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'Soldier' robs school students of cell phones in Pathum Thani


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'Soldier' Robs School Students of Cell Phones
By Khaosod English
A group of soldiers confiscating illegally harvested logs in Trat province, 5 August 2014. Soldiers have become a common sight in Thailand following the 22 May military coup.

PATHUM THANI — Six high school students in Pathum Thani say a man who claimed to be a soldier robbed them of their mobile phones last night.

According to one of the students, the group was riding motorcycles in Lam Lukka district when a man with "soldier cap" rode his motorcycle next to them and told them to stop.

The man reportedly said he was a soldier, questioned the students about their destination, and threatened to take them for drug testing at Ku Kot Police Station. The man also searched their motorcycles and confiscated all of their mobile phones, the 16-year-old student said.

After taking their cellphones, the man reportedly told the students to get on their motorbikes and follow him to Ku Kot Police Station, but later sped away in the dark.

Police say they are searching for the suspect. The man was described as well-built and wearing a black jacket. His motorcycle was a Honda Wave.

Since the Thai army staged a military coup on 22 May, soldiers have become a common sight on the streets of Thailand.

The military junta's National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has dispatched soldiers to perform laws enforcement tasks alongside police, such as raiding suspected criminals' homes, confiscating illegal substances, and regulating public transports.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1407391313


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Maybe this was an example of the NCPO scam which was mentioned in another article. 
I don't want to know how many other things were confiscated in the name of NCPO by super soldiers... of course everything allowed because it is marshal law..

You don't want to know because you've already decided what the truth is? Edited by Bluespunk
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If he looks like a soldier and acts like a soldier, than it's big probability, that he is a soldier

Total rubbish. It just means he had the balls to con some young kids out of their possessions. We have no proof one way or the other about whether he was a genuine soldier or not. All we have is the word of a thief to go on.

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Surely the fact that the headline put "Soldier" in inverted commas should be a hint that he wasn't.  I'm actually on side with Khaosod this time.  (Even I hardly believe that part.)  Also, first line said  "claimed to be ..........".    Loosen up you guys.

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Some desperate soldier he was. Equal to the extertionist general from patpong and 90 tons missing rice from patumtani warehouses

How do you KNOW he was a soldier?
You just HAD to get in a dig at the military.
If you read the OP correctly (which obviously you didn't)
quote "The man reportedly said he was a soldier, questioned the students about their destination, and threatened to take them for drug testing at Ku Kot Police Station. The man also searched their motorcycles and confiscated all of their mobile phones, the 16-year-old student said."
It doesn't mean that he WAS a soldier and just that he wore a "soldier cap" does not make him one as it is easy to buy ex military clothes in Thailand.


followed by...

If he looks like a soldier and acts like a soldier, than it's big probability, that he is a soldier


friendly advice


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this is what happens when a soceity voluntarily give all power to the military. There is no room for questioning anything they do. The risk is not worth the punishment

It could just as easily have happened when a society gives all power to the police. The fact is the youths got conned out of their phones. It could just as easily have been a guy impersonating superman.

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Some desperate soldier he was. Equal to the extertionist general from patpong and 90 tons missing rice from patumtani warehouses army gang

Oh my, that's quite a stretch there.


Typical up to date news report from London.

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Only wearing a solders cap???


From what I have seen of the military they always wear full uniform and look a lot smarter than the BiB, except for caps when riding motor bikes because the actually abide by the law and wear crash helmets.

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Some desperate soldier he was. Equal to the extertionist general from patpong and 90 tons missing rice from patumtani warehouses army gang



What a load of pollocks..get a life pls or stay off the fizzy stuff

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