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Thai Interior Ministry: Exemption of visa fees considered for European tourists


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It's unclear what they are mean under words "European countries". What means words "European countries"?
Is this countries which are located in the European continent from Atlantic ocean to Ural mountains?

Or this is countries of European Union? Or this is countries of Schengen Zone?

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It would be a lot simpler to give 90 days visa exempt on entry. Less paperwork. Less hazzle. After all no real checks are done when applying for a visa. Too simple.

Simple? where? I had to go 3 times to prague 1. for apply for tourist visa,

2. they called me the thai officer want to do an interview

3. to pick up

in Prague Thai Embassy you can only apply in Person and pick up in Person,

and this was for a stay of 37 days,

they ask me about my gf how long I know he, adress, kids

like i want to imigrate to Thailand

First and last time I made tourist Visa in prague and this is only 1 hour from my home,

2 years later I wrnt to Minic Consulat it take 2 minutes for a NON O Multi entry 1 year,

i had to schow 5000 Euro, costs 130 Euros, thats all, but drive to and back was 10 hours,

all Embassys, Consulats in Eu have different rules, I not found 2 places with the same,

so you also know before you come to thailand what country you are going,

make a law in Thailand what is for everybody the same, may be peopel will start to respect

then the law, but not claim that foreigner not respect thai law, here in thailand is nothing to respect!

You seem to be simple too.. a Visa exempt on entry. But you do not understand that. Go play some where else. Or learn to read before you quote me.. Sounds like you need some chill pills..

or, a simple misunderstanding by a non English speaker...

His story does lend credence to the real situation across Europe.

Edited by ParadiseLost
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it never stops ....massive clampdown , now free tourist visas that assist the very people they were trying to get rid of ....i find this really irritating for what non imm visa applicants have to do and pay

Thailand is not trying to get rid of tourists. It is getting rid of people who are working here with tourist visas.

And I've known a few of them so must have been many many in the whole countryrolleyes.gif

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It would be a lot simpler to give 90 days visa exempt on entry. Less paperwork. Less hazzle. After all no real checks are done when applying for a visa. Too simple.

Simple? where? I had to go 3 times to prague 1. for apply for tourist visa,

2. they called me the thai officer want to do an interview

3. to pick up

in Prague Thai Embassy you can only apply in Person and pick up in Person,

and this was for a stay of 37 days,

they ask me about my gf how long I know he, adress, kids

like i want to imigrate to Thailand

First and last time I made tourist Visa in prague and this is only 1 hour from my home,

2 years later I wrnt to Minic Consulat it take 2 minutes for a NON O Multi entry 1 year,

i had to schow 5000 Euro, costs 130 Euros, thats all, but drive to and back was 10 hours,

all Embassys, Consulats in Eu have different rules, I not found 2 places with the same,

so you also know before you come to thailand what country you are going,

make a law in Thailand what is for everybody the same, may be peopel will start to respect

then the law, but not claim that foreigner not respect thai law, here in thailand is nothing to respect!

You seem to be simple too.. a Visa exempt on entry. But you do not understand that. Go play some where else. Or learn to read before you quote me.. Sounds like you need some chill pills..

or, a simple misunderstanding by a non English speaker...

His story does lend credence to the real situation across Europe.

The subject is Tourist visas. Not O or A visas. If you are not a very good English speaker its best not to quote or mis quote someone else but make your own point yourself.
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Nothing but bile being spewed here.

Do retirees own the Siamese Raj as their exclusive fiefdom? So much hatred towards our fellow foreigners. An odd reaction in the face of this encouraging proposal by the government.

Tubby, my sentiment exactly.

I just made comment recently, then predicted with almost certainty as if by divine inspiration,.that the carrying a passport/visa changes would all go into reverse since it would cause pandemonium and low and behold its happened one day after the other. Also, was surprised the lethal toxic verbiage from the self-made Farang/Thais had recently declined, this down to their embarrassing dialogue aimed at us REAL FARANGS from these loud mouth COFFIN-DODGERS who hate us !!!!!!

Edited by ScotBkk
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So they have finally realised the extreme budget minded tourists from China, India, Russia aren't benefiting the tourist industry like they though. And now they want the big spenders back. Well sorry, the big spenders haven't got the big holiday budgets of old!

Maybe the big spending Chinese still prefer London and Harrods in particular.

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Want more Tourist I think with the recent changes here That alone will decrease the tourism Why go to a place that when you choose to go visit another city you have to hunt down an immigration office or police station to report that your staying in town. Waste of vacation time one would think. It is as if your telling tourist your not welcome here but come leave your money and get back on plane home. But then again that's me.

I agree makes everyone feel like thier a crimminal reporting to a probation officer your whereabouts. Does anyone think tour operators are going to drive a busload of tourists to immigration every time they cross over into a diffwerent province to let the people report their change of address.Real tourist going to say BKK, then Patttayabthen Chiang mai and having to report their whereabouts, Thai tourism going down real fast.

