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Need Room With Running Water & Electricity

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I want to make cosmetics and need a room with at least running water and electricity. A reasonable sized working surface would also be needed. Ideally, I would have access to the room for 2-3 months every day between the hours of 8am to 5pm. If someone had a kitchen to rent out, that would be perfect, but I guess that wouldn't be realistic at a reasonable cost (I'm on a tight budget). Any offers or leads are appreciated. Thanks!

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Room with running water and electricity? as opposed to what? to a cave? is there room for rent

without the above? and if there are, why would any one would want to rent a room without

running water and electricity?

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Oh, my apologies...I'm looking for something within Bangkok. Should have made that explicit. Basically anywhere in Bangkok, as long as it is accessible with public transportation.

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