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Thai actress petitions NCPO to execute rapists


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Although I don't condone rape, surely execution cannot be an acceptable punishment in a primarily Buddhist country. Anyone who supports this idea is not thinking clearly, but rather through a mind clouded by anger, hatred and vengeance.


Why not instead of taking a life, which would be a grave sin according to Buddhism, offer convicted sex crime offenders an option? They could be allowed to choose either life imprisonment or the complete, but painless, surgical removal of their genitalia plus rehabilitation after serving a lighter prison sentence. 

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Welcome to the first step to real democracy, what a bad joke! In any so called democracy it is usually ruled that no one neither the state or an individual has the right to take once life. When one looses his his life it is already bad enough but no one will be alive again taking another one's for venegance by the law of death penalty. It is proven that penalties like this or especially harsh punishment for other crimes like for instance three times conviction for the same offense will have the opposite effects and often leads to killings to not get cought, see for instance state of California/US, when you get convicted for car theft for three times for example, you will get lifetime so the criminals do not hesitate to kill witnesses and if you get death penalties for rape as bad it is it will be a promotion to kill the victims too, the above is pure populism by someone running out of attraction, the arrogancy speaks by itself that this is the will of the most people! Taking one's  life by a final shot by special forces for instance in a rescue situation of a hostage is a complete different kind of matter and fully supported by me as it saves the life of the current hostage or victim. And how many innocent people have been executed due to misjudging!!!

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I think she see rape being committed so much on TV, and she says to herself, oh my God, imaging if someone was doing this to me for real? That would be so terrible. Oh wow, there are women who this really happens to. I must do something about that. I will be a crusader for the cause. Yes, the real issue here is that if the death penalty is not applied to murderers, but only to rapists, no rapist would have an incentive to let his victims live. Just kill them, so that I will not run the risk of the death penalty. Somchai got the death penalty for rape, but Wombat did not, because he killed his victim, remember?

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But there has to be better rules/punishment on ALL crime.


57% of sexual crimes are commited by students on students.


There needs to be Education!


I asked a large group of students if they thought soaps were true

they all said "No" but at the same time all bowed their heads in shame...


Children cannot abuse children, because they will become adults

and use the same society rules, in the future...

that's how we learn - there IS a boundry of behaviour!.


Public Humiliation fits in Thailand - including Family.

Perhaps a "Rapist" list outside every village/area, with photo.

Perhaps outside Supermarkets?


Then the law has to be seen to work for all "classes" NO exceptions

with set "minimum" terms.

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Rapists certainly deserve to be punished for their crimes.


But before we get to that one, how about denying CONVICTED MURDERERS the right to appeal for Royal Pardons, like the two granted to the gynecologist who murdered and dismembered his wife, and recently was released from prison after less than 10 years.



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But there has to be better rules/punishment on ALL crime.
57% of sexual crimes are commited by students on students.
There needs to be Education!
I asked a large group of students if they thought soaps were true
they all said "No" but at the same time all bowed their heads in shame...
Children cannot abuse children, because they will become adults
and use the same society rules, in the future...
that's how we learn - there IS a boundry of behaviour!.
Public Humiliation fits in Thailand - including Family.
Perhaps a "Rapist" list outside every village/area, with photo.
Perhaps outside Supermarkets?
Then the law has to be seen to work for all "classes" NO exceptions
with set "minimum" terms.

Can I ask where that 57% stat comes from?
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"n addition to raising the maximum penalty for convicted rapists to execution, the petition urges a harsher punishment for those guilty of committing rapes on public transportation"

Harsher than execution? Torture maybe?

Forcing rapists to watch her soaps?

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Why don't your try cleaning up the that trash soap industries you call your job. 


I watched Aussie and English soapies as a child for years and had never seen the kind of violence or use of weapons in prime time TV.


There's a good reasoning behind it, because children are awake and don't need to be subjected to love triangle story's with domestic violence and shouting.


Even new the aged version of Neighbors and Home and Away doesn't come close to the non sense i see on tv here.


As for the rapist, get them castrated..  

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Respect for life means respect for life, not selective respect for life. Besides, humans are fallible, and The Institution of State even more so. Mistakes are made and forced confessions are extracted often enough that the death penalty should never be a consideration. If mandatory death sentence is instituted, guilty people will be executed, but so will some innocents--count on it.


It shouldn't be necessary for posters against the death penalty to have to begin their posts by affirming the vileness of rape and violence. That's a given. That posters feel the need to say this shows how death penalty advocates have bizarrely, illogically and undeservedly taken the moral high ground. Being against the death penalty does not mean being in favor of rape and violence.
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The crime against the 13 year old girl is already punishable by the death penalty as it's a rape and murder of a child.


Most murderers don't receive the death penalty.


If murderers don't get the death penalty when it's available then I can't really see it being handed down as a sentence to rapists who decide not to kill their victims.

A paedophiles should definitely be executed.



Paedophiles just were born with a different kind of sexuality. They have to be guided and therapied by specilized doctors to get along with their different orientation. Do you want the kill all gay, lesbian, bisexual people because they are not straight as you - maybe? If so, you should be the first!