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TAT - If you want to attract more quality tourists, it is simple -

Ban swim wear from everywhere but the beach. Farang's dressed for the beach in Chiang Mai is both humorous and disgraceful.

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Nothing but bile being spewed here.

Do retirees own the Siamese Raj as their exclusive fiefdom? So much hatred towards our fellow foreigners. An odd reaction in the face of this encouraging proposal by the government.

Tubby, my sentiment exactly.

I just made comment recently, then predicted with almost certainty as if by divine inspiration,.that the carrying a passport/visa changes would all go into reverse since it would cause pandemonium and low and behold its happened one day after the other. Also, was surprised the lethal toxic verbiage from the self-made Farang/Thais had recently declined, this down to their embarrassing dialogue aimed at us REAL FARANGS from these loud mouth COFFIN-DODGERS who hate us !!!!!!


So exactly when do you take the step up to COFFIN DODGER from REAL FARANG?

No hate pointed at anyone as far as I can see in the entire thread (other than yours) - a lot of frustration caused by poorly defined/thought-up/communicated/managed government policy, maybe...

Edited by ParadiseLost
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But why is my question? also working without a work permit NOT a tourist visa is illegal.

people who work here put money back into the economy. if they dont work they cant sign on the dole. so whats the beef?

Zonka go tell tell the Americans they should let more Mexicans in because they put more money into the economy---go tell the English that they should let more Poles in because they put more money into the economy --After that you can go tell the Thai's the same thing.

Poland is in the European Union so Poles can go to England anytime they want and the English can go to Poland

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I don't understand the idea of free visas to boost tourism. Why should someone come for holiday in a country just because you don't have to pay 35 USD for a visa? I mean if I have to decide to do holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam will would I say "Ohh if I go to Thailand I would save 35 bucks now. So lets go to Thailand."

I don't know, it seems the cheapest beer and street food suffices for many eurps; just think how many more Changs they can buy with $35

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I don't understand the idea of free visas to boost tourism. Why should someone come for holiday in a country just because you don't have to pay 35 USD for a visa? I mean if I have to decide to do holiday in Thailand or in Vietnam will would I say "Ohh if I go to Thailand I would save 35 bucks now. So lets go to Thailand."

My problem is not the fees but rather that I live in a country (Cyprus) where there is no Thai diplomatic representation - and thus no way to apply for a visa. To make a real difference they should have an online application process as in Cambodia.

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Wasn't this the case for a year or two around 2008-9?

Yes. In the UK they were not totally free, there was £10 admin charge.

Tourist visas has been issued free of charge since June 25, 2009 in an effort to revive the Thai travel and tourism industry.

As mentioned above, all Royal Thai Embassies and Consulates will start charging again for Tourist visas from March 5, 2010.

-- thaivisa.com 2010-02-04

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it will be only the low quality rubbish that will take advantage of this freebie .. the sort that Thailand already has lots of (sex perverts) .. and Thailand already has one too many of these evil scum from australia and usa

No mention of AUS/NZ or North Americans?

This perversion aspect seems to be close to your heart.

In all the 3 months you have been here you have managed to come to such intelligent conclusions. Do you speak from personal experience?

Or sadly as it so obviously appears, is it just the booze talking...

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it will be only the low quality rubbish that will take advantage of this freebie .. the sort that Thailand already has lots of (sex perverts) .. and Thailand already has one too many of these evil scum from australia and usa

No mention of AUS/NZ or North Americans?

This perversion aspect seems to be close to your heart.

In all the 3 months you have been here you have managed to come to such intelligent conclusions. Do you speak from personal experience?

Or sadly as it so obviously appears, is it just the booze talking...

I guess it's not the booze, as that would surely go against your beliefs, but now i understand where your comments come from:

Muslims in Asian need to rethink their Islam. This has been hijacked since we started sending our kids to Arab countries, especially Saudia. The desert version of Islam interpreted by evil ignorant MEN suit only the camel lovers in the desert. It has no place in civilized Asia. We used to have our Islam that kept us close to all our neighbors with respect. We stopped practicing this and adopted a culture of bigotry and intolerance. Now we have become the KKK in Asia.

I am an Asian Muslim. There are many of who share this view. If you are an US/EU person, stop your governments supporting terrorist states (Saudia, Kuwait, UAE). And we will control our kids and get our house back in order.

There you go with the perversion thing again...

Inbred hate is sad.

Edited by ParadiseLost
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Free visas are not the way to bring back the tourists.

Got some memory? It did, after the BKk-airport occupation, which scared off so many. Lasted for nearly 2 years. Easy to imply for just embassies/consuls in Europe-to again hit the screaming visarunners here.

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Nothing but bile being spewed here.

