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Gaza school strike 'criminal' - UN


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Amazing how blatant one sided repoting is going on here, when Hamas broke the humanitarian truce barely

2 hours after it started, killed 2 soldiers and kidnapped one to the condemnation of every one around the world,

nothing was mentioned in these forums, and new, when 10 people die after an incident that is still being

disputed, that get a mention... wow..

When is a ceasefire not a ceasefire... when IDF continues bashing down doors, destroying homes looking for tunnels to blow up.

It is very debatable who broke the truce.

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When you use women and children as human shields, civilians die. No more criminal than Friendly Fire. Stuff happens. Get over it. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization. OK, you can attack me now.

What a tool. Quote " get over it " ......maybe you are not connected to the 1800 civilian people killed. Read what the UN says about these actions by Israel. CRIMINAL.

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When you use women and children as human shields, civilians die. No more criminal than Friendly Fire. Stuff happens. Get over it. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization. OK, you can attack me now.

Of course. When a terrorist group shoots thousands of rockets at civilian areas in a sovereign country they are going to be stopped. Any country on earth would be doing the same thing.

Still using images directly from the IDF Spokesperson's twitter eh? clap2.gif

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So the fact that Hamas used cement to create tunnels is an excuse to murder all those civilians is it?

No. Is is the reason that so many are dying along with Hamas shooting rockets from civilian areas and encouraging civilians to stay in areas that have already received warning that they will be bombed.

No country on earth would allow these terrorists to keep shooting rockets at them and Israel not going to either.

Reports of Hamas encouraging civilians to stay in areas "under warning" were only around the beginning of the bombing.

I have not read a single report that Hamas is still asking civilians to stay put.

Maybe you can enlighten me with a link that indicates this.

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If we're talking about the poor Palestinians being killed by the Israelis right? than what about the poor

Palestinians being killed and expelled fro Syria on en mass? some will jump now up and say these

are different Palestinians, are they?

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When you use women and children as human shields, civilians die. No more criminal than Friendly Fire. Stuff happens. Get over it. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization. OK, you can attack me now.

Of course. When a terrorist group shoots thousands of rockets at civilian areas in a sovereign country they are going to be stopped. Any country on earth would be doing the same thing.


Yes the Israeli civilian deaths are quite alarming compared to the Palestinians.

It seems very clear that this repulsive war criminal of a prime minister is happy to condone and justify the murder of how ever many innocent civilians for the head of a single terrorist.

Shameful. War criminals.

Yes, I agree...This really is shameful.


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When you use women and children as human shields, civilians die. No more criminal than Friendly Fire. Stuff happens. Get over it. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization. OK, you can attack me now.

Of course. When a terrorist group shoots thousands of rockets at civilian areas in a sovereign country they are going to be stopped. Any country on earth would be doing the same thing.

Still using images directly from the IDF Spokesperson's twitter eh?

Yep. Most people realize that Hamas are a terrorist group and that the IDF are soldiers protecting their country. I'm not too worried about what people like you think.

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Amazing how blatant one sided repoting is going on here, when Hamas broke the humanitarian truce barely

2 hours after it started, killed 2 soldiers and kidnapped one to the condemnation of every one around the world,

nothing was mentioned in these forums, and new, when 10 people die after an incident that is still being

disputed, that get a mention... wow..

Hamas broke the humanitarian truce? Link please!

The fact was the truce was never a truce at all. Under the terms of the truce, Israel was allowed to keep troops in Gaza and continue searching for and blowing up tunnels. That is, they can continue military operations. What kind of truce is that?

"Kidnapped" a soldier??

Have you not been updated on this story? The kidnapping was made up, it never happened. The soldier was dead. Israel used the "kidnapping" (stupid word because IDF invades Gaza, one of their soldiers gets captured and now its "kidnapping by terrorists") to launch indiscriminate shelling that killed over 100 people in one day (80% civilian).

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Still using images directly from the IDF Spokesperson's twitter eh?

Yep. Most people realize that Hamas are a terrorist group and that the IDF are soldiers protecting their country. I'm not too worried about what people like you think.

I'm well aware that you care not what I think.

But its not going to stop me from calling you out every time you use propaganda directly from the IDF.

