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Bang-Tao Beirut: The Aftermath in Pics

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Pics taken one hour ago.

Door to.... Nowhere post-179390-0-76661800-1408437355_thumb.

27 people asked bad or good; 25 bad, 2 good ( The truck drivers )post-179390-0-39345500-1408437271_thumb.

Thumbs Up or Down? DOWN !! post-179390-0-14302900-1408436822_thumb.

Bang-Tao Beirut post-179390-0-95036100-1408436664_thumb.

Menus in the Sand post-179390-0-33824900-1408436813_thumb.

The ( Business ) Killing Fields post-179390-0-02702800-1408436820_thumb.


Don't Worry, The Sea will Clean it Up !!


Bar....None post-179390-0-66890500-1408436808_thumb.

And Now For Something Completely Different.... post-179390-0-60783900-1408436815_thumb.

1 Kilometer North, No Problem for the Elite.... post-179390-0-97366300-1408436817_thumb.

....And Religious Icons Enjoy Immunity, Too ! post-179390-0-13099800-1408437188_thumb.

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I would ignore those hotels signs if I was going to the beach.

They can't stop you and they know it. They just don't want people hanging around on their grounds.

Thanks for the pics anyway.


^ My pleasure. I know they cannot block access but their loungers are in place on the sand as are small serving huts and the paving, lighting and landscaping remains intact.


^ My pleasure. I know they cannot block access but their loungers are in place on the sand as are small serving huts and the paving, lighting and landscaping remains intact.

Call the number to report illegal use of public land in the pinned posts on this forum and report them.


Thanks for the pics.

Great to see unobstructed views of the ocean without a pile of restaurants spoiling the outlook.

When they clear the rubble and return the sand to it's natural state, it should be a paradise again, even for redshirts.

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Yesterday driving back from Phuket to Phangnga, I saw that the row of restaurants in between the road and the beach, after the checkpoint just before the bridge, has been cleared out completely, not a trace of them left. Not so difficult to do, they were simple wooden structures. It looks like a small desert now, where the restaurants used to be.


^ Agree, and also letting them know where their place is. I will maintain my stance opposing the clearings until officials are held to account for allowing it.


I visited the Bang Tao beach today. It did not look that bad. I would say that the beach looks pretty nice now.

View to the north


And south




Night photo with couple of ghost walkers



I agree. One of points was to demonstrate how easy it is to alternate the view, simply by shifting what we want to see and tell.

I don't want the Phuket forum to turn into the base of constant negativity once again. We have now seen quite a lot of good things happening on the island and it's time to enjoy for an while. The major changes which are going on will take some time to get through. The trash from the demolished buildings do not magically sublimate to the sky, yet it will be removed at some point.

The following photos are from the exactly same location with a different mindset.




.. and yet. The future



Thanks for the pics.

Great to see unobstructed views of the ocean without a pile of restaurants spoiling the outlook.

When they clear the rubble and return the sand to it's natural state, it should be a paradise again, even for redshirts.

Who are " they?"

Neptune and Gaia?


Thanks for the pics.

Great to see unobstructed views of the ocean without a pile of restaurants spoiling the outlook.

When they clear the rubble and return the sand to it's natural state, it should be a paradise again, even for redshirts.

Who are " they?"

Neptune and Gaia?

I haven't actually been given the names yet, but when I know you'll be the first I call.

The Earth Mother may well be one of them, but I think Neptune is just a myth.


Thanks for the pics.

Great to see unobstructed views of the ocean without a pile of restaurants spoiling the outlook.

When they clear the rubble and return the sand to it's natural state, it should be a paradise again, even for redshirts.

Who are " they?"

Neptune and Gaia?

I haven't actually been given the names yet, but when I know you'll be the first I call.

The Earth Mother may well be one of them, but I think Neptune is just a myth.

Well I don't think any human "they" are planning to pick up the rubble and detritus.


Actually trucks are taking it... somewhere, I was going to follow one as I suspect a new dump has sprung up. And recyclers were scavenging it vigorously. But unless sand sifting machines are brought in, (if they even exist?) it will retain a lot of smaller and highly hazardous debris. Much of the rubble it is already on the high tide line and getting submerged.

Many will be getting their feet injured in the coming season unless they wear construction boots to take a walk on the beach.


I agree. One of points was to demonstrate how easy it is to alternate the view, simply by shifting what we want to see and tell.

I don't want the Phuket forum to turn into the base of constant negativity once again. We have now seen quite a lot of good things happening on the island and it's time to enjoy for an while. The major changes which are going on will take some time to get through. The trash from the demolished buildings do not magically sublimate to the sky, yet it will be removed at some point.

