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Uh, let's see: I called them vile racist creatures because they were making the comments of vile racist creatures. And I'm very secure on my judgement on that.

I'm no more wound up in defending myself than many of the males on this thread are bent on attacking. If you don't like it, then don't attack. As for feeling superior: if you look around, you'll find that most of the people on this site who assume that position are male. They are also the first to make condescending remarks. If you don't like the fact that I can defend myself, that's your problem. And if you don't like my point of view, there's really nothing you can do about it. Too bad you read it as boastfulness; then again, what else should I expect from you? I'm sure a review of your comments would reveal a wealth of condescending drivel. Also, I don't start threads on my IQ scores, my universities, or how little my wife/girlfriend weighs.

I made one comment about the podcast not being me, because it was brought to my attention that people on this forum and others were discussing it might be me, without my knowledge. I really don't think one passing comment after who knows how many people have been discussing it without my input is excessive. That is, if you believe people have a right to share input and ideas equally.

As for JDinAsia: you're right, that was gratuitous. But after so many of his one-line, unnecessary jabs at almost everyone, I'm sure he will understand. If he apologizes for every single one of his gratuitous jabs, I'll apologize for mine.

And you certainly aren't one to judge maturity.

*one other thing: I believe people can speak for themselves.

** also, I don't hate men. I think that's obvious by my friendships with men, including those on this site who have very different values than me. But I do have a deep contempt for misogynists, of which there are many on this site, and for which I make no apologies.

In your "vile, racist creatures" comment you weren't specific. It was directed at those "whom occupy this site" If you were having a go at an individual and not spraying everyone it helps to state so. The apparently offensive, to you, post was edited before I viewed it so I am unable to review it.

Your comments on attacks and defense. I haven't noticed anyone attacking you in some time. Your "defensive" work usually seem to preceede the attacks. (again - if there was something specific about you in the deleted text, I never saw it)

The rest of your comments in that para above are to be expected, especialy the parts about males and IQs.

I do write a lot of condescending drivel, much of it of little wealth, so guilty there. I'm retired, so I don't find it necessary to fill pages and pages with intellectualised, condescending drivel anymore. I leave that to the boastful and vain. This is just an on-line forum for people to exchange views on all matters Thailand and the world. There are no doctorates of social sciences handed out here. You do write well Kat and I'm sure your employers appreciate it. However, when here, why don't you try the occassional one liner just for the fun of it!

Similarly Kat, I don't hate women, but I have much contempt for misandrists of which there are a few on this site.

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And what does the size of my ass have to do with it? If im fat and cant get laid then makes a difference?

yes it does make a difference as it would explain your obvious bitterness as to why you arent attracting men.

my ma came out here for my wedding (she's aged 52 and looks good, everyone always used to tell me she was a 'joan collins' type of ma when i was a kid) and was hit on by men all the time.

ex-pat guys constantly chatted her up on the sky train, in restuarants and in bars. plenty of thai men also tried their luck at various places. now i dont know if they were after long term relationships or not, but if she had just wanted to get laid she could have done so at will.

it was certainly never a case of everyone overlooking her because of the thai girls. it was the opposite.

perhaps you just aren't physically appealing to the opposite sex? that is a hard reality to face but one that you can ultimately do something about instead of blaming men for your own shortcomings. just a thought.

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Whatever Croc. On the "vile racist creatures", I think I mentioned a quantifier like "some" or something, but I can't be bothered to check it out now. I certainly don't think that about everyone here. But I do know there are a fair number of male expats here with that attitude. A person doesn't have to make a direct comment about racism for a comment to be racist. I very rarely call people out for that here.

You haven't noticed anyone attacking me in some time? Well, then again, you tend to call me a misandrist when most of the time I am defending myself and women in general against frequent derogatory comments. Funny that, you don't seem to notice the offensive remarks directed at women, only "misandrists" who can defend themselves. I wouldn't expect you to see me in anything but a reactionary, negative light, despite my varied comments on this site. There are many here who have a myopic viewpoint when it comes to judging women who aren't lined up to stroke their egos. That's not of my making.

