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If you were to move out of Thailand, where would you go?

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Although I'm British, I was not born in the UK and have never lived there.

I've spent all my life living in countries where English is not the first language and as a result I've often thought it would be nice to live where English is the dominant language.

Also having lived in Asia most of my life, I find Western women more appealing than Asian women.

Assuming one had the finances to be able to go anywhere, there are loads of places in the world where life would be bettter than here.

Auckland is lovely, Prague is nice, Canada (B.C. so I can hit the slopes on Whislter and snowboard all winter), Cayman Islands.... The hard part would be deciding on a place.

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This is so funny. Typists who live in the best place on Earth, Thailand, speculating about going to communist countries, cesspool nations, foreigner-hating countries, and more expensive places.

Thanks for the laughs.

P.S., please move out soon, bye!

Really? The OP asked a viable good question, Thailand the greatest place on Earth--guess you don't get around much. If I left Thailand Uruguay, Panama or Costa Rica might be good alternatives in the Americas. Several Internation Living sites (can Google them) have info on those and other countries, low cost of living and easy visa requirements and good living conditions. In Asia I would consider Viet-nam or Mynamar as Cambodia, Laos a little too 3rd world for me although cheap. If you have sufficient funds Singapore or Malaysia modern conviences, great infrastucture .Just my opinion and personal choices.

how is Laos too third world but Cambodia and Myanmar are viable options....I always thought they were even more third world from my experiences

"Smurkster" Re-read my post , I said I would consider Viet-nam or Myanmar the reason is Viet-nam has realations with USA and thier econmy is immproving rapdily. Same with Burma (Myanmar) since embrcaing Democracy resently ( Aung San Suu Kyi thier former jailed Pres is now today poised to run for Pres in new elections) has had sanctions dropped and econmy is poised to boom. China and India are planing on building a road from China thru Burma into India and on to Europe wich will really open up oportunities and economy in the region so I could see it as a good place for rapidly rising cities like thier new capital currently sparsley settled but due to boom.

my apologies, I read it wrong, thank you for clarifiying

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Every place has its pro's and con's. I've been to pretty much every place listed in this thread. Some are a pretty good alternative to Thailand, others are not. For me, weather is a big deal. If it snows, forget it. If it's expensive, forget it.

Great comments. Keep it up!

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Costa Rica, it's not far from the US, they speak english, they have good health care, they have a large expat population, the government actually cares about you, and makes it easy to live there. wouldn't that be nice. I have heard that Austria was a safe place to live also.

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Many Interesting Opinions

And thanks to those who contributed information.

But not many comments on what Visas are Available.

My choice would be Philippines - but not Manila
maybe Cebu ...
Last time I enquired Retirement Visas were available there.


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Anyone who believes they are avoiding living in a police state by living in Thailand are dreadfully ill informed....how much more of a police state can you get then getting arrested for reading in public, I mean isn't that the quinessential "Police State"???...not sure if those are the rules anymore, but anyone yapping about how much a police state the UK or US has become, just remember, no one ever has been arrested or prosecuted in either of these countries for freely speaking about government officials or reading books in public!

In many ways, European countries and America enjoy A WHOLE LOT greater freedom than Thailand, and I never really understand exactly what people are getting at when they claim encroachment of civil liberties by the government, after all we haved faced and continue to face a serious threat from Islamic fundamentalism and if listening to phone calls is going to play some effort in preventing another tragedy from happening, I say go for...it.

As I said, at least at the end of the day, I can walk down the street in London or Washington DC, saying whatever I feel like about Her Majesty or Mr Obama, without worrying about any sort of criminal consequences.....

And when you see an army general breaking broadcasts on friday to give an "update" to the country, I don't know how you can get anymore BIG BROTHER than that

Well said! You make a very good point.

I stayed out of the US of A for 7 years straight though, and decided to come see my aging mother & Aunt.

However, I bring up this point:

“The system itself could not have intended

this in the beginning, but in order to sustain

itself it was compelled to go all the way.”

—Milton Mayer

They Thought They Were Free :

The Germans,1933 –1945

There's no "right" or "wrong" answer to this argument about Big Brother.

To each his own.

Also, keep in mind this statement from 1941 or so.....

