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Russian tourist found dead in Phuket hotel with 7 stab wounds


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Oh here we go again suicide??? Would one really go and do this to take ones own life?? Seems very odd to me.

Has happened before and will happened again, you cannot fathom what some people think and how they act as you are not in their mindset

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The gashes on both arms would plainly be sustained in defense, unfortunately not sufficient to prevent the outcome. If this was not so tragic it would be comical. A strong contender for the "head in a plastic bag hanging from a Bangkok bridge" as being the most ridiculous suicide in history.

Wrong,that was suicide by too long rope.

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Reminds my of the case when they found a body 30 years ago in a locked suit case hanging off a pier in Naklua. Police verdict was worse case of suicide that month. Seems like their level of detective work has remained consistent despite logic.

let's not forget the farang about 4 years ago who committed suicide by decapitating himself and then jumping off a bridge.

Have you not seen the 'song & dance' routine chickens make once they 'lose their heads'? lol

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That's like the black guy found hanging from a tree in Texas nailed to a cross , shot six times and badly burned..

Local sheriff said worst case of suicide he'd ever seen...

No one gets murdered in Thailand...it's bad for business ..

hahahaha Murder in Thailand is suicidal...next please

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Who the hell stabs themselves to death? This can't be a suicide, more like murder...

Do not kid your self a friend worked as a social worker he consulted with people who stabbed themselves with a safety pin, and one drunk tried to beat himself to death with a phone, of course he failed. You have to remember most who commit suicide are usually suffering from depression and will do anything to stop the pain they feel

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How do any of us know if the stab wounds were pre or post mortem? If post, the suicide is less ridiculous. I'm just saying, you can't determine anything from what you read in the news because it's an incomplete picture of the crime scene which I am sure the reporter was not allowed into. Maybe the police used the tactic of reporting the incident as a suicide hoping their suspect would be less like to flee hearing that. Hmmm. Jeez you guys got it all figured out already and the body isn't even cold.

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Appalling but not as dubious as Gareth Williams the ex-MI6 employee found dead in sports bags which was zipped and padlocked, police said there's nothing suspicious. Seems plod are pretty lazy across the globe when they're not motivated by the bosses who are as unmotivated as the plod it seems!

Appreciated, but Mr Williams wasn't just having a holiday in Thailand, he was a player in the great game....... and he lost ........ MI6 don't sell furniture (MFI) and usually if you live by the sword, you've a bloody good chance of dying by it.........

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Appalling but not as dubious as Gareth Williams the ex-MI6 employee found dead in sports bags which was zipped and padlocked, police said there's nothing suspicious. Seems plod are pretty lazy across the globe when they're not motivated by the bosses who are as unmotivated as the plod it seems!

Appreciated, but Mr Williams wasn't just having a holiday in Thailand, he was a player in the great game....... and he lost ........ MI6 don't sell furniture (MFI) and usually if you live by the sword, you've a bloody good chance of dying by it.........

It sounds like that might be what happened to this poor chap, defensive cuts on the arms and 7 stabs into the body... it'll be interesting to see how this all unravels!

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Sounds like a job for multi–colored hair Doctor Pornthip Rojanasunand (Forensics specialist), since she has been recently asked to come back out of retirement by the Junta, now that the dust has settled.

Edited by MK1
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Seven stab wounds to chest, and what may be defensive wounds to the arms, would certainly raise questions about foul play being involved.

I hope the Russian authorities demand a thorough autopsy with their observers present and conduct an independent investigation.

RIP dear man and prayers to the family.

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I've just spoken to a good friend who knew him. According to him it is most definitely a suicide. The man who was a doctor, was extremely depressed and he drank a whole bottle of whiskey before stabbing himself. (I guess, the alcohol could numb the pain enough). The 3 pages they found is his suicide note. I suppose a Doctor would know how to stab himself effectively.

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.....a reflection of the sad reality......that's how much they give a d*mn about any of us....

...primitive....with a partial infrastructure....cashing in on the curious....adventurous....and even those looking for love.....

...give everything you have....get chewed up....and spitted out.....and don't you dare expect or ask for anything in return.....

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Police concluded that he committed suicide.


I fear you must be somewhat cynical of the BIB? Surely stabbing yourself 7 times is suicide, normally with a plastic bag over your head and your wrists tied behind your back.

All Thais know that farang are like David Copperfield!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Do they not know that it has been scientifically proven that a person will have the ability to stab himself in the chest only one time, two in rare circumstances due to the effects of shock.


Suicide is a possibility. A guy in severe depression, perhaps on drugs (crystal meth is rife in Phuket) could slash his arms and then stab himself in the torso multiple times. Not saying this was the case, but why is everyone so eager for a murder? Too many episodes of Dexter me thinks.

Happened a few years ago here in Ireland. A guy, suffering depression, murdered his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend. Then he killed himself, stabbing himself NINETEEN times.


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Suicide?? "deep gashes on both arms" possibly defensive wounds. Did he change hands to stab himself in both arms before fatally stabbing himself 7 times in the chest. There is no way I would turn up to a crime scene like this and go nothing to see here it's a simple suicide. This would be treated as a suspicious death possibly murder.

Multiple personalities?

umm sorry went over my head, oh ok he had multiply and one tried to commit suicide and the other murdered him.

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Has anyone read the suicide note he left behind written in Russian left in the wastebasket?

yes it would seem our pal Sherlock in post 77's friend must have?


Yes, I see that a few pages of notes were referenced in the PG update. Post #77 is here.

Is there any truth to it?

Edited by 96tehtarp
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How do any of us know if the stab wounds were pre or post mortem? If post, the suicide is less ridiculous. I'm just saying, you can't determine anything from what you read in the news because it's an incomplete picture of the crime scene which I am sure the reporter was not allowed into. Maybe the police used the tactic of reporting the incident as a suicide hoping their suspect would be less like to flee hearing that. Hmmm. Jeez you guys got it all figured out already and the body isn't even cold.

No we didn;t get it figured out. The BIB walked in the room and saw a farang stabbed to death. Wounds on the arms and stabbed 7 times in the chest. The BIB came to the conclusion it was suicide. We Thai Visa members are not saying the cause of death but only disputing the BIB who have signed it off purely because it is a farang.

Been working as a cop for over 20 yrs and these idiots are beyond stupidity. A police Officer can not and will never determine the cause of death as they are not qualified . Police may release the cause of death after a coronial investigation. They can only say it is suspicious or non suspicious but give no details.

Having worked with the BIB on exchange in both Australia and Thailand I have some insight on how they work. Took 2 fairly highly ranking Thai police officers a Major and Colonel to a fatal collision in Melbourne Australia. The offending driver survived and they said to me, the other guy is dead so why not blame him, why do Australian police make so much work for themselves when can sign off now.

Dead men don't talk case closed, pass me the bottle.
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Having worked with the BIB on exchange in both Australia and Thailand I have some insight on how they work. Took 2 fairly highly ranking Thai police officers a Major and Colonel to a fatal collision in Melbourne Australia. The offending driver survived and they said to me, the other guy is dead so why not blame him, why do Australian police make so much work for themselves when can sign off now.

Sadly and worryingly, this seems to be how the police work (or not work) in Thailand.

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It seems like in Thailand every death is a suicide, unless they actually apprehend a guy/girl with a knife in the wound - first or seventh, it doesn't matter. How sad for the family, friends, and anyone who knew the deceased...

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