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We didn't receive our monthly True bill for the home internet.

Is there a way to pay it without the bill? I'm guessing they won't be sending another one and I think the payment day is in the next day or so.

Can I pay it at an ATM or do I need the bill reference number?



Just go to the True office and pay there, paspoort number is enough. At least that's the case in Pattaya ...

Btw, it's also possible there to pay a couple of months ahead ...


I suffered this problem with True vision for months so in the end I changed to paperless invoice and get mine by e mail, never missed a month since then , I pay it via my internet banking.


My bill didn't arrive as well-in Bangkok.

Rang the call centre, and found there is a pre-recorded message saying that you may experience billing delays in the month of July and they will extend the due by date to ensure maintenance of service, so I think it is a general problem!



Just go to the True office and pay there, paspoort number is enough. At least that's the case in Pattaya ...

Btw, it's also possible there to pay a couple of months ahead ...

That's correct (I almost said true).

I explained that I work outside Thailand on an irregular schedule and they gave me 3 months 'credit' latitude.

I never need a bill to pay.


Mine turned up yesterday --- over three weeks late. Seems to be a common problem with True internet bills due last month.


If you just register with their web site, then can see all latest bills (and pay them) on line. Been doing that for years, inside or outside of Thailand.

They are having some kind of general billing problem - online my account says I owe nothing and there is no current bill, yet it was due last week and I have not paid for more than 5 weeks.

The online billing has not been updated.


If you just register with their web site, then can see all latest bills (and pay them) on line. Been doing that for years, inside or outside of Thailand.

They are having some kind of general billing problem - online my account says I owe nothing and there is no current bill, yet it was due last week and I have not paid for more than 5 weeks.

The online billing has not been updated.

Ah OK, paid mine about 2 weeks ago without issue, will see if new bill comes up in a couple of weeks, but now it says zero.


I dropped my True Mobile/cell post paid service years back because the bill only found my mailbox one time--on the first billing only. Address was perfect. But all future True Mobile bills could never find my mailbox again...would have to go to a local True center to findout what the monthly bill was, bitch again about the bill not showing up (True would blame it on the post office), and pay the bill. Cancelled the service after 6 months due to the billing problem.

At that time and still I also had a TrueVisions account and their bill always found my mailbox...address identical for the True Mobile account. And then a little while later I got a TrueOnline internet account....that bill has always found the mailbox also. I've had only one address here in Bangkok since moving here. Knock on wood have never had billing problems with any utility (i.e., electric, TOT phone/internet, DTAC, etc) other than with True Mobile.

I seem to see a lot of complaints on ThaiVisa about True bills not arriving, but don't know how many are due to bad addresses, post office not delivering, etc....and how many are just True billing system problems. Just seems to be a lot of complaints about True billing....and TrueMobile (cell phone service), TrueOnline (internet), and TrueVisions (TV) are three separate business units within True with different billing systems.

  • 3 months later...

I suffered this problem with True vision for months so in the end I changed to paperless invoice and get mine by e mail, never missed a month since then , I pay it via my internet banking.

how do I get one? (A paperless invoice.)

I have paid my True bills with my HSBC Hong Kong credit card by direct debit for many years, but recently, (August & September), the payments have not gone through. HSBC says True does not fill out the expiry date of the card on the direct debit forms submitted to them. I relayed that to True several times. I have been speaking in person to True at their Paragon branch about it since, but they cannot provide an answer, and their billing department has too many outstanding snags to be able to look into it or provide an answer over the last month and a half. However, they are now suggesting that it is because it is an international credit card, and not a Thai bank based one.

Not sure who to believe, but it would make much more sense to receive the bills via email and pay them that way.

I heard from True that there was some c*ck up with all direct debit billings over August/September, but it's very difficult to get any *true* answers. As per TIT.


While in my country only a simple subscriber number is enough to pay all utilities (via web or online banking), Thailand uses a complex ref1 / ref2 number.

I wonder who invented / brought this system here? And what purpose? To make things more complicated than ever required?


Finally got a sensible answer from True. They admit that all their billings with True Online and some True Mobile have had glitches recently, because of a change in their system. The glitch is not yet fixed.

For a communications company....well plus ca TIT.


I was offered a paperless bill by True Vision so I switched and now get my bill about three weeks in advance and pay it on the due date via Internet banking with Bangkok Bank, not sure about internet services having paperless bills but worth investigating.


A few years ago I was in the True office monthly pleading to get mailed invoices so that I wouldn't miss a payment. Each time, I was assured they had entered my information correctly in the computer and starting the next month "for sure" I would get an invoice. Lather, rinse, repeat.

After about six months, a bright sales rep suggested I get my invoices via e-mail, and she arranged that. Brilliant. Starting the next month I got invoices in the mail (Thai Post) monthly without fail.


A few years ago I was in the True office monthly pleading to get mailed invoices so that I wouldn't miss a payment. Each time, I was assured they had entered my information correctly in the computer and starting the next month "for sure" I would get an invoice. Lather, rinse, repeat.

After about six months, a bright sales rep suggested I get my invoices via e-mail, and she arranged that. Brilliant. Starting the next month I got invoices in the mail (Thai Post) monthly without fail.

And Thai mail postal service is without failure I assume ....

Some people have difficulty thinking beyond the basics


Are you saying it was likely that ThaiPost lost the invoices nine consecutive months, then suddenly began faithfully delivering them monthly, and the True customer services people making changes in their computer to my billing profile monthly was not more likely? Entirely possible, I guess, but more likely some people have difficulty thinking beyond the basics, indeed. rolleyes.gif


Finally got a sensible answer from True. They admit that all their billings with True Online and some True Mobile have had glitches recently, because of a change in their system. The glitch is not yet fixed.

For a communications company....well plus ca TIT.

Well today they are advising me that I cannot use an international bank credit card for a direct debit, it has to be a Thai bank issued card. That's despite using my HSBC Hong Kong credit card for direct debit with True for 10 years. Moving with the times with this cutting edge company. Plus ca TIT.

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