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Job applicants should not be forced to do blood tests for HIV: Rights body


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Look at it from the "rights" side of others (NON HIV) as well. 

It goes both ways.


In Aust you have drug testing and alcahol at most workplaces. As it should be.

there's too much irresponsibilty in the world nowadays. Time to clamp down.


If I was working and employing. all my blokes would be subject to tests. and Me along with them to keep on level ground.

They can't refuse then.


The only people that would balk at it, any of them. Would be the ones doing wrong.

and them you don't want in your workforce.


What do you mean "...the ones doing wrong" ? 


Please don't tell me that you think that people contract HIV because they did something wrong. Puritanical claptrap!



As a Puritan, I agree wholeheartedly.

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What about the rights of the business owner?  Why the hell should business owners be expected to carry workers who have sickness or disability.  When you spell Business it isn't spelt 'C-h-a-r-i-t-y'!

Starts with HIV, then do you smoke? Do you drink? How often do you exercise? What do you eat? How many fizzy, sugary drinks do you consume each day? How much sleep do you get?

All of these contribute to sickness or effectiveness at work. If someone can do the job and do it well, then it is no ones business what their private life consists of or what treatments they are receiving (though if they have health insurance at work this would be an issue).

Discrimination in all its forms is wrong. If someone can do the job then give them the job, no matter what they suffer from.



We actually almost did a drug test on our staff, at the end we didn't as these who I suspected resigned before. Alcohol tests are common in many companies



Your right to 'suspect' is one only of your own making and has no moral - or legal standing.


Except, perhaps in the mind of an uneducated fool.



yes it is the right of my own making.....as I am the law in my company.....

There can be ugly accidents, if working on fast moving machines if you drink all the night and than smoke Ya Ba to be awake for work. I am not risking that a young fool loose a finger because he took drugs and I think it is not political correct to suspect or check on it.

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This is terrible stuff here in Thailand. I do have a close friend with HIV who is in good health and he spent the better part of a year looking for a job. He is bi-lingual and has a masters degree and yet he couldn't find work doing the simplest of tasks. I am grateful that he has found work with a company that does not test. The government doesn't even require a test for HIV for foreign workers to get a work permit, why should local businesses even care. They would be better off testing for alcohol consumption.

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What about the rights of the business owner?  Why the hell should business owners be expected to carry workers who have sickness or disability.  When you spell Business it isn't spelt 'C-h-a-r-i-t-y'!

Starts with HIV, then do you smoke? Do you drink? How often do you exercise? What do you eat? How many fizzy, sugary drinks do you consume each day? How much sleep do you get?

All of these contribute to sickness or effectiveness at work. If someone can do the job and do it well, then it is no ones business what their private life consists of or what treatments they are receiving (though if they have health insurance at work this would be an issue).

Discrimination in all its forms is wrong. If someone can do the job then give them the job, no matter what they suffer from.
We actually almost did a drug test on our staff, at the end we didn't as these who I suspected resigned before. Alcohol tests are common in many companies

I can see where that might apply in some jobs especially those where heavy machinery, transporting people or goods are involved or any job where lives could be endangered. I could even, at a push, see why an individuals behaviour may cause concern and require such a test. I would hope it would be part of a process designed to help them overcome any issues they have rather than an excuse to sack them.

However that is a very different issue to discriminating against people because of HIV or any medical condition that does not impair their ability to carry out their work duties. Edited by Bluespunk
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I would want my potential employees having a test before I'd let them work for me


Not meaning to be rude, but does part of your potential employees' job description include sexual acts with your customers or yourself. If not, fear not!  There must be a sharing of bodily fluids in some way, shape or form in order for the non-infected party to be at risk.  If you do manage a sex trade business, then definitely, all of your employees should be required by law to be tested frequently.   There are a few other ways to contract H.I.V........please refer to an article by AIDS.gov at http://aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/hiv-aids-101/how-you-get-hiv-aids/  for full details All of the methods by which H.I.V. can be contracted DO involve body fluids coming into contact with a mucous membrane or damaged tissue,  or being directly injected into your bloodstream (by a needle or syringe) for transmission to possibly occur.

