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UKIP MEP calls thai constituent 'ting tong'


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A Ukip politician has publicly apologised after calling a Thai constituent a "ting tong".

Janice Atkinson, an MEP who represents the south east, was recorded making the comments by the BBC after meeting Fa Munday, a mobile food seller in Ramsgate, Kent and her husband Vincent.

Mr Munday, a Ukip supporter, said the couple had been left shocked by the "outrageous" comments.

He told BBC South East Today: "It's a bit outrageous, her comments have come as a bit of a shock."

Mrs Munday said: "I'm from Thailand. I'm married to an Englishman and now I'm British.

"No-one has ever spoken about me like that before."

Ms Atkinson's comments were captured by the BBC team while she spoke to local people and Ukip members in Ramsgate.

She said: "..so that was good. We've got Fa who's, I dunno, she's a ting tong from somewhere."

Ms Atkinson insisted the comments were naive rather than malicious and said she was "incredibly sorry" for offending the couple.

In a statement, she said: "I deeply regret the words I used and am incredibly sorry. It was poor judgment and naivety on my part rather than words spoken with any malice. I am devastated that I have caused hurt and apologise profusely to both Mr and Mrs Munday."

A Ukip spokesman said the party did not condone the comments.

He said: "Janice has apologised for the words she used. Ukip in no way condones the use of language that may reflect prejudice or cause offence and we sincerely hope this matter can be resolved privately."


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From the BBC reporting on this non-story, it's the farang husband who is more upset.

Vincent Munday said it was outrageous, rude and offensive and he and his wife would withdraw their UKIP membership. Ms Atkinson has issued an apology.

I wonder how many times the wife has used the word FARANG in the uk.

someone should have told the farang husband and wife the saying [british]


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From the BBC reporting on this non-story, it's the farang husband who is more upset.

Vincent Munday said it was outrageous, rude and offensive and he and his wife would withdraw their UKIP membership. Ms Atkinson has issued an apology.

I wonder how many times the wife has used the word FARANG in the uk.

someone should have told the farang husband and wife the saying [british]


A friend told me....3 strikes and the thai goes out.

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Mrs Munday said: "I'm from Thailand. I'm married to an Englishman and now I'm British. //

Now I wonder if.......

Mr iancnx said "Im from UK, I'm married to a Thai Lady and now I am Thai"

................... huh, fat chance!

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Seems to me the words were thown out the as a general slur against all Asians - without the direct meaning of the words ting tong.....

Probably not a gaffe but a prejudicial and racist belief by the speaker......

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Stupid wench of an MP candidate.

If UKIP just focussed on policies they would do OK. But this stupid racist rhetoric kills them

I don't think it's just UKIP that are guilty of it, but the press love reporting any gaffe that they make.

Let's have a few examples

UKIP "Bongo Bongo Land" widely reported, my old MP for Plymouth Sutton Alan Clarke (Con) years before the same commment


The list further includes

Anne Winterton (Con)

Ian Laverton (Lab)

Jack Dromey (Lab)

Diane Abbott (Lab)

Aiden Burley (Con)

These are just a few, but it show's its not just the isolationist parties that make idiotic comments or undertake idiotic actions. The Lib Dems, also are up to their neck in accusations at present as well


and not to forget The Duke of Edinburgh , here's a few of his best ones


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Parties which spout isolationist policy tend to attract a certain type of voter and representative, with shall we say, unreformed views.

Wow, that's very brave of you, speaking about Thailand in that way dry.png

BTW 'unreformed'? Is that junta-speak?

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why the commotion he gets called a derogatory name of Falang when he is in Thailand. Vote UKIP and free Britain.

When you're an MEP trying to persuade people to vote for you it doesn't go down very well if you insult them does it?

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UK Pc nonsense has reached point of absurdety One of reasons i left UK 30+ years ago was all this nonsense

I have to agree with you. It is completely absurd to call someone who you're trying to persuade to vote for you a loon cheesy.gif

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why the commotion he gets called a derogatory name of Falang when he is in Thailand. Vote UKIP and free Britain.

Recently there was another UKIP party member who described African and some Asian countries as Bongo, Bongo land.

Whether some may consider these terms as derogatory or not is irrelevant. The whole issue in my opinion is that this a display of total non-professionalism, behaviours not befitting of an MP or MEP of people that could possibly be high ranking ministers or prime ministers of Britain in the future.

How can the British public or anyone else ever give these people credibility, especially taking into account that of good international relations with other countries and that MPs have to be viewed by the world as the front line persons of Britain and have to set an image.

I am all in favour the UKIP and it`s policies, but it will never progress unless these cretins are removed and distanced from the party.

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most people think like that UKIP woman anyway except

the people who flaunt their anti racist credentials because it makes them feel superior(lots on TV)

the brainwashed self hating liberals who buy into all that multicultural stuff

sociology students

fully paid up members of Unite against Fascism

bored housewives

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Mrs Munday said: "I'm from Thailand. I'm married to an Englishman and now I'm British. //

Now I wonder if.......

Mr iancnx said "Im from UK, I'm married to a Thai Lady and now I am Thai"

................... huh, fat chance!

she is a british citizen . he is not a thai citizen

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