Herman Goering explained:

No end of the rearmament is in sight. The struggle which

we are approaching demands a colossal measure of

productive ability…the only deciding point in this case

is victory or destruction. If we win, then business will

be sufficiently compensated… It is entirely immaterial

whether in every case new investment can be amortized.

We are playing for the highest stakes… All selfish interest

must be put aside. Our whole nation is at stake. We

live in a time when the final battles are in sight.


Kinda sounds like the US "War on Terror".

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The N.Z climate and the fact that it is an English speaking country sounds attractive - but not sure about the costs involved. Philippines is also an option. I hope to be able to do another 5 years in Thailand, but that is far from nailed on with the " anti- Farangs " feeling.

What will be will be.

I am on a rant tonight & I should just leave this alone & go to bed----that's stubbornness for you..,,


Albert----where is the anti farang feeling, Please shut me up....post just one thing from the goverment that is anti Farang, dont tell me its the Visa's thing that apply to everyone no matter what color race creed etc.... post an anti farang message that they have put out---that will show me up to be real stupid.....& I Will just have to send apologies.

You say that NZ sounds nice it is..... I am from the UK lived in NZ through the 70s Australia through the 80s-90s....citizen of all 3 countries....you wont walk into any of those places like you walked in here, does that make them anti farang ??


Look at the list down below....its all the countries that can just fly in here without a visa and stay for at least a month, longer if they wish.......Wow most of them are farang, what a shock.

What about the countries that can not rock on up and get in.....Taiwan India..Saudi Arabia.....etc ..etc...Wow there not farang..whats happening Albert......I'm confused.

To disagree with the visa thing....that's OK, to pretend that there is some great anti farang plot........


. Honestly Albert ......best go put that tin foil back into your hat mate...... you don't know who is out there reading your thoughts.......................coffee1.gif

Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Bahrain Brunei Darussalam Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea, South Kuwait Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malaysia Monaco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain South Africa Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America Vietnam

Edited by sanuk711
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Portugal or the south coast of Spain. Friendly and a good area to retire to. Lots of oldies living it up there. For Brits there can be good health care too. Currently about 1.26 Euro to the £.

I am going to have a longer look at Spain next year. I've been offered up to 3 months free accommodation at a friends place when I return from my next trip to Thailand. Airfare available from £8 a ticket plus taxes etc. w00t.gif

Considering I pay £500 return to Thailand, that is a lot of winter time money saved and money for a good time ;)

Tenerife also has lots of oldies living the high life. Cheap beer £1 a pint wink.png Plenty of good music and fun to be had from what I hear.

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Spent 7 years living in Thailand, after 5 years made plans to depart. Thought I would live the rest of my life in Thailand. Bought a house in California and 2 years later left......do not miss it at all. OK...I miss the food. I breathe fresh air here, no pollution, no burning of garbage, plastics, trash, clean environment, cost of living is about 20% higher-big deal.

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A strange melange of countries.

Malaysia (as in KL) is like living in an Asian suburb of an American city - everything is there but perhaps somewhat boring unless you head to Penang, perhaps. At least English is spoken there.

Mozambique is developing but living there might be a challenge for some and there is the tendency of the former rebels to start up again - great fishing but you can visit there from a neighboring country such as South Africa if you want that.

Angola - fine if you have really big money (highest rent in the world for housing that is even approaching Western standard) but most people I met who lived there did so for work.

For someone who is interested in living well without going broke, not being too bored, good travel connections and standards and police that are less likely to be anti-foreigner, I would suggest Vietnam - Hanoi is an acquired taste but Danang is nice, clean, plenty of nightlife and within an hour or so to huge beaches that are empty and Hoi An if you need some culture.

Cambodia is developing fast and many foreigners live happily in Phnom Penh and other cities. Laos is also available for those who want a really laid-back location - probably Luang Prabang might be best for such persons.

If you like life a bit more spicy and can put up with some of the nonsense, there is always Indonesia. Or Philippines. But the capitals of both places are not easy to live in.

For those with some more money and can speak reasonable Spanish, there are many South and Central American countries to chose from. Each Spanish speaking country has its own flavor, its own level of development and culture. Cuba would be worth trying if one can deal with the residence permits and you can find your way around the police state (but not for Americans as they get into trouble for going to Cuba, apparently).

