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The Beach Rd walkway- we told you so.

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Im not sure their motive was the footpath market because they dont do them very often, I think they probably just went over buget, there were plenty of seats in the original plan, they didnt even really finish the path either, there are still unpaved areas, but maybe thats a traditional feature here

the problem with the shade is that they dont want any so that their 100 ft high streetlights can light the path at night for the security cameras, so unfortunately the surviving trees are likely to get another severe cutback soon

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Im not sure their motive was the footpath market because they dont do them very often, I think they probably just went over buget, there were plenty of seats in the original plan, they didnt even really finish the path either, there are still unpaved areas, but maybe thats a traditional feature here

the problem with the shade is that they dont want any so that their 100 ft high streetlights can light the path at night for the security cameras, so unfortunately the surviving trees are likely to get another severe cutback soon

They really did not finish the footpathat at all Leaving that narrow coned segment along the moto taxis and bar between the pump station and Walking st. in that state is about

as ridiculous in planning as the so called traffic lights, (instead of pedestrian overpasses)


As a professional landscape designer, my opinion is the pathway renovation is a disaster.

They must have spent all of ten minutes drawing it up.

And on what planet do improvements include chopping down all their old growth trees in their only park?

The previous pathway that was installed about 7 years ago had charming, meandering pathways, surrounded by undulating garden beds under majestic old growth hardwood trees. The mermaid fountain was impressive and the 'bronze' statues added an artistic touch.

Of course the maintainence budget was pilfered and it deteriorated quickly as I predicted.

It didn't help when the City decided to exploit the area and erect vendor tents right on top of the flowers and shrubs. Killed all the shrubbery and flowers.

In the name of 'traffic improvements' they flattened the area (so actually they could erect tents and lease the beachfront for personal gains)

Only a shameless, greedy numbskull would do that to a beachfront park.

I do miss the tree shade but not the "meandering pathways". You were always bumping into people and those damned guys on bikes and scooters were always playing chicken with you. I like it much better now that it's wide and straight. I go there for the casual walking with cool ocean breeze and people watching. Not for a meandering walk through the woods...lol.

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Raping the earth under the guise traffic improvements.

I mean, if they wanted to improve the traffic flow, they could evict the illegal parking in the left lane, no?...but the left lane is illegally leased out to scamming motorbike vendors... so the trees had to go. Can't rent the trees. They are useless.

Now, during festivals, when there is a legitimate traffic crush, they lease out the new lane too & vendors set up on the new road, then take the next lane for a loading zone!

So now there are 3 lanes blocked during peak traffic times. (When there isn't a festival it turns into a dangerous high speed freeway.)

Just like the city's profitable unsightly 'shanty town' looking beach, the newly flattened beach front park now gets leased wall to wall with vendors selling the same crap you see in Mikes mall. They leave about 60 centimeters for the tourists!

So just about every square centimeter from the shoreline to the parking is exploited, generating income for somebody.

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Im not sure their motive was the footpath market because they dont do them very often, I think they probably just went over buget, there were plenty of seats in the original plan, they didnt even really finish the path either, there are still unpaved areas, but maybe thats a traditional feature here

the problem with the shade is that they dont want any so that their 100 ft high streetlights can light the path at night for the security cameras, so unfortunately the surviving trees are likely to get another severe cutback soon

Motives for chopping down the trees?

Lets say they rent out 1,000 tents, @ 20,000Bt for the week.


I can just see the meeting at City Hall planning the destruction.

Somebody says.."wont people be upset with tree chopping"?

"Nah, don't worry about it. My dad leased out a forest preserve for a garbage dump and got away with it."55555


Are we talking about the same country? Sounds to me like you are talking about the US. You people must live in an alternate universe or something...lol. Maybe it's the company that you keep or your lifestyle or your habits. Sure you can find trouble in Thailand but generally it doesn't come looking for you. Almost always self inflicted. If you hang out with scum and walk down beach rd at 2am all pissed up looking for a hot date with a katoey...well best of luck with that.

