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What makes 'Thai-style democracy' globally palatable?


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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

freedom of expression ? you know from this forum you have to be carefull what you say about certain matters and that extends in thai society

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America is not a democracy - it's a plutocracy.

Voting once every four years does not a democrat make.

Handing away power to the elite who are smoothed in on the back of big money corporations does not democracy make.

America is the worst example of it now - if you can't raise $3 billion funding, never a president, shall you make.

It's all about the money, all about the elite.

You have never lived in a democracy.


I know that upsets people - it is difficult to accept you've spent your whole life believing a lie.

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

if that is your definition of idiot, then call me 'stu-peey'

and proud of it.

I'll take democracy over the alternative any day of the week.

You've never lived in a democracy.

I don't know about tbthailand but I certainly have.

I live under Thai Style democracy. GP says so and he is always right-for now!

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Calling the present political situation a "style of democracy" is like calling chalk a "style of cheese". Similarly, we could describe black, a "dark style of white".

Dressing up a military dictatorship as any style of democracy is simply absurd. They are completely different. Why not just call it what it is?

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America is not a democracy - it's a plutocracy.

Voting once every four years does not a democrat make.

Handing away power to the elite who are smoothed in on the back of big money corporations does not democracy make.

America is the worst example of it now - if you can't raise $3 billion funding, never a president, shall you make.

It's all about the money, all about the elite.

You have never lived in a democracy.


I know that upsets people - it is difficult to accept you've spent your whole life believing a lie.

Its the truth, and democracy is like a marketing term to try and condition people to feel content and free. Also having tons of reps vote for you with more impact and power than you as an individual, say electoral colleges, isn't too democratic either.

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America is not a democracy - it's a plutocracy.

Voting once every four years does not a democrat make.

Handing away power to the elite who are smoothed in on the back of big money corporations does not democracy make.

America is the worst example of it now - if you can't raise $3 billion funding, never a president, shall you make.

It's all about the money, all about the elite.

You have never lived in a democracy.


I know that upsets people - it is difficult to accept you've spent your whole life believing a lie.

Its the truth, and democracy is like a marketing term to try and condition people to feel content and free. Also having tons of reps vote for you with more impact and power than you as an individual, say electoral colleges, isn't too democratic either.

Yup, all you practically do is to promise a majority the ultimate Blue from the sky, they fall for it and then get ripped off badly off their TAX Money .... Democracy-Election-Collection cheesy.gifclap2.gif

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

Sorry mate. Rule of law is joined in the hip by democratic governance. Well unless you talk communism which is totally a different matter and not a subject of any consideration for Thailand or any where in the free world.

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Whatever 'Thai style democracy' means either before or after the coup, it was/is a long way from 'normal style democracy' at least because 'Thai style' does not include free speech . . . .

Tradition in Thailand and always has been---ask no questions--do not argue with elders-do not bother people by seeking their knowledge, as it makes you look stupid and low class.

Try asking a Thai to ask for directions, you have to near make them ask.

It's all well and good using the army as an excuse that you are not allowed to oppose/organize/against authority. IT ALWAYS has been like that here.

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America is not a democracy - it's a plutocracy.

Voting once every four years does not a democrat make.

Handing away power to the elite who are smoothed in on the back of big money corporations does not democracy make.

America is the worst example of it now - if you can't raise $3 billion funding, never a president, shall you make.

It's all about the money, all about the elite.

You have never lived in a democracy.


I know that upsets people - it is difficult to accept you've spent your whole life believing a lie.

Indeed, when they look at the massive continual reduction of tax rates on corporations and the offshoring of profits that has been going on in the USA for the last 15 years, the politicians will be at a loss to explan what the hell they have been up to.

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

freedom of expression ? you know from this forum you have to be carefull what you say about certain matters and that extends in thai society

Broadly speaking it has never altered here in 33 years in Thai society (freedom of expression).

TVF is a different kettle of fish, it has to run along the lines the army wants FOR THE TIME BEING. Anyone can question any move the army makes, and the general is open to suggestions------TVF problem and I say it again -there are posters that seem to belong to a movement, and slag the army on anything that they do, if you have an agenda like this your going to have problems, here or if stronger at national level.

Freedom of speech does not mean you can go around calling everyone an arso#e or a bag of s##t.

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A clear explanation from GP on what his vision of a `Thai style democracy` looks like would let other countries consider if that is more `palatable`. Some actions taken already, such as on corruption, might be viewed by other countries as a positive step. Other actions, such as loading the NLA with military personnel maybe not so appealing. And sooner or later to look more `globally palatable` the GP and others are going to have to deal internationally with other countries governments.

Also what does he mean by being `globally palatable`?

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

Sorry mate. Rule of law is joined in the hip by democratic governance. Well unless you talk communism which is totally a different matter and not a subject of any consideration for Thailand or any where in the free world.

You've got that wrong - democracy without the rule of law is worthless - that's what you see in Thailand.

Right now we have a "dictatorship" which is apparently enacting the rule of law to a degree that is being celebrated.

It would be better for Thailand for the army to stay in power and deliver the rule of law to the people.