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yes it is the right of my own making.....as I am the law in my company.....

There can be ugly accidents, if working on fast moving machines if you drink all the night and than smoke Ya Ba to be awake for work. I am not risking that a young fool loose a finger because he took drugs and I think it is not political correct to suspect or check on it.




This is an example of a compelling reason for drug and alcohol testing - though you could not argue the same tests should be applied to people not at risk of injury from machines (your receptionist for example).


But you are wrong about one thing.


You are not the law in your company - Get over yourself on that one.


There is only one law and your company operate under the law. 



If the law says no testing then you break the law if you test. 



A prize example of how a topic goes "off-topic".  Blood testing for illicit drug and/or alcohol usage is NOT the topic.  Read carefully: 

Job applicants should not be forced to do blood tests for HIV: Rights body                                            "for HIV"!.....read again...."....for HIV"!




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yes it is the right of my own making.....as I am the law in my company.....

There can be ugly accidents, if working on fast moving machines if you drink all the night and than smoke Ya Ba to be awake for work. I am not risking that a young fool loose a finger because he took drugs and I think it is not political correct to suspect or check on it.




This is an example of a compelling reason for drug and alcohol testing - though you could not argue the same tests should be applied to people not at risk of injury from machines (your receptionist for example).


But you are wrong about one thing.


You are not the law in your company - Get over yourself on that one.


There is only one law and your company operate under the law. 



If the law says no testing then you break the law if you test. 



A prize example of how a topic goes "off-topic".  Blood testing for illicit drug and/or alcohol usage is NOT the topic.  Read carefully: 

Job applicants should not be forced to do blood tests for HIV: Rights body                                            "for HIV"!.....read again...."....for HIV"!







You totally missed the point of my response to H90 didn't you?!


Read my other posts in this thread and see if you can get an idea of what my point of view on this matter is. 

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Due to the outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus in western Africa passangers will be tested on arrival at the airport and are required to give details of where they have traveled from. This is in an attempt to prevent the spread of the disease.

Do the politically correct brigade believe that this is in violation of their human rights?

Should all reasonable steps be taken to prevent the spread of a contagious deadly disease?

Edited by Oink
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Due to the outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus in western Africa passangers will be tested on arrival at the airport and are required to give details of where they have traveled from. This is in an attempt to prevent the spread of the disease.
Do the politically correct brigade believe that this is in violation of their human rights?
Should all reasonable steps be taken to prevent the spread of a contagious deadly disease?

Who said that?
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It's pretty obvious some professions, such as being a surgeon or a dentist, carry a higher risk of transmission and should have the test. But for a 7-11 clerk ? Meh.


Regardless, it's not a bad idea to test for this and that every couple of years as a check-up, if a potential employer pays for that, all the better.

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I would want my potential employees having a test before I'd let them work for me


And for what reason ?????????????????????



Wouldn't want my employees HIVing over everything at work.



You seriously need help.



Maybe he means it's ok for hepatitis / bird flu/ swine fever/ foot and mouth/rabies, but not for HIV because he maybe thinks it's a dirty-or a gay / or a ???

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Is it just me or has TV's collective IQ dropped below 50: First we have HIV patients being compared to drug users and now, HIV and EBOLA!!!! <deleted>!?

As least they aren't being compared to bigots. But no, no one is that cruel. Edited by BudRight
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What about the rights of the business owner?  Why the hell should business owners be expected to carry workers who have sickness or disability.  When you spell Business it isn't spelt 'C-h-a-r-i-t-y'!

You are showing your complete ignorance of HIV and what disability means.


A short education for you. HIV medication is now so effective that a person can live a FULL and ACTIVE life. HIV cannot be cured YET but the medication is now so effective at reducing the virus that the "viral load" (the term for the measurement of the virus in the body) can be undetectable. 


Also, as for disability people with HIV can now have a fully functioning immune system as the Viral Load is suppressed. So the CD4 count (that is the measurement of immune system in the blood that determines how well you fight infection) can be as high as a normal healthy person.


