot to piss in and have never won a single war.

One hundred and thirty-one hours and fifty minutes. Thats all it took for the tiny nation of Israel to devastate the armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria between June 5 and June 10, 1967. In just six days, Israel changed the course of Middle East history and politics.

At the end of one of the shortest wars in history, more than 10,000 Egyptians, 700 Jordanians and 400 Syrians had died; in addition, more than 20,000 from the three nations were wounded. Israel, on the other hand, claimed fewer than 800 dead, 2,563 wounded. That amounts to Israel killing 25 enemy troops for every one Israeli lost.
http://www.thetrumpet.com/article/3636.27687.95.0/world/israels-miracle-victory Edited by Ulysses G.
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really?you can hope.Israel can win a one-sided massacre but long term,they will lose,no question.


The "great leader" says so anyway:rolleyes.gifhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKuuesPCeXQ


Edited by Jingthing
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Hahahha......So we are to believe the IDF and Time of Israels - hardly impartial sources. 
To the general reader, the majority of the Israeli and Western press have given up completely on impartiality and humanity and simply re iterate the "blame the victim" propaganda.   Even the most horrific acts of barbarism goes unquestioned at best, and applauded at worst. Haaretz is a lone exception. Question everything you read and hear and look at a number of news sources before coming to your own conclusions.
But  I warn you, when you see what the IDF are doing,  tears will stream from your eyes...
To the general reader, the majority of the Israeli and Western press have given up completely on impartiality
Most western Press seem to be Anti Israel for what is happening. So yes you are absolutely right the Press are biased. 
tears will stream from your eyes...
 Yes but they would be tears of joy! when Hamas have been destroyed.

really?you can hope.Israel can win a one-sided massacre but long term,they will lose,no question.



If it were a massacre there would be more dead on the Palestinian side. 



they will lose,no question.


who's got the Nukes?



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New outrage in Gaza this morning. A school in Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza designated a UNWRA shelter has been shelled by Israeli artillery during a time that Israel said there would be a "lull" (not ceasefire) in fighting. The "lull" obviously didn't include the school in which at least 19 were killed (civilians - mainly women and children). UNWRA claims that 17 times they informed Israelis of the coordinates of the school being used as a refuge for civilians. UNWRA says the school was not a source of rockets or Hamas actions. UNWRA has identified shrapnel as being from Israeli artillery. This is the 6th time a UN shelter has been hit by Israeli fire. Yet Israel says it is "only destroying Hamas tunnels and infrastructure". (Over 90% of Israelis support the military action, based of course on clearly impartial and objective news they get from Israeli sources. Pictures show dead women and children, not exactly your usual Hamas soldiers.

Who do you believe???????

And, just a catch-up - the baby who was born from her dead mother's womb has died. Only one of the over 1,000 dead, but this is the kind of memory that lingers across generations. So, well done, Netanyahu, for ensuring another few generations of hate as you and your mates attempt to fulfill the Zionist agenda of the Great Land Grab. You obviously think the deaths are a reasonable price to pay. I do hope that the universe does operate under the Buddhist principle of karma - and am so grateful that I do not have to live your next 1 million lives.

Edited by CBR250
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Hamas stop firing rockets and Israel won't retaliate !


Yet the world's luvvies can't stop blaming the Israelis. You keep kicking a bigger boy, expect a beating in return !


You acknowledge that Israel is the "Bigger Boy". And you imply satisfaction at this "Bigger Boy" inflicting "a beating" on Hamas.  Most of the rest of the world (the "luvvies") has a more extensive vocabulary than you exhibit, and would refer to such as behaviour as bullying.

So, did you cheer on the bullies in the schoolyard as well when you were a child? Or is this a recent moral principle you have adopted to show your support for Netanyahu?

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I just love the pseudo intellects wading into this with philosophical analogies. They just can't help themselves!

Yep. thumbsup.gif The same old discredited talking points and pretentious spin. Of course, Hamas is responsible for the unrest in Gaza as well as the majority of civilian deaths.

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I just love the pseudo intellects wading into this with philosophical analogies. They just can't help themselves!

Yep. thumbsup.gif The same old discredited talking points and pretentious spin. Of course, Hamas is responsible for the unrest in Gaza as well as the majority of civilian deaths.



Yep same old discredited talking points and pretentious spin from some members.


UN agencies have provided their location coordinates to the Israeli military, yet the shelling and bombings continue with the certain knowledge deaths of civilians will occur at these facilities.

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The IDF tracks every rocket fired from Gaza.  That is how they warn Israeli civilians 15 seconds ahead of time with those loud sirens. IDF sources report that they have tracked at least 160 rockets that were fired at Israel, but never reached beyond the boundaries of Gaza. There is little doubt that  Hamas has hit some of their own people, homes and schools with their indiscriminate rocket fire, and of course, they will always blame Israel for their own screw ups. 

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The IDF tracks every rocket fired from Gaza.  That is how they warn Israeli civilians 15 seconds ahead of time with those loud sirens. IDF sources report that they have tracked at least 160 rockets that were fired at Israel, but never reached beyond the boundaries of Gaza. There is little doubt that  Hamas has hit some of their own people, homes and schools with their indiscriminate rocket fire, and of course, they will always blame Israel for their own screw ups. 


So conversely, the highly trained IDF fire is accurate. When they hit a school or hospital it is deliberate. Which is worse?

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