If you cannot speak Spanish or Portugese and don't want to be in Asia, I would suggest some African countries - mainly East Africa, although the attraction of that part of the world is being slowly eroded by insurgency coming from the North (Somalia). Costal Kenya used to be great but no so much now. Tanzania is worth a look at but again quite an acquired taste. Uganda can be fun for the right personality. I am hearing very good reports about Zimbabwe although that would require a more rugged personality, I guess.

If you really need to be in the sun but in a "Western" country that is not USA, I would suggest Spain. Barcelona and Madrid for culture and everywhere else for everything else.

For those who need to be in Europe and prepared to learn another language, former Yugoslavian countries on the coast might be interesting - Croatia and its neighbours.

Agreed an excellent post and food for thought.

All my options would be based on 1) work choices 2) food 3) access to home either by cost, ease or proximity - I am South African 4) My connections in and knowledge of those countries.

I like other northern parts (east and west) of Africa too, but Al Shabaab and Boko Haram are making me a little nervous.

Thailand is a good fit currently.

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I agree that Thailand is now becoming a little too crazy but anywhere in Africa as an alternative is not reccommended in my blog,I lived there in several countries for thirty years,--unless you like living on the edge in fear of your life-like being robbed at gunpoint or being tied up while the savages rape your wife and daughter in front of you-or worse yet having your 6 month old baby raped and split open from Vagina to anus.African women love sex but you will pay dearly to enjoy it-not in cash but as in the above dilemnas and of course the dread of HIV.

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Northern Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Monte Negro are interesting. EU or nearby, no visa hassles. Weather good, food good, middle of old world. Languages that aren't half impossible to learn.

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This post is senseless. Because it did not ask what you are prepared to spend. i.e how wealthy you are. I for instance am quite happy in Thailand. I live very well. I spend US$50,000 a year. If I had double that amount to spend I would live in France, If I had much more I would live in Switzerland . If I had to leave Thailand, but if I had the same money to spend I would choose Malaysia. If I had less I would choose Sri Lanka. .

The question would be more appropriate if it asked "where would you live if you had unlimited funds?" I think my answer would be Tahiti.

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This post is senseless. Because it did not ask what you are prepared to spend. i.e how wealthy you are. I for instance am quite happy in Thailand. I live very well. I spend US$50,000 a year. If I had double that amount to spend I would live in France, If I had much more I would live in Switzerland . If I had to leave Thailand, but if I had the same money to spend I would choose Malaysia. If I had less I would choose Sri Lanka. .

The question would be more appropriate if it asked "where would you live if you had unlimited funds?" I think my answer would be Tahiti.

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window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());

Indonesia for sure

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This post is senseless. Because it did not ask what you are prepared to spend. i.e how wealthy you are. I for instance am quite happy in Thailand. I live very well. I spend US$50,000 a year. If I had double that amount to spend I would live in France, If I had much more I would live in Switzerland . If I had to leave Thailand, but if I had the same money to spend I would choose Malaysia. If I had less I would choose Sri Lanka. .

The question would be more appropriate if it asked "where would you live if you had unlimited funds?" I think my answer would be Tahiti.

I will let it slide, because English might not be your first language. You are being senseless, because no one discussed economic limitations, no one is interested in how little you spend or in your own mind, how much! My original question is where would you go, regardless of social strata or finances. Thank you for sharing!

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Actually, I have been working towards moving to Thailand to teach. However, all the news about visas, work permits and schools not doing what they say they do has soured me on the idea. I mean, why put yourself in the frying pan when the heat seems to be rising quickly?

Yesterday I received an offer to move to Norway, am strongly considering that.

Up until yesterday, I had been considering one of the Bolivarian Movement countries of South America, since I already speak some Spanish.

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I would like to visit Brazil . I have never been in that part of the world before. And explore the beautiful nature there and the brazilian food and hospitality . The whole atmosphere really. If I like it , I might move there for good.

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Understand at least one former Thai resident has relocated to Dubai ....... naa....I'll stay where I am.

That's what I did. It was fine for a time, and then moved on elsewhere.

No-one ever asked where I would go when I left Middlesbrough. What is it about Thailand that makes its residents think it is in some way different? Is that like the USA's Exceptionalism?


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I would like to visit Brazil . I have never been in that part of the world before. And explore the beautiful nature there and the brazilian food and hospitality . The whole atmosphere really. If I like it , I might move there for good.

prepare to get robbed......it's the national sport.

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