The point many are trying to make is that It is not safe to walk along the beach late at night in Pattaya or Jomtien. Walking along a beach at night IS safe in many tourists resorts around the world, but it IS NOT safe here... and walking along a beach at night is an activity many tourists like to enjoy when on vacation... and the criminal element in Pattaya is well aware of this and profits from it.... however you're giving the wrong impression and basing that on how safe you personally feel when you don't go walking along the beach at 2am. If this was a safe place, even drunks should be able to stumble along without any concerns.

(They even rob tourists here at high noon - at jet ski rentals. The police rob tourists all day long too - in the name of road safety)

Sure, if you are street smart, as you claim to be, you'll probably be ok, but that is not an indicator of how safe it is here. One of the reasons many tourists run into trouble here is because they mistakenly believe it is very safe and don't take precautions. For example, tourists who lose gold chains are wearing them because they feel it is safe to do so.

One might also wonder why gold shops have bars along their counters... and why most close early.

(Just in case you are wondering or because you may bring it up - I've been here 9 years full time and have never lost anything, but that is because I also happen to be rather street smart - but this really is beside the point)

Is this a wind up? By mentioning Beach Rd late at night I only say it because that is about the least safe place and time to be in Pattaya but by any standard it is still quite safe. There is just that one area where it's a bit dark where the pick pocket katoeys hang out. I only mention them because they have been there forever and everyone knows about them. They are easy to avoid. Just hold out your hands and say "mai ow". Don't let them get within touching distance. It's the same as those Katoeys that hang out near Nana in Bkk late at night. They have been there forever. If you are not a drunken fool with no street sense you will NEVER have a problem with them.

I've walked all the way from Soi1 to walking street and then back to Soi 1 late at night many times. Anywhere from midnight to 3am. Never had a problem. Never! You can usually spot sketchy people a mile away. Body language showing you are not some idiot drunk tourist is usually enough. If they start coming towards you hold out your hands and say "mai ow". They always back right off. Thais will not mess with people who don't put an idiot sign on their forehead. Like I said, if you are a drunken fool walking down Beach Rd at 2am looking for a hot date with a Katoey best of luck with that. You probably WILL have problems.

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Jesus, Sixpack!

Ain't you ever obsessed with fighting your so - called "Dommsayers".

They're such a good laugh. Unfortunately I can't say some of the best stuff. smile.png

You are obviously from the US of A, but if you've ever been to some European Beach resorts, be it on the Med, on the Atlantic or the Baltic, you would know how to design a propper beach resort:

First there is the beach, then a promenade, then a little stripe of greenery/park, then the hotels and THEN the road!

This ain't the Med; farangs ain't paying the prices & taxes of the Med: farangs can't have any expectation whatsoever of Pattaya being the Med: therefore the nitpicks are quite silly. Want the Med, go there and pay. Simple as that. No Med on a Chang budget.

But you haven't really made such a strong case. I don't see how the Med design addresses our devastating complaints about shade and how only old growth trees can provide that shade! OMG.

Here: palm trees, tourists suffering in the hot sun, benches only facing the sea. Easier walking, that's about it--as if many of our complainers actually do much walking. wink.png Some Med beaches are almost covered w/ umbrellas, worse than Pattaya. But NO umbrellas can be worse than umbrellas. I remember that uncomfortable rocky Med beach--gotta bring your own padding. Our delicate complainers, unlike a lil' Japanese lady, can't even bring an umbrella to the beach, let alone a light, portable stool! A Speedo is about it for 'em--hansum men, all.

The hotels are on the other side of the road.

Nah, all considered, Pattaya's fine. Many of us kinda like its chaotic nature; and I think our doomsayers do too, really. "Dogs need their fleas."


The situation an Beach Road (old or new) is such that I do not want to spend much time there... But I ain't no "Doomsayer", because for sure the Thais will find enough package tourists from China, India, Arabia and the like to do business.

And sufficient traditional Western tourists as well, despite predictions that now they'd all stay away because of the promenade. They've never come for the promenade, you see, or the swimming in the sea. There's a reason for the vast expansion of the Soi Buakhao area. Doing good business, there, too. smile.png


Deserted bars on Beach Rd. after construction of the new promenade!


"Here: palm trees, tourists suffering in the hot sun, benches only facing the sea."


Wrong again Joe. Those people are cold and are out in the sun to get warm.

That's Nice, France. Duh.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The hottest day of the year is about 24C.

