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USA Visa for wife refused with 10 year ban due to suspicion of working in massage

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Actually when the embassy denies visa, they will not give you any exfoliation. Even you hire a lawyer your wife still need to go for an interview. It really depends on the embassy.

Tell your wife to check www.usvisa4thai.com. It's a Thai community that Thai women share theirs experiences and help one another. It may help.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Why would one go to an Embassy for the removal of dead skin??

I don't understand your expression.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



I believe you probably meant to say the embassy "will not give you any explanation".

"Exfoliation" does indeed mean the removal of dead skin cells.

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Actually when the embassy denies visa, they will not give you any exfoliation. Even you hire a lawyer your wife still need to go for an interview. It really depends on the embassy.

Tell your wife to check www.usvisa4thai.com. It's a Thai community that Thai women share theirs experiences and help one another. It may help.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Why would one go to an Embassy for the removal of dead skin??
I don't understand your expression.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I believe you probably meant to say the embassy "will not give you any explanation".
"Exfoliation" does indeed mean the removal of dead skin cells.

Oh, I am sorry. I have spell check and sometime it gives me other words instead of the one I want.

And yes, I want to say "explanation"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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I have no idea if it is a foreigner or a Thai that conducts these face-to-face interviews but I would reckon a display of righteous indignation on behalf of the applicant may have served better than the 'up to you' response to being repeatedly questioned about the place of work. It is a bit draconian that a 10-year ban can be handed out for having proven links to prostitution in first instance so it's a long fetch that the same penalty can be arbitrarily assigned based on someone's perception and (more likely) their own narrow-minded constructs without any evidence to the otherwise.


Unfortunately, the die has been cast and unless the OP has the connections and fortitude to explore the avenues of taking up with local government representatives back in the US, then maybe it is best left as-is with a notice to others to thoroughly plan and review the entire application process. I think I am right in understanding that these interviews cannot introduce 'new evidence' to the application, it is maybe best to ensure that all supporting documents, statements, testimonies, photographs, whatever, are included in the original application.

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THANKS for the input. I contacted a visa attorney who looked at the stuff and said that to get a wavier I need to show serious harm to ME, and rehabilitation of the wife, and that her entrance to the USA on a Tourist Visa would not be harmful to the Country of America.


What can I claim would be serious harm to me if she does not go on holiday with me annually to see my kids and family. 


She was never convicted or even charged with any crime so how do I show rehabilitation? Does she say "if I did it I don't do it anymore"  ?


How can I show that she will not harm the USA on a holiday visit?  She has no skills that could harm anybody and she only weights 40 kg so she can not beat up many Americans?


If this was for work, a skill that was needed by a company, a Dr. with a speciality, a Rock n roll star with a tour date, those you can document. 


She wants to wait until next year and give it another try.


So "up to her"  I guess......


Makes my holiday visits less fun traveling alone for a few months. Family is great but after 3 days you become a fish and start to smell.......

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THANKS for the input. I contacted a visa attorney who looked at the stuff and said that to get a wavier I need to show serious harm to ME, and rehabilitation of the wife, and that her entrance to the USA on a Tourist Visa would not be harmful to the Country of America.


What can I claim would be serious harm to me if she does not go on holiday with me annually to see my kids and family. 


She was never convicted or even charged with any crime so how do I show rehabilitation? Does she say "if I did it I don't do it anymore"  ?


How can I show that she will not harm the USA on a holiday visit?  She has no skills that could harm anybody and she only weights 40 kg so she can not beat up many Americans?


If this was for work, a skill that was needed by a company, a Dr. with a speciality, a Rock n roll star with a tour date, those you can document. 


She wants to wait until next year and give it another try.


So "up to her"  I guess......


Makes my holiday visits less fun traveling alone for a few months. Family is great but after 3 days you become a fish and start to smell.......

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THANKS for the input. I contacted a visa attorney who looked at the stuff and said that to get a wavier I need to show serious harm to ME, and rehabilitation of the wife, and that her entrance to the USA on a Tourist Visa would not be harmful to the Country of America.


What can I claim would be serious harm to me if she does not go on holiday with me annually to see my kids and family. 


She was never convicted or even charged with any crime so how do I show rehabilitation? Does she say "if I did it I don't do it anymore"  ?


How can I show that she will not harm the USA on a holiday visit?  She has no skills that could harm anybody and she only weights 40 kg so she can not beat up many Americans?