And you are right: this is merely a forum to come and exchange ideas. I extract no esteem whatsover from this website, and in fact am a little embarrassed that I spend too much time here. I was a high-school dropout, and have lived a colorful life. I have friends and family from all walks of life, and have met intelligent people in all of them, some without formal education. I am not an elitist about intelligence. I think if you were judging me honestly you would know that.

And also, what is "expected" about my comment above about "males and IQs". You missed or misconstrued my point - again, no surprise. You are calling me boastful, and yet, I am not the one bragging about my IQ scores, my high-so wife/girlfriend/partner, or how my girlfriend looks.

The above comments are made by men here. However, I have learned how to defend myself here.

Thanks for your comment about my writing; that's very nice of you. Let's just forget it. If I ever run into you before I leave, I'll spot you a beer.

Edited by kat
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Thank you for the constructive suggestions. As for the rest of the coments....

I never exptected any expat men in Thailand to listen to the same old story; my podcast.

I explain in the podcast that I got the idea because out of Thailand dont find the stories to tired and boring.

It was my opinions on my perspective. Strange how I have gotten so criticised for commenting on the night life scene, my perception of a portion of the expat scene and prostitution scene when there are so many other internet forums glorifying it and promoting it.

Much of my conclusions and perceptions have come from the same old tired stories my male friends tell me.

Why any of you bother to listen to it or care so much is really a mystery to me. Its not like its mandatory listening like other things in Thailand. (national anthems and muslim prayers).

Yes ideally the 2nd podcast , in the works now, will be a bit more dynamic.

And what does the size of my ass have to do with it? If im fat and cant get laid then makes a difference?

No offence intended, but I thought the podcast was rather pathetic, in the true sense of the word.

Yes, sickeningly sad but no soothing words available from me in your case though. You appear to be almost drowning in your own self-pity.

I suggest you realign your balance and loosen up by getting those chips removed from your shoulders. They must be quite a burden.

Yes of course there is some truth in what you say, but the blind fixation on such easy targets focussing on stereotypes makes one wonder what axe you have to grind.

Why not tell us the real reason behind your disillusionment?

It sounds to me that you have made your own bed and are pissed off that nobody else wants to lie in it with you.

I wonder why? :D

Life can be a bitch, often a disgruntled one 'twould seem... :o

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Whatever Croc. On the "vile racist creatures", I think I mentioned a quantifier like "some" or something, but I can't be bothered to check it out now. I certainly don't think that about everyone here. But I do know there are a fair number of male expats here with that attitude. A person doesn't have to make a direct comment about racism for a comment to be racist. I very rarely call people out for that here.

You haven't noticed anyone attacking me in some time? Well, then again, you tend to call me a misandrist when most of the time I am defending myself and women in general against frequent derogatory comments. Funny that, you don't seem to notice the offensive remarks directed at women, only "misandrists" who can defend themselves. I wouldn't expect you to see me in anything but a reactionary, negative light, despite my varied comments on this site. There are many here who have a myopic viewpoint when it comes to judging women who aren't lined up to stroke their egos. That's not of my making.

And you are right: this is merely a forum to come and exchange ideas. I extract no esteem whatsover from this website, and in fact am a little embarrassed that I spend too much time here. I was a high-school dropout, and have lived a colorful life. I have friends and family from all walks of life, and have met intelligent people in all of them, some without formal education. I am not an elitist about intelligence. I think if you were judging me honestly you would know that.

And also, what is "expected" about my comment above about "males and IQs". You missed or misconstrued my point - again, no surprise. You are calling me boastful, and yet, I am not the one bragging about my IQ scores, my high-so wife/girlfriend/partner, or how my girlfriend looks.

The above comments are made by men here. However, I have learned how to defend myself here.

Thanks for your comment about my writing; that's very nice of you. Let's just forget it. If I ever run into you before I leave, I'll spot you a beer.


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I look forward to Podcast No.2

I would also love to hear a podcast from those who are being so very negatively critical.

The world is full of people who are able to criticize, few are able to produce something of their own.

When the attacks become so personal, it's not un reasonable to ask, what would the critic be able to achieve.