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When you use women and children as human shields, civilians die. No more criminal than Friendly Fire. Stuff happens. Get over it. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization. OK, you can attack me now.

Why are Hamas terrorists . They are fighting against the illegal occcupation of thier land. Just like the French resistance fought the Nazi occuption.

Hamas would be fighting anyway...look at ISIS next door.

Islamists will never stop fighting....in the end they will turn against each other

That's the nature of the beast.

..programmed to self-destruct in the end.

Hypothetical nonsense.

Give peace a chance when Hamas offers the olive branch


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I wonder how many people that do not have some sort of connection to Israel either ethnic or religion etc would regard what they are doing right now as anything but a crime against humanity.

Foot note. I love the way USA government condemns the actions yet provides the bombs. World opinion against US admin (not usa citizens) and now Israel will grow and grow. Btw I am a AU expat living here with very little to zero interest in politics. However these actions by Israel cannot be accepted by the world community. Enough !!!

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Still using images directly from the IDF Spokesperson's twitter eh? clap2.gif

IDF biased but Hamas' (comical) mouthpieces totally credible.facepalm.gif

Israel is not going anywhere..a perpetual thorn on the side of liberals infidels

Strange, I just looked at the sentence I wrote and see no mention of Hamas.

Nice try Vinnie. You need upgrade your strawman skillz...

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Now perhaps the Zionists might just come to realise that their actions are actually endangering the Israeli cause.

Unfortunately I have to disagree. They don't give a $hit. Netanyahu and his cronies are probably having a laugh about it.

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When you use women and children as human shields, civilians die. No more criminal than Friendly Fire. Stuff happens. Get over it. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization. OK, you can attack me now.

Of course. When a terrorist group shoots thousands of rockets at civilian areas in a sovereign country they are going to be stopped. Any country on earth would be doing the same thing.

Still using images directly from the IDF Spokesperson's twitter eh? clap2.gif

IDF biased but Hamas' (comical) mouthpieces totally credible.facepalm.gif

Israel is not going anywhere..a perpetual thorn on the side of liberals infidels

Correct..Israel is not going anywhere ....until it makes its enemies its friends, and under a just peace agreement establishes permanent secure recognized borders.

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Amazing how blatant one sided repoting is going on here, when Hamas broke the humanitarian truce barely

2 hours after it started, killed 2 soldiers and kidnapped one to the condemnation of every one around the world,

nothing was mentioned in these forums, and new, when 10 people die after an incident that is still being

disputed, that get a mention... wow..

Hamas broke the humanitarian truce? Link please!

The fact was the truce was never a truce at all.

Hamas AGREED to it. That makes it a truce. They also claimed responsibility for kidnapping the soldier and later tried to walk it back.

Hamas admitted today its soldiers likely captured an Israeli officer during a deadly ambush, but said the attack was executed an hour before a mutually agreed 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire set in.

Israel and the international community, on the other hand, claim the incident took place over an hour after the UN-backed truce took effect, and blamed Hamas for the collapse of the cease-fire, which was meant to provide humanitarian relief to Gaza's population of 1.8 million.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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These grubs were alledgedly targeting 3 enemy combatants on a motorcycle. Is it just coincidence that they decided to engage the target in extreme close proximity to a school? The truth is, no. They don"t care.

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These grubs were alledgedly targeting 3 enemy combatants on a motorcycle. Is it just coincidence that they decided to engage the target in extreme close proximity to a school?

Sounds like a rather loony conspiracy theory. The IDF are not the ones who want innocents to die. That would be Hamas and it is not exactly a secret.

Hamas leaders called on Palestinians living in the northern Gaza Strip to return to their homes and ignore Israeli warnings of an impending military operation.

“To all of our people who have evacuated their homes – return to them immediately and do not leave the house,” said a statement titled “Urgent call to the residents of the Gaza Strip” released by the Hamas Interior Ministry, Ynet reported. “You must follow the directives of the Interior Ministry. This is psychological warfare, random messages to instill panic in people.”

Read more: http://www.jta.org/2014/07/13/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/hamas-calls-on-palestinian-civilians-to-remain-in-homes-in-face-of-israeli-warningss#ixzz39OOriwe6

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No. Is is the reason that so many are dying along with Hamas shooting rockets from civilian areas and encouraging civilians to stay in areas that have already received warning that they will be bombed.