If that's what the General is proposing - I support it.

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

Sorry mate. Rule of law is joined in the hip by democratic governance. Well unless you talk communism which is totally a different matter and not a subject of any consideration for Thailand or any where in the free world.

Look mate, you don't like this army (or any army) because it's not the done thing and mostly army controlled states are frowned upon that's life.

In reality, would you like PTP style of rule or the army----not forgetting PTP were elected. If you say PTP then you must have an agenda, because they were not governing democratically. Whatever you think of the Thai army it is ruling in a democratic way, it is dung clearing from the last regime in office.

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Thai style democracy means reversing all the political reforms and human rights of the common people and giving complete power back to the ruling elites. Simple really smile.png

Most probably after the next elections the Shins will do exactly that.

i doubt their will be a next election until shins are pushed totally out of scene at least i hope not. If shins ever get back it will be back to what we have had for last 10 years and almost certainly civil war. But i think army have learned from last time and with luck we wont see shins ever again at least not in any position of popper.

they will probably come up with a from of democracy half way between china's version and west.

In all honesty how many people really believe uneducated poor thais have any idea about democracy. Even most educated Thais are not aware that their are 2 chambers the senate and parliament. If and when head of villages and rest are not paid to keep sherries in order then maybe Thailand would be ready for what we call democracy.

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whistling.gif My idea of "Thai style Democracy" is what we who live here saw from November to May.

M-79 rounds being fired into crowds of people, hand grenades being thrown at groups of people you didn't like, and violence in the streets. Crowds of people screaming, shooting at each other; that's what represented "Thai style Democracy" for 6 months.

All started by self-serving politicians for the own self-gratification and profit.

That went on daily until the Junta came in and stopped all that "Thai style Democracy" nonsense.

As far as I am concerned I much prefer the Junta than the "Thai style Democracy" I saw for those 6 months.

Sorry General I much prefer the order of the Junta than the disorder of those 6 months.

That's just my opinion, but I prefer the military rule than "Thai style Democracy: as we saw it then.

As my Thai wife said; "See I told you, it's always better when the army comes out"

As has been proved the previous 18 times, in fact it obviously works so well, they just keep on doing it...................

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America is not a democracy - it's a plutocracy.

Voting once every four years does not a democrat make.

Handing away power to the elite who are smoothed in on the back of big money corporations does not democracy make.

America is the worst example of it now - if you can't raise $3 billion funding, never a president, shall you make.

It's all about the money, all about the elite.

You have never lived in a democracy.


I know that upsets people - it is difficult to accept you've spent your whole life believing a lie.

OK, so I should just not answer posts like yours... I am perfectly aware of the current state of democracy in America. And you cannot create facts out of your opinion. You still have no clue and I would still rather live in one of the MANY democracies in the world than to live in the alternative.

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

Sorry mate. Rule of law is joined in the hip by democratic governance. Well unless you talk communism which is totally a different matter and not a subject of any consideration for Thailand or any where in the free world.

You've got that wrong - democracy without the rule of law is worthless - that's what you see in Thailand.

Right now we have a "dictatorship" which is apparently enacting the rule of law to a degree that is being celebrated.

It would be better for Thailand for the army to stay in power and deliver the rule of law to the people.

If that's what the General is proposing - I support it.

Seem you don't understand much about the rule of law. Human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment if a formal recognition by law of most nation including Thailand. Not now mate.

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America is not a democracy - it's a plutocracy.

Voting once every four years does not a democrat make.

Handing away power to the elite who are smoothed in on the back of big money corporations does not democracy make.

America is the worst example of it now - if you can't raise $3 billion funding, never a president, shall you make.

It's all about the money, all about the elite.

You have never lived in a democracy.


I know that upsets people - it is difficult to accept you've spent your whole life believing a lie.

OK, so I should just not answer posts like yours... I am perfectly aware of the current state of democracy in America. And you cannot create facts out of your opinion. You still have no clue and I would still rather live in one of the MANY democracies in the world than to live in the alternative.

The current state of democracy in America is that there isn't one.

That shouldn't shock you - there never has been.

You just chose to fall for the lie.

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

Sorry mate. Rule of law is joined in the hip by democratic governance. Well unless you talk communism which is totally a different matter and not a subject of any consideration for Thailand or any where in the free world.

You've got that wrong - democracy without the rule of law is worthless - that's what you see in Thailand.

Right now we have a "dictatorship" which is apparently enacting the rule of law to a degree that is being celebrated.

It would be better for Thailand for the army to stay in power and deliver the rule of law to the people.

If that's what the General is proposing - I support it.

Seem you don't understand much about the rule of law. Human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment if a formal recognition by law of most nation including Thailand. Not now mate.

Tell me which "democratic" country in the world that now has free speech?

The answer is none -

It's conditional.

I would have you known that.


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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

Sorry mate. Rule of law is joined in the hip by democratic governance. Well unless you talk communism which is totally a different matter and not a subject of any consideration for Thailand or any where in the free world.

You've got that wrong - democracy without the rule of law is worthless - that's what you see in Thailand.

