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Ever noticed how things are completely reversed here?

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The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

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The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

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The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

Requote myself "anything packaged and or processed will be terribly more expensive here". I don't really get your point anyway. Maybe somebody can educate me, Nikon camera equipment is made here, yet it costs less after it gets shipped across the ocean to the US. Any takers on that one. Things just cost more here for no apparent reason (ie, because some Thai dude somewhere says so) is what I am going with at this point. They also make non imported deserts here, and if they are even halfway decent, they are way overpriced. If you think things have to be imported to be more expensive here, you are dreaming.

Edited by isawasnake
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The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

Requote myself "anything packaged and or processed will be terribly more expensive here". I don't really get your point anyway. Maybe somebody can educate me, Nikon camera equipment is made here, yet it costs less after it gets shipped across the ocean to the US. Any takers on that one. Things just cost more here for no apparent reason (ie, because some Thai dude somewhere says so) is what I am going with at this point. If you think things have to be imported to be more expensive here, you are dreaming.

as anywhere, things will cost what the market will bear

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In Western countries we get the impression that in Buddhist and Hindu countries the people are beyond all the materialism, petty vanities and all the superficial aspects of physical existence that are so much part of life in Farangistan. It is not possible to be more wrong.

I never had that impression

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The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

Requote myself "anything packaged and or processed will be terribly more expensive here". I don't really get your point anyway. Maybe somebody can educate me, Nikon camera equipment is made here, yet it costs less after it gets shipped across the ocean to the US. Any takers on that one. Things just cost more here for no apparent reason (ie, because some Thai dude somewhere says so) is what I am going with at this point. They also make non imported deserts here, and if they are even halfway decent, they are way overpriced. If you think things have to be imported to be more expensive here, you are dreaming.

They make deserts here? I'll have a large Sahara then!

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In Western countries we get the impression that in Buddhist and Hindu countries the people are beyond all the materialism, petty vanities and all the superficial aspects of physical existence that are so much part of life in Farangistan. It is not possible to be more wrong.

I never had that impression

Real Buddhists are!

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In Western countries we get the impression that in Buddhist and Hindu countries the people are beyond all the materialism, petty vanities and all the superficial aspects of physical existence that are so much part of life in Farangistan. It is not possible to be more wrong.

I never had that impression

Real Buddhists are!

define a real buddhist

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In Western countries we get the impression that in Buddhist and Hindu countries the people are beyond all the materialism, petty vanities and all the superficial aspects of physical existence that are so much part of life in Farangistan. It is not possible to be more wrong.

I never had that impression

Real Buddhists are!

Someone who does not form attachments, does not assume or judge and accepts things for what they are.

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In Western countries we get the impression that in Buddhist and Hindu countries the people are beyond all the materialism, petty vanities and all the superficial aspects of physical existence that are so much part of life in Farangistan. It is not possible to be more wrong.

I never had that impression

Real Buddhists are!

Someone who does not form attachments, does not assume or judge and accepts things for what they are.

that is an arahant and I doubt youve met one in your life.

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I have always called LOS the land of contradiction as the people (in some ways) could not be more opposite to Buddha's teachings if they tried!!

thats ridiculous. thais are no different than the people of western countries who ignore the teachings of jesus.

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I have always called LOS the land of contradiction as the people (in some ways) could not be more opposite to Buddha's teachings if they tried!!

thats ridiculous. thais are no different than the people of western countries who ignore the teachings of jesus.

If you are spoiling for an argument, you'll not find one here.

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You buy that loose tobacco through choice? it's practically unsmokeable.

I took some home to the UK and couldn't give it away. Bear in mind 50g of tobacco in the UK is approximately 850 baht and I still had no takers.

On the plus side, you can have it for only 2 baht per bag if you like. It's only 3 years old now.

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About the sports thing, i see quite a few foreigners older who don't do a thing and quite a few of my Thai neighbors exercise in the park in front of my house. I also know that there are quite a few gyms and packed with Thais.

I would say in general Thais sport less but there are quite a few that exercise quite a lot.

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The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

Requote myself "anything packaged and or processed will be terribly more expensive here". I don't really get your point anyway. Maybe somebody can educate me, Nikon camera equipment is made here, yet it costs less after it gets shipped across the ocean to the US. Any takers on that one. Things just cost more here for no apparent reason (ie, because some Thai dude somewhere says so) is what I am going with at this point. They also make non imported deserts here, and if they are even halfway decent, they are way overpriced. If you think things have to be imported to be more expensive here, you are dreaming.

"Any takers on that one."

Sure I'll give it a shot. Have you heard the term "Economies of scale"? one might be able to sell a product for a lot less if one would sell a lot of them, but in a market where one will only sell a few, one has to sell them for more to cover the overhead and make a profit,

Does that make sense to you?

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We want to be black, they want to be white. We are stressed, they are not.

Bingo, exactly flipped around. All the examples I could think of while typing this were economic or the like, but I've seen it too many times in other areas as well.

Like the yin and yang, or hodge and podge.

And I I heard Durians in a market in Chinatown in LA were going for $30 a piece. That's 20 times the price of what they were at a market in S Thailand, and 5 times the price in Laos, for undoubtedly lower quality Durian.

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