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What's wrong with backpackers?

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I'm OK with 'em. Economic opportunities, back Stateside anyway, are slim for many of them, so why not go out and see the world?

Hygiene? It's hard for me to tell. Lots of 'em just look like skinny, scruffy kids, and I have no idea how they smell.

I was lucky enough to spend 4 months in Kenya back in the glory days of '73, in my twenties. Lived like a king on $5 (black market rate) a day, traveled solo, interacted closely with the locals. Best time of my life. Lots of these kids today look a lot more nervous than we were back then, not sure why.

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I think a big part of the problem is a lot of these people are not afraid to inconvenience anybody toward "their" ends...... manners and good behavior towards - and around others simply do not apply.......when they bull rush past eye contact or friendly demeanor hardly ever takes place as they sometimes waft by with many days unwashed coutenance.....

Might be some good folks - but you are judged by the company you keep and your behavior.... which makes you pre-judged by others when you come into contact with them based on others (public/shop keepers/vendors) prior behavior.......

Some simply might graduate/transition for the better with age and refinement.....others will never see their own boorish behavior......

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Nothing - and you're right, it is just jealousy that they are acting out what we would have loved to have done if given the same time again.

Some of them take around more stuff for a month long trip than I would for three....and I still manage to wear jeans and a freshly ironed shirt in the evening while they lounge around in singlets stinking the place out sharing one beer between four of them....and on and on.....lol

yes but not everyone's a cool dude like you smokietongue.png ......i bet you even iron your underpants.just joking mate!

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I think a big part of the problem is a lot of these people are not afraid to inconvenience anybody toward "their" ends...... manners and good behavior towards - and around others simply do not apply.......when they bull rush past eye contact or friendly demeanor hardly ever takes place as they sometimes waft by with many days unwashed coutenance.....

Might be some good folks - but you are judged by the company you keep and your behavior.... which makes you pre-judged by others when you come into contact with them based on others (public/shop keepers/vendors) prior behavior.......

Some simply might graduate/transition for the better with age and refinement.....others will never see their own boorish behavior......

I guess if you live in Chiang Mai they are hard to avoid -- where I live, easy unless I am at the bus station.

Edited by JLCrab
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Difficult to define exactly what a backpacker is. People just travelling around holidaying for 3 weeks in Thailand do call themselves backpackers.

For me personally, backpackers are those who travel at least a few months, going to a number of countries.

In the seventies and the eighties I backpacked myself altogether several years. Back in those days, the concept was hitting the road with whatever money you had, and trying to remain in let's say Asia as long as you could. Often people had no well defined future plans, maybe trying to make it to Australia or Japan to pick up new money, or go home and save for the next trip there.

Nowadays the travelling crowd consists of students on a gap year, who know exactly when they will be home again. Lifestyle on the road greatly changed. Through Skype and so on, they constantly keep in touch with everybody back home. Gone are the days of occasionally writing a long letter, which subsequently circulated among the friends back home.

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Nothing - and you're right, it is just jealousy that they are acting out what we would have loved to have done if given the same time again.

Some of them take around more stuff for a month long trip than I would for three....and I still manage to wear jeans and a freshly ironed shirt in the evening while they lounge around in singlets stinking the place out sharing one beer between four of them....and on and on.....lol

yes but not everyone's a cool dude like you smokietongue.png ......i bet you even iron your underpants.just joking mate!

When I was single in Edinburgh I did exactly that when I was going out on the pull. Never done it in Thailand as even the oldies wearing diapers can pull .

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It depends where they are: Sure passing through Bangkok and on the way or out on the islands is one thing. But when i see them in Pattaya I wonder what they are doing here ?

It's part of the Thailand backpacker experience, although maybe not in Lonely Planet. The " Helmut and Noi show"

I remember occasionally seeing the Pattaya types in Khao San Road with their little ho in tow, thinking what on earth they were doing there.

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I used to think backpackers in Thailand are scum. Then I realized that was my own jealousy acting. I with I was young, free will and no worries again.

It's really no fun being a grumpy old farang expressing your anger on a public forum. But in case I'm wrong may I ask what's wrong with being a backpacker?

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Yes, they certainly don't mind inconveniencing their fellow passengers on the MRT and BTS because their too freaking cheap to get a taxi.

Is that... "They certainly don't mind inconveniencing the other passengers on the MRT and BTS who are also too freaking cheap to take a taxi"?

When I'm in Bangkok I always take the BTS or MRT, unless it's late at night when they don't run and there's no traffic. The reason is not because I'm cheap, there really isn't that much cost difference, but because they are quicker than taxis during traffic time. The backpackers are smart enough to know this. Besides there are usually more than one backpacker traveling and in that case taxis could be cheaper.

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Yes, they certainly don't mind inconveniencing their fellow passengers on the MRT and BTS because their too freaking cheap to get a taxi.

