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Caught her out with an IP trace


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I just tried an email trace on a message that my husband sent me. It geolocated to California. That's very interesting considering he sent it while working overseas - and yes, I know for a fact that he is overseas and NOT in California.

Conclusion: Don't trust the geolocation on an email. alt=rolleyes.gif>

What you are likely seeing will be your husband's email SMTP server IP address, the address that he will have setup in his email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc). Sometimes they work overseas, sometimes they don't.

One of the reasons I have all my emails sent via smtp2go (this is not a plug for them!) which is a third party SMTP service. Would like to see someone tracing that.

We use yahoo mail through the browser. I have no idea if that makes a difference. I just tried it to see if it would get anywhere near him. I guess my point is, that an email IP address is probably not exactly where the person writing the email is sitting. It's usually the IP of the server that the email service generates from. So, if the OP has somehow figured out how to get the street address of an end user off an email, I'd love to know how.

And thanks for the advice about the third party service. I'll check that out.

OK, not sure how the free online emails (yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc) work, but would hazard a guess. With Yahoo anyway, these are generally internationally different with the endings on the email address like .com (America), .co.uk, .co.th, .co.jp., etc, etc. I would guess that when you send a mail from a Yahoo account, it would go back to its original SMTP server? Don't know, may be wrong.

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To find the IP address of a mail sender one needs to find the correct header. This is usually called "Recieved From" or "X-Recieved From". Gmail deliberately obfuscates this address. Yahoo replaces this address with their own server address and so does Outlook/Hotmail.

It used to be very easy to find an email's originating address.

Edited by 96tehtarp
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I never understand the desire of western men for respectable women.

They aren't much fun, but naughty girls are!

What does it matter to you, what she does when you aren't using her services?

I never understand why some men constantly seek out empty, meaningless sexual encounters without entering into anything remotely resembling a normal adult relationship with someone they see as their equal.

But each to their own, I guess.

What a boring life you must have lived.

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To find the IP address of a mail sender one needs to find the correct header. This is usually called "Recieved From" or "X-Recieved From". Gmail deliberately obfuscates this address. Yahoo replaces this address with their own server address and so does Outlook/Hotmail.

It used to be very easy to find an email's originating address.

I had a feeling that was probably the case. Otherwise, stalkers the world over would just need one email from you to figure out where you're at.

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I never understand the desire of western men for respectable women.

They aren't much fun, but naughty girls are!

What does it matter to you, what she does when you aren't using her services?

I never understand why some men constantly seek out empty, meaningless sexual encounters without entering into anything remotely resembling a normal adult relationship with someone they see as their equal.

But each to their own, I guess.

What a boring life you must have lived.

It could be ofcourse that after his exciting previous life, he realised that this is what he really was looking for.

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I never understand the desire of western men for respectable women.

They aren't much fun, but naughty girls are!

What does it matter to you, what she does when you aren't using her services?

I never understand why some men constantly seek out empty, meaningless sexual encounters without entering into anything remotely resembling a normal adult relationship with someone they see as their equal.

But each to their own, I guess.

What a boring life you must have lived.

Why, because I've never paid a farm girl to pretend to enjoy my company?

Get a grip.

Nothing wrong with this...as long as boy knows the situation. She is a call girl not girlfriend.

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Well done the OP, he followed his own instincts and it paid off and to elaborate:

The OP says that his so-called girlfriend is computer illiterate. But considering that since he met her she has been lying, than how is it possible to blieve anything she says.

If you want to follow your Thai wife or girlfriend’s activities it is extremely easy to be your own detective and most of it can be done at home on the computer from the comfort of your own armchair.

I guarantee that she will have either a facebook account, twitter, my space, Google plus, Utube or have profiles on other social networking sites or on multiple networking websites perhaps even ads on dating sites.

What you need:

Her email addresses

IP address
Mobile phone numbers
Any nicknames she uses
Actual Name

Residential address.

First try typing in either her real name, nickname, phone numbers or emailing addresses into facebook in order to find her facebook account.

Next type any of the information you already have about her into various search engines, especially Google and see if she is mentioned in any of the lists that appear. Also do a Google image search. I bet my bottom dollar that this will yield in results. You will be amazed what amazing results this will have just by only typing in an email address or mobile phone number. Also do a search in Skype, MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, Windows Live and on dating sites such as Date In Asia, POF, Thai Kisses and others that Thai girls most commonly use.

There are various free people, social networking search engines and image comparison searches also available online. If you discover photos of her online, download the photos onto your hard drive and do a Google and TinEye image search to see where else she has uploaded her photos she may be using on her profiles.