Only an idiot would be out there if it was 37C,


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"Here: palm trees, tourists suffering in the hot sun, benches only facing the sea."


Wrong again Joe. Those people are cold and are out in the sun to get warm.

That's Nice, France. Duh.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The hottest day of the year is about 24C.

Only an idiot would be out there if it was 37C,


But, you see, the temp wasn't given as a factor in the post to which I responded. You've missed the point again.

Only the design was really in question, suggested as a better design that Pattaya might emulate. You're invited to imagine the same in PTY. Duh! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Nonetheless, we can find promenades w/ only palm trees in much hotter climates in the developed world.



"Nonetheless, we can find promenades w/ only palm trees in much hotter climates in the developed world."

Really Joe? You think they chop down their old hardwood trees and plant palms huh?

Maybe they do Joe. That would be stupid but maybe they do.



The deserted, useless promenade

The only person sitting in that photo had to bring his own chair. The greatest use of the walkway during the day used to be sitting and relaxing. Now that's not an option, as who is going to sit on a red hot seat in the sun?
The deserted, useless, shadeless promenade

Greatest use by some, and, as noted earlier, we all know that for most of those their purpose in sitting there wasn't just for relaxing and "watching the world go by" while motorcyclists have to sweat, and drivers waste gas--all wasting time--in the hot traffic jam. smile.png

For the majority, the greatest use has always been walking, not that they all had the purest of motives either. Still is, and the promenade was as crowded as ever, if not more so, during the past high season. Despite the whines here about "no shade," the tourists obviously found enough to be acceptable. I see lots people out there during the current low season, too.

Many seats do have shade--I'll take another pic for you someday. And yes, you are free to bring your own chair if a beloved spot is so important.

Your thread entirely ignores the main points of the earlier doomsayer predictions, so it's mostly superfluous.

You see, nobody ever, ever said the new promenade would be perfect. Everybody knew it would have its problems--just as the old one did. It's government Thai construction. So that is simply a straw man argument.

Doomsayers said it would have NO shade whatsoever. It does. It would have NO benches. But it does. ALL the old growth trees were being cut down. But there are a goodly number left. It would have NO trees. But it has plenty of growing palm trees--pretty standard on promenades (cf Ft. Lauderdale). And one doomsayer said that it would have NO room to walk, so everyone would have to walk in the street! smile.png OMG!

The main point, however, was that it would spell the DEATH of Pattaya's tourism and all the expats would flee to Cambodia etc. It was the ol' "last nail in the coffin," "goose that laid the golden eggs" that we've heard for decades. NOBODY would or could walk on it. The beachfront hotels would be deserted!

None of that nonsense has come true. Despite all the nitpicks and the offending of delicate aesthetic sensibilities, the new situation, most agree, is OVERALL better. You're just gonna have to suck it up. There's nothing we can do about it here.

Earlier I gave you address of the Banglamung Complaint Center. Been yet? Let's see some action, since this seems to be one of your main issues in life, leading to repetition after repetition of the same ol' points that've already been answered or refuted.

< we all know that for most of those their purpose in sitting there wasn't just for relaxing and "watching the world go by">

So what ( that is what Pattaya is all about ), and how do you know what the majority were there for- did you ask them all?

<while motorcyclists have to sweat, and drivers waste gas--all wasting time>

Up to me all motorised traffic would be banned on Beach Rd, and the entire road turned into a permanent walking street with tables and umbrellas all the way along for people to enjoy the cafe lifestyle.

However, as in all countries the motorist has priority over everyone else- why walk 10 feet when you can drive!

Second road could easily become two way, with the sois to Beach Rd having roundabouts at the end to allow people to access hotels on public transport.

<in the hot traffic jam>

A good fate for all those people trying to drive huge cars around Pattaya. I think they are probably compensating for small genitalia.



