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on saturday night, i was out with a girlfriend in patong. we had had a fun night, been to soi paradise, down to bangla where we got chatting to some very lovely farang men...and the whole night was going swimmingly. :D

on the way home, after quite a few bevvies, we stopped for the obligatory corn from the side stall. this man (farang) came along and asked me 'how much did you pay for the corn?'. i told him 20 baht. at that stage of the night, i could have paid 50 and still been happy because after a few beers and good company, i was feeling pretty ###### good!

this mans response to me was 'oh...you must be a tourist then'. now, being in a tourist area, i would say that there is a 95% chance that the answer to this would have been 'yes'. but i said, 'no, actually. i live here.'

he then launched into me about paying too much for a piece of bloody corn and told me 'you hi-so people just pay too much and make it expensive for the rest of us'. :D

now, anyone who knows me will know that i am as far from hi-so as you can get. ive been working in low paid jobs for the past year (when i HAVE been working that is) and my funds are at an all time low. i have been lying so-low for the past few months and took the opportunity to go out with a friend for a good night. jeez...i even drank beer all night so thats saying something! :D

where do people get off criticising what other people pay for things? whose business is it anyway what i am happy to pay for things?

in the end, this man just walked away from me, but all the tuk-tuk drivers thought that it was quite funny that he approach me and launch into me like that.

and in the end, i sat side saddle on my 20baht motorcy-taxi home.....is that too much to pay? :o

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Don't worry about it Donna, with any luck the price of corn will increase by a couple of Bhat per cob and he will have to leave the kingdom, oh what a shame.


thanks for the support guys. :D i'm glad it wasnt any of you!

tomorrow night will tell....if i see his face at Joes tomorrow, im off for some corn! :o

probably should have laughed at him and said he was correct , then told him to suffer.

Should have gone further. Said something like "Well I'm filthy rich and tomorrow I will pay THB200.It makes my time in Thailand feel REAL." :o

whoops... maybe i wont go then Donna :o

oh no, wolfie...from what ive heard you are much more handsome than he is... :D


Thing is Donna, to some expats living here, you are hi-so. It really makes me laugh, but there is a plethora of people here, just hanging on financially so that they can stay here. For them, the 10 extra baht is an waste of resources which could be better spent somewhere else. Where that "somewhere else" is I'll leave to your imagination.

Thing is Donna, to some expats living here, you are hi-so. It really makes me laugh, but there is a plethora of people here, just hanging on financially so that they can stay here. For them, the 10 extra baht is an waste of resources which could be better spent somewhere else. Where that "somewhere else" is I'll leave to your imagination.

He sounds like a newbie who thinks that he is the first foreigner to discover Thailand.


yeah donna, just tell him, that thanks to "Hi-so people like you" (as he is thinking), the standards of living thailand are a little higher than, say Haiti. Where that dude is welcome to F.uck off to!


He sounds like one of those muppets thats been here a couple of months and goes out looking for other farang. Then he manipulates a situation so that he can adopt the 'thousand yard stare' and say "When you've been here as long as I have...."

Difficult to know what to say to a complete spanner like that. What is certain is he is probably boring some person in a bar with the tale of the '20 Baht Corn' whilst we're all here laughing at him!

Don't worry about it Donna, with any luck the price of corn will increase by a couple of Bhat per cob and he will have to leave the kingdom, oh what a shame.

Yep, absolutely. Take your backpack, your 200 baht in loose change and whatever is left in your hash pipe and bugger off!!!!!!!!!


mono chaser well spotted there.. That pr1ck would have to pay his falang entry fee. you (and I when I was there) had out thai price passes.... Anyway, upon reflection, he´s probably only sour cos he paid 40 for his corn.... I´ve worked in tourism a long time, and you can spot the bitter ones for their hypocritical comments.


Ok guys - you've done it!!!! I'm out cruising now ... for the experiential cob of corn. Will be back later to report on the facts. You asked for it - I'm a reporter after all :0 :o


Thing is Donna, to some expats living here, you are hi-so. It really makes me laugh, but there is a plethora of people here, just hanging on financially so that they can stay here. For them, the 10 extra baht is an waste of resources which could be better spent somewhere else. Where that "somewhere else" is I'll leave to your imagination.

He sounds like a newbie who thinks that he is the first foreigner to discover Thailand.

That's something I first noticed here nearly twenty years ago and it's still that way.

What is it about Thailand that attracts these people who, on the strength of modest acquaintanceship, are determined to lecture the rest of us about how things 'really are' in Thailand? There are jerks everywhere, of course, but misbegotten types who seem to have nothing in their whole empty lives but their newly discovered connection to Thailand are a long-time local phenomenon. Bizarre.


Same same but differant, I bumped into one of the Bangkok ettiquette police the other night.

I stumbled into the Beer garden on soi 7 around Midnight, sat two stools down from this guy,ordered a beer. " You have picked the wrong time if you want a woman" he said.

No I explained, just back from Pattaya, I could not raise my eyebrow.

" It's not Pattaya, it is Patt a yaaa ". <deleted>.

He then went on to castigate me for wearing a short sleeved shirt, bearing in mind I am on holiday, not used to the climate, and sweating my conkers off.

Then of course I was told that under no circumstaces should I wear shorts in Bangkok. I was'nt and I dont. The funny thing was after he had laid down the laws of bangkok evening attire,he went on to tell me he was married with his wife in the family pile on the coast, whilst he worked in Bangkok and was banging all and sundry in the Beer garden. What is it with these people?


"this is not my first trip, I've been before" - this is what some Finn kept telling me the other night. He kept looking at my "girl-friend" and then saying - "you must be very careful, she's underage...you could get into trouble"...wishful thinking on his part?...she's not my girlfriend, she's a friend and I've known her for 3 years since she was eighteen, and I know who and where she works for and who her parents are etc etc....

AND he tells me how he's going to marry this other girl who doesn't work in a bar anymore because she loves him......well that doesn't quite tally with what I saw in the same bar about 3 days before he arrived...

in the end we left because he couldn't stop coming over and giving me advice....


funny thing is when i gushed 'oh wow....how long have you lived here?' he replied 'nearly 4 years'.

well, ive been here nearly 7, so i think i know what im talking about.

besides, i'd been spending my money on beer and stuff all night, so a crappy ten baht didnt mean diddly squat to me at 2am!


I have some suggestions where you might want to put the cob since your done eating the corn!

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