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The crime against the 13 year old girl is already punishable by the death penalty as it's a rape and murder of a child.
Most murderers don't receive the death penalty.
If murderers don't get the death penalty when it's available then I can't really see it being handed down as a sentence to rapists who decide not to kill their victims.

A paedophiles should definitely be executed.
Paedophiles just were born with a different kind of sexuality. They have to be guided and therapied by specilized doctors to get along with their different orientation. Do you want the kill all gay, lesbian, bisexual people because they are not straight as you - maybe? If so, you should be the first!i
Paedophiles should not be compared to gay, lesbian, TG, bisexual people.

Paedophiles prey upon those who are not mature enough to understand the nature of the relationship they are frequently groomed for.

Sexual orientation and predatory behaviours are not the same.

I'm all in favour of therapy and counselling to help those who recognise that the feelings they harbour are wrong and unacceptable, but you are not comparing like with like. Edited by Bluespunk
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Well I for one firmly believe in an "Eye for an Eye" and please don't give me this crap about the death penalty is not the answer !! Scumbags like rapists and child molesters should not be allowed to walk this earth plain and simple !! The only good rapist is a dead rapist !!
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Well I for one firmly believe in an "Eye for an Eye" and please don't give me this crap about the death penalty is not the answer !! Scumbags like rapists and child molesters should not be allowed to walk this earth plain and simple !! The only good rapist is a dead rapist !!

If it's the answer why doesn't it work in preventing the crimes it is applied to?
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The crime against the 13 year old girl is already punishable by the death penalty as it's a rape and murder of a child.


Most murderers don't receive the death penalty.


If murderers don't get the death penalty when it's available then I can't really see it being handed down as a sentence to rapists who decide not to kill their victims.

A paedophiles should definitely be executed.



Paedophiles just were born with a different kind of sexuality. They have to be guided and therapied by specilized doctors to get along with their different orientation. Do you want the kill all gay, lesbian, bisexual people because they are not straight as you - maybe? If so, you should be the first!


There is a huge difference between a paedophile and a gay, lesbian or bi sexual person.  Paedophiles prey and feed on defenceless children and are the lowest form excrement on the planet.  The majority of gay, lesbian and bisexual people are decent, honest law abiding citizens. 

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Well I for one firmly believe in an "Eye for an Eye" and please don't give me this crap about the death penalty is not the answer !! Scumbags like rapists and child molesters should not be allowed to walk this earth plain and simple !! The only good rapist is a dead rapist !!

If it's the answer why doesn't it work in preventing the crimes it is applied to?
I would think because rapists and child molesters always think they will never get caught, their to smart !! Edited by GeckosDiving
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The crime against the 13 year old girl is already punishable by the death penalty as it's a rape and murder of a child.
Most murderers don't receive the death penalty.
If murderers don't get the death penalty when it's available then I can't really see it being handed down as a sentence to rapists who decide not to kill their victims.

A paedophiles should definitely be executed.
Paedophiles just were born with a different kind of sexuality. They have to be guided and therapied by specilized doctors to get along with their different orientation. Do you want the kill all gay, lesbian, bisexual people because they are not straight as you - maybe? If so, you should be the first!
Absolute piffle.

It is not a sexuality to be attracted to children. It is an exploitation not a sexual choice by a minor.

It is for this reason that true paedophiles need to be removed from society because they believe they are not wrong to.prey on the young who do not understand and thus cannot even say yes or no to consent.

To compare this with same sex consensual relationships is an abominable comparison. I may not 100% agree with gay relationships, but to put them in the same breath with paedophiles is a scandalous accusation. Edited by Thai at Heart
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Thai male logic would be to murder the rape victim then no witness for sure and use a condom to reduce DNA detection. Death sentence for murder would be more appropriate and a minimum life sentence if found guilty of rape.  

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Well I for one firmly believe in an "Eye for an Eye" and please don't give me this crap about the death penalty is not the answer !! Scumbags like rapists and child molesters should not be allowed to walk this earth plain and simple !! The only good rapist is a dead rapist !!

If it's the answer why doesn't it work in preventing the crimes it is applied to?
I would think because rapists and child molesters always think they will never get caught, their to smart !!
So as a deterrent and method of preventing the crimes it is applied to, it's a failure. Yes, I agree with that. Edited by Bluespunk
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I think far more would be achieved with some procedures dealing with police doing their jobs, removal of officers who do not follow up cases or who allow cases to drift on to 'assist' the accused because of financial or other favour. Far more benefit from a complete overhaul of the judicial systems here to ensure equal access to justice for every person. Far more achieved by demonstrating equal justice to officials, in political or civil service where serious misdemeanors are punished with expulsion and cessation of benefits rather than the entirely ridiculous 'inactive post' nonsense.

Where is the point in meddling with sentencing before the basics are right - and the basics are so far from right here it is obscene and actually quite transparent in many cases. Can't that be dealt with - it can't be that difficult if there is a will - can it?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app
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Well I for one firmly believe in an "Eye for an Eye" and please don't give me this crap about the death penalty is not the answer !! Scumbags like rapists and child molesters should not be allowed to walk this earth plain and simple !! The only good rapist is a dead rapist !!

If it's the answer why doesn't it work in preventing the crimes it is applied to?
I would think because rapists and child molesters always think they will never get caught, their to smart !!



With smarts like this you should run for God.

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