The deserted, useless promenade

The only person sitting in that photo had to bring his own chair. The greatest use of the walkway during the day used to be sitting and relaxing. Now that's not an option, as who is going to sit on a red hot seat in the sun?
The deserted, useless, shadeless promenade

Greatest use by some, and, as noted earlier, we all know that for most of those their purpose in sitting there wasn't just for relaxing and "watching the world go by" while motorcyclists have to sweat, and drivers waste gas--all wasting time--in the hot traffic jam. smile.png

For the majority, the greatest use has always been walking, not that they all had the purest of motives either. Still is, and the promenade was as crowded as ever, if not more so, during the past high season. Despite the whines here about "no shade," the tourists obviously found enough to be acceptable. I see lots people out there during the current low season, too.

Many seats do have shade--I'll take another pic for you someday. And yes, you are free to bring your own chair if a beloved spot is so important.

Your thread entirely ignores the main points of the earlier doomsayer predictions, so it's mostly superfluous.

You see, nobody ever, ever said the new promenade would be perfect. Everybody knew it would have its problems--just as the old one did. It's government Thai construction. So that is simply a straw man argument.

Doomsayers said it would have NO shade whatsoever. It does. It would have NO benches. But it does. ALL the old growth trees were being cut down. But there are a goodly number left. It would have NO trees. But it has plenty of growing palm trees--pretty standard on promenades (cf Ft. Lauderdale). And one doomsayer said that it would have NO room to walk, so everyone would have to walk in the street! smile.png OMG!

The main point, however, was that it would spell the DEATH of Pattaya's tourism and all the expats would flee to Cambodia etc. It was the ol' "last nail in the coffin," "goose that laid the golden eggs" that we've heard for decades. NOBODY would or could walk on it. The beachfront hotels would be deserted!

None of that nonsense has come true. Despite all the nitpicks and the offending of delicate aesthetic sensibilities, the new situation, most agree, is OVERALL better. You're just gonna have to suck it up. There's nothing we can do about it here.

Earlier I gave you address of the Banglamung Complaint Center. Been yet? Let's see some action, since this seems to be one of your main issues in life, leading to repetition after repetition of the same ol' points that've already been answered or refuted.

< we all know that for most of those their purpose in sitting there wasn't just for relaxing and "watching the world go by">

So what ( that is what Pattaya is all about ), and how do you know what the majority were there for- did you ask them all?

<while motorcyclists have to sweat, and drivers waste gas--all wasting time>

Up to me all motorised traffic would be banned on Beach Rd, and the entire road turned into a permanent walking street with tables and umbrellas all the way along for people to enjoy the cafe lifestyle.

However, as in all countries the motorist has priority over everyone else- why walk 10 feet when you can drive!

Second road could easily become two way, with the sois to Beach Rd having roundabouts at the end to allow people to access hotels on public transport.

<in the hot traffic jam>

A good fate for all those people trying to drive huge cars around Pattaya. I think they are probably compensating for small genitalia.

Sorry but that is a ridiculous statement, second road was chaos when it was two way(some of us remember that) and that was with probably around a third of the traffic that there is nowadays, and as for roundabouts.........555!!!


< we all know that for most of those their purpose in sitting there wasn't just for relaxing and "watching the world go by">

So what ( that is what Pattaya is all about ), and how do you know what the majority were there for- did you ask them all?

Simply watched 'em action, pal. Sat on the benches and watched & listened; sat across the street many a time over the years.

It merely reflects your obsession to pretend otherwise. smile.png

<while motorcyclists have to sweat, and drivers waste gas--all wasting time>

Up to me all motorised traffic would be banned on Beach Rd, and the entire road turned into a permanent walking street with tables and umbrellas all the way along for people to enjoy the cafe lifestyle.

However, as in all countries the motorist has priority over everyone else- why walk 10 feet when you can drive!

It's ah, not up to you laugh.png . Nor are Thais interested in a cafe lifestyle which the vast majority can't afford. What they need right now is a vibrant growing economy w/ jobs & income. What's the point of all this dreaming? Nothing better to do?

<in the hot traffic jam>

A good fate for all those people trying to drive huge cars around Pattaya.

Tables turned, pal. Now it's your turn to sweat and complain while we motorcyclists and drivers proceed by on our business at a reasonable speed. smile.png

And you've forgotten once again about the bikes. Wonder how that happened?


< we all know that for most of those their purpose in sitting there wasn't just for relaxing and "watching the world go by">

So what ( that is what Pattaya is all about ), and how do you know what the majority were there for- did you ask them all?

