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Do you like being the only farang in your area?


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Out of selfishness most guys want to be the only one because now they feel like a minor celebrity. It's when another of their kind comes in they feel uncomfortable with their alter ego at work. At this point the want the other expelled to regain their social footing.tongue.png

Lordi, lordi a trick cyclist and we are now all anner-lised.

Perhaps you could recommend the proper medication or should we sign up for therapy sessions.

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It is easy to feel like you are the only farang in town when there are many. I find it weird that Westerners that I incur on exercise walks, at the supermarket and just most anywhere are totally unfriendly -- act as if you are invisible.. I've heard the stories about some other farangs glomming on to you - but the degree of self-protection is IMO way over the top... Not even a nod of the head to a good morning, or just a plain offending stare is sometimes all that one gets back from maybe just saying 'good morning' all done without sticking out one's hand expecting a handshake ... sad really...

I consider these farangs as defective - shunted - stunted personality defect... If one cannot every nod the head to another Westerner in an Asian country -- then that person has a great personal problem IMO an exaggerated fear expectation ... sick actually

I am with you at 110%. I did wrote these exact words some 4 years ago on this forum, and got a big number of replies of guys defending these socially handicaped people that finding floor, walls, and roof to be more exating than looking at the approaching falang!!

What about a F:ing nod, that´s enough A:hole..


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It is easy to feel like you are the only farang in town when there are many. I find it weird that Westerners that I incur on exercise walks, at the supermarket and just most anywhere are totally unfriendly -- act as if you are invisible.. I've heard the stories about some other farangs glomming on to you - but the degree of self-protection is IMO way over the top... Not even a nod of the head to a good morning, or just a plain offending stare is sometimes all that one gets back from maybe just saying 'good morning' all done without sticking out one's hand expecting a handshake ... sad really...

I consider these farangs as defective - shunted - stunted personality defect... If one cannot every nod the head to another Westerner in an Asian country -- then that person has a great personal problem IMO an exaggerated fear expectation ... sick actually

I am with you at 110%. I did wrote these exact words some 4 years ago on this forum, and got a big number of replies of guys defending these socially handicaped people that finding floor, walls, and roof to be more exating than looking at the approaching falang!!

What about a F:ing nod, that´s enough A:hole..


I had the 'ignore' mode used on me just the other day when a farang in Big C studiously avoided looking at me. It's not like there are a lot of farangs here, I see about 3 a month, max.

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I'm ambivalent yet there are few Westerners here in my area even though I'm on the edge of the Great Metropolis of BKK.

The odd few I've come across or see on a regular basis are all sound and friendly enough, bar one chap who always uses the 'ignore function' when he passes by as I once had a long chat with his wife in my barely passable Thai in our local boozer which seemed to displease him.....

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I'm ambivalent yet there are few Westerners here in my area even though I'm on the edge of the Great Metropolis of BKK.

The odd few I've come across or see on a regular basis are all sound and friendly enough, bar one chap who always uses the 'ignore function' when he passes by as I once had a long chat with his wife in my barely passable Thai in our local boozer which seemed to displease him.....

Unfortunately chatting with someone's wife does sometimes have an adverse reaction with some men. I used to be good friends with one guy, but he never invited me around again after I had a conversation with his wife. Perhaps it's insecurity.

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I want to mention as well, in order not to be too negative. There are many falangs that are nice and knows how to act together with people. But one thing i have noticed over the years are. These stupid mens wifes are as I have noticed it, so very friendly and smiling, and that makes up for it a bit..... Pity that the falang is a #¤#¤"¤%


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I'm not the only foreigner in our area, there are a few permanents & a lot of breezers. In 10 years I've seen one in the next village who wouldn't even nod (some people hate hard work) and a Canadian I saw/spoke with in Chaiyaphum a couple of times. In both cases, it was about 8 years back. We have plenty of kids & teachers looking to improve their English, and a few rels that worked OS for a while & have some English, so there are enough to talk with/to.

Sometimes in Sydney I feel more like a foreigner than in Thailand - this part is mostly inhabited by Indians, with a few Chinese & 'People of Middle Eastern Appearance'. We whiteys seem few & far between.

In the village & don't miss the westerners, I have enough to keep my mind occupied.

Besides, the buffalo are great listeners.

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I'm not the only foreigner in our area, there are a few permanents & a lot of breezers. In 10 years I've seen one in the next village who wouldn't even nod (some people hate hard work) and a Canadian I saw/spoke with in Chaiyaphum a couple of times. In both cases, it was about 8 years back. We have plenty of kids & teachers looking to improve their English, and a few rels that worked OS for a while & have some English, so there are enough to talk with/to.