In short, it is almost impossible for you to catch it and they are not in any way disabled.


The days when people got HIV and over a few years the virus got so rampant that the immune system broke down (this used to be called AIDS) are log gone,,


So, no need for a test, no need for anyone to know if the person does not want them to know.


Do some research, cure your ignorance before you look stupid, medical science is winning that war.




I think the bigger problem are people who have HIV and don't know it, or don't care.


That can be a problem, but if they don't know (or don't care) and don't take medication they get sick and die. 

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I would want my potential employees having a test before I'd let them work for me


And for what reason ?????????????????????



Wouldn't want my employees HIVing over everything at work.


You sound like a really balanced and fair employer, the HIGH quality applicants must be queuing around the block.

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What about the rights of the business owner?  Why the hell should business owners be expected to carry workers who have sickness or disability.  When you spell Business it isn't spelt 'C-h-a-r-i-t-y'!

You are showing your complete ignorance of HIV and what disability means.


A short education for you. HIV medication is now so effective that a person can live a FULL and ACTIVE life. HIV cannot be cured YET but the medication is now so effective at reducing the virus that the "viral load" (the term for the measurement of the virus in the body) can be undetectable. 


Also, as for disability people with HIV can now have a fully functioning immune system as the Viral Load is suppressed. So the CD4 count (that is the measurement of immune system in the blood that determines how well you fight infection) can be as high as a normal healthy person.


In short, it is almost impossible for you to catch it and they are not in any way disabled.


The days when people got HIV and over a few years the virus got so rampant that the immune system broke down (this used to be called AIDS) are log gone,,


So, no need for a test, no need for anyone to know if the person does not want them to know.


Do some research, cure your ignorance before you look stupid, medical science is winning that war.



Great statement   A++++++


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ThaiVisa's finest posters on display I see. Ignorance and arrogance galore. The best thing about HIV is its dreadful ability to transmit. Its really shit at that bit. Therefore, you can hug, kiss, share a cup of coffee, eat from the same spoon, whatever, and be at no risk of infection.

This has been known for years, but still ignorance holds strong.
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Due to the outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus in western Africa passangers will be tested on arrival at the airport and are required to give details of where they have traveled from. This is in an attempt to prevent the spread of the disease.

Do the politically correct brigade believe that this is in violation of their human rights?

Should all reasonable steps be taken to prevent the spread of a contagious deadly disease?

HIV isn't a contagious disease.

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The only people that would balk at it, any of them. Would be the ones doing wrong.

and them you don't want in your workforce.


What do you mean "...the ones doing wrong" ? 


Please don't tell me that you think that people contract HIV because they did something wrong. Puritanical claptrap!





In reply to the above.

Reading my post you'd see I was talking all tests.. for drugs etc too.


I've worked in Heavy Construction and Cranes. Haulage all my life. and a few yrs on Pipelines in the '60's when it was dangerous.


The bulk of HIV sufferers were self inflicted, but regardless.

I wouldn't want any of my family or workmates near them Just in case.

(I've seen a few wooly woofters fall over with it thank you.)


People that partake in drink\drugs, or have contagioun problems. Should NOT be mixing in the workplace with others.

No matter how you feel.

If you don't think that. It's your problem 


but over here 90% plus of the workforce is tested.

as they should be. for most things.

And the normal person on the street has not a problem with it.

Only the ones that are partaking (doing the wrong thing) or have such problems.

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I would want my potential employees having a test before I'd let them work for me


And for what reason ?????????????????????



Wouldn't want my employees HIVing over everything at work.


Yes very dangerous when you go to the toilet you might get it from the seat or something. Or they might try to ride you one night and give you the HIV so they are cured then after passing it on.

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The only people that would balk at it, any of them. Would be the ones doing wrong.

and them you don't want in your workforce.


What do you mean "...the ones doing wrong" ? 


Please don't tell me that you think that people contract HIV because they did something wrong. Puritanical claptrap!





In reply to the above.

Reading my post you'd see I was talking all tests.. for drugs etc too.


