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Thai officials to enforce vice tax hike: THPF


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THPF: Officials to enforce vice tax hike

BANGKOK, 30 July 2014, (NNT) - The Thai Health Promotion Foundation (THPF) is urging related officials to increase taxes on tobacco products, indirectly discouraging people from taking up the habit of smoking.

The foundation is strongly convinced that the sin tax hike will eventually lead to a drop in the number of smokers, adding that other measures should also be taken, such as tightening rules against tax evasion for cigarette makers.

According to the THPF, tobacco manufacturers’ most popular tax evading approach is introducing new brands of products at lower price tags.

Producers, both local and international, have refused to increase the prices of their products, despite the previous tax hike, continuing to offer cigarettes to smokers at the same or even lower prices.

With the vice tax hike, the government will be able to collect more funds to spend on public health promotion campaigns, said the Foundation, indicating that the administration has at present earmarked only 2% of the tax on such a purpose.

Records show smoking causes the nation 52 million baht in economic loss.


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It's really nothing to do with stopping people smoking...it's tax revenue only.

Australia, and many other countries have raised their taxes on fags so they now cost almost $20 per pack........the result---more younger smokers than ever, although, there has been a reduction in mature aged smokers...

If smoking causes costs to Thailand of Thb 50mill as reported above....it's peanuts and obviously wrong

Edited by ChrisY1
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When I saw the headline I thought the worse Taxing of the Ladies of the Night


and me ! ... but how could they tax something thats illegal here and according to the government doesnt happen smile.png



Edited by metisdead
Irrelevant photo removed.
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It's really nothing to do with stopping people smoking...it's tax revenue only.

Australia, and many other countries have raised their taxes on fags so they now cost almost $20 per pack........the result---more younger smokers than ever, although, there has been a reduction in mature aged smokers...

If smoking causes costs to Thailand of Thb 50mill as reported above....it's peanuts and obviously wrong


That's not necessarily true.  Increased taxes do reduce consumption.  Plus, if the taxes are used properly, they can help offset the medical costs required for smokers.




Myth 5: Tobacco addiction is so strong that simply raising taxes will not reduce demand; therefore, raising taxes is not justified

Reality: Scores of studies have shown that increased taxes reduce the number of smokers and the number of smoking-related deaths. Price increases induce some smokers to quit and prevent others from becoming regular or persistent smokers. They also reduce the number of ex-smokers returning to cigarettes and reduce consumption among continuing smokers. Children and adolescents are more responsive to changes in the price of consumer goods than adults-that is, if the price goes up, they are more likely to reduce their consumption. This intervention would therefore have a big impact on them. Similarly, people on low incomes are more price-responsive than those on high -incomes, so there is likely to be a bigger impact in developing countries where tobacco consumption is still increasing. Models developed for this report show that tax increases that would raise the real price of cigarettes by 10 percent worldwide would cause 40 million smokers alive in 1995 to quit and prevent a minimum of 10 million tobacco-related deaths.




A giant federal tobacco tax hike has spurred a historic drop in smoking, especially among teens, poor people and those dependent on government health insurance, a USA TODAY analysis finds.


Teen smoking immediately fell 10% to 13% when the tax hike took effect, says researcher Jidong Huang of the University of Illinois at Chicago. "High prices deter kids from picking up cigarettes," he says.

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This whole business is one very convenient package for all concerned. A win-win for all.

Thailand Tobacco Monopoly

TTM was established in 1939, initially in collaboration with British American Tobacco, but since 1949, TTM has operated under the complete control of the Ministry of Finance.



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Good politics.thumbsup.gif  Smoking is a filthy habit and should be barred from ALL public areas.


If people want to smoke they should be allowed to----compulsory work on the coke ovens and iron-blast furnaces, you love to inhale smoke go and live in Chiang Mai area, or work at Morchit bus terminal.   Same same but not same ??thumbsup.gif

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Sometimes when i smoke i use self rolled cigs. I can buy the tobacco for 5 baht a pack that will last me a week. Have to raise the taxes a lot to make that expensive. Hahaha. This tobacco is of course much less harmful than the stuff the put in packed cigs.
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The other paper is mentioning that there is a proposal for a land tax. If they ho through with it, they deserve medals on their medals.

Sin taxes. Pfft. Just stretch them as far as they van without reducing revenue. It has nothing to do with saving anyone's health
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Good politics.thumbsup.gif  Smoking is a filthy habit and should be barred from ALL public areas.


Agreed.  Start by enforcing the existing laws on smoking.

Then enact new laws banning smoking anywhere but in specifically designated and properly ventilated areas.

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When I saw the headline I thought the worse Taxing of the Ladies of the Night thumbsup.gif


If it is vice, it should be abolished, rather than taxed.


The Ministry of Finance which owns TTM is addicted, just like a smoker, to the massive revenues cigarette sales produce.