Sometimes in Sydney I feel more like a foreigner than in Thailand - this part is mostly inhabited by Indians, with a few Chinese & 'People of Middle Eastern Appearance'. We whiteys seem few & far between.

In the village & don't miss the westerners, I have enough to keep my mind occupied.

Besides, the buffalo are great listeners.

But you are certainly not living in Chaiyaphum-area I can tell. no way!! Where is this? In Chaiyaphum we have no indians nor middle easterns.... the chinese that are here have been here for maybe 100 years or so... And here is a quite big number of westerners...


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I live in Rayong City on a big village on SR. I am the only Farang there. I get on fine, the next door neighbor is high up at PTT and is very pleasant. When we go to the pool or local 7-11 there is a bit of "monkey in the cage" but it's not something that bothers me at all.

So the answer is "No, i'm more than fine with it"

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I'm not the only foreigner in our area, there are a few permanents & a lot of breezers. In 10 years I've seen one in the next village who wouldn't even nod (some people hate hard work) and a Canadian I saw/spoke with in Chaiyaphum a couple of times. In both cases, it was about 8 years back. We have plenty of kids & teachers looking to improve their English, and a few rels that worked OS for a while & have some English, so there are enough to talk with/to.

Sometimes in Sydney I feel more like a foreigner than in Thailand - this part is mostly inhabited by Indians, with a few Chinese & 'People of Middle Eastern Appearance'. We whiteys seem few & far between.

In the village & don't miss the westerners, I have enough to keep my mind occupied.

Besides, the buffalo are great listeners.

But you are certainly not living in Chaiyaphum-area I can tell. no way!! Where is this? In Chaiyaphum we have no indians nor middle easterns.... the chinese that are here have been here for maybe 100 years or so... And here is a quite big number of westerners...


I guess reading is not a strong point - or maybe it is just comprehension.

Sometimes in Sydney I feel more like a foreigner than in Thailand - this part is mostly inhabited by Indians, with a few Chinese & 'People of Middle Eastern Appearance'. We whiteys seem few & far between.

Chaiyaphum area has been my 'other home' for about 10 years.

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I'm not the only foreigner in our area, there are a few permanents & a lot of breezers. In 10 years I've seen one in the next village who wouldn't even nod (some people hate hard work) and a Canadian I saw/spoke with in Chaiyaphum a couple of times. In both cases, it was about 8 years back. We have plenty of kids & teachers looking to improve their English, and a few rels that worked OS for a while & have some English, so there are enough to talk with/to.

Sometimes in Sydney I feel more like a foreigner than in Thailand - this part is mostly inhabited by Indians, with a few Chinese & 'People of Middle Eastern Appearance'. We whiteys seem few & far between.

In the village & don't miss the westerners, I have enough to keep my mind occupied.

Besides, the buffalo are great listeners.

But you are certainly not living in Chaiyaphum-area I can tell. no way!! Where is this? In Chaiyaphum we have no indians nor middle easterns.... the chinese that are here have been here for maybe 100 years or so... And here is a quite big number of westerners...


I guess reading is not a strong point - or maybe it is just comprehension.

Sometimes in Sydney I feel more like a foreigner than in Thailand - this part is mostly inhabited by Indians, with a few Chinese & 'People of Middle Eastern Appearance'. We whiteys seem few & far between.

Chaiyaphum area has been my 'other home' for about 10 years.

Yes I guess you´re right , missunderstood your writing, sorry about that!!


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If you have very good western friends here it is an enormous advantage .

Hard to find mind.

Agreed. That goes for anywhere you are an expat, it's not unique to Thailand. i "know" hundreds of expats in Thailand but only have 4/5 real genuine mates i would trust

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I'm not the only foreigner in our area, there are a few permanents & a lot of breezers. In 10 years I've seen one in the next village who wouldn't even nod (some people hate hard work) and a Canadian I saw/spoke with in Chaiyaphum a couple of times. In both cases, it was about 8 years back. We have plenty of kids & teachers looking to improve their English, and a few rels that worked OS for a while & have some English, so there are enough to talk with/to.

Sometimes in Sydney I feel more like a foreigner than in Thailand - this part is mostly inhabited by Indians, with a few Chinese & 'People of Middle Eastern Appearance'. We whiteys seem few & far between.