I've worked in Heavy Construction and Cranes. Haulage all my life. and a few yrs on Pipelines in the '60's when it was dangerous.


The bulk of HIV sufferers were self inflicted, but regardless.

I wouldn't want any of my family or workmates near them Just in case.

(I've seen a few wooly woofters fall over with it thank you.)


People that partake in drink\drugs, or have contagioun problems. Should NOT be mixing in the workplace with others.

No matter how you feel.

If you don't think that. It's your problem 


but over here 90% plus of the workforce is tested.

as they should be. for most things.

And the normal person on the street has not a problem with it.

Only the ones that are partaking (doing the wrong thing) or have such problems.


What about the haemophiliacs? Would you work with them?

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What about the rights of the business owner?  Why the hell should business owners be expected to carry workers who have sickness or disability.  When you spell Business it isn't spelt 'C-h-a-r-i-t-y'!

You are showing your complete ignorance of HIV and what disability means.
A short education for you. HIV medication is now so effective that a person can live a FULL and ACTIVE life. HIV cannot be cured YET but the medication is now so effective at reducing the virus that the "viral load" (the term for the measurement of the virus in the body) can be undetectable. 
Also, as for disability people with HIV can now have a fully functioning immune system as the Viral Load is suppressed. So the CD4 count (that is the measurement of immune system in the blood that determines how well you fight infection) can be as high as a normal healthy person.
In short, it is almost impossible for you to catch it and they are not in any way disabled.
The days when people got HIV and over a few years the virus got so rampant that the immune system broke down (this used to be called AIDS) are log gone,,
So, no need for a test, no need for anyone to know if the person does not want them to know.
Do some research, cure your ignorance before you look stupid, medical science is winning that war.

Yeah and gotta watch out for those diabetics taking insulin, or they will be getting their Diabeticness all over everything...

Next need to get rid of those taking medication for high blood pressure, how dare they get all their Hypertensioness all over everything ...

How dare these people think they can be allowed to work and interact with the rest of us... Just because they can effectively treat their illnesses and do their job .....
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The only people that would balk at it, any of them. Would be the ones doing wrong.

and them you don't want in your workforce.


What do you mean "...the ones doing wrong" ? 


Please don't tell me that you think that people contract HIV because they did something wrong. Puritanical claptrap!





In reply to the above.

Reading my post you'd see I was talking all tests.. for drugs etc too.


I've worked in Heavy Construction and Cranes. Haulage all my life. and a few yrs on Pipelines in the '60's when it was dangerous.


The bulk of HIV sufferers were self inflicted, but regardless.

I wouldn't want any of my family or workmates near them Just in case.

(I've seen a few wooly woofters fall over with it thank you.)


People that partake in drink\drugs, or have contagioun problems. Should NOT be mixing in the workplace with others.

No matter how you feel.

If you don't think that. It's your problem 


but over here 90% plus of the workforce is tested.

as they should be. for most things.

And the normal person on the street has not a problem with it.

Only the ones that are partaking (doing the wrong thing) or have such problems.


"the bulk of HIV sufferers were self inflicted" what are you talking about,,, well actually I know it's complete crap.


HIV is a sexually transmitted disease that means that ANYONE who has sex can get it,, so unless you NEVER have sex everyone has some element of risk at some point in their life.


You cannot catch it unless you are having sex, so you are not at risk if someone is standing near you, or even holding your hand, or sharing the same cup or even if they give you a big kiss!


This thread is about HIV but you mention that the workforce is tested. Well it is very well known that people should not drink or take any form of strong medication (or recreational drugs) when working, its common sense, but do not even think about trying to tell me that 90% of people are tested because they are not, and certainly not every single day.


I think many people have a problem with being tested actually. I don't do drugs and I don't have any diseases but if an employer said to me they want to test me for this, that and the other I wold not be happy with it at all.


Lastly, you must be a homophobic man,, no one, I mean no one uses the term "wooly woofter" anymore,, it makes you look like you are a total dumb-ass! (and do you think only gay people have HIV?)

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