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Mr. Costas,
I have checked our stock and I was able to find one pair of Gerbil skin shoes.
These are from our 2013 Fall Collection but unfortunately the only pair that we have left are in size 6.
The problem here is that Gerbils only grow to a set size and I believe that the only gerbil that ever reached past a size 8 was sold at auction to a Mr. Richard Gere, for his gerbil farm (and traveling circus), which is based on the outskirts of Chicago.
As mentioned earlier, these are only size 6 but due to the elastical nature of Gerbil skin, they may well also fit up to a size 9.
Attached is a picture of the only remaining Gerbil skin shoes from the TigerClaw Industries' 2013 Fall Collection.

What a lovely paid of shoes, perfect for any Gerbilist.


Why are you supporting Mr Tony, MrToad?

Always thought you are a kind man and not a cruel one like him.

And be very careful in the future.

I am the Financial Director of the TGAU corporation, and your salary depends on me.

Think, how you are going to support your wife, 4 mia Nois and 10 children if I fire you.



Mr. Costas,

Obviously being a high up member of the board of directors for the real manufacturers of the TGAU (TigerClaw Industries) I'm finding it a little hard to get a confirmation of your position within our company.


The other directors, who are aware of who you are, deny appointing you to any position within the company.

After further discussions with the other directors, we have decided that you talk about your 'position' within TigerClaw industries for one of the following reasons:

1/. You are attempting a hostile takeover and your guise is an effort to unsettle the other board members.

2/. You really have received an appointment but it is being kept as a secret from myself and the other board members.


Therefore, please state your reason and if it is reason # 2, please name the other 7 board members and tell me what the third initial in TGAU stands for, so I will then be able to determine the truth about this matter.



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Very reasonable questions, if he is employed by TigerClaw he will know the answers. I suspect some dodgy Greek scam in play




Mr. Costas,
I have checked our stock and I was able to find one pair of Gerbil skin shoes.
These are from our 2013 Fall Collection but unfortunately the only pair that we have left are in size 6.
The problem here is that Gerbils only grow to a set size and I believe that the only gerbil that ever reached past a size 8 was sold at auction to a Mr. Richard Gere, for his gerbil farm (and traveling circus), which is based on the outskirts of Chicago.
As mentioned earlier, these are only size 6 but due to the elastical nature of Gerbil skin, they may well also fit up to a size 9.
Attached is a picture of the only remaining Gerbil skin shoes from the TigerClaw Industries' 2013 Fall Collection.

What a lovely paid of shoes, perfect for any Gerbilist.


Why are you supporting Mr Tony, MrToad?

Always thought you are a kind man and not a cruel one like him.

And be very careful in the future.

I am the Financial Director of the TGAU corporation, and your salary depends on me.

Think, how you are going to support your wife, 4 mia Nois and 10 children if I fire you.



Mr. Costas,

Obviously being a high up member of the board of directors for the real manufacturers of the TGAU (TigerClaw Industries) I'm finding it a little hard to get a confirmation of your position within our company.


The other directors, who are aware of who you are, deny appointing you to any position within the company.

After further discussions with the other directors, we have decided that you talk about your 'position' within TigerClaw industries for one of the following reasons:

1/. You are attempting a hostile takeover and your guise is an effort to unsettle the other board members.

2/. You really have received an appointment but it is being kept as a secret from myself and the other board members.


Therefore, please state your reason and if it is reason # 2, please name the other 7 board members and tell me what the third initial in TGAU stands for, so I will then be able to determine the truth about this matter.




Mr Tony,

You should know by now that A, stands for Adonis, the Greek God that is the God of beauty and desire.

Being direct descendent of him, I associate my self with his image.


Second, The right Honourable Sir ND can vouch for my appointment.

No reason to share it with other inferior members of the TGAU corporation.

How can you consider yourself a member of the board when you can't even spell the name of the corporation right.

It's TGAU not TAGU.





What a lovely paid of shoes, perfect for any Gerbilist.