Abolition, it ain't gonna happen mate, same as alcohol sales too much revenue coming in.

Hospitalized victims are collateral damage to governments. They moan and cry, but in the end, smokers and heavy drinkers have a personal choice to make. They may as well legalize cannabis and tax that.  

edit to + Prostitution is a vice, illegal in Thailand, yet is tolerated because of the HUGE financial influence it has on the economy from top to bottom.

No politician in their right mind would attempt to shut down the sex industry, as it is called, in Thailand. Too many livelihoods depend on it.


Edited by ratcatcher
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It's always been the same everywhere. tax things that make life a little bit more bearable at the end of the day for the poorer working man and woman.


"A pint of beer and a packet of Woodbines" Tax 'em hard.


The rich don't care if their Cuban cigars cost 1000 baht each or their fine wines at B3000 a bottle or more.

I've never smoked but do enjoy the ' occasional ' dram.


I remember many decades ago when still in Scotland every time the national budget came around an increase on tobacco and alcohol was almost a given.

The usual response was ' giving up smoking,  cutting back on beer ' but it didn't take long for things to be back to normal which is what every government is oh so sure about.

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Misleading headline, IMO.


THPF: Officials to enforce vice tax hike

BANGKOK, 30 July 2014, (NNT) - The Thai Health Promotion Foundation (THPF) is urging related officials to increase taxes on tobacco products, indirectly discouraging people from taking up the habit of smoking.


There is a considerable difference, between "Officials to enforce" and "urging related officials to increase" taxes, the former suggests that something is illegally being let slide, while the latter is merely a proposal, an opinion, nothing more. wink.png 







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Yes, it is proven that raising tobacco taxes does reduce consumption. I think they should increase it MUCH MORE. 


Why do you thinking of giving  up / want to smoke less?


Or is this just puritanical morality aimed at those who smoke? 


Given the volume of pollutants in the air from cars, buses, and motorbikes i'd wager the overall health of the public - especially the Bangkok public - would increase if the air quality improved. 


Wonder who is at the greatest risk from  respiratory disease a) a smoker from say Phrae province (excellent air quality) or b) a non-smoker who lives and works in downtown Bangkok - say lower Sukhumvit?


Clearly raising taxes is just a money spinner for the government - raised taxes on booze a few months ago and i doubt that has had any effect on consumption levels? 

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I vote for taxing all the rich Generals instead (ahh shit forgot that we are not allowed to vote any longer here), wonder how  many of the Thai generals ever been investigated for being "unhealthy wealthy"? (recon it's 0% of them)

Sad thing is that Thailand is not any longer the "Land of Free"  it used to be, it's going down the drain same way as the Western world with silly rules and crazy taxes.  

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Usual boring anti smoking propaganda and fake information coming from corrupt institutions.


Nobody can say that smoking is good for your health but everybody can know that drinking alcohool is far more hazardous to your health.


Worldwide cigarette consumption has increased and is still increasing. Which means that legal consumption has decreased and illegal consumption has increased. In Europe 1 on 3 or 1 on 4 cigarette is "illegal". (These are "legal" estimations). It is easy to verify these facts by compiling global reports of tehy tobacco companies worldwide.


Since the introduction of the tobacco prohibition in the USA and then in their colonies, cancers have increased by more than 175%. Consumption of illegal substances like ganja, but also heroine and cocaine has increased in incredible proportions to a point that ganja is starting to be legalized in several countries. It's just cheaper than cigarettes. But what is the most scandalous result is the dramatic increase in the consumption of anti-stress medecine everywhere in the world at an incredible cost for the taxpayer. Lobbying the WHO and the governments has been quite profitable for the BIg Pharma Industry and the governments too.


Some of you and us can remember this photo of the Yalta meeting with Staline, chain smoker, Churchill and his cigars and Roosevelt. They were the winners of the 2nd world war. The smokers had also won against the fiercest anti smoker of the century, a certain Adolf Hitler. If you read the memoirs of his minister of propaganda, Goebbels, you will discover that the nazis wanted to ban smoking but they couldn't implement this idea because Germans would be more stressed which would have had terrible consequences. And Hitler invested personally in a study. This study conducted by a German doctor led to a wellknow new concept: passive smoking ("passivrauchen").


In the last century, a Thai Prince was in charge of the eradication of opium smoking. The plan was remarkable, lasted more than 20 years but finally succeeded. His success should be studied, registering the smokers, lowering the prices, totally controlling the market, allowing only previous smokers to smoke and banning it for anyone else.


But the problem is that copying this plan to stop tobacco consumption would have dramatic consequences: the pharma industries would lose a lot of money and governments even more. So the non smokers would have to pay another kind of sin taxes.


My conclusion is that non smokers should thank smokers for paying their taxes.


My hope is that Thailand will not imitate us.


Don't worry be happy.

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