Is that... "They certainly don't mind inconveniencing the other passengers on the MRT and BTS who are also too freaking cheap to take a taxi"?

When I'm in Bangkok I always take the BTS or MRT, unless it's late at night when they don't run and there's no traffic. The reason is not because I'm cheap, there really isn't that much cost difference, but because they are quicker than taxis during traffic time. The backpackers are smart enough to know this. Besides there are usually more than one backpacker traveling and in that case taxis could be cheaper.

Could be cheaper if they go on the meter, but how many will try on 300 baht for any journey when they see backpackers ?

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Most are fine, but a minority of them steal to "finance" their trip and they don't care that the people they are stealing from are often poor. I have seen some order a cheap Thai meal, eat it and then refuse to pay, because it was "too expensive" These types are scum IMO.

You have seen this how many times?

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"Back Packers" arrive in Thailand by air with 3000baht and a pair of undies, and don't change either. "Over Landers" arrive by land and can't wait to have a good shower. They both carry backpacks, don't get confused between the two.

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^^^^^^^^^ - ?????????

What on earth are you people on about? Stealing ... undies ... shower? Some of you need to take feet, and place firmly on the ground. The use of negative generalizations and wrongful stereotypes to tar every backpacker is appalling behaviour and an insult to the overwhelming majority who are good people.

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Where would one find these hordes of backpackers?

In recent years we've hosted touring cyclists, guess they too travel 'cheap', and by necessity travel light in terms of baggage.

Not yet noted any hygiene/cleanliness issues, in fact I'd say the opposite with their easy-wash and quick-dry clothing.

Closest I've witnessed would be a former resident in our town, 'Stinky Pete' an Englishman in early 70s who had evidently passed that tipping point of not caring about his appearance or 'aroma'.

From the limited amount of clothing he appeared to have, it would have comfortably fit into a small backpack.

He left town at short notice - owing rent, and leaving internet, cable tv, electricity bills etc in his wake.

Yes, he must have been a backpacker.

I could well be one too. Five trips to Malaysia last year, one to Laos; Malaysia and NZ this year so far, and carrying just a backpack.

The horror!

At this stage in life I can still carry/wear one, as opposed to meandering along with a trolley-bag behind me.

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I host fairly often through couchsurfing.org. I've had some really great and super-considerate people on amazing adventures. Also some who treated my house as the cheapest guesthouse ever, without an ounce of regard. Now I'm pretty selective.

There are some patterns that amuse me, though. 'Lonely Planet' travelers all clutching the same guidebook, hitting the same guesthouses and refusing to venture anywhere not in the book. People who travel halfway around the world to watch a movie they've seen before on a tiny screen with inaudible sound. 'Gap year' couples with matching backpacks into which they've squeezed their entire dorm room...

And the penny-pinching negotiation can get on the nerves or worse. Also, I personally don't mind techno except that it leaks and destroys the peace for hundreds of yards in any direction.

There. I've had my inane comment on this matter.

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Many seem to forget...it was backpackers who as good as discovered Thailand back in the 70's they made place's like Samui,Krabii,Phuket etc ...when I 1st went to Samui it was a desert island..through backpackers many people have discovered these place & put them on the map...I was one who spread the word....SO DONT KNOCK BACKPACKERS

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They come to Samui or Phuket in the old days ask for beer and accommodation then later complain about paradise lost, because of bars, hotels and guesthouses. Years ago one told me how easy and fun it was to skip a bar without paying the check bin.

Seriously I appreciate their wanderlust and not all are unwashed, drunken thieves.

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^^^^^^^^^ - ?????????

What on earth are you people on about? Stealing ... undies ... shower? Some of you need to take feet, and place firmly on the ground. The use of negative generalizations and wrongful stereotypes to tar every backpacker is appalling behaviour and an insult to the overwhelming majority who are good people.

Put me on a bus from Phon Cheroen to Bueng Khan with a bunch of freshly bathed Thais over a bunch of backpackers from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi on a day-trip anytime. I agree, backpackers rarely steal. Just saying...

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I personally have never had any problems with or ever disliked the backpacker types. There are a few things...however...hygiene, yeah I know you're traveling cheap and all...but really taking a shower every now and then really isn't that hard to do. And they seem to have the same dress code...dressing like 60's hippies (seriously, the 60's are long over) or trying to go local with the Thai fisherman pants. Other than that...

I also do feel kind of sad for them. The thing is that the Thailand that they hoped to find...I know is long since gone.

What it's not the 60"s? well there go my bell bottoms and tie dye's They spend money too what's the problem? oh right they don't stay in over priced rooms spending cash like there's no tomorrow. Question do Thai's over pay? Like I stay in clean room with A/C good bed. but room is only for sleeping and a romp other than that I'm out and about buying from local's . Seeing sight's Chatting with local's. Not downing champagne and caviar.

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