Why are you supporting Mr Tony, MrToad?

Always thought you are a kind man and not a cruel one like him.

And be very careful in the future.

I am the Financial Director of the TGAU corporation, and your salary depends on me.

Think, how you are going to support your wife, 4 mia Nois and 10 children if I fire you.



Mr. Costas,

Obviously being a high up member of the board of directors for the real manufacturers of the TGAU (TigerClaw Industries) I'm finding it a little hard to get a confirmation of your position within our company.


The other directors, who are aware of who you are, deny appointing you to any position within the company.

After further discussions with the other directors, we have decided that you talk about your 'position' within TigerClaw industries for one of the following reasons:

1/. You are attempting a hostile takeover and your guise is an effort to unsettle the other board members.

2/. You really have received an appointment but it is being kept as a secret from myself and the other board members.


Therefore, please state your reason and if it is reason # 2, please name the other 7 board members and tell me what the third initial in TGAU stands for, so I will then be able to determine the truth about this matter.




Mr Tony,

You should know by now that A, stands for Adonis, the Greek God that is the God of beauty and desire.

Being direct descendent of him, I associate my self with his image.


Second, The right Honourable Sir ND can vouch for my appointment.

No reason to share it with other inferior members of the TGAU corporation.

How can you consider yourself a member of the board when you can't even spell the name of the corporation right.

It's TGAU not TAGU.



Adonis, I think not.

TGAU corporation, none existent, Try TigerClaw industries.

TAGU or TGAU, ever hear of misdirection?



Very reasonable questions, if he is employed by TigerClaw he will know the answers. I suspect some dodgy Greek scam in play


"All in my opinion of course"


Your opinion is not very important at the moment MrToad.

Anyway, shouldn't you be in the States by now?

It will take a long time for you to climb the difficult and treacherous ladder of hierarchy in the corporation.

Be patient.......life is difficult, just keep being good to me and I will help you to achieve your dreams and aspirations.


Very reasonable questions, if he is employed by TigerClaw he will know the answers. I suspect some dodgy Greek scam in play

"All in my opinion of course"
Your opinion is not very important at the moment MrToad.
Anyway, shouldn't you be in the States by now?
It will take a long time for you to climb the difficult and treacherous ladder of hierarchy in the corporation.
Be patient.......life is difficult, just keep being good to me and I will help you to achieve your dreams and aspirations.

Indeed I am Costas, and the bloody jet lag means I'm awake.

I do not fall for your slick, Greek trickery. Get back to milking some Badgers
Honorable Kyrie Mou Costas.
And you clearly know neither who I am
President of
Cymdeithas y Defaid Mynydd Torddu a Torwen Cymreig
Badger Face Welsh Mountain Sheep Society

Please therefore be temperate
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Very reasonable questions, if he is employed by TigerClaw he will know the answers. I suspect some dodgy Greek scam in play

"All in my opinion of course"
Your opinion is not very important at the moment MrToad.
Anyway, shouldn't you be in the States by now?
It will take a long time for you to climb the difficult and treacherous ladder of hierarchy in the corporation.
Be patient.......life is difficult, just keep being good to me and I will help you to achieve your dreams and aspirations.

Indeed I am Costas, and the bloody jet lag means I'm awake.

I do not fall for your slick, Greek trickery. Get back to milking some Badgers


Oh, very Good MrToad,

Please remember my instructions, after you had your sleep ( you noticed how good I have been for you here), to check, in this foreign country, the availability, of Ant cheese, Badger cheese and gerbil cheese.

Also, please check for any Logo infringement cases, on our products so we can issue some writs to these newly civilized people.


Honorable Kyrie Mou Costas.
And you clearly know neither who I am
President of
Cymdeithas y Defaid Mynydd Torddu a Torwen Cymreig
Badger Face Welsh Mountain Sheep Society

Please therefore be temperate

Ah, you like sheep also?

Good, I'm not alone.