Simply watched 'em action, pal. Sat on the benches and watched & listened; sat across the street many a time over the years.

It merely reflects your obsession to pretend otherwise. smile.png

<while motorcyclists have to sweat, and drivers waste gas--all wasting time>

Up to me all motorised traffic would be banned on Beach Rd, and the entire road turned into a permanent walking street with tables and umbrellas all the way along for people to enjoy the cafe lifestyle.

However, as in all countries the motorist has priority over everyone else- why walk 10 feet when you can drive!

It's ah, not up to you laugh.png . Nor are Thais interested in a cafe lifestyle which the vast majority can't afford. What they need right now is a vibrant growing economy w/ jobs & income. What's the point of all this dreaming? Nothing better to do?

<in the hot traffic jam>

A good fate for all those people trying to drive huge cars around Pattaya.

Tables turned, pal. Now it's your turn to sweat and complain while we motorcyclists and drivers proceed by on our business at a reasonable speed. smile.png

And you've forgotten once again about the bikes. Wonder how that happened?

<Nor are Thais interested in a cafe lifestyle which the vast majority can't afford.>

Perhaps you hadn't realised it but Pattaya relies on tourists for many of the locals to make money. If tourists want a cafe life style they should be bending over backwards to make it happen. That has something to do with your <jobs & income>.

In your opinion, lets do away with walking St so the cars can drive down it without impediment.


Maybe we should humor Joe.

Of course the tourists would like to have anything out there but a highway. Restaurants, bike /running paths, gardens, fountains, music and nature.

Imagine how nice it would look if they didn't cram a highway as close to the beach as possible.

Dumb but I'm happy Joe likes it.

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"Nonetheless, we can find promenades w/ only palm trees in much hotter climates in the developed world."

Really Joe? You think they chop down their old hardwood trees and plant palms huh?

Maybe they do Joe. That would be stupid but maybe they do.

Google for yourself. No spoonfeeding, Mr. Landscape Architect. smile.png

Like I said. Only an idiot would use that model in Thailand. Unfortunately they did.

Glad you like it Joe.blink.png

Nobody cares what you said, though. And in your haste to troll, you distorted my point, which again is this: I, like most people, like the current situation (including the extra lane on Beach Rd.) w/ the new promenade better than the situation w/ the old promenade--overall. Go read through the many positive posts. And no, I'm not going to be intimidated by name-calling and emoticons to pretend otherwise. And you see everybody knows it isn't perfect and everybody had solutions before the promenade was even conceived. I did as well. So though your saying may seem revelatory to yourself, it's nothing at all new around here. Calling the Thais idiots, though, does always seem to make many members feel better. Glad it does you.

Nor has has the new promenade had any measurable negative effect on tourism--as was prophesied.

We realists told you so. biggrin.png

The deserted, useless, shadeless promenade

Greatest use by some, and, as noted earlier, we all know that for most of those their purpose in sitting there wasn't just for relaxing and "watching the world go by" while motorcyclists have to sweat, and drivers waste gas--all wasting time--in the hot traffic jam. smile.png

For the majority, the greatest use has always been walking, not that they all had the purest of motives either. Still is, and the promenade was as crowded as ever, if not more so, during the past high season. Despite the whines here about "no shade," the tourists obviously found enough to be acceptable. I see lots people out there during the current low season, too.

Many seats do have shade--I'll take another pic for you someday. And yes, you are free to bring your own chair if a beloved spot is so important.

Your thread entirely ignores the main points of the earlier doomsayer predictions, so it's mostly superfluous.

You see, nobody ever, ever said the new promenade would be perfect. Everybody knew it would have its problems--just as the old one did. It's government Thai construction. So that is simply a straw man argument.

Doomsayers said it would have NO shade whatsoever. It does. It would have NO benches. But it does. ALL the old growth trees were being cut down. But there are a goodly number left. It would have NO trees. But it has plenty of growing palm trees--pretty standard on promenades (cf Ft. Lauderdale). And one doomsayer said that it would have NO room to walk, so everyone would have to walk in the street! smile.png OMG!

The main point, however, was that it would spell the DEATH of Pattaya's tourism and all the expats would flee to Cambodia etc. It was the ol' "last nail in the coffin," "goose that laid the golden eggs" that we've heard for decades. NOBODY would or could walk on it. The beachfront hotels would be deserted!

