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Thai soldiers get tough with vocational students to glee of netizens (VIDEO)


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Well they weren't born this way. The culture sucks them in and we all know about peer pressure as teenagers. I've met plenty of kids like this here thru my own kids ..they do things in groups that they wouldn't do as individuals. I can't see any prospect of change here in the current top down climate. There are programs in the states that I've seen and participated in that take kids from jails and juvenile homes for a 10 day on site program where kids get some pretty good insights into how why and what got them where they are. The results reduced recidivism about 80 - 90% and actually turned a lot of kids lives around. Give kids a better alternative to the endless mindless tribal gang mentality and they'll take it if it's presented in a way that makes sense to them. Not all but many of them will.

And teens in western countries are all shining beacons of good behavior. Last time i looked they had metal detectors at the entrances to make sure they were not carrying in guns mind you they didn't care if they carried the guns outside of school. The huge number of school shootings done by farang kids. The gang fights not only in the US but say in the UK etc. I don't think any western country's teens could lose out to thai teens when it comes to holding concealed weapons and physical violence. Thailand would need famous street gangs say Latin kings, bloods, crips which anyone knows off their head without research on the internet. School shootings and let's make those shootings more than a dozen and just random violence and fights anywhere before well before it sort of matches the farang countries violence committed by teens.
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I work at an vocational college out in the province and I can honestly say that there are competitions between the different colleges but still this with fighting with knifes and guns I have only seen or heard of from Bangkok!

Out here they try to be beat the other colleges in competitions (athletics, skills and knowledge) not with knifes and guns! We had the sports game for vocational students in the northern region here in July and I did not hear of any incident where the students where fighting or shooting at each others... accept balls and in the boxing/Muay Thai ring.

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These students need to be conscripted next - found with a blade?  Army for 2 years.  That would take care of the problem PDQ.


Yes, giving them assault rifles will definitely take care of the problem.......lol


You really want kids like this in the military?  


When my older brother was a teenager, he was a juvenile delinquent, when he and two of his friends appeared in front of a judge he was offered a choice, military of short jail time. He chose military and became a model citizen and wealthy. His two friends chose the short jail time and later went to prison for worse crimes. The military has tried-and-true brain-washing techniques that work on almost anyone.

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These students need to be conscripted next - found with a blade?  Army for 2 years.  That would take care of the problem PDQ.


Yes, giving them assault rifles will definitely take care of the problem.......lol


You really want kids like this in the military?  


When my older brother was a teenager, he was a juvenile delinquent, when he and two of his friends appeared in front of a judge he was offered a choice, military of short jail time. He chose military and became a model citizen and wealthy. His two friends chose the short jail time and later went to prison for worse crimes. The military has tried-and-true brain-washing techniques that work on almost anyone.




So you think that just about wraps it up for military service then?

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Yes, giving them assault rifles will definitely take care of the problem.......lol


You really want kids like this in the military?  


When my older brother was a teenager, he was a juvenile delinquent, when he and two of his friends appeared in front of a judge he was offered a choice, military of short jail time. He chose military and became a model citizen and wealthy. His two friends chose the short jail time and later went to prison for worse crimes. The military has tried-and-true brain-washing techniques that work on almost anyone.




So you think that just about wraps it up for military service then?


that just about wraps it up

Why would you think my statement was all-encompassing?

What I wrote is just one anecdote. As anyone knows, anecdotal evidence is not proof of anything. Make of it what you will.


...and as anyone would know, anecdotal evidence is worthless and should be discarded out of hand...why did you bother to post?

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When my older brother was a teenager, he was a juvenile delinquent, when he and two of his friends appeared in front of a judge he was offered a choice, military of short jail time. He chose military and became a model citizen and wealthy. His two friends chose the short jail time and later went to prison for worse crimes. The military has tried-and-true brain-washing techniques that work on almost anyone.







So you think that just about wraps it up for military service then?


that just about wraps it up

Why would you think my statement was all-encompassing?

What I wrote is just one anecdote. As anyone knows, anecdotal evidence is not proof of anything. Make of it what you will.