Not much is my guess... but prove me wrong!

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Yeah, I think the idea is a good one. I also like the moniker "Expat girl in a sexpat world" - very clever :o I think the anonymous "expat girl" is great; it could be any of us. I really wish she would use that instead of "Kat".

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And what does the size of my ass have to do with it? If im fat and cant get laid then makes a difference?

yes it does make a difference as it would explain your obvious bitterness as to why you arent attracting men.

my ma came out here for my wedding (she's aged 52 and looks good, everyone always used to tell me she was a 'joan collins' type of ma when i was a kid) and was hit on by men all the time.

ex-pat guys constantly chatted her up on the sky train, in restuarants and in bars. plenty of thai men also tried their luck at various places. now i dont know if they were after long term relationships or not, but if she had just wanted to get laid she could have done so at will.

it was certainly never a case of everyone overlooking her because of the thai girls. it was the opposite.

perhaps you just aren't physically appealing to the opposite sex? that is a hard reality to face but one that you can ultimately do something about instead of blaming men for your own shortcomings. just a thought.

Well, anyone can get laid here, sure. The thing is, not everyone wants to get laid with their fathers and grandfathers, or with many of the type who live here. Also, many of the viable men are just passing through, and don't live here. But yes, I agree: there are plenty of opportunities to get laid, and for short-lived "relationships", or for relationships from hel_l - yes plenty!

*Remember: your mom doesn't live here, so you are not really in a position to comment on the long term effect.

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Old news actually. We had a long discussion about this and sussed out who she could be quite awhile ago. She (if it is indeed her) never came on and discussed it though. I had the web address, but apparently deleted it during my last clean-up.

Like i stated in my opening post it was made by Dive_mistress, could not find the long discussion you mention so i will presume it was in some private forum for the Thaivisa elite? :o

The thread was in Bedlam. Get 500 posts up and you can read it too. It was a little unfair because D-M didn't have access and right of reply, but I'm sure someone updated her. (She hasn't posted since 22/6, when the other thread was going)

It does seem a little unfair calling it 'old news', when the OP obviously couldn't have read it previously, but as also stated by Old Croc, Dive Mistress and anybody else dicussed in a private members forum has no right of reply, seems like 'free shots' to me, others might call it a more basic term.


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QUOTE(OldAsiaHand @ 2006-07-08 05:02:33)

QUOTE(highonthai @ 2006-07-08 04:36:20)

It has gotten very old hearing the same old gripe about some of the people that come to Thailand.

Low pay teaching jobs, lost all my money on a bar girl,Tired of the dual pricing, lost your house to a thai women.Can't find a guy that is interested in anything other than a Thai women. And on and on...

Perhaps such things are repeated so often because, on the whole, they're a fairly accurate representation of the kind of people who are attracted to Thailand. Cliches become cliches precisely because they represent something that enough people believe to repeat the same idea over and over.

So true, OAH. I cannot believe some people still deny that this "cliche" comprises the bulk of longterm expats here. I don't know what the controversy is about - these people are self-selected and will tell you that themselves.

with all due respect i think u guys missed his point. i havent seen anyone try and deny there are alot of single guys here come for sex. however to point it out is a cliche. it maybe true but it is still banalality and superficial.

like hionthai i am bored of the constant -vity

i dont want to get ito get too critical of expat girl, i think her podcast is a great idea, the worst you can say about it was its topic was unoriginal for people living or connected with thailand and has nothing new to say. but fair play for having a go, and its juts her 1st one.

i also want to say that even tho many of the expats here have been deemed 'unattractive' by expat girl and OAH, i dont think this should reflect on thailand in a negative way. i hope in future podcasts she can highlight some of the positive about the country and the expats here too.

the reason that many people live is because it is a very interesting country where almost anything can happen. this can be a good or bad thing obviously, but its what sets it apart from home.

Edited by longway
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On a technical level;

The mic technique is poor, use a bit more life in your voice.

Be aware of the change in voice levels from one edit to another.

Get a mic sock to prevent hissing from breath.

The mixing needs practice.