None of that nonsense has come true. Despite all the nitpicks and the offending of delicate aesthetic sensibilities, the new situation, most agree, is OVERALL better. You're just gonna have to suck it up. There's nothing we can do about it here.

Earlier I gave you address of the Banglamung Complaint Center. Been yet? Let's see some action, since this seems to be one of your main issues in life, leading to repetition after repetition of the same ol' points that've already been answered or refuted.

< we all know that for most of those their purpose in sitting there wasn't just for relaxing and "watching the world go by">

So what ( that is what Pattaya is all about ), and how do you know what the majority were there for- did you ask them all?

<while motorcyclists have to sweat, and drivers waste gas--all wasting time>

Up to me all motorised traffic would be banned on Beach Rd, and the entire road turned into a permanent walking street with tables and umbrellas all the way along for people to enjoy the cafe lifestyle.

However, as in all countries the motorist has priority over everyone else- why walk 10 feet when you can drive!

Second road could easily become two way, with the sois to Beach Rd having roundabouts at the end to allow people to access hotels on public transport.

<in the hot traffic jam>

A good fate for all those people trying to drive huge cars around Pattaya. I think they are probably compensating for small genitalia.

Sorry but that is a ridiculous statement, second road was chaos when it was two way(some of us remember that) and that was with probably around a third of the traffic that there is nowadays, and as for roundabouts.........555!!!

No more difficult than the traffic on Central Rd, but they'd have to ban parking along it.

Having to walk all the way either from Beach or Second just to get a ride in the direction you want is insane.

Anyway, up to me, I'd ban all private cars on Beach and Second in a heartbeat- that'd ease up on the traffic plus provide more income for all those baht buses.

Only private car drivers would complain, and I couldn't care less about their opinion.

Reply deleted to allow posting.


If tourists want a cafe life style they should be bending over backwards to make it happen. That has something to do with your <jobs & income>.

Again, most of the tourists don't either--including the huge number of Thai tourists coming in every weekend now and on holidays. The cafe need is met otherwise. smile.png

In your opinion, lets do away with walking St so the cars can drive down it without impediment.

Don't like the good ol' days before it was closed to traffic? That was a great time. But I accept the change w/ the changing demographics, no problem. :)

Yet I don't think Walking Street now represents the cafe society. wink.png Bizarre example, to say the least.


Are we talking about the same country? Sounds to me like you are talking about the US. You people must live in an alternate universe or something...lol. Maybe it's the company that you keep or your lifestyle or your habits. Sure you can find trouble in Thailand but generally it doesn't come looking for you. Almost always self inflicted. If you hang out with scum and walk down beach rd at 2am all pissed up looking for a hot date with a katoey...well best of luck with that.

The point many are trying to make is that It is not safe to walk along the beach late at night in Pattaya or Jomtien. Walking along a beach at night IS safe in many tourists resorts around the world, but it IS NOT safe here... and walking along a beach at night is an activity many tourists like to enjoy when on vacation... and the criminal element in Pattaya is well aware of this and profits from it.... however you're giving the wrong impression and basing that on how safe you personally feel when you don't go walking along the beach at 2am. If this was a safe place, even drunks should be able to stumble along without any concerns.

(They even rob tourists here at high noon - at jet ski rentals. The police rob tourists all day long too - in the name of road safety)

Sure, if you are street smart, as you claim to be, you'll probably be ok, but that is not an indicator of how safe it is here. One of the reasons many tourists run into trouble here is because they mistakenly believe it is very safe and don't take precautions. For example, tourists who lose gold chains are wearing them because they feel it is safe to do so.

One might also wonder why gold shops have bars along their counters... and why most close early.

(Just in case you are wondering or because you may bring it up - I've been here 9 years full time and have never lost anything, but that is because I also happen to be rather street smart - but this really is beside the point)

Is this a wind up? By mentioning Beach Rd late at night I only say it because that is about the least safe place and time to be in Pattaya but by any standard it is still quite safe. There is just that one area where it's a bit dark where the pick pocket katoeys hang out. I only mention them because they have been there forever and everyone knows about them. They are easy to avoid. Just hold out your hands and say "mai ow". Don't let them get within touching distance. It's the same as those Katoeys that hang out near Nana in Bkk late at night. They have been there forever. If you are not a drunken fool with no street sense you will NEVER have a problem with them.