Interesting article, Thank you.
Never heard of this variety before.
Have to admit it's a beautiful animal.
We Greeks eat a lot of lamb, but seeing their photos makes me feel guilty.

Sort of animal you could fall in love with?




Interesting article, Thank you.
Never heard of this variety before.
Have to admit it's a beautiful animal.
We Greeks eat a lot of lamb, but seeing their photos makes me feel guilty.

Sort of animal you could fall in love with?


I thought Costas was Greek? Are you implying that he's from Oz?





Interesting article, Thank you.
Never heard of this variety before.
Have to admit it's a beautiful animal.
We Greeks eat a lot of lamb, but seeing their photos makes me feel guilty.

Sort of animal you could fall in love with?


Ohhhhh yeees, MrToad

Did you notice those horns?

You can grab them hard and start thinking of England........






Interesting article, Thank you.
Never heard of this variety before.
Have to admit it's a beautiful animal.
We Greeks eat a lot of lamb, but seeing their photos makes me feel guilty.

Sort of animal you could fall in love with?


I thought Costas was Greek? Are you implying that he's from Oz?


No, Mr Soutpeel specified that I am English, and my name is Colin.

As about the back of the Parthenon, they have a dual pricing system, always charge the tourists triple than the Greeks.

So out of principal, I will never go there.


Will you please all of you, cut the BS, and give me some sound advice as to what shoes should I buy?


Mr C. me old bubble,


This morning we sent our stock buy down to the depths of our 'practical shoes' storeroom but when he came back he reported that we do not have any size 11s in our stock.

Therefore, I took a stroll down to our R&D department to see what will be available shortly.

Our director of Research Mr. Skywalker69 (yes his parents named him that) informed me that we do have the Autumn Collection (AKA Fall Collection in the USA) due to be launched.


The Autumn Collection will be launched to a massive fanfare on 1st September 2014.

The festivities include clowns, strongmen, trampolining elephants, electrical eels and a tap dancing Gerbil named Wayne (he is from Essex).


Below i have attached a few items from our Autumn Collection, just to get your mouth watering and also to take advantage of the free publicity.


However, please note my plate smashing friend, all of these products are patented and the patents are held by the esteemed TigerClaw Industries and any attempt to recreate them for financial gain will lead to the full might of the Old Baily smashing down on you.

We are a massive conglomerate with unlimited funds & backing, so don't mess with us.


Alternatively, if you wish to purchase any of the shoes, these will be available at all TGAU outlets worldwide (and in Soi 6, Pattaya).




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Tony we may need to look at a 6 toed shoe for Costas.


As you are aware, we received the pictures from Costas about 4 months ago and we were working on the 6 toed shoe.

However, about a month ago we were alerted to the fact that one of this boards monitors has 8 toes on each foot, so all woks had to stop on the 6 toed shoe so that our efforts could be concentrated on manufacturing the world's first pair of 8 toed shoes.

Unfortunately, due to the embarrassment and shame that this issue would bring to the said board moderator, we have been advised by our solicitors (that's lawyers no none clever people) not to name and shame the good man (or woman) but his (or her) name does appear in our company records, in the shape of the minutes of our forthcoming meeting.

To the moderator in question, we at TigerClaw Industries would like to thank you for all of your hard work on the board and we all feel that you are right man (or woman) for the job.


I do realize that the demand for this product would only be very tiny when comparing it to the market of say the four or five toed shoe but the publicity that this stunt will bring will be immense.

Also, the research and inevitable production of this product was approved during TigerClaw Industries' (footwear and shaving apparel department) tri-daily morning meeting, tomorrow morning.



Tony we may need to look at a 6 toed shoe for Costas.


As you are aware, we received the pictures from Costas about 4 months ago and we were working on the 6 toed shoe.

However, about a month ago we were alerted to the fact that one of this boards monitors has 8 toes on each foot, so all woks had to stop on the 6 toed shoe so that our efforts could be concentrated on manufacturing the world's first pair of 8 toed shoes.