The audio has been compressed too often and too much, there seems to be drop outs. Keep the file as an uncompressed file for mixing and editing, then convert the finnished product to mp3 or your prefered format. This uses more disc space but gives a better finnished result.


It comes across as whiney, woe is me. It epitimises why I do not like many western raised women for a partner.

The members of this forum are not the taget audience, so probably not the best feedback for the content. :o

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And who would be her "target audience'?

Men living in Thailand who ignore her. :D

From what I heard, her target audience would be other farang women who have been jilted by a farang guys that suddenly take a preference to ladyboys. :o

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And who would be her "target audience'?

Men living in Thailand who ignore her. :D

From what I heard, her target audience would be other farang women who have been jilted by a farang guys that suddenly take a preference to ladyboys. :o

We were struggling a bit earlier in this thread to define the cliched concept of the western expat in Thailand.

Our struggle is over.

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And what does the size of my ass have to do with it? If im fat and cant get laid then makes a difference?

yes it does make a difference as it would explain your obvious bitterness as to why you arent attracting men.

my ma came out here for my wedding (she's aged 52 and looks good, everyone always used to tell me she was a 'joan collins' type of ma when i was a kid) and was hit on by men all the time.

ex-pat guys constantly chatted her up on the sky train, in restuarants and in bars. plenty of thai men also tried their luck at various places. now i dont know if they were after long term relationships or not, but if she had just wanted to get laid she could have done so at will.

it was certainly never a case of everyone overlooking her because of the thai girls. it was the opposite.

perhaps you just aren't physically appealing to the opposite sex? that is a hard reality to face but one that you can ultimately do something about instead of blaming men for your own shortcomings. just a thought.

Quite the contrary in fact - expat girl is actually very attractive. Some might say stunning! I know many foreign and Thai guys who are very keen on her.

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On a technical level;

The mic technique is poor, use a bit more life in your voice.

Be aware of the change in voice levels from one edit to another.

Get a mic sock to prevent hissing from breath.

The mixing needs practice.

The audio has been compressed too often and too much, there seems to be drop outs. Keep the file as an uncompressed file for mixing and editing, then convert the finnished product to mp3 or your prefered format. This uses more disc space but gives a better finnished result.


It comes across as whiney, woe is me. It epitimises why I do not like many western raised women for a partner.

The members of this forum are not the taget audience, so probably not the best feedback for the content. :D

Thanks for the technical suggestions. Please bear in mind that it was a very big learning curve. had i been on a mac I would have easily been able to just record using... garage band. however being on a crappy compaq pc I had to learn audacity, how to edit.. how to splice and cut.. learn about feed burning etc. Had I aimed for perfect sound I would still be only "planning a podcast" instead having done a podcast.

Being a dive instructor means i have the time for making a whiney podcast and learning all the rss/blogger/feedburing technology (Im finally in the Itunes directory thank you) however buying a high quality microphone is not a priority.

I used a 3 year old digital camera, converted the mpeg to mp3 , imported to aucaicty , lost it many times re-recorded imported, exported.etc. I asked many people that I knwo if they knew anything about podcastting and they said no they didnt even know what one is!

Surely since my podcast more people have been enlightened to this genre of increasingly popular media. Whether they hated it or took it personaly.

I can always try a sock over camera :D

Actually i was inspired after hearing the ww.expatcast.com podcast. An American expat on a corporate package living in Mexico wiht his family, talking about adjusting to his new life. Its a good podcast and I thought I should do one aobut a single female expat without a cushy expat package living in Thailand ..etc.

I didnt have a target audience...I just did it because I wanted to do a podcast. After all I am used to talking to myself...

Thanks for listening. :o

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On a technical level;

The mic technique is poor, use a bit more life in your voice.

Be aware of the change in voice levels from one edit to another.

Get a mic sock to prevent hissing from breath.

The mixing needs practice.

The audio has been compressed too often and too much, there seems to be drop outs. Keep the file as an uncompressed file for mixing and editing, then convert the finnished product to mp3 or your prefered format. This uses more disc space but gives a better finnished result.