At one time a close friend asked me to conduct an online search for his Thai girlfriend and within only 5 minutes I knew more about this person than my friend had known since the 2 years he was dating her. It transpired that this girl had a string of farangs on the go, including a couple of Arabs. It was all there in plain view on the social networking sites called, HI5.com, Tagged.com and Badoo that are popular with Thai women.

Also worth noting, for those who know how to do this like the OP, do an email header search to obtain where the emails originate from, which will give details of the ISP and area. Where the girlfriend is claiming to be living and working can be checked out on Google Street View.

One major point in all this, is that the online searches must be discrete and the person unaware that these searches are taking place. Otherwise if they get even a hint that their activities are under scrutiny, they will quickly make their profiles private or change their user names and other details so that it becomes extremely difficult to track them online.

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My IP address says I'm in Bangkok, I'm in Loei, hundreds of Kms from Bkk.

Yes that is a fact. I am in Chiang Mai but often my IP address says I am in Bangkok that is the source of my ISP Internet, which means the IP address method cannot be regarded as accurate and best to also use the other trace methods I have mentioned in my previous post.

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Buy her an iPhone and use the find my iPhone app, if she's connected to wifi or 3G or even edge, then you can pinpoint her......accurately.

All you need is her Apple ID and her Password, you can remotely erase all data, send her a message or lock it.

Though all she has to do is keep the iPhone at home and use call forwarding mode to another phone, she can be anywhere and you'll never know the difference. :)

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I never understand the desire of western men for respectable women.

They aren't much fun, but naughty girls are!

What does it matter to you, what she does when you aren't using her services?

I never understand why some men constantly seek out empty, meaningless sexual encounters without entering into anything remotely resembling a normal adult relationship with someone they see as their equal.

But each to their own, I guess.

What a boring life you must have lived.

Why, because I've never paid a farm girl to pretend to enjoy my company?

Get a grip.

Have you never had a one-night stand you half-wit?

Have you never done the walk of shame?

Never had the dubious joy of the trying to chew off your arm in the morning cos last nights eight pinter looks like Jingthing in a wig?

Give it a rest with your high moral ground bile - one of the joys of my life -

And I bet you this applies to most guys on this forum.

Has been empty, meaningless sexual encounters.


Although when you do encounter a Jingthing in a wig you do wonder if it was worth it.


ThaiVisa members are different.

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She has no respect for you. When a woman has no respect, the man may as well be a door stop.

Only a chump would give her a second chance.

You did the right thing.

It's got sweet FA to do with her respecting him.

He's a guy so he's got the luxury of time; she's mid-30s so she hasn't.

Plenty of guys hedge their bets too.

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OP - in no way is this to ridicule you - how much have you sent her over the years?

5000 Baht this year for her mother's birthday.

After all, the shop was supposedly doing well enough.

Last year I gave her 27000 that was to help out with the shop - allegedly.

But we were together at that time, though not in Issan. Her sister was supposed to be in charge of the shop at that time. Though I do wonder whose shop it actually is.

Not a fortune really, is it. I don't like to give lots of money away ;)

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OP - in no way is this to ridicule you - how much have you sent her over the years?

5000 Baht this year for her mother's birthday.

After all, the shop was supposedly doing well enough.

Last year I gave her 27000 that was to help out with the shop - allegedly.

But we were together at that time, though not in Issan. Her sister was supposed to be in charge of the shop at that time. Though I do wonder whose shop it actually is.

Not a fortune really, is it. I don't like to give lots of money away ;)

And how many other broads have you nailed in the time in question?

Have you checked your penis. Very important, you don't want to pass anything along.

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hahahahahaha! another one!

will this non-sense ever end!

ps.. I hope not. I LOVE THAILAND just the way it is.......................lol.

2nd ps... a lot of girls say they own shop. Big red flag! A lot actually do but more are actually pattaya style girls.

I have been in that shop many a time while she has been working and the only one there working. Not everything is always that cut and dried.

I have known Thai women who run their own shops from salons to clothes shops. Not always a big red flag at all.

And why another one. After all I am not fool enough to send her money month in, month out. Some of us have more sense than that. Also you have to have some trust until you prove them to be untrustworthy ;)

Edited by WhamBam
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OP, I do understand your anger and frustration.

Just for a moment, forget she is in Pattaya and what she is doing.

You seem you liked her very much.

She liked you also, and that is the reason she did not reveal to you her real trade.

But, I believe you should give her a chance.

May be she will be the best wife and carring mother for your children.

Thousands of farangs got married to bar girls and they had a wonderful life after.

Please don't ignore her, give her another chance.

I do understand what you are saying and can agree with some of the sentiments behind it, but once lied to and deceived, I am not willing to place trust in her.

I do know and have known some honest, pleasant bar girls through the years but for me once they begin the lies month after month that has to be a no-no. The odd lie or white lie we can expect in life and that is acceptable, even I tell the odd lie now and again as do many of us.