I've walked all the way from Soi1 to walking street and then back to Soi 1 late at night many times. Anywhere from midnight to 3am. Never had a problem. Never! You can usually spot sketchy people a mile away. Body language showing you are not some idiot drunk tourist is usually enough. If they start coming towards you hold out your hands and say "mai ow". They always back right off. Thais will not mess with people who don't put an idiot sign on their forehead. Like I said, if you are a drunken fool walking down Beach Rd at 2am looking for a hot date with a Katoey best of luck with that. You probably WILL have problems.

LOL. You missed my reply the first time around. I thought you'd given up....... Am I winding you up? Of course I am. What did you expect after your attempt to wind me up several pages back....xbiggrin.png.pagespeed.ic.XhpYJIv77v.png

But you're still missing the point.... I thought I made it very clear, but you didn't understand....

As you should know, most of the people who have trouble here are tourists who probably have not read Pattaya 101 or (Thaivisa's Pattaya forum) and haven't lived here off and on for 9 years, as you have. This is a tourist resort mostly populated by tourists, so it's hardly surprising that "idiot tourists" are the main targets. The safety of this place should be measured by how safe it is for normal tourists just off the bus, not street wise locals who know the ropes, as you obviously do.

BTW, what is the difference between an "idiot drunk tourists" and a "drunk tourists"?

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"Here: palm trees, tourists suffering in the hot sun, benches only facing the sea."


Wrong again Joe. Those people are cold and are out in the sun to get warm.

That's Nice, France. Duh.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The hottest day of the year is about 24C.

Only an idiot would be out there if it was 37C,


They had a record high today in Nice then, at 26C, on a partly cloudy day. Pattaya was 30C. Not that much difference really.

Just remember that these are in-the-shade temperatures. If you were standing in the sunshine on a 26C day, it would definitely be way over 30C,

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pickpockets & ladyboys aside - it's still safer to walk along the beach rd path,

than it is to try to cross the road at the pedestrian lights

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Anyway, up to me, I'd ban all private cars on Beach and Second in a heartbeat- that'd ease up on the traffic plus provide more income for all those baht buses.

Only private car drivers would complain, and I couldn't care less about their opinion.

What a ridiculous plan that if you are serious, only takes people who rely on public transportation into account. The people in cars are the ones who are checking into the Holiday Inn, going to restaurants and bars, and spending money. Ever try and park at Central Festival? Its packed all the time. That is what keeps the place up and running and that is what drives the economy, not taking a baht bus to the beach for 10 baht so you can sit under an old tree.

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"Here: palm trees, tourists suffering in the hot sun, benches only facing the sea."


Wrong again Joe. Those people are cold and are out in the sun to get warm.

That's Nice, France. Duh.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The hottest day of the year is about 24C.

Only an idiot would be out there if it was 37C,


Uhhh, those palm trees cannot survive on cold climates. Care to revise your statement?


Are we talking about the same country? Sounds to me like you are talking about the US. You people must live in an alternate universe or something...lol. Maybe it's the company that you keep or your lifestyle or your habits. Sure you can find trouble in Thailand but generally it doesn't come looking for you. Almost always self inflicted. If you hang out with scum and walk down beach rd at 2am all pissed up looking for a hot date with a katoey...well best of luck with that.

The point many are trying to make is that It is not safe to walk along the beach late at night in Pattaya or Jomtien. Walking along a beach at night IS safe in many tourists resorts around the world, but it IS NOT safe here... and walking along a beach at night is an activity many tourists like to enjoy when on vacation... and the criminal element in Pattaya is well aware of this and profits from it.... however you're giving the wrong impression and basing that on how safe you personally feel when you don't go walking along the beach at 2am. If this was a safe place, even drunks should be able to stumble along without any concerns.