It comes across as whiney, woe is me. It epitimises why I do not like many western raised women for a partner.

The members of this forum are not the taget audience, so probably not the best feedback for the content. :D

Thanks for the technical suggestions. Please bear in mind that it was a very big learning curve. had i been on a mac I would have easily been able to just record using... garage band. however being on a crappy compaq pc I had to learn audacity, how to edit.. how to splice and cut.. learn about feed burning etc. Had I aimed for perfect sound I would still be only "planning a podcast" instead having done a podcast.

Being a dive instructor means i have the time for making a whiney podcast and learning all the rss/blogger/feedburing technology (Im finally in the Itunes directory thank you) however buying a high quality microphone is not a priority.

I used a 3 year old digital camera, converted the mpeg to mp3 , imported to aucaicty , lost it many times re-recorded imported, exported.etc. I asked many people that I knwo if they knew anything about podcastting and they said no they didnt even know what one is!

Surely since my podcast more people have been enlightened to this genre of increasingly popular media. Whether they hated it or took it personaly.

I can always try a sock over camera :D

Actually i was inspired after hearing the ww.expatcast.com podcast. An American expat on a corporate package living in Mexico wiht his family, talking about adjusting to his new life. Its a good podcast and I thought I should do one aobut a single female expat without a cushy expat package living in Thailand ..etc.

I didnt have a target audience...I just did it because I wanted to do a podcast. After all I am used to talking to myself...

Thanks for listening. :o


Why did you feel you had to make another user name to discuss this topic? Why did you not just use your normal ID Dive_Mistress?

Just an honest question waiting for an honest reply though i doubt it will come.

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Uh, let's see: I called them vile racist creatures because they were making the comments of vile racist creatures. And I'm very secure on my judgement on that.

I'm no more wound up in defending myself than many of the males on this thread are bent on attacking. If you don't like it, then don't attack. As for feeling superior: if you look around, you'll find that most of the people on this site who assume that position are male. They are also the first to make condescending remarks. If you don't like the fact that I can defend myself, that's your problem. And if you don't like my point of view, there's really nothing you can do about it. Too bad you read it as boastfulness; then again, what else should I expect from you? I'm sure a review of your comments would reveal a wealth of condescending drivel. Also, I don't start threads on my IQ scores, my universities, or how little my wife/girlfriend weighs.

I made one comment about the podcast not being me, because it was brought to my attention that people on this forum and others were discussing it might be me, without my knowledge. I really don't think one passing comment after who knows how many people have been discussing it without my input is excessive. That is, if you believe people have a right to share input and ideas equally.

As for JDinAsia: you're right, that was gratuitous. But after so many of his one-line, unnecessary jabs at almost everyone, I'm sure he will understand. If he apologizes for every single one of his gratuitous jabs, I'll apologize for mine.

LOL .... I m hurt! A Comment about being with 3 women members of Long term status with the forums and one (now)new member ... draws out an insane rant :o But no need to apologize hun :D the posts fit you apparently :D

And you certainly aren't one to judge maturity.

*one other thing: I believe people can speak for themselves.

** also, I don't hate men. I think that's obvious by my friendships with men, including those on this site who have very different values than me. But I do have a deep contempt for misogynists, of which there are many on this site, and for which I make no apologies.

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Quite the contrary in fact - expat girl is actually very attractive. Some might say stunning! I know many foreign and Thai guys who are very keen on her.

i seriously doubt it if she has gone to the lengths of making a podcast about how she isnt getting any because of the thai girls and ex-pat mentality

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Interesting how the forum rules have not been invoked

Yes it is. Forum rule number number 14 has been breached, however the member has been alowed to continue to post under both expat_girl and Dive_mistress IDs.

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By looking at the thread name, i thought it was about some new ipod thing, I been missing out on all the fun.

I would watch/listen to her podcast thing but I got limited adsl and I only get 70mb/month, dont want to waste 7 mb on some rant.

is there a transcript anywhere

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you can hear a live recital anywhere in thailand mate. just go to any NGO office and ask an overweight on-the-shelf middle age western woman what she thinks of thai girls and western men who are associated with them.

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