If this was for work, a skill that was needed by a company, a Dr. with a speciality, a Rock n roll star with a tour date, those you can document. 


She wants to wait until next year and give it another try.


So "up to her"  I guess......


Makes my holiday visits less fun traveling alone for a few months. Family is great but after 3 days you become a fish and start to smell.......


"I contacted a visa attorney who looked at the stuff and said that to get a wavier"


What is a visa wavier? Did your attorney supply you with a copy of it? Sorry, but I'm not familiar with that form, and I have seen plenty of forms.


Tom: Ask questions here first before giving any more Baht to this attorney. Trust me on this. We are here to help.



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I assume the lawyer is talking about an I-601 waiver, which is a waiver for people that were denied immigrant visas.  Tourist visa is not an immigrant visa.


There are at least two types of waiver - one for immigration visas and another for at least some other types of visa.

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I assume the lawyer is talking about an I-601 waiver, which is a waiver for people that were denied immigrant visas.  Tourist visa is not an immigrant visa.


There are at least two types of waiver - one for immigration visas and another for at least some other types of visa.


Yes, there are two types of waivers.  I-601 and I-212.  I-601 is for people that were denied immigrant visas.  I-212 is for people that were deported or removed from the U.S.  Neither applies to the OP, who's girl was found inadmissible by the interviewing C.O. when applying for a non-immigrant tourist visa  The only recourse for the OP's girl is to apply for another tourist visa, or go the immigrant visa route.  Unless there's something that has changed, a tourist visa will be denied again based on the 10 year ban.  The OPs ONLY chance is to get married, file for an immigrant visa, have that get denied based on the 10 year ban, and then file a waiver.  Probably looking at 18 months minimum, and there's always the very real possibility of the waiver being denied.


It's the OP's money, but IMO he would just be funding some lawyer's golf trips or his mia noi's trips to Siam Paragon.



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There's also a waiver application form I-192, but that does not appear to be relevant (unless the US border has been 'exported' to Thailand).  On reapplication for a *single-entry* tourist visa, it seems the OP's wife should announce that she wishes to apply for a non-immigrant waiver.  The descriptions of the process are confusing - one seems to say that she should have been offered a visa waiver application pack at the initial refusal.

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There's also a waiver application form I-192, but that does not appear to be relevant (unless the US border has been 'exported' to Thailand).  On reapplication for a *single-entry* tourist visa, it seems the OP's wife should announce that she wishes to apply for a non-immigrant waiver.  The descriptions of the process are confusing - one seems to say that she should have been offered a visa waiver application pack at the initial refusal.

You can only use I-192 if you already have been issued a visa.  It's for people that already have a visa, but have become inadmissible for whatever reason.  Let's say someone gets a 10 year tourist visa, and then 2 years later get busted in a raid at Nana for prostitution ( I know, not likely to happen)  That would make them inadmissible to the U.S.  They could then file an I-192 and hope for the best.   Even then, it's a long shot for CBP to allow entry.


It would not be fun for the OPs girl to come all the way to the U.S. only to be told "Sorry, we're not letting you in"  and then have to turn around and fly back to Thailand.  A visa does not guarantee entry in to the U.S.  People get turned around all the time by CBP for a multitude of different reasons.  If she flys to the U.S. with a tourist visa and CBP gets it in their head that she's planning on staying, they'll deny her entry.  It happens a lot for people that are going through the marriage visa process, that haven't gotten approved yet, but want to visit their spouse. 


When people are denied immigrant visas at an interview, they are given instructions on how to apply for a waiver.  Since there is no waiver for a tourist visa, the OP's girl was denied, and that was the end of it.  That was why she was given no information on a waiver.

Edited by daboyz1
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All individual circumstances are different. I cannot give the OP good advice on his situation. The decision to issue a visa to the US is entirely "up to" the embassy. The decision to allow entry to the US once that visa is issued is entirely up to the immigration officer at the US port of entry.


If you wish to bring your child or spouse to the US, you need to do your homework. Decide in haste, regret at leisure.


The route the OP should have taken would be a K-1 visa. If you wish to marry in the US and are unmarried to your intended, a K-2. Both of these take considerable time, effort and financial resources. Once settled in the US, the spouse can receive an adjustment of status, or US citizenship.Then your spouse can come and go as they please.


A tourist visa is the best option, but as a matter of policy the US will require a compelling reason why she would return to Thailand. The reason should be obvious.


Not to belabor the point, but if you want to bring any Thai to the US, do your homework.



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