Unfortunately, due to the embarrassment and shame that this issue would bring to the said board moderator, we have been advised by our solicitors (that's lawyers no none clever people) not to name and shame the good man (or woman) but his (or her) name does appear in our company records, in the shape of the minutes of our forthcoming meeting.

To the moderator in question, we at TigerClaw Industries would like to thank you for all of your hard work on the board and we all feel that you are right man (or woman) for the job.


I do realize that the demand for this product would only be very tiny when comparing it to the market of say the four or five toed shoe but the publicity that this stunt will bring will be immense.

Also, the research and inevitable production of this product was approved during TigerClaw Industries' (footwear and shaving apparel department) tri-daily morning meeting, tomorrow morning.



you are so helpless and unimaginative in your company... no wonder your products will be failures... a Swiss penknife would solve your problems, already invented, no need for any R&D for x-toed shoes needed...




Tony we may need to look at a 6 toed shoe for Costas.


As you are aware, we received the pictures from Costas about 4 months ago and we were working on the 6 toed shoe.

However, about a month ago we were alerted to the fact that one of this boards monitors has 8 toes on each foot, so all woks had to stop on the 6 toed shoe so that our efforts could be concentrated on manufacturing the world's first pair of 8 toed shoes.

Unfortunately, due to the embarrassment and shame that this issue would bring to the said board moderator, we have been advised by our solicitors (that's lawyers no none clever people) not to name and shame the good man (or woman) but his (or her) name does appear in our company records, in the shape of the minutes of our forthcoming meeting.

To the moderator in question, we at TigerClaw Industries would like to thank you for all of your hard work on the board and we all feel that you are right man (or woman) for the job.


I do realize that the demand for this product would only be very tiny when comparing it to the market of say the four or five toed shoe but the publicity that this stunt will bring will be immense.

Also, the research and inevitable production of this product was approved during TigerClaw Industries' (footwear and shaving apparel department) tri-daily morning meeting, tomorrow morning.



you are so helpless and unimaginative in your company... no wonder your products will be failures... a Swiss penknife would solve your problems, already invented, no need for any R&D for x-toed shoes needed...



Are you suggesting that we use a Swiss army penknife to saw off one of our moderators spare toes?

The Modgods will never allow that to happen.






Tony we may need to look at a 6 toed shoe for Costas.


As you are aware, we received the pictures from Costas about 4 months ago and we were working on the 6 toed shoe.

However, about a month ago we were alerted to the fact that one of this boards monitors has 8 toes on each foot, so all woks had to stop on the 6 toed shoe so that our efforts could be concentrated on manufacturing the world's first pair of 8 toed shoes.

Unfortunately, due to the embarrassment and shame that this issue would bring to the said board moderator, we have been advised by our solicitors (that's lawyers no none clever people) not to name and shame the good man (or woman) but his (or her) name does appear in our company records, in the shape of the minutes of our forthcoming meeting.

To the moderator in question, we at TigerClaw Industries would like to thank you for all of your hard work on the board and we all feel that you are right man (or woman) for the job.


I do realize that the demand for this product would only be very tiny when comparing it to the market of say the four or five toed shoe but the publicity that this stunt will bring will be immense.

Also, the research and inevitable production of this product was approved during TigerClaw Industries' (footwear and shaving apparel department) tri-daily morning meeting, tomorrow morning.



you are so helpless and unimaginative in your company... no wonder your products will be failures... a Swiss penknife would solve your problems, already invented, no need for any R&D for x-toed shoes needed...



Are you suggesting that we use a Swiss army penknife to saw off one of our moderators spare toes?

The Modgods will never allow that to happen.




Sell it as cosmetic surgery enabling them to use the most exciting new models you have on display, put few freebies on top like new boobs for their mia whatever and you'll see that you can reduce your R&D considerably boosting your profit to a max... otherwise your investors will run from your company and the share value will drop below zero...


Too late boys. Costas is already trying his new shoes on...

Very nice if i may say so, nice colors and wide enough just in case he sprouts a seventh

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