No country on earth would allow these terrorists to keep shooting rockets at them and Israel not going to either.

No you i kidding yourself. You can dress it up as you like but the reason so many civilians are dying is because the Israelis are indiscriminately bombing, willing to kill as many innocents as it takes to get the bad guys. At first they deny, and then when things have died down they will admit it but by this time things will already have move on.

Kid yourself if it pleases but the fact are they are war criminals and the leadership belongs in The Hague to answer for their crimes against humanity.

Tell me, how many civilian death will it take before you can say enough is enough?

save your breath, he doesn't consider Gazans innocent

Ulysses G., on 24 Jul 2014 - 19:06, said:

The "victims" started the conflict in the first place, have refused numerous peace deals and elected a terrorist group - Hamas - to represent them There is such a thing as personal responsibility.

Yes , three hundred kids should take responsibility for Hamas and their actions shouldn't they!!. Oh dear Ulysses, listen to yourself!! Your argument for genocide gets more ridiculous every post.

As i said and will reiterate, the New York jewish support will never wain and as we know they are a very powerful force in American politics. Probably goes a long way in explaining the spineless response of Obama.

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Amazing how blatant one sided repoting is going on here, when Hamas broke the humanitarian truce barely

2 hours after it started, killed 2 soldiers and kidnapped one to the condemnation of every one around the world,

nothing was mentioned in these forums, and new, when 10 people die after an incident that is still being

disputed, that get a mention... wow..

Hamas broke the humanitarian truce? Link please!

The fact was the truce was never a truce at all.

Hamas AGREED to it. That makes it a truce. They also claimed responsibility for kidnapping the soldier and later tried to walk it back.

Hamas admitted today its soldiers likely captured an Israeli officer during a deadly ambush, but said the attack was executed an hour before a mutually agreed 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire set in.

Israel and the international community, on the other hand, claim the incident took place over an hour after the UN-backed truce took effect, and blamed Hamas for the collapse of the cease-fire, which was meant to provide humanitarian relief to Gaza's population of 1.8 million.


It begs the question what were the Israelis soldiers doing there looking for tunnels in a truce when they should have been having a cup of coffee in the mess tent.

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Amazing how blatant one sided repoting is going on here, when Hamas broke the humanitarian truce barely

2 hours after it started, killed 2 soldiers and kidnapped one to the condemnation of every one around the world,

nothing was mentioned in these forums, and new, when 10 people die after an incident that is still being

disputed, that get a mention... wow..

Hamas broke the humanitarian truce? Link please!

The fact was the truce was never a truce at all.

Hamas AGREED to it. That makes it a truce. They also claimed responsibility for kidnapping the soldier and later tried to walk it back.

Hamas admitted today its soldiers likely captured an Israeli officer during a deadly ambush, but said the attack was executed an hour before a mutually agreed 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire set in.

Israel and the international community, on the other hand, claim the incident took place over an hour after the UN-backed truce took effect, and blamed Hamas for the collapse of the cease-fire, which was meant to provide humanitarian relief to Gaza's population of 1.8 million.


From what I have read, Hamas soldiers attacked through a tunnel, killed a couple IDF, made off with the soldier in question and were subsequently chased. Firefight ensues and the IDF soldier is killed. If I am wrong, let me know, but that is what I have read. Instead of saying "we think he was killed, maybe he was captured", Israel saw an opportunity and came out and said "a soldier has been kidnapped by terrorists" and then launch an indiscriminate shelling revenge attack. They misled the world when they knew he was dead already...akin to what they did when they knew the 3 teens were dead already.

""We lost contact with the [Hamas] troops deployed in the ambush and assess that these troops were probably killed by enemy bombardment, including the soldier said to be missing — presuming that our troops took him prisoner during the clash," the statement read."

So Hamas troops never completed the capture....they were killed along with the soldier in the clash. The kidnapping claim was BS.

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Yes , three hundred kids should take responsibility for Hamas and their actions shouldn't they!!.

No Hamas should take responsibility for placing them in harms way and encouraging their parents to use them as human shields.If they had stopped firing those rockets at Israel all those kids would be alive today.

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