Right now we have a "dictatorship" which is apparently enacting the rule of law to a degree that is being celebrated.

It would be better for Thailand for the army to stay in power and deliver the rule of law to the people.

If that's what the General is proposing - I support it.

Seem you don't understand much about the rule of law. Human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment if a formal recognition by law of most nation including Thailand. Not now mate.

Tell me which "democratic" country in the world that now has free speech?

The answer is none -

It's conditional.

I would have you known that.


Agree with you that all democratic countries have conditional free speech. The opposite is military rule with no tolerance of opinion and free speech including eating a sandwich.

Thought you know that mate.

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

Sorry mate. Rule of law is joined in the hip by democratic governance. Well unless you talk communism which is totally a different matter and not a subject of any consideration for Thailand or any where in the free world.

You've got that wrong - democracy without the rule of law is worthless - that's what you see in Thailand.

Right now we have a "dictatorship" which is apparently enacting the rule of law to a degree that is being celebrated.

It would be better for Thailand for the army to stay in power and deliver the rule of law to the people.

If that's what the General is proposing - I support it.

Seem you don't understand much about the rule of law. Human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment if a formal recognition by law of most nation including Thailand. Not now mate.

Tell me which "democratic" country in the world that now has free speech?

The answer is none -

It's conditional.

I would have you known that.


Agree with you that all democratic countries have conditional free speech. The opposite is military rule with no tolerance of opinion and free speech including eating a sandwich.

Thought you know that mate.

Now - you are getting confused - that's not the alternative.

I bet you can't work it out.


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I like the OP. Raises very interesting questions in the cultural milieu. I suppose we all have an opinion on what democracy is. Right?

Unfortunately for Thailand, the culture does not support a constructive two-way dialog. I admire what I perceive as the reforms G. Prayuth is looking towards, and believe it is a step in the right direction. But I don't think he has enough time.

Democracy and unity are often baked in a crucible of extreme violence, AKA war. At least it hasn't come to that here.

Oh. the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is a democracy too. Right?

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Thai style democracy means reversing all the political reforms and human rights of the common people and giving complete power back to the ruling elites. Simple really smile.png

So you are saying the PTP was the ruling elites?

I was under the impression that they were either Thaksin's relatives or his lackey's.

Is Thai-style democracy about accepting a military coup as legitimate and as an integral part of Thai politics?

Is Thai-style democracy about giving free reign to unelected "good people" to rule without checks and balances?

Is Thai-style democracy about limiting the sovereign power of the electorate and about limiting the power and role of elected politicians?

It is if that is what it takes to get rid of the corrupt government of the previous Thaksin dictatorship. You are not in Kansas any more Toto get used to it.

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Freedom of speech does not mean you can go around calling everyone an arso#e or a bag of s##t.

Actually, it means EXACTLY that. Among many other things.

People have Freedom of Speech.

People do NOT have freedom from being insulted/offended (though LOTS of them think they do or should!)

The limits of Free Speech, or protected speech as the US Supreme Court likes to refer to it, are constantly being tested and clarified. But criticism of public officials, elected or not, and their decisions, programs, and shenanigans must be sacrosanct or you do not have a fully functioning gov. There are some restrictions for slander (or libel if you print or broadcast it), but simple name calling does not rise to that level, nor should it, especially where a public figure is involved*.

Unless you litterally meant walking down the sidewalk calling everybody you meet "an arso#e or a bag of s##t." Which would be a ludicrously banal exercise of your right to freedom of speech, but protected none the less. (Though you will find that you break your nose with alarming frequency)

*my legal knowledge is limited in depth, and restricted to US law (generally), but it is correct.

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

Sorry mate. Rule of law is joined in the hip by democratic governance. Well unless you talk communism which is totally a different matter and not a subject of any consideration for Thailand or any where in the free world.

You've got that wrong - democracy without the rule of law is worthless - that's what you see in Thailand.

Right now we have a "dictatorship" which is apparently enacting the rule of law to a degree that is being celebrated.

It would be better for Thailand for the army to stay in power and deliver the rule of law to the people.

If that's what the General is proposing - I support it.

"It would be better for Thailand for the army to stay in power and deliver the rule of law to the people."

You don't know a lot of history, do you?

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Only an idiot believes that democracy is important. It's an irrelevance - and far too many in the west have fallen for the lie.

What makes it even more shameful is that most westerners have convinced themselves they live in democracies - an idiotic stance, embarrassing to behold.

The only thing that matters in any society is the rule of law.

Sorry mate. Rule of law is joined in the hip by democratic governance. Well unless you talk communism which is totally a different matter and not a subject of any consideration for Thailand or any where in the free world.

You've got that wrong - democracy without the rule of law is worthless - that's what you see in Thailand.

Right now we have a "dictatorship" which is apparently enacting the rule of law to a degree that is being celebrated.

It would be better for Thailand for the army to stay in power and deliver the rule of law to the people.

If that's what the General is proposing - I support it.

"It would be better for Thailand for the army to stay in power and deliver the rule of law to the people."

You don't know a lot of history, do you?

I do.

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