(They even rob tourists here at high noon - at jet ski rentals. The police rob tourists all day long too - in the name of road safety)

Sure, if you are street smart, as you claim to be, you'll probably be ok, but that is not an indicator of how safe it is here. One of the reasons many tourists run into trouble here is because they mistakenly believe it is very safe and don't take precautions. For example, tourists who lose gold chains are wearing them because they feel it is safe to do so.

One might also wonder why gold shops have bars along their counters... and why most close early.

(Just in case you are wondering or because you may bring it up - I've been here 9 years full time and have never lost anything, but that is because I also happen to be rather street smart - but this really is beside the point)

Is this a wind up? By mentioning Beach Rd late at night I only say it because that is about the least safe place and time to be in Pattaya but by any standard it is still quite safe. There is just that one area where it's a bit dark where the pick pocket katoeys hang out. I only mention them because they have been there forever and everyone knows about them. They are easy to avoid. Just hold out your hands and say "mai ow". Don't let them get within touching distance. It's the same as those Katoeys that hang out near Nana in Bkk late at night. They have been there forever. If you are not a drunken fool with no street sense you will NEVER have a problem with them.

I've walked all the way from Soi1 to walking street and then back to Soi 1 late at night many times. Anywhere from midnight to 3am. Never had a problem. Never! You can usually spot sketchy people a mile away. Body language showing you are not some idiot drunk tourist is usually enough. If they start coming towards you hold out your hands and say "mai ow". They always back right off. Thais will not mess with people who don't put an idiot sign on their forehead. Like I said, if you are a drunken fool walking down Beach Rd at 2am looking for a hot date with a Katoey best of luck with that. You probably WILL have problems.

LOL. You missed my reply the first time around. I thought you'd given up....... Am I winding you up? Of course I am. What did you expect after your attempt to wind me up several pages back....xbiggrin.png.pagespeed.ic.XhpYJIv77v.png

But you're still missing the point.... I thought I made it very clear, but you didn't understand....

As you should know, most of the people who have trouble here are tourists who probably have not read Pattaya 101 or (Thaivisa's Pattaya forum) and haven't lived here off and on for 9 years, as you have. This is a tourist resort mostly populated by tourists, so it's hardly surprising that "idiot tourists" are the main targets. The safety of this place should be measured by how safe it is for normal tourists just off the bus, not street wise locals who know the ropes, as you obviously do.

BTW, what is the difference between an "idiot drunk tourists" and a "drunk tourists"?

Some people just can't handle alcohol and are a liability back home. In Thailand it can be downright dangerous. Drunk tourist I guess depends on how drunk whether you are in idiot drunk. If you are barely able to walk and decide to take a stroll down beach rd at 2am well..there ya go. Those are probably the people saying "I got my pockets picked just taking a stroll...unprovoked minding my own business.....Thailand is scary scary booga booga.

I've heard so many stories of guys saying Pattaya this Pattaya that....Got drugged, got beat up by a bunch of thai guys as I was just minding my own business, she stole my laptop, broke into my safe and took all my money. Unprovoked. Thailand dangerous blah blah. When I manage to hear the other side of the story 90% of the time turns out the guy brought it upon himself. There are always 2 sides of the story and in Thailand the stories/rumors are often one sided.


There are always 2 sides of the story and in Thailand the stories/rumors are often one sided.

Do you reckon the gold jewelry snatching is stories/rumours?

They are a regular occurrence, and the victims are usually sober and walking or riding around supposedly safe places, which according to you is everywhere.

I know, it's a "pick-neck" rather than "pickpocket", so you can get off on a technicality.biggrin.png


"Here: palm trees, tourists suffering in the hot sun, benches only facing the sea."


Wrong again Joe. Those people are cold and are out in the sun to get warm.

That's Nice, France. Duh.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The hottest day of the year is about 24C.

Only an idiot would be out there if it was 37C,


They had a record high today in Nice then, at 26C, on a partly cloudy day. Pattaya was 30C. Not that much difference really.

Just remember that these are in-the-shade temperatures. If you were standing in the sunshine on a 26C day, it would definitely be way over 30C,

Well you proved me wrong. Pattaya and Nice, France have the same climate.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Now we know.blink.png

Good thing City Hall chopped down all those shade trees in Pattaya cause it's damn chilly out there.

Landscaper designers in Thailand should keep that in mind when planning public spaces.

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