Do retirees own the Siamese Raj as their exclusive fiefdom? So much hatred towards our fellow foreigners. An odd reaction in the face of this encouraging proposal by the government.

Tubby, my sentiment exactly.

I just made comment recently, then predicted with almost certainty as if by divine inspiration,.that the carrying a passport/visa changes would all go into reverse since it would cause pandemonium and low and behold its happened one day after the other. Also, was surprised the lethal toxic verbiage from the self-made Farang/Thais had recently declined, this down to their embarrassing dialogue aimed at us REAL FARANGS from these loud mouth COFFIN-DODGERS who hate us !!!!!!


So exactly when do you take the step up to COFFIN DODGER from REAL FARANG?

No hate pointed at anyone as far as I can see in the entire thread (other than yours) - a lot of frustration caused by poorly defined/thought-up/communicated/managed government policy, maybe...

Simple, upwards from 50 years of age apparently, This, since anyone not in the remote bit interested in an Elite card or marrying a Thai or anything in that area for to beget a visa if under the said' age - the disciplinarians attack. Please understand, unless you've not read thousands of previous topics on TV about these subjects, you would have to be half-blind not to notice the sheer persistent verbal abuse one gets if your not a retiree with a huge pension funds and savings and joined the brain-dead semi conscious half asleep Brigade. I cannot for the life of me understand how someone can retire in Thailand, then betray fellow citizens at the drop of hat as if they're afraid of anyone else living on their patch. Its part of the AMAZING self-made Thai/Farang scenario who speak and eat Thai and forget where they've come from originally.

Lets not get into any debate about this my friend. Its my personal view. I'm sure many others agree 'given that' I'll bet a lot of men who respond to most of these Posts are pretty sound people and these Parasites get their backs-up.

It will never end. Its part and parcel of this sites modus-operandi to up the readers. So, no use trying to reinvent the wheel so to speak.

All the best,


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Nothing but bile being spewed here.

Do retirees own the Siamese Raj as their exclusive fiefdom? So much hatred towards our fellow foreigners. An odd reaction in the face of this encouraging proposal by the government.

Tubby, my sentiment exactly.

I just made comment recently, then predicted with almost certainty as if by divine inspiration,.that the carrying a passport/visa changes would all go into reverse since it would cause pandemonium and low and behold its happened one day after the other. Also, was surprised the lethal toxic verbiage from the self-made Farang/Thais had recently declined, this down to their embarrassing dialogue aimed at us REAL FARANGS from these loud mouth COFFIN-DODGERS who hate us !!!!!!


So exactly when do you take the step up to COFFIN DODGER from REAL FARANG?

No hate pointed at anyone as far as I can see in the entire thread (other than yours) - a lot of frustration caused by poorly defined/thought-up/communicated/managed government policy, maybe...

Simple, upwards from 50 years of age apparently, This, since anyone not in the remote bit interested in an Elite card or marrying a Thai or anything in that area for to beget a visa if under the said' age - the disciplinarians attack. Please understand, unless you've not read thousands of previous topics on TV about these subjects, you would have to be half-blind not to notice the sheer persistent verbal abuse one gets if your not a retiree with a huge pension funds and savings and joined the brain-dead semi conscious half asleep Brigade. I cannot for the life of me understand how someone can retire in Thailand, then betray fellow citizens at the drop of hat as if they're afraid of anyone else living on their patch. Its part of the AMAZING self-made Thai/Farang scenario who speak and eat Thai and forget where they've come from originally.

Lets not get into any debate about this my friend. Its my personal view. I'm sure many others agree 'given that' I'll bet a lot of men who respond to most of these Posts are pretty sound people and these Parasites get their backs-up.

It will never end. Its part and parcel of this sites modus-operandi to up the readers. So, no use trying to reinvent the wheel so to speak.

All the best,


Well Scott, if you read properly, I (a recent coffin-dodger) have nowhere suggested any ill fate, for anyone.

I berate TAT for making meaningless gestures when the hottest issues at the moment are overstay, and people working on tourist visas. Now the plan is to add more confusion, or at the very least give the impression - once again - that you can live here on tourist visas. The free visas - how many can one get?

Not sure exactly what a "real farang" is when nobody even knows if it means "Frenchman", "Foreigner", or just a plain and simple derogatory term for westerners - sort of a Jeremy Clarkson stereotype. Good luck labeling yourself in such a demeaning way.

A thought just occurred to me; perhaps you are living here on tourist visa, as this is their common war cry... Sorry if you are but that's not everyone else' fault. But of course you cannot be - you are a 'real farang'. laugh.png

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I look forward to the time when int'l border crossings are less of a big deal. Today, I clandestinely walked from Thailand to Burma, and strolled around for 2 hours. Borders are man-made. When uptight people are gone, so too will border restrictions. In the meantime, I'm going to try to be as free and unregimented as reasonably possible.

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