In the village & don't miss the westerners, I have enough to keep my mind occupied.

Besides, the buffalo are great listeners.

But you are certainly not living in Chaiyaphum-area I can tell. no way!! Where is this? In Chaiyaphum we have no indians nor middle easterns.... the chinese that are here have been here for maybe 100 years or so... And here is a quite big number of westerners...


I guess reading is not a strong point - or maybe it is just comprehension.

Sometimes in Sydney I feel more like a foreigner than in Thailand - this part is mostly inhabited by Indians, with a few Chinese & 'People of Middle Eastern Appearance'. We whiteys seem few & far between.

Chaiyaphum area has been my 'other home' for about 10 years.

Yes I guess you´re right , missunderstood your writing, sorry about that!!


It's fine - a common occurence here.

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If you have very good western friends here it is an enormous advantage .

Hard to find mind.

Agreed. That goes for anywhere you are an expat, it's not unique to Thailand. i "know" hundreds of expats in Thailand but only have 4/5 real genuine mates i would trust

Trust is a huge word and only achieved over a long period of time .

I appreciate my western mates the older I have got.

Unfortunately they all can't hang around and move on.

Thai friendships, thru marriage, the kids friends parents,work etc..no depth to them and not really sustainable, but others may not think so.

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If you have very good western friends here it is an enormous advantage .

Hard to find mind.

Agreed. That goes for anywhere you are an expat, it's not unique to Thailand. i "know" hundreds of expats in Thailand but only have 4/5 real genuine mates i would trust

Trust is a huge word and only achieved over a long period of time .

I appreciate my western mates the older I have got.

Unfortunately they all can't hang around and move on.

Thai friendships, thru marriage, the kids friends parents,work etc..no depth to them and not really sustainable, but others may not think so.

In my whole life I only had about 5 real friends, so I wouldn't expect to find any here.

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New to the forum. This thread caught my attention as I am out in Issan in Yasothon province. I am not the only Farang here as I have seen some in the local Big C. I have noticed while shopping there my wife looks at me and says "Falang Falang look look" when she spots one . It appears to still be a spectacle for her. That, or my wife is looking for a new Farang haha. I look as well. Never talk though. Did, however meet a a guy from Texas one night. We spoke for a while. All of her neighbors are quite friendly and stop by to visit often. Everyone waves and we share the Thai greeting.

Either way I don't care what anyone does at any time, just don't get any on me.

I love it here, I know they look, it doesn't bother me at all. If it did, I know where the airport is.

I am also really happy to have such a community online like this. If I want conversation in a language I can read, I got it. Thailand is almost on the exact other side of the planet from which I came. Who would I be to ever complain about the way a culture that I have chosen to involve myself in treats me.

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I'm ambivalent yet there are few Westerners here in my area even though I'm on the edge of the Great Metropolis of BKK.

The odd few I've come across or see on a regular basis are all sound and friendly enough, bar one chap who always uses the 'ignore function' when he passes by as I once had a long chat with his wife in my barely passable Thai in our local boozer which seemed to displease him.....

Unfortunately chatting with someone's wife does sometimes have an adverse reaction with some men. I used to be good friends with one guy, but he never invited me around again after I had a conversation with his wife. Perhaps it's insecurity.

It wasn't like I was wazzing me coutarde d'amour (if you will) over her knockers or even having a sniff. My missus was right next to me. she was just interested and nosey.....

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In my whole life I only had about 5 real friends, so I wouldn't expect to find any here.

Sad thing to say.

Yes agree... Is it even possible to be that out of human companionship? Really sad to hear...


Depends on what you classify as a real friend. If those 5 friends were stand by you till the end kind of friends, then I'd say he was doing just fine.

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In my whole life I only had about 5 real friends, so I wouldn't expect to find any here.

Sad thing to say.
Yes agree... Is it even possible to be that out of human companionship? Really sad to hear...


Depends on what you classify as a real friend. If those 5 friends were stand by you till the end kind of friends, then I'd say he was doing just fine.
Well that's just it, you won't know there friends until you do get to some end of something.

What refer to as sad really is the " not expecting to find any here " for me, first and foremost friend here is my Thai wife and I would say some of the Thai people I know are friends.

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OP, I love being the only farang in the village.

Feel like a novelty here, wais all over, smiles from everybody.

My only problem is, can't approach the sexy girls, as everybody knows the farang and will immediately go to my wife.

But I'm working on that.......there are other villages around.........

Wonder why you live in a small village if you pursue those kind of pleasures.

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