The following photos are from the exactly same location with a different mindset.


I think these photo are of where buildings were made of natural material and are a bit north of the area between Moven Pick and the old Sheraton. There are no pine trees is where my pics were taken. ( They were cut down for the road between Sheraton and Movenpick)

I'm still waiting for news the officials who allowed this are to be indicted. Until that happens, my war on the poor theory faces no convincing rebuttal. A few somewhat insulting personal evaluations are not convincing enough.


I visited the Bang Tao beach today. It did not look that bad. I would say that the beach looks pretty nice now.

And these pics are to the south. Bang Tao is about 4 miles long

Please go to the middle area between the old Sheraton and the Movenpick if you wish to present a real comparison.

As I do not know how to get full size pics on the post please click on the pics to be taken to a full size picture and they can be scrolled through.

Beirut is an accurate term for the sheer density of rubble. And as an Army did it ......


I visited the Bang Tao beach today. It did not look that bad. I would say that the beach looks pretty nice now.

And these pics are to the south. Bang Tao is about 4 miles long

Please go to the middle area between the old Sheraton and the Movenpick if you wish to present a real comparison.

As I do not know how to get full size pics on the post please click on the pics to be taken to a full size picture and they can be scrolled through.

Beirut is an accurate term for the sheer density of rubble. And as an Army did it ......

Every time I see one of your posts, you are complaining about Thailand. What would it take to make you happy?

I greatly enjoy living in Phuket. I know it isn't perfect here, but I feel very fortunate to be here.

You seem to have a completely different outlook on life EBlair. If you are as unhappy as you say you are, why don't you return home? I'm sure many TV members would happily give you a ride to the airport.

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^ While your OT somewhat trolling personality analysis really should not be posted, I'll respond

I write about injustices I see. It is enough to simply enjoy the aspects of life I do enjoy, and there many- that I do not feel the need to go on discussion forums to write about them.

I suppose I would be more popular if I wrote about those things, but I simply don't feel the need to be popular amongst a group, many of whom I find to be .... well, of somewhat questionable motivation regarding why they are in Thailand.

Often I find them exploitative to the extreme.

Posters I respect usually are open to other opinions without need of snide insults when they disagree.

So if you have something appropriate to add to this discussion of Bang Tao's demolishing , let's hear it !!


EBlair - I have something appropriate to add.

I miss the Laypang restaurant, and the Reggae bar, but nothing else. You cannot pick and choose what stays and what goes. Beirut is not an accurate analogy, and in fact very wrong (and quite insulting in fact). At least admit that. It is not injustice, it is the dealing with the "low hanging fruit" and most welcome as a first stage of clearing the greed. The fat Mayor should be jailed.,and many of the police..

Your misguided sentimentality would not last 5 minutes with the self professed geniuses at the end of Peppers Bar. Mind you, most of them haven't been to Bangtao beach for years.


^ I have never adhered to conventions If you can ascertain the term's meaning, then it is a word.

Next absurdly pedantic trifling, please

EBlair - I have something appropriate to add.

I miss the Laypang restaurant, and the Reggae bar, but nothing else. You cannot pick and choose what stays and what goes. Beirut is not an accurate analogy, and in fact very wrong (and quite insulting in fact). At least admit that. It is not injustice, it is the dealing with the "low hanging fruit" and most welcome as a first stage of clearing the greed. The fat Mayor should be jailed.,and many of the police..

Your misguided sentimentality would not last 5 minutes with the self professed geniuses at the end of Peppers Bar. Mind you, most of them haven't been to Bangtao beach for years.

I'm not sentimental about class wars, I'm greatly concerned.

Agree, you're probably right about Pepper's bar flies whom I would guess only care about the price of soapies and beer ?

Beirut went nicely with Bang- tao and the pic of the tree in the middle reminded me of a picture I'd seen of the actual Beirut. It looked like a few bombs had gone off- and they kinda had.

Next obscure, non-argument, please


I visited the Bang Tao beach today. It did not look that bad. I would say that the beach looks pretty nice now.

And these pics are to the south. Bang Tao is about 4 miles long

Please go to the middle area between the old Sheraton and the Movenpick if you wish to present a real comparison.

As I do not know how to get full size pics on the post please click on the pics to be taken to a full size picture and they can be scrolled through.

Beirut is an accurate term for the sheer density of rubble. And as an Army did it ......

I hope you have a lack of knowledge and don't know what happened in Beirut and how many people died there. The alternative is much worse.


Baiting post removed

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Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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