...and as anyone would know, anecdotal evidence is worthless and should be discarded out of hand...why did you bother to post?



anecdotal evidence is worthless and should be discarded out of hand...why did you bother to post?

Now you're being ridiculous. Just because it does not rise to the level of 'proof', doesn't mean it's not valuable. Among wise people it is considered as a way to learn from other's mistakes/discoveries. So now you're calling my original post 'worthless' and questioning why I would bother to post such a worthless reference.

Insulting, much?


Why are you such a <deleted>?


Edited by rametindallas
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"Lack of due process"? What lack of due process? 1) We're under martial law, and 2) the kids were arrested. From the Coconuts story, there's no way of knowing whether they were sent to the lockup, or an ice cream store, or straight to a work camp. I see no violation of anyone's due process from the info given in the story. Presumably, they're being held awaiting trial, and possibly bail money.

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So you think that just about wraps it up for military service then?


that just about wraps it up

Why would you think my statement was all-encompassing?

What I wrote is just one anecdote. As anyone knows, anecdotal evidence is not proof of anything. Make of it what you will.


...and as anyone would know, anecdotal evidence is worthless and should be discarded out of hand...why did you bother to post?



anecdotal evidence is worthless and should be discarded out of hand...why did you bother to post?

Now you're being ridiculous. Just because it does not rise to the level of 'proof', doesn't mean it's not valuable. Among wise people it is considered as a way to learn from other's mistakes/discoveries. So now you're calling my original post 'worthless' and questioning why I would bother to post such a worthless reference.

Insulting, much?


Why are you such a <deleted>?





your implication was that military conscription would "do them good" there is in reality no evidence to support that - your anecdote is as you have said not evidence - so you are barking up the wrong tree with an anecdote you know to be worthless - why bother?

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anecdotal evidence is worthless and should be discarded out of hand...why did you bother to post?





Now you're being ridiculous. Just because it does not rise to the level of 'proof', doesn't mean it's not valuable. Among wise people it is considered as a way to learn from other's mistakes/discoveries. So now you're calling my original post 'worthless' and questioning why I would bother to post such a worthless reference.

Insulting, much?


Why are you such a <deleted>?





your implication was that military conscription would "do them good" there is in reality no evidence to support that - your anecdote is as you have said not evidence - so you are barking up the wrong tree with an anecdote you know to be worthless - why bother?




An anecdote is evidence.

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that just about wraps it up




Why would you think my statement was all-encompassing?

What I wrote is just one anecdote. As anyone knows, anecdotal evidence is not proof of anything. Make of it what you will.


...and as anyone would know, anecdotal evidence is worthless and should be discarded out of hand...why did you bother to post?



anecdotal evidence is worthless and should be discarded out of hand...why did you bother to post?

Now you're being ridiculous. Just because it does not rise to the level of 'proof', doesn't mean it's not valuable. Among wise people it is considered as a way to learn from other's mistakes/discoveries. So now you're calling my original post 'worthless' and questioning why I would bother to post such a worthless reference.

Insulting, much?


Why are you such a <deleted>?





your implication was that military conscription would "do them good" there is in reality no evidence to support that - your anecdote is as you have said not evidence - so you are barking up the wrong tree with an anecdote you know to be worthless - why bother?



wilcopops, you really are a little troll (read that as 'small person'). your anecdote is as you have said not evidence

Misquote, much? Or is it just poor reading comprehension? Or are you just being a jerk?

What I said was, "Just because it does not rise to the level of 'proof', doesn't mean it's not valuable." I never said it wasn't evidence. I now consider your posts as worthless as you consider my posts since you can't even quote me correctly. (there's a convenient 'copy and paste' feature on this forum for correctly quoting people)


BTW, I didn't 'imply' that military service would 'do them good'. I asserted that military service turned my brother's life around from headed for a life of crime to becoming an upstanding, contributing member of society. The ex-service men I know are, almost exclusively, honorable men and contribute positively to society.


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Out of curiosity can anybody tell me why they make the portly lad climb the wall at the end of the 2nd video?

Prior to that two soldiers were looking over it, as something had been thrown behind it. Perhaps making him retrieve it.



A hamburger, perhaps ?   whistling.gif

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