Shame really because I did like her a lot and her family. I also like the idea that I was not being pestered for money, land, houses and more like some.

Such is life though. Plenty more fish in the sea.

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I never understand the desire of western men for respectable women.

They aren't much fun, but naughty girls are!

What does it matter to you, what she does when you aren't using her services?

If I knew what she was (or has become) from the off that would be a different matter. The fact they are bar girls means they are going to be with their clientele.

I am not averse to bar girls if I know that is what they are and they can be good fun, I agree with that. I've had many a laugh and good time with some and yes, I have used their services though not for longer than the odd night.

It is not so much that she is now working in a bar - she obviously was not working in one while we were together. If that is what she chooses to do, I am fine with that. But I am not happy to be lied to and deceived over a long period by her or anyone else Thai or not. I would no longer trust anyone who can lie and deceive over a long period.

Part of the topic is also about how to catch them out. I am happy the idea of the e-mail trace came to me. It is one of those simple tricks I'd long forgotten. Maybe someone else will use the knowledge and possibly save themselves some heartache :)

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Methinks the appropriate thing to do now is get down to the clinic and get tested before passing on the "joy" back home.

Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you.

I am clean :)

And thanks for the sentiment.

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Too many questions come to mind but I must ask one question.... Did you meet her in a bar or massage shop ?

Met her in a club while she was out with friends celebrating her 34th birthday.

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Don't listen to her love crap.... do the right thing and forget her!
I wonder if she is doing the same to others?

No way I'll listen to her love crap and believe it :)

Where would this story have ended without "whois".?

Move on, or give her another chance. If you do give her a second chance keep in mind you will never trust her again, if that' is important to you.

Without 'whois'? I have no idea. But I am glad the option is available :)

Time to move on. Life is too short for lies and aggro and never knowing when you are being told the truth or not. Trust does matter. Not absolute trust and truth but honesty does work better.

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Have to ask, "A wonderful kisser", how did she become so good at kissing as Thais generally dont go for kissing as westerners do. Thats something she has learned from ferangs, that would send me to asking probing questions immediately.

Learn from it, move on, best of luck as it aint easy.

I've been told by several Badgers that Costas is a wonderful kisser. Is this normal for a Greek Milker, or should we suspect he is up to no good?

Have those badgers been kissing the Blarney Stone? Sounds like it :P

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What I am not understanding is that you were together for "2 1/2 years before you had to go home". Im assuming you were living together? Were you living in Pattaya at the time with her? or was she at her "shop" in Issan and you would see her now and then?

If you were not living together and she was in Issan and you Pattaya, you need to understand that there is no committment to her, especially after 2 1/2 years.

These girls meet farang guys all the time who promise them the moon and then after holiday, the guy is gone.

She should have been upfront with you, agreed. But there are two sides to each coin.

We were together most of the time, no way she could have worked in a bar during that time. Though she does have cousins I have met who work in Pattaya and BKK. Some in bars, some not.

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not too sure how you traced an email to an IP?

IP trace on an email would trace the IP the mailbox on the server is located not her location surely?

How dare you interrupt a good detective story with fact. alt=laugh.png>

What ISP is this. I'm curious how you narrowed her location to a specific place.

My ISP which is 3BB doesn't show anything about the city you're in, everyone shows up as being in Bangkok if you have the dynamic IP like I do.

When you connect to 3BB you just get assigned to one of their seemingly nationwide dynamic IP pools and there's nothing in the traceroute which even remotely identifies the geographic location - they're all set as 'Bangkok'.

I'm in Hua Hin but there's no way to tell this.

I looked at the header of the e-mail first and the traced the IP addresses in the header - there are programmes out there that will do this. I used iptracker. This is what gave me the originating city as Rayong in the first instance. But I had not done this sort of thing for a long time and I was not sure if the e-mail could have been sent from elsewhere and via Rayong. Yet my suspicions were aroused even more.

Originating IP address xxx

Originating hostname xxx

Originating Organization xxx

Originating Country - Thailand

Originating City - Rayong

WHOIS gave me the registrant street, city and province, admin e-mail address and other e-mail addresses too. (Though not conclusive evidence of actually being located in Pattaya, the trail was pointing that way).

The e-mails themselves also had the name of the sender (this turned out to be a shop on Beach Road, Pattaya according to the internet search I made). It is quite a well listed shop and they also have other business in Pattaya too going by the list available. But no business I could see in BKK for example or elsewhere.

All in all, it was a combination of methods and not just one method.

Though not 100% certain of my information, I was sure enough to phone her and tell her I knew where she was. And she was (is) in Pattaya